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目的通过对2013年昆明市市售乳制品中总砷含量进行分析,进而了解昆明市市售乳制品中总砷污染情况。方法按照GB/T 5009.11-2014《食品安全国家标准食品中总砷及无机砷含量测定》中所述的湿法消解-原子荧光光谱法进行检测分析,根据GB 2762-2012《食品安全国家标准食品中污染物限量》对乳制品中总砷含量标准进行评价。结果 2013年共抽检样品120份,其中巴氏消毒乳20份,灭菌乳36份,发酵乳64份。共有8份样品检出总砷,检出率6.7%;1份样品含量超标,超标率0.8%。其中巴氏消毒乳、灭菌乳、发酵乳的检出率分别为:0%、2.8%、10.9%,超标率分别为0%、0%、1.6%。结论 2013年昆明市市售乳制品中总砷含量检出率较低,砷的污染程度不严重,处于安全水平。  相似文献   

欧盟食品和饲料快速预警系统(rapid alert system for food and feed, RASFF), 作为欧盟食品安全监管的核心平台, 使得欧盟委员会及各成员国能够迅速发现食品安全风险并及时采取措施, 避免风险的进一步扩大, 从而有效地保证食品安全。本文根据2018年欧盟RASFF发布食品通报情况, 总结各国被通报产品种类、被通报国家/地区及通报风险种类情况, 并对重点产品进行风险分析, 分析问题产生的原因, 以期减少或避免类似情况发生, 确保输欧食品贸易的顺利进行, 并初步探讨适合我国出口食品安全监管的应对措施。  相似文献   

中国白酒拥有几千年酿酒史,秉承着世界上最为繁复的酿酒工艺,但在国际烈性酒市场上影响力却很有限,销售市场主要限于国内,特别在烈性酒消耗量非常大的欧盟国家,白酒出口额度更低。本文通过对欧盟烈性酒相关法律法规的整理、研究,在欧盟食品安全监管体系的框架下,从欧盟食品基本法、食品添加剂、污染物限量、烈性酒及酒精法规、食品标签、包装及接触材料等6个方面对有关烈性酒的法规进行初步探讨,以期能够为中国白酒出口欧盟市场提供一些参考。欧盟主要是通过食品标签法规与食品添加剂等法规结合使用来保障食品安全,对于中国白酒而言,理化成分基础研究方面是其薄弱一环。因此,应学习世界其他蒸馏酒、葡萄酒的基础研究经验,特别是借鉴国外前沿的研究方向与研究方法,夯实基础,力求在理化成分的基础研究方面取得突破性进展。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A major factor influencing tobacco use is its price. Fiscal policies on tobacco are a key ingredient of any comprehensive control strategy, as they can be used to raise prices. The European Union (EU) developed directives to ensure some harmonisation of the fiscal pressure on tobacco across its member states. OBJECTIVES: To provide a simple comparison of tobacco prices in the EU, adjusting for the purchasing power of each currency. DESIGN: For price comparisons, a 20 units pack of Marlboro was the reference product, and data refer to April 2000. Purchasing power parities (PPP) for each member state currency have been compiled. These are currency conversion rates, which convert to a common currency and equalise the purchasing power of different currencies. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Nominal prices of a Marlboro pack for each member state, and a price index, estimated taking as reference the EU mean. Adjusted prices and an adjusted price index have been estimated using PPP. RESULTS: Nominal prices show wide variation, with the cheapest pack in Portugal (59) and the most expensive in the UK (196); the range of variation is three-fold. However, PPP adjusted prices reveal a different distribution. In three countries adjusted prices are outliers, but all other countries make two clusters, one around the average EU index of 100, the other around a lower value of 85. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that fiscal harmonisation policies in the EU do not have an even effect at reducing availability by its impact in price.  相似文献   

乳制品中乳酮糖的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用高效液相色谱法测定乳制品中的乳酮糖。该方法简单易行,应用示差折光检测器。最低检测限为1.82×10-7g,变异系数(CV%)为1.74,回收率为94.0%~98.5%。  相似文献   

