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Although several studies have aimed to identify mare's milk proteins, only the major whey proteins and some caseins have yet been characterized. Incomplete sequencing of the equine genome and the difficulty of recovering highly hydrophobic proteins mean that little is known to date about the proteins associated with milk fat globules, which have been shown to play an important role in newborns' defense mechanisms. The fat fraction, in particular the distribution of unsaturated fatty acids, has been more extensively studied, but complex lipids are only partially elucidated. This study reports a 2-DE approach combined with a powerful method for de novo protein sequencing, and quali-quantitative data on complex lipid composition determined by high performance TLC (HPTLC) and GC. The presence in mare's milk of long-chain highly unsaturated fatty acids, and the evidence of close similarity between equine and human milk fat globule membrane proteins, support the use of mare's milk for human nutrition.  相似文献   

人乳是婴儿最理想的食物,人乳脂肪是人乳中的重要组成,不仅是婴儿生长发育所需能量的主要来源,也提供了各种脂溶性营养物质。人乳脂肪在乳清相中并非呈完全均匀地分散,而是以人乳脂肪球的形态稳定存在。人乳脂肪球是由一个三层的膜结构包裹住中心层状排列的甘油三酯组成,这种结构不仅维持了乳液本身的稳定性,还为婴儿的生长发育提供了特有的营养学功能。近年来,这种天然而特殊的物理形态引起了学者们的广泛关注。对国内外人乳脂肪球的相关文献进行综述,主要包括人乳脂肪球的形成、组成、营养学意义以及其在加工过程中的变化,并对今后研究的方向和重点进行了展望。  相似文献   

The fat globules in milk are unique oil droplets that are stabilized by a specific and structurally complex membrane, the milk fat globule membrane (MFGM). In the last decade, excellent progress has been made on studying the structure of the milk fat globules and the MFGM and how common processing treatments affect these structures to deliver dairy products with improved functional properties. Although the digestion of milk fat to deliver energy and lipid-soluble nutrients is essential for survival of the neonate, there is little understanding of the complex processes involved. The structural alterations to fat globules during gastrointestinal processing affect the way in which milk fat is digested, absorbed, and metabolized. The packaging of these globules within the MFGM or in other forms may affect the bioaccessibility of raw or processed milk fat globules; in turn, this may affect access of the gastrointestinal enzymes to the globules and, therefore, may influence the rate and extent of lipid digestion. This review focuses on recent advances in understanding milk fat globules during gastrointestinal digestion, including the effects of processing on their bioavailability and the kinetics of lipid digestion. Possible effects of the dairy matrix on lipid digestion and physiological responses are briefly described.  相似文献   

The storage modulus G' of rennet and acid milk gels filled with milk fat globules was measured as a function of the fat globule surface composition (native milk fat globule membrane, caseins and whey proteins, or a mixture of the three due to mechanical treatments) and surface area (i.e., the fat globule size). By different technological procedures, it was possible to obtain fat globules of constant surface composition but various sizes, and vice-versa, which had never been done. For both rennet and acid gels, a critical fraction of the fat globule surface covered by caseins and whey proteins was identified (approximately 40%), beyond which G' increased. Below this threshold, the gel viscoelasticity was unaffected by mechanical treatments. When the diameter of native milk fat globules decreased, the G' of rennet gels increased slightly, whereas that of acid gels decreased sharply. For both types of gels, G' increased when the diameter of partially disrupted fat globules decreased. For recombined globules completely covered with caseins and few whey proteins, G' increased with fat globule surface area for rennet gels whereas it decreased for acid gels. With the help of confocal microscopy and in the light of general structural differences between rennet and acid gels, a mechanism is proposed for the effect of fat globule damage and diameter on G', depending on the interactions the globules can undergo with the casein network.  相似文献   

Although buffalo milk is the second most produced milk in the world, and of primary nutritional importance in various parts of the world, few studies have focused on the physicochemical properties of buffalo milk fat globules. This study is a comparative analysis of buffalo and cow milk fat globules. The larger size of buffalo fat globules, 5 vs. 3.5 μm, was related to the higher amount of fat in the buffalo milks: 73.4 ± 9.9 vs. 41.3 ± 3.7 g/kg for cow milk. Buffalo milks contained significantly lower amount of polar lipids expressed per gram of lipids (0.26% vs. 0.36%), but significantly higher amount of polar lipids per litre of milk (+26%). Buffalo and cow milk fat globule membranes contain the same classes of polar lipids; phosphatidylethanolamine, sphingomyelin (SM) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) being the main constituents. A significant higher percentage of PC and lower percentage of SM were found for buffalo milks. The fatty acid analysis revealed that saturated fatty acids, mainly palmitic acid, trans fatty acids, linolenic acid (ω3) and conjugated linolenic acid were higher in buffalo milk than in cow milk. Such results will contribute to the improvement of the quality of buffalo milk-based dairy products.  相似文献   

