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The quality of the social network, ambulatory cardiovascular indices, and other health risks were assessed in 129 students. Ss carried an ambulatory monitor for a working day and completed a social support scale, an index of daily stress, and measures of anger expression, hostility, depression, and self-deception. Alcohol intake and skinfold thickness were assessed. Results indicated that quality of social support was related in an inverse manner to ambulatory systolic pressure in women only. Stepwise multiple regression confirmed that social support was an independent predictor of daily systolic pressure for women and was not confounded with subjective stress. For men, tendencies to self-deception and high hostility were independently related to elevated blood pressure and heart rate. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated the hypothesis that trait hostility is associated with heightened cardiovascular reactivity to potentially stressful social interactions but not to nonsocial activities in the workplace. Participants were 73 (39 women) New York City traffic enforcement agents (TEAs) who patrol the streets and issue summonses for vehicular and parking violations. During their patrols, TEAs face potentially stressful interactions when they encounter motorists and pedestrians who may be angry about receiving summonses. Mood and ambulatory blood pressure were initially measured when TEAs were recently hired and attending classes at the training academy (Time 1), and were subsequently assessed again once the TEAs began independently patrolling the city streets (Time 2). Random effects regression models yielded a significant interaction of hostility and work activity on ambulatory systolic blood pressure at Time 2. For those high in hostility, but not for those low in hostility, systolic blood pressure levels were higher while interacting with members of the public than during nonsocial work activities. The findings support the notion that situational factors affect the association of hostility to cardiovascular reactivity, and that interpersonal stressors in the workplace elicit cardiovascular activation among those high in hostility. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A parental history of hypertension has been implicated in the development of hypertension, perhaps by virtue of an elevated cardiovascular response to stress. Similarly, hostility has been hypothesized to be linked to cardiovascular disease through cardiovascular hyperreactivity. The interaction of parental history and hostility in moderating cardiovascular response has been infrequently examined, though research suggests the two may be linked through familial factors. The present study examined the cardiovascular response of 98 healthy young adult males categorized as offspring of hypertensive subjects (PH+) or offspring of normotensive subjects (PH-) and as high or low hostile, based on Cook-Medley Hostility scores (HiHo vs. LoHo). Subjects were exposed to either an harassment or non-harassment stressor. Results indicated elevated cardiac output and forearm blood flow responses in PH+/HiHo subjects who were harassed as compared to any other harassed subject and all non-harassed individuals. This hemodynamic response pattern of elevated blood flow suggests a mechanism of hypertensive disease development.  相似文献   

Thematic hostility and guilt responses were investigated as a function of hostile cues and self-reported drive, guilt, and conflict over hostility. From a pool of 181 college males, extreme groups of 20 each were selected on each of the self-report measures. It was found that: (a) self-reported hostility across levels of guilt was directly related to TAT hostility on pictures of low relevance for hostility only; (b) TAT hostility across pictures was directly related to self-reported hostility when guilt was low and inversely when guilt was high; (c) TAT hostility was inversely, and TAT guilt directly, related to self-reported guilt; and (d) there was no evidence that conflict produces a simultaneous increase in drive related responses to cues of low relevance and decrease in drive related responses to cues of high relevance. (19 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Current trends in public health provided potential arguments to, first, intensify the recommendations of a physically active lifestyle in the primary prevention of atherosclerosis and, second, to prescribe a supervised outpatient exercise training program for secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Regular physical exercise may positively influence cardiovascular risk factors (overweight, hypertension, hyperlipoproteinaemia, insulin resistance, hemostatic markers). Physical conditioning modifies the body composition in favor of an increased skeletal muscle mass, changes the eating habits, and other life style characteristics. The dietary modifications characterized by a low-fat, more vegetarian food supports the weight control and the adjustment of the other metabolic risk factors. All these changes are suitable to reduce the manifestation of atherosclerosis and to minimize the risk of an acute thromboembolic arterial occlusion. Physical conditioning on one's own initiative in primary prevention or an exercise training program supervised by health professionals in secondary prevention of atherosclerosis should predominantly include a low intensive aerobic endurance exercise training. Lactate concentration in capillary blood can be measured to objectify and regulate exercise intensity. The additional energy turnover should amount to a minimum of 1,000 kcal and a maximum of 3,500 kcal weekly. This energy expenditure could be realized either with an increased physical activity level in daily routine (e.g., stair climbing, go for a walk, gardening) or by a regular leisure-time physical exercise. A turnover of 300 kcal per session should be prescribed. In long-term clinical trials investigating the benefit of primary and secondary cardiovascular prevention a reduction of the cardiovascular mortality of about 20-30% has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

