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An experimental investigation was carried out to study the single-phase stagnation point jet impingement heat transfer on smooth and micro pin fin structures using water and R134a. The experiments were carried out for a single jet (dj = 2.0 mm) impinging on a 2 × 2 mm micro-heater over a wide range of Reynolds numbers. Both an unfinned and a micro structured impingement surfaces were investigated. The micro structures consisted of an array of 64 circular micro pin fins fabricated using MEMS microfabrication. The micro pin fins had diameters of 125 μm, heights of 230 μm, and pitches of 250 μm with an area enhancement of Atotal/Abase = 2.44. The jet stand-off ratio and area ratio (Aj/Abase) were 0.86 and 0.785, respectively. Nusselt numbers were found to increase with increasing Reynolds numbers. Correlations from the literature for impingement zone Nusselt numbers were found to underpredict the experimental results. Significant enhancement of the heat transfer coefficients were observed as a result of the presence of the micro pin fins on the impingement surface. Enhancement factors as high as 3.03 or about 200% increase in the heat transfer coefficients were demonstrated. Enhancements are attributed to flow mixing, interruption of the boundary layers, and augmentation of turbulent transport.  相似文献   

Experiments have been performed to determine the heat transfer coefficients for arrays of shaft-attached, rotating annular fins. The experiments encompassed a wide range of rotational speeds and interfin spacings (including the limiting case of the single annular fin). The efficiency of the fins was equal to one. It was found that the fin heat transfer coefficient decreased with decreasing interfin spacing, the extent of the decrease being of major proportions at low rotational speeds but being quite moderate at high speeds. Thus, closely spaced fins can be used at high rotational speeds without a significant spacing-related decrease in the transfer coefficient, but at low speeds the fins must be farther apart to avoid overly low values of the coefficient. The heat transfer coefficient also decreased as the rotational speed decreased, with a particularly rapid dropoff at low speeds when the interfin spacing was small. For the most part, the fin heat transfer coefficients substantially exceeded those for an unfinned rotating shaft, thereby providing an incentive for finning. It was also found that at high rotational speeds, the heat transfer coefficient for a rotating disk served as a lower bound for the annular-fin heat transfer coefficients. To facilitate the use of the results for design, a correlation was developed which represents the fin heat transfer coefficient as a continuous function of the investigated independent parameters.  相似文献   

Apparent emittance of a longitudinal rectangular fin system with an opening angle, accounting fin-to-fin radiation interaction and also with surfaces that reflect radiation in both diffuse and specular regimes has been evaluated. The governing equation of the problem is a complicated integro-differential equation. This equation has been solved with the Gauss-Jacobi orthogonal collocation method, which possesses the quality of exceptional accuracy with a few numbers of nodes. Finally, the minimum mass design of the fin has been arrived at.  相似文献   

Heat transfer enhancement is an active and important field of engineering research since increases in the effectiveness of heat exchangers through suitable heat transfer augmentation techniques can result in considerable technical advantages and savings of costs. Considerable enhancements were demonstrated in the present work by using small cylindrical pins on surfaces of heat exchangers. A partly quantitative theoretical treatment of the proposed method is presented. It uses simple relationships for the conductive and convective heat transfer to derive an equation that shows which parameters permit the achievement of heat transfer enhancements. Experiments are reported that demonstrate the effectiveness of the results of the proposed approach. It is shown that the suggested method of heat transfer enhancements is much more effective than existing methods, since it results in an increase in heat transfer area (like fins) and also an increase in the heat transfer coefficient.  相似文献   

Shrouded pin fin arrays with tip clearances (Cg) up to 25% of pin height were experimentally evaluated. Pressure loss was measured (2 × 102 < ReD < 2 × 104) and liquid crystal thermography was employed to obtain temperature distributions from which the impact of Cg on the mean heat transfer rate was determined for 2 × 102 < ReD < 1 × 104. Cg was found to influence pressure drop performance to the greatest extent at low ReD, (<5 × 103), with the effect being significantly diminished by ReD = 1.5 × 104. On a per unit pumping power basis, higher heat transfer rates were observed for dimensionless clearances (Cg/D) less than 0.2 as compared to the non-clearance case.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed on natural convection heat transfer from circular pin fin heat sinks subject to the influence of its geometry, heat flux and orientation. The geometric dependence of heat dissipation from heat sinks of widely spaced solid and hollow/perforated circular pin fins with staggered combination, fitted into a heated base of fixed area is discussed. Over the tested range of Rayleigh number, 3.8 × 106 ≤ Ra ≤ 1.65 × 107, it was found that the solid pin fin heat sink performance for upward and sideward orientations shows a competitive nature, depending on Rayleigh number and generally shows higher heat transfer coefficients than those of the perforated/hollow pin fin ones in both arrangement. For all tested hollow/perforated pin fin heat sinks, however, the performance for sideward facing orientation was better than that for upward facing orientation. This argument is supported by observing that the augmentation factor was around 1.051.11, depending on the hollow pin diameter ratio, Di/Do. Meanwhile, the heat sink of larger hollow pin diameter ratio, Di/Do offered higher heat transfer coefficient than that of smaller Di/Do for upward orientation, and the situation was reversed for sideward orientation. The heat transfer performance for heat sinks with hollow/perforated pin fins was better than that of solid pins. The temperature difference between the base plate and surrounding air of these heat sinks was less than that of solid pin one and improved with increasing Di/Do.  相似文献   

《Applied Thermal Engineering》2007,27(8-9):1585-1592
Natural convection of air in a cubical enclosure with a thick partition fitted vertically on the hot wall is numerically investigated for Rayleigh numbers of 103–106. A three dimensional convective circulation is generated, in which the cold flow sweeps the fin faces and the hot wall, with low flow blockage. The combined contributions of these faces cause heat transfer enhancements over 40% at high Rayleigh numbers and thermal conductivity ratios (Rk). These enhancements significantly exceed the ones obtained with horizontal fins. Even low Rk values cause heat transfer enhancements, except at Ra = 104.  相似文献   