For the last 15 yr, a great deal of knowledge has been accumulated on health beneficial factors, protein and nonprotein, of bovine milk fat globule membrane (MFGM). Among the health-beneficial components of the MFGM are cholesterolemia-lowering factor, inhibitors of cancer cell growth, vitamin binders, inhibitor of Helicobacter pylori, inhibitor of beta-glucuronidase of the intestinal Escherichia coli, xanthine oxidase as a bactericidal agent, butyrophilin as a possible suppressor of multiple sclerosis, and phospholipids as agents against colon cancer, gastrointestinal pathogens, Alzheimer's disease, depression, and stress. All of the above compel us to consider bovine MFGM as a potential nutraceutical.  相似文献   

We used in-line holography to create images of individual milk fat globules in diluted samples of milk. Analyzing these images with the exact Lorenz-Mie light scattering theory then yields the droplets’ radii with nanometer resolution and their refractive indexes to within one part in a thousand. This procedure rapidly and directly characterizes both the quantity and quality of fat in milk.  相似文献   

Emulsifying properties of milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) materials isolated from reconstituted buttermilk (BM; i.e., BM-MFGM) and BM whey (i.e., whey-MFGM), individually or in mixtures with BM powder (BMP) were compared with those of a commercial dairy ingredient (Lacprodan PL-20; Arla Foods Ingredients Group P/S, Viby, Denmark), a material rich in milk polar lipids and proteins. The particle size distribution, viscosity, interfacial protein, and polar lipids load of oil-in-water emulsions prepared using soybean oil were examined. Pronounced droplet aggregation was observed with emulsions stabilized with whey-MFGM or with a mixture of whey-MFGM and BMP. No aggregation was observed for emulsions stabilized with BM-MFGM, Lacprodan PL-20, or a mixture of BM-MFGM and BMP. The surface protein load and polar lipids load were lowest in emulsions with BM-MFGM. The highest protein load and polar lipids load were observed for emulsions made with a mixture of whey-MFGM and BMP. The differences in composition of MFGM materials, such as in whey proteins, caseins, MFGM-specific proteins, polar lipids, minerals, and especially their possible interactions determine their emulsifying properties.  相似文献   

Milk fat globule membrane is a protein-lipid complex that may strengthen the gut barrier. The main objective of this study was to assess the ability of a membrane-rich milk fat diet to promote the integrity of the gut barrier and to decrease systemic inflammation in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-challenged mice. Animals were randomly assigned to one of 2 American Institute of Nutrition (AIN)-76A formulations differing only in fat source: control diet (corn oil) and milk fat diet (anhydrous milk fat with 10% milk fat globule membrane). Each diet contained 12% calories from fat. Mice were fed diets for 5 wk, then injected with vehicle or LPS (10 mg/kg of BW) and gavaged with dextran-fluorescein to assess gut barrier integrity. Serum was assayed for fluorescence 24 h after gavage, and 16 serum cytokines were measured to assess the inflammatory response. Gut permeability was 1.8-fold higher in LPS-challenged mice fed the control diet compared with the milk fat diet. Furthermore, mice fed the milk fat diet and injected with LPS had lower serum levels of IL-6, IL-10, IL-17, monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-1, interferon (IFN)-γ, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, and IL-3 compared with LPS-injected mice fed the control diet. The results indicate that the membrane-rich milk fat diet decreases the inflammatory response to a systemic LPS challenge compared with corn oil, and the effect coincides with decreased gut permeability.  相似文献   