This paper describes the operation of the European Union Reference Laboratory for Feed Additives (EURL) and its role in the authorisation procedure of feed additives in the European Union. Feed additives are authorised according to Regulation (EC) No. 1831/2003, which introduced a completely revised authorisation procedure and also established the EURL. The regulations authorising feed additives contain conditions of use such as legal limits of the feed additives, which require the availability of a suitable method of analysis for official control purposes under real world conditions. It is the task of the EURL to evaluate the suitability of analytical methods as proposed by the industry for this purpose. Moreover, the paper shows that one of the major challenges is the huge variety of the methodology applied in feed additive analysis, thus requiring expertise in quite different analytical areas. In order to cope with this challenge, the EURL is supported by a network of national reference laboratories (NRLs) and only the merged knowledge of all NRLs allows for a scientifically sound assessment of the analytical methods.  相似文献   

食品添加剂在食品行业中占有重要地位,但其使用不当很有可能会对人体造成损害甚至对人的生命造成威胁,所以在食品添加剂的使用中应通过法律进行严格的监督和管理。食品添加剂的管理体制在整个社会法制体系中占有重要的地位。欧盟关于食品添加剂的相关法律制度及其他配套制度体系的规定十分详细,并且具有很高的实践价值与社会现实意义。本文主要综述了欧盟关于食品添加剂的法律法规及监管体系,其有效的管理措施对于我国食品添加剂管理法规和监管体系的完善具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

欧盟向来十分重视食品安全, 在农药残留监管方面, 建立了健全的农药残留监管体系。 本文从欧盟农药残留法规标准、监管部门及分工和欧盟农药残留控制计划3方面介绍了欧盟农药残留监管体系, 从欧盟协调控制计划和国家控制计划两部分分析了2018年欧盟食品中农药残留情况, 涉及样品来源、产品、农药、食品中草甘膦、进口食品、婴幼儿食品、有机食品和动物源性食品等。本文也指出了农药残留产生的原因和风险评估结果, 提出风险管理建议, 并借鉴其监管思路, 提出对我国农药残留监管的几点建议, 为食品安全监管决策提供参考。  相似文献   

核磁共振技术在乳制品研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在简述NMR的基本原理之上,综合国内外的研究成果,重点介绍了NMR技术在乳制品中的脂肪、水分和蛋白质研究中的应用.并在测定脂肪固液比、脂肪结晶温度、持水量、水分结合状态、蛋白质变性、蛋白质聚集状态等方面做了详细的阐述,列举了丰富大量的实例.最后展望了NMR在这个领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

以内蒙古奶牛养殖模式为例,从构建奶农竞争力评价指标体系目的出发,在前人的研究成果和大量实地调查研究的基础上,构建了体现奶农竞争力的5个要素共27个具体评价指标,并运用该指标体系对散户奶农、奶牛合作社、奶联社3个典型的奶牛养殖模式进行评价分析后,得出的奶农竞争力强弱排序为奶联社、奶牛专业合作社、散户奶农。  相似文献   

Despite the publication of a few contrary indications, the general consensus seems to be that the regular consumption of probiotic cultures, perhaps accompanied by 'prebiotic' compounds, improves the healthy operation of the digestive system of a typical consumer. Whether other benefits follow is a more contentious issue, especially for a given individual. Nevertheless, the dairy industry needs to be aware of the various ideas that are currently being explored, and this brief review seeks to summarize some recent findings.  相似文献   

自恒天然乳粉事件发生后,对我国乳品行业产生了一定的不良影响,由此引发了一系列的问题。本文重点阐述了国际上一些国家在乳制品或食品标准中对肉毒杆菌及其毒素的限量标准现状及检测方法,以期为我国乳制品或食品中肉毒杆菌及其毒素标准的制订提供基础参考,为我国乳品加工行业提供相关技术指导。  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(8):6536-6547
Dairy products, characterized by rich nutrition and unique flavor, occupy an increasing share of the human diet with the development of higher living standards. However, trace hazardous contaminants in dairy products, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), are arousing public concern. In this study, we investigated 82 milks and milk powders from Shanghai markets for the occurrence of 20 PAH, including 16 European Union priority (EU 15+1) PAH and 4 derivatives. Furthermore, we carried out a risk assessment of dietary exposure of PAHs from dairy products based on detection results and data on body weight and dietary intake obtained from questionnaires. Two assessment methods were used in this study: the incremental lifetime cancer risk (ILCR) and margin of exposure (MOE) methods. The ILCR of all age groups was 10?6 to 10?4, indicating a potential but acceptable carcinogenic risk. The MOE of the 4 groups (divided by age and sex) was >104, indicating no significant carcinogenic risk of PAH exposure from dairy products. In both methods, children had the highest risk because of their greater consumption of dairy products, followed by seniors, young adults, and middle-aged adults. Results of this study provide reference data on the exposure level and health risk of PAHs from dairy product intake.  相似文献   