In prior research by B. J. Betz and R. C. Carson (see 41:5, 41:9) A and B therapists obtained relatively better outcomes with schizophrenic and neurotic patients, respectively. Recent research suggests that 1 basis for these performance differences might lie in therapist-patient "complementarity" with respect to extrapunitive (E) vs. intropunitive (I) modes of handling anger; presumably, As would (E) vs. intropunitive (I) modes of handling anger; presumably, As would respond more effictively to E cues and Bs to I cues in patients To test this theory 90 undergraduate male As, ABs (middles), and Bs wrote self-selected "helpful" responses to brief, tape-recorded patient communications (E and I). Only limited support was obtained for analyses of the helping responses themselves. The predicted interaction effects were supported for Ss' evaluations of their helping performances. As paired with the E and Bs paired with the I patient were more satisfied than Ss oppositely paired (p  相似文献   

Healthy normotensive men and women (N=102) underwent a 3-day ambulatory blood pressure (BP) assessment in which a BP reading was taken 5 min into each social interaction. After each interaction, participants completed a diary that included structural categorization of the relationship and ratings of the quality of the relationship with the interaction partner. Random regression analyses revealed that interactions with family members and spouses were associated with lower ambulatory BP. Interactions with ambivalent network members (characterized by both positive and negative feelings) were associated with the highest ambulatory systolic BP, an effect that was independent of the familial effects on BP. Although there were psychological correlates associated with both structural and functional aspects of relationships, no evidence was found that these mediated the primary findings involving ambulatory BP. These data highlight the influence of both structural and qualitative aspects of relationships on ambulatory BP and possibly health. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The relationship between microtubule dynamics and polyglutamylation of tubulin was investigated in young differentiating mouse brain neurons. Selective posttranslational labeling with [3H]glutamate and immunoblotting with a specific monoclonal antibody (GT335) enabled us to analyze polyglutamylation of both alpha and beta subunits. Nocodazole markedly inhibited incorporation of [3H]glutamate into alpha- and beta-tubulin, whereas taxol had no effect for alpha-tubulin and a stimulating effect for beta-tubulin. These results strongly suggest that microtubule polymers are the preferred substrate for polyglutamylation. Chase experiments revealed the existence of a reversal reaction that, in the case of alpha-tubulin, was not affected by microtubule drugs, suggesting that deglutamylation of this subunit can occur on both polymers and soluble tubulin. Evidence was obtained that deglutamylation of alpha-tubulin operates following two distinct rates depending on the length of the polyglutamyl chain, the distal units (4th-6th) being removed rapidly whereas the proximal ones (1st-3rd) appearing much more resistant to deglutamylation. Partition of glutamylated alpha-tubulin isoforms was also correlated with the length of the polyglutamyl chain. Forms bearing four to six units were recovered specifically in the polymeric fraction, whereas those bearing one to three units were distributed evenly between polymeric and soluble fractions. It thus appears that the slow rate component of the deglutamylation reaction offers to neurons the possibility to maintain a basal level of glutamylated alpha-tubulin in the soluble pool independently of microtubule dynamics. Finally, some differences observed in the glutamylation of alpha- and beta-tubulin suggest that distinct enzymes are involved.  相似文献   

The relation of hostility and harassment to cardiovascular and emotional responses was examined by having 51 women (aged 18–26 yrs) high and low in hostility complete a task with or without harassment. Harassed high hostile Ss showed greater systolic blood pressure (SBP) increases during task and recovery periods than did harassed low hostile Ss and nonharassed Ss. Harassed low hostile Ss evidenced greater SBP increases during task and recovery periods than did nonharassed Ss. Among high hostile women, cardiovascular elevations during the task were associated with self-reported levels of negative affect. Antagonistic hostility, relative to neurotic hostility, was positively associated with harassment-induced SBP changes. These results support the hypothesis that hostile people exhibit excessive behaviorally induced cardiovascular responses to interpersonally challenging tasks that evoke anger-related emotional states. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) may be an independent predictor of cardiovascular endpoints, but little is known about its psychosocial determinants. The acute effects of psychosocial processes on cardiovascular activity during daily life were examined by random-effects regression. Healthy adults (N?=?120) were monitored over a 6-day period with ABP monitors and computer-assisted self-report assessments. Task strain, social conflict, and emotional activation were rated following each ABP measurement, as were activity, posture, and other covariates. Results show that blood pressure) (BP) and heart rate (HR) were elevated during periods of emotional activation (high negative affect or high arousal). Diastolic BP was lower during periods involving high decisional control, and HR was lower during high-control, low-demand activities. There were substantial individual differences in the effects of psychosocial influences on ambulatory cardiovascular activity. Psychological factors are reliable determinants of ABP, which may account for the unique predictive value of ABP. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the correspondence of physique structures estimated by the Heath-Carter anthropometric somatotyping method and a factor analysis based on the same set of 10 variables used by Heath-Carter. The investigation was carried out on a group of 200 healthy young adults of 20 years of age who were students of physical education. The mean somatotype was 2.7-4.6-3.0 for the males and 3.3-3.4-3.1 for the females. The 73% of the total variance in males and 75% in females were represented by three factors. They were identified as muscular, fatness and skeletal factors in the males, and in the females as muscular-trunk fatness, skeletal and limb fatness factors. A PCA gives different results depending on the measurements used for the calculation. The same set of variables as for the somatotyping method were used intentionally to extract the PCA factors and to evaluate the possible correspondence between these factors and the Heath-Carter components. On the basis of the correlation between the factors and the somatotype components, one can conclude that there is: (1) a high correspondence between endomorphy and fatness factors in both sexes; (2) that mesomorphy correlated positively with the muscular factor in males and negatively with the skeletal factor in both sexes; and (3) that ectomorphy was highly positively correlated with the skeletal factor and negatively with the other two factors in both sexes. Factors and somatotype components do not correspond exactly which leads to the following conclusions: (1) The three somatotype components cannot be identified as orthogonal factors in a factorial analysis based on the same measurements as for the somatotype, e.g. the ectomorphy component is not an independent factor in males or in females; (2) The muscle measurements and bone width used to estimate mesomorphy in somatotyping scored in two independent factors; and (3) The factor structure of the 10 measurements was sex dependent.  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 58(5) of Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (see record 2008-10621-001). In the article, the mean Ho scores are incorrect and some reported information is no longer relevant. The entries have been corrected and are included in the erratum. All other analyses and all conclusions are correct as reported.] Medical and psychological data collected for 30 years on a group of 280 men (mean age in 1947&=&45 years) were evaluated to identify the personality characteristics and attitudes that might be predictive of the later development of coronary heart disease (CHD). Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) Hostility scores did not predict CHD in this population. A 35-item scale derived from MMPI items judged to reflect the Type A construct and from other personality scales did not predict the later incidence of myocardial infarctions or other evidence of CHD. It is therefore possible that personality factors may not be strong predictors of CHD in particular samples. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study of 72 undergraduate men examined the effects of two determinants of cardiovascular response—active coping and vigilance—on blood pressure and heart rate responses to social stressors. Observation of a future debate partner (i.e., vigilance) evoked larger increases in blood pressure than did observation of a less relevant person, apparently through the combination of increases in cardiac output and vascular resistance. Preparation and enactment of efforts to exert social influence (i.e., active coping) evoked heightened blood pressure and heart rate responses through increased cardiac contractility and output. Thus, both vigilance and active coping in social contexts increased cardiovascular reactivity, but apparently through different psychophysiological processes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two studies of relatively aggressive and relatively unaggressive emotionally disturbed boys (aged 10–16 yrs) in residential treatment examined whether the more aggressive children exhibit either an attributional bias to infer hostility regardless of the nature of the social stimuli that they appraised or an actual ability to detect true instances of hostility. In both studies, the social stimuli consisted of photographs that each depicted 1 of 4 classes of affectively charged interpersonal situations (created by crossing the bipolar dimensions of positivity–negativity and dominance–submission). Study 1, with 32 Ss, varied both the nature of the social stimulus materials and the possible appraisals (response alternatives) available to the S in a way that distinguished the effects of attributional bias from those of actual ability to identify a particular class of social stimuli. Study 2, with 40 Ss, relaxed the response constraints imposed on Ss in the 1st study in order to assess the appraisals of the 4 classes of social stimuli that relatively aggressive and relatively unaggressive Ss formulated spontaneously. Findings from both studies indicate that an attributional bias to infer hostility from various classes of social stimuli became more marked as aggressiveness increased. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Ethnonyms (M. G. Levin & L. P. Potapov, 1964; from the Greek roots meaning "a national group" and "name") are the names an in-group uses to distinguish itself from out-groups. There has been no social psychological research to date exploring the effects of ethnonyms. The authors report the results of 3 studies examining the potential effects of various features of ethnonyms on intergroup behavior. Analyses of archival data indicate that among indigenous African cultures (Study 1), indigenous Native American cultures (Study 2), and African Americans (Study 3), intergroup hostility was greater among in-groups characterized by less complex ethnonyms. Discussion considers the implications of these results and suggests new directions for research in the social psychological study of ethnonyms. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study observed 28 toddlers longitudinally at 16, 20, 24, 28, and 32 months reacting to an adult's programmed play overtures. Ss' actions were coded for (a) their relation to the adult's overture (coordinated, interfering, tangential, and unrelated), (b) alternative overtures to the adult, and (c) the uses of sounds/words. Coordinated responses increased with age; most consisted of nonverbal imitation, but, with increasing age, more involved verbal imitation and verbally directing the adult. Alternative overtures also increased with age and were increasingly repeated in same or varied form. Finally, words were increasingly used to regulate the activity between toddler and adult: In their coordinated responses, toddlers increasingly described their own actions and directed the adult; in their alternative overtures, they verbally requested the adult to assume a new role. A proposed model integrates developmental changes in forming and maintaining social coordinations with changes in negotiating the topic for coordinated action. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study (a) tested the effects of hostile attributes on ambulatory blood pressure (BP), heart rate, and mood monitored repeatedly over 3 days in 100 healthy men and women and (b) determined whether the cardiovascular effects of trait hostility were moderated by mood. Multilevel random-coefficients regression analyses showed that hostile individuals exhibited higher systolic and diastolic BP and rated their current moods as more negative and less positive throughout the monitoring. Individuals low in hostility exhibited high BP only during the few occasions when they experienced negative mood. However, these patterns were true only when participants were classified by Potential for Hostility ratings from the Structured Interview (R. H. Rosenman, 1978), not by the Cynical Hostile Attitudes score derived from the Cook-Medley scale. Results provide convergent and ecological validity of interview rating of hostility and illuminate one possible dynamic mechanism by which overt hostile behaviors might contribute to the rates of increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to elucidate further the precise nature of the so-called "white coat" (WC) effect. We enrolled 88 hypertensive (46 men, 42 women) and 18 normotensive (4 men, 14 women) subjects in whom beat-to-beat blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) were measured with a Finapres device at rest (R period) and during conventional BP measurement (WC period). The WC effect was defined as WC period minus R period values of Finapres systolic BP. Using the same method, we also measured the BP and HR variations induced by mental stress (MS period) and by assuming the standing position (S period). Variability was estimated in the frequency domain for BP (BPV) and HR (HRV) and gave indices of the autonomic nervous system. Pulse wave velocity was taken as an index of arterial distensibility. In hypertensive subjects, the WC effect was significantly and positively correlated with the BP response to stress (0.51, P<.0001) and standing (0.63, P<.0001). An increased BPV was observed in the low-frequency band (0 to 0.150 Hz) during WC, MS, and S periods. In normotensive subjects, the WC effect was very slight and not correlated with the responses to stress and standing. In this group, the WC period was not accompanied with an increased BPV, unlike the stress and standing periods. HRV was similar in normotensives and in hypertensives: decreased, unchanged, and increased during MS, S, and WC periods, respectively. The PWV was significantly increased in the hypertensives relative to the normotensives, even in the quartile of those with the lowest BP (on average similar to that of the normotensives). This work shows that the WC effect is associated with an enhanced BP response to standing and mental stress; these three situations are characterized by an increased BPV in the low frequencies, suggesting a similar modification of the sympathovagal balance. The WC effect may entail an increased risk because it is associated with impaired arterial distensibility.  相似文献   

Examined responses to depressive interpersonal behavior. 30 undergraduates interacted with a same-sex confederate for 7 min in the context of waiting together for an experiment to begin. Confederates employed either a depressed role (depressive interpersonal behavior and reporting serious deficits in functioning), a normal role (normal interpersonal behavior and reporting minimal deficits in functioning), or a physically ill role (normal interpersonal behavior and reporting serious deficits in functioning). Ss who interacted with a "depressive" responded with a higher rate of silences and directly negative comments and a lower rate of overall verbal responding. Their expressions of direct support were equivalent to those made to the "physically ill" confederates and greater than those in the normal condition. Ss also were more rejecting of partners who behaved in a depressed manner and described them in more negative terms and as having greater interpersonal impact than confederates in other roles. There were no induced mood differences. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Social control has the potential to encourage engagement in a healthy lifestyle, but its effectiveness may depend on the nature of the influence attempt. Participants (N = 282) described a situation in which someone attempted to influence their health-related behavior. Experiencing positive social control was associated with a greater tendency to change the behavior and less ignoring/doing nothing, whereas negative social control was associated with a lesser tendency to change the behavior and more hiding of unhealthy behavior. These associations could be accounted for by affective responses to the social control attempts. Results emphasize the need to better understand the regulatory influence of relationships on health behavior and the conditions under which social control is most likely to have health-promoting effects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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