Only a few results are available on the size of human milk fat globules (MFG), despite its significance regarding fat digestion in the infant, and no data are available at <24 h postpartum (PP). We measured the MFG size distribution in colostrum and transitional human milk in comparison with fat globules of mature milk and infant formula. Colostrum and transitional milk samples from 18 mothers were collected regularly during 4 d PP and compared with mature milk samples of 17 different mothers and 4 infant formulas. The size distribution was measured by laser light scattering. For further characterization, the ζ-potential of some mature MFG was measured by laser Doppler electrophoresis. The MFG diameter decreased sigmoidally in the first days. At <12 h PP, the mode diameter was 8.9 ± 1.0 μm vs 2.8 ±0.3 μm at 96 h PP. Thus, the surface area of MFG increased from 1.1 ±0.3 to 5.4 ±0.7 m2/g between colostrum and transitional milk. In mature milk, the MFG diameter was 4 μm on average and increased with advancing lactation, whereas the droplets in infant formula measured 0.4 μm. The ζ potential of mature MFG was −7.8 ± 0.1 mV. The fat globules are larger in early colostrum than in transitional and mature human milk and in contrast with the small-sized fat droplets in infant formula. Human MFG also have a low negative surface charge compared with bovine globules. These structural differences can be of nutritional significance for the infant.  相似文献   

乳脂肪球是由甘油三酯为核心的小球组成,周围有三膜结构,即乳脂肪球膜。乳脂肪球膜含有复杂的脂质和蛋白质,具有营养、免疫、神经和消化功能。然而,这些功能和胃肠消化之间存在的联系及其影响乳脂胃肠消化的因素未得到充分的研究。文章综述了乳脂成分及其结构、乳脂功能特性、乳脂胃肠消化概况及其影响乳脂消化吸收的因素,旨在为婴儿配方奶粉的消化研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The structure of fat globules in whole milk was studied after heat and thermosonication treatments to observe what happens during these processes at the microscopic level using scanning electron microscopy. Raw whole milk was thermosonicated in an ultrasonic processor-Hielscher UP400S (400 W, 24 kHz, 120 microm amplitude), using a 22-mm probe at 63 degrees C for 30 min. Heat treatment involved heating the milk at 63 degrees C for 30 min. Color and fat content were measured to correlate the images with analytical measurements. The results showed that the surface of the fat globule was completely roughened after thermosonication. Ultrasound waves were responsible for disintegrating the milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) by releasing the triacylglycerols. Furthermore, the overall structure of milk after sonication showed smaller fat globules (smaller than 1 microm) and a granular surface. This was due to the interaction between the disrupted MFGM and some casein micelles. Minor changes in the aspect of the globules between thermal and raw milks were detected. Color measurements showed higher L* values for sonicated samples. Sonicated milk was whiter (92.37 +/- 0.20) and generally showed a better degree of luminosity and homogenization compared to thermal treated milk (88.25 +/- 0.67) and raw milk (87.82 +/- 0.18). Fat content analysis yielded a higher value after sonication (4.24%) compared to untreated raw milk (4.04%) because fat extraction is more efficient after sonication. The advantages of thermosonicated milk are that it can be pasteurized and homogenized in just 1 step, it can be produced with important cost savings, and it has better characteristics, making thermosonication a potential processing method for milk and most other dairy products.  相似文献   

乳脂肪以脂肪球的形式存在,乳脂肪球膜是包裹在乳脂肪球周围的三层生物薄膜,具有很高的营养价值。随着食品科学研究的深入和分离技术的发展,乳脂肪球膜中的活性成分及其功能作用正在逐渐被揭示。乳脂肪球膜是含有蛋白质、磷脂、鞘脂、神经节苷脂、胆碱、唾液酸和胆固醇的混合物,这些成分是具有重要功能的食品成分,应用于配方食品生产。本文综述了乳脂肪球膜中常见的蛋白质、脂质及其生物活性,综述了近年来乳脂肪球膜及其成分在改善肠道健康、改善大脑发育、改善肥胖及相关并发症、改善老年人虚弱、抗癌、抗氧化和缓解疲劳等方面的体内研究和临床研究进展,并讨论了其可能的作用机制,以期为乳脂肪球膜配料的研发及其在配方食品中的应用提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Milk-fat globule membranes are susceptible to damage by mechanical and thermal processes. This damage is translated into alterations of milk fat structure and functionality of cheese-making milk. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of pulsed electrical fields (PEF), high hydrostatic pressure (HHP), and conventional thermal treatments on fat globule size distribution and ζ-potential. Milk was processed by HHP at 400 and 500 MPa for 0–20 min, and with PEF at 36 kV/cm and 42 kV/cm up to 64 pulses. The ζ-potential of HHP and PEF treated milk were − 15.47 mV and − 14.63 mV respectively. HHP treatments induced fat globules flocculation, increasing their mass moment mean diameter. Although PEF processing did not modify the true mean diameter of MFG, it induced small globules to clump together, causing an apparent increment in the population of larger milk-fat globules.