通过对河北省居民乳制品消费量、消费品种、消费群体和消费地域的现状分析,提出了对策和建议。期望能对河北省乳制品消费趋势以及奶牛养殖规划和乳品行业发展规划的制定起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

目的了解欧盟水产品新安全卫生法规,提出我国的应对措施。方法解析欧盟水产品新安全卫生法规,分析出口欧盟水产品的形势。结果欧盟水产品新安全卫生法规为规范我国水产业生产加工提供了良好的契机,也为生产优良的企业提供了良好的竞争环境。结论要形成以政府为主导、企业为主体、各部门相互联动的工作机制,努力提升管理水平和质量体系,提升我国出口企业的竞争力,促进水产品外贸更快更好地发展。  相似文献   

传统发酵乳制品中微生物多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究传统发酵乳制品中核心菌群,本研究采用454焦磷酸测序技术对传统发酵酸牛奶、酸马奶和酸驼奶样品中微生物的群落多样性和丰度进行了分析。研究发现,在三份传统发酵乳制品中存在一定共有微生物群。这部分共有微生物的OTU(可分类操作单元)数目较少,但拥有较大比例的序列数。在门水平上,三份样品细菌和真菌菌门分别以Firmicutes(硬壁菌门)和Ascomycota(子囊菌门)为主。在属水平上,酸牛奶样品中的细菌属以Lactococcus(乳球菌属)为主,真菌菌属以Galactomyces(耐碱酵母属)为主;酸马奶样品中的细菌属以Lactobacillus(乳杆菌属)为主,真菌属以Vanderwaltozyma(范氏酵母属)为主;酸驼奶样品的优势细菌属以Lactobacillus(乳杆菌属)为主,优势真菌属以Galactomyces(耐碱酵母属)为主。在三份样品共有菌群中LactococcusGalactomyces、LactococcusLeuconostoc(明串珠菌属)的相对含量存在显著负相关(p<0.05),LeuconostocGalactomyces、Gibberella(赤霉菌属)与Prevotella(普氏菌属)的相对含量存在显著正相关(p<0.05)。结果表示,在三份传统发酵乳制品中存在共有微生物群落,且该微生物群群落之间存在一定相关关系。  相似文献   

冯锋  吴勋波 《食品工业科技》2012,33(4):49-51,55
以近些年来我国出现的众多"劣质乳制品"事件为出发点,结合利益相关者和多源流理论,从博弈论的角度,对监管部门、媒体、厂商各自的期望收益和策略选择过程进行了分析。认为监管部门监管不力、媒体监督不够、消费者自我维权不足、厂商社会责任感不强是导致社会上"问题乳制品"泛滥成灾,给消费者造成巨大伤害、政府公信力受损的主要原因。在"构建和谐社会"等治国理念下,结合我国政府监管、媒体监督的现状,提出加大生产劣质乳厂商的处罚、对媒体监督奖励、消费者与媒体的联合监督、地方监管部门加强监管、建立完善的投诉和检测制度等政策,对乳制品产业健康发展以及建设和谐社会具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Since its inception, the European Union (EU) carbon emission market has been vastly successful in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Accordingly, the usage of environmentally friendly fuels (e.g., ethanol, biodiesel) has increased significantly over the last few years. Given that EU biodiesel is mainly produced from rapeseed oil and soybean oil, higher carbon taxes are likely to increase the demand of these important vegetable oils, which further affects the prices of its close substitute such as butter. Nevertheless, the association between the EU emission trading scheme and butter prices remains understudied. In this paper, we aim to fill this vacuum in the existing literature. Applying the autoregressive distributed lag bound testing procedure, we show that emission market seems to have a long-term effect on EU butter prices, implying that changes in the levels of carbon taxes will lead to changes in the price level of butter. These results are of vital importance to policymakers and investors.  相似文献   

欧盟食品中致敏原标识法规及其科学评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧盟食品中致敏原标识措施中的致敏原种类及其豁免物质是世界上最多的,其确定方法也是世界上最灵活、最科学的。研究了欧盟致敏原标识法规的设立及修订现状,揭示了欧洲食品安全局所提供科学评估报告中对致敏原及其豁免清单的作用,为我国设立食品中致敏原标识措施提供参考。  相似文献   

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