Industrial relevance

The market for traditional raw dairy products has increased in recent times in several regions of the world due to their unique flavor and texture attributes. However, the potential negative implications of consuming raw products limit the growth of this market segment. Manufacture of raw-like cheese from thermally pasteurized milk is not feasible, among other things, because of milk fat globule membrane damage caused by elevated temperatures. Nonthermal food preservation technologies offer the potential to produce milk technically suitable for the industrial manufacture of microbiologically safe raw-like dairy products.  相似文献   

The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters ABCA1 and ABCG1 play an important role in cellular cholesterol homeostasis, but their function in mammary gland (MG) tissue remains elusive. A bovine MG model that allows repeated MG sampling in identical animals at different functional stages was used to test whether 1) ABCA1 and ABCG1 protein expression and subcellular localization in mammary epithelial cells (MEC) change during the pregnancy-lactation cycle, and 2) these 2 proteins were present in milk fat globules (MFG). Expression and localization in MEC were investigated in bovine MG tissues at the end of lactation, during the dry period (DP), and early lactation using immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence approaches. The presence of ABCA1 and ABCG1 in MFG isolated from fresh milk was determined by immunofluorescence. The ABCA1 protein expression in MEC, expressed as arbitrary units, was higher during the end of lactation (12.2 ± 0.24) and the DP (12.5 ± 0.22) as compared with during early lactation (10.2 ± 0.65). In contrast, no significant change in ABCG1 expression existed between the stages. Throughout the cycle, ABCA1 and ABCG1 were detected in the apical (41.9 ± 24.8 and 49.0 ± 4.96% of cows, respectively), basal (56.2 ± 28.1 and 54.6 ± 7.78% of cows, respectively), or entire cytoplasm (56.8 ± 13.4 and 61.6 ± 14.4% of cows, respectively) of MEC, or showed combined localization. Unlike ABCG1, ABCA1 was absent at the apical aspect of MEC during early lactation. Immunolabeling experiments revealed the presence of ABCA1 and ABCG1 in MFG membranes. Findings suggest a differential, functional stage-dependent role of ABCA1 and ABCG1 in cholesterol homeostasis of the MG epithelium. The presence of ABCA1 and ABCG1 in MFG membranes suggests that these proteins are involved in cholesterol exchange between MEC and alveolar milk.  相似文献   

Disruption of fat globules upon homogenisation provokes a reduction of their size and a concomitant increase in their specific surface area. In order to overcome this phenomenon, the milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) adsorbs non-native MFGM proteins. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of UHPH conditions (temperature and pressure) on the milk fat globule and the surface proteins by comparison with conventional treatments applied in the dairy industry. Transmission electron microscopy and SDS-PAGE revealed major differences. In UHPH-treated milk, casein micelles were found to be adsorbed on the MFGM in a lesser extent than in conventional homogenisation–pasteurisation. However, greater adsorption of directly bonded casein molecules, released by UHPH through the partial disruption of casein micelles, was observed especially at high UHPH pressures. Adsorption of whey proteins on the MFGM of conventionally homogenised–pasteurised milk was mainly through intermolecular disulfide bonds with MFGM material, whereas in UHPH-treated milk, disulfide bonding with both indirectly and directly adsorbed caseins was also involved.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to study the effect of milking cows 4 times daily on free fatty acids (FFA) in the milk compared with milking twice daily. An experiment was performed during 2 wk in which half udders in 11 cows were milked 2 or 4 times daily. Milk yield was measured, and milk was analyzed for fat content, FFA, fatty acid composition, fat globule size, and activity of γ-glutamyl transpeptidase. Concentration of FFA was greater (1.49 mEq/100 g of fat) in milk from half udders milked 4 times daily than in milk from the half udders milked twice daily (1.14 mEq/100 g of fat). Further, it was noted that milk from the half udder milked 4 times daily contained milk fat globules with larger average diameters. Increased milking frequency increased milk yield by 9% compared with the udder half milked twice daily, but fat content and fat yield were not affected. The results are of importance for further understanding the mechanisms behind the increased content of FFA that is frequently observed in automatic milking systems.  相似文献   

Fat is present in milk as droplets of triglycerides surrounded by a complex membrane derived from the mammary epithelial cell called milk fat globule membrane (MFGM). Although numerous studies have been published on human or bovine MFGM proteins, to date few studies exist on MFGM proteins from goat milk. The objective of this study was thus to investigate the protein composition of the goat MFGM. Milk fat globule membrane proteins from goat milk were separated by 6% and 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE and were Coomassie or periodic acid-Schiff stained. Most of MFGM proteins [mucin-1, fatty acid synthase, xanthine oxidase, butyrophilin, lactadherin (MFG EGF-8, MFG-E8), and adipophilin] already described in cow milk were identified in goat milk using peptide mass fingerprinting. In addition, lectin staining provided a preliminary characterization of carbohydrate structures occurring on MFGM proteins from goat milk depending on αS1-casein genotype and lactation stage. We provide here first evidence of the presence of O-glycans on fatty acid synthase and xanthine oxidase from goat milk. A prominent difference between the cow and the goat species was demonstrated for lactadherin. Indeed, whereas 2 polypeptide chains were easily identified by peptide mass fingerprinting matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight analysis within bovine MFGM proteins, lactadherin from goat milk consisted of a single polypeptide chain. Another striking observation was the presence of caseins associated with MFGM preparations from goat milk, whereas virtually no caseins were found in MFGM extracts from bovine milk. Taken together, these observations strongly support the existence of a singular secretion mode previously hypothesized in the goat.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrated that the zinc concentration in bovine milk and blood plasma is significantly affected by the intake of saturated fat supplements. Sixteen Holstein cows were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design with 4 periods of 12 d, and 4 dietary treatments were conducted. A total mixed ration based on corn silage, grass-clover silages, and pelleted sugar beet pulp was used on all treatments. A high de novo milk fat diet was formulated by adding rapeseed meal and molasses in the total mixed ration [39 mg of Zn/kg of dry matter (DM)], and a low de novo diet by adding saturated fat, fat-rich rapeseed cake, and corn (34 mg of Zn/kg of DM). Dietary Zn levels were increased by addition of ZnO to 83 and 80 mg of Zn/kg of DM. Treatments did not affect daily DM intake, or yield of energy-corrected milk, milk fat, or milk protein. The high de novo diet significantly increased milk fat percentage and milk content of fatty acids with chain length from C6 to C16, and decreased content of C18 and C18:1. Treatments did not influence milk free fatty acids at 4°C at 0 or 28 h after milking. The average diameter of milk fat globules was significantly greater in milk from cows offered low de novo diets. Furthermore, the low de novo diet significantly increased the concentration of nonesterified fatty acids and d-β-hydroxybutyrate in blood plasma, the latter was also increased in milk. Treatments did not affect the enzyme activity of lactate dehydrogenase and N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase in milk or the activity of isocitrate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase in blood plasma. The low de novo diet significantly increased plasma Zn and milk Zn content, whereas dietary Zn level did not in itself influence these parameters. This indicates that the transfer of fat from diet to milk might facilitate transfer of Zn from diet to milk.  相似文献   

The isolation of milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) material from buttermilk on a commercial scale has provided a new ingredient rich in phospholipids and sphingolipids. An MFGM-derived phospholipid fraction was used to produce liposomes via a high-pressure homogenizer (Microfluidizer). This technique does not require the use of solvents or detergents, and is suitable for use in the food industry. The liposome dispersion had an average hydrodynamic diameter of 95 nm, with a broad particle-size distribution. Increasing the number of passes through the Microfluidizer, increasing the pressure, or reducing the phospholipid concentration all resulted in a smaller average liposome diameter. Changing these variables did not have a significant effect on the polydispersity of the dispersion. Electron microscopy showed that the dispersions formed had a range of structures, including unilamellar, multilamellar, and multivesicular liposomes. The composition of the MFGM phospholipid material is different from that of the phospholipids usually used for liposome production in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The MFGM-derived fraction comprises approximately 25% sphingomyelin, and the fatty acids are primarily saturated and monounsaturated. These differences are likely to affect the properties of the liposomes produced from the phospholipid material, and it may be possible to exploit the unique composition of the MFGM phospholipid fraction in the delivery of bioactive ingredients in functional foods.  相似文献   

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