Characterization of melting process in a Phase Change Material (PCM)-based heat sink with plate fin type thermal conductivity enhancers (TCEs) is numerically studied in this paper. Detailed parametric investigations are performed to find the effect of aspect ratio of enclosure and the applied heat flux on the thermal performance of the heat sinks. Various non-dimensional numbers, such as Nusselt number (Nu), Rayleigh number (Ra), Stefan number (Ste) and Fourier number (Fo) based on a characteristic length scale, are identified as important parameters. The half fin thickness and the fin height are varied to obtain a wide range of aspect ratios of an enclosure. It is found that a single correlation of Nu with Ra is not applicable for all aspect ratios of enclosure with melt convection taken into account. To find appropriate length scales, enclosures with different aspect ratios are divided into three categories, viz. (a) shallow enclosure, (b) rectangular enclosure and (c) tall enclosure. Accordingly, an appropriate characteristic length scale is identified for each type of enclosure and correlation of Nu with Ra based on that characteristic length scale is developed.  相似文献   

This study presents a new approach on the heat transfer enhancement of annular fins with constant thickness using functionally graded materials. The thermal conductivity of the annular fin is assumed to be graded along the fin radius as a power‐law function. The resulting fin equation is solved by an approximate analytical method using the mean value theorem. The variable coefficients of second and third terms in the second‐order differential equation of the fin are replaced with their mean values along the fin radius. Several different graphs regarding the computed temperature profile, fin tip temperature, and fin efficiency are plotted with respect to the radii ratio thermo‐geometric parameter, and inhomogeneity parameter. It is demonstrated that the inhomogeneity parameter plays an important role on the heat transfer enhancement of the annular fin. However, for large radii ratios the effect of the inhomogeneity parameter decreases. Finally, it is stated that application of the functionally graded material in the annular fins, enhances the heat transfer rate between the fin and surrounding fluid resulting from the higher fin efficiency in comparison to the homogeneous annular fin. It is hoped that the results obtained from this study arouse interest among thermal designers and heat exchanger industries. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 42(7): 603–617, 2013; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/htj ). DOI 10.1002/htj.21053  相似文献   

《Energy Conversion and Management》2004,45(11-12):1749-1758
This article solves the two dimensional inverse problem of estimating the unknown heat flux at a pin fin base by the conjugate gradient method. In the estimating processes, no prior information on the functional form of the unknown quantity is required. The accuracy of the inverse analysis is examined by simulated exact and inexact measurements of temperature at interior locations of the pin fin. The numerical results show that good estimations on the heat flux can be obtained for all the test cases considered in this study. Furthermore such a technique can be applied to determine the heat flux acting on an internal surface, where a direct measurement is not feasible.  相似文献   

Finned minichannels are modeled in order to optimize microstructure geometry and maximize heat transfer dissipation through convection from a heated surface. Six pin fin shapes – circle, square, triangle, ellipse, diamond and hexagon – are used in a staggered array and attached to the bottom heated surface of a rectangular minichannel and analyzed. Also, using square pin fins, different channel clearance over fins are investigated to optimize the fin height of the fins with respect to that of the channel. Fin width and spacing are investigated using a ratio of fin width area to the channel width. Fin material is then varied to investigate the heat dissipation effects. Triangular fins with larger fin height, smaller fin width, and spacing double the fin width maximizes the number of fins in each row and yields better performance. Correlations describing the Nusselt number and the Darcy friction factor are obtained and compared to previous ones from recent studies. These correlations only apply to short fins in the laminar regime. Completely understanding the effects of micro pin fins in a minichannel is essential to maximizing the performance in small scale cooling apparatuses to keep up with future electronic advancements.  相似文献   

Heat transfer in the thermal entrance region of trapezoidal microchannels is investigated for hydrodynamically fully developed, single-phase, laminar flow with no-slip conditions. Three-dimensional numerical simulations were performed using a finite-volume approach for trapezoidal channels with a wide range of aspect ratios. The sidewall angles of 54.7° and 45° are chosen to correspond to etch-resistant planes in the crystal structure of silicon. Local and average Nusselt numbers are reported as a function of dimensionless length and aspect ratio. The effect of Prandtl number upon the thermal entrance condition is explored. The fully developed friction factors are computed and correlated as a function of channel aspect ratio. Correlations are also developed for the local and average Nusselt numbers in the thermal entrance region as a function of a dimensionless axial length variable.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation was conducted to study the effect of pin fins on heat transfer in circulating fluidized beds. Experiments were conducted in a 100 mm i.d., 5.15 m tall CFB unit, initially with no fins and then with 16-pin and 32-pin fins. Each pin was 6.35 mm in diameter and 15 mm long. It was observed that, although the heat transfer coefficient decreases with the use of fins, the total heat transfer increases owing to the increase in surface area which the fins provide. The results of heat transfer for unfinned surface were compared with those of other workers and found to be in good agreement.  相似文献   

Experimental results, measured on and above a dimpled test surface placed on one wall of a channel, are given for Reynolds numbers from about 600 to about 11 000 and ratios of air inlet stagnation temperature to surface temperature ranging from 0.78 to 0.94. These include flow visualizations, and spatially resolved local Nusselt numbers. Ratios of channel height to dimple print diameter of 0.20, 0.25, 0.50, and 1.00 are employed. The ratio of dimple depth to dimple print diameter is 0.2. Visualized flow smoke patterns show that the vortex pairs, which are periodically shed from the dimples, becomes stronger as non-dimensional channel height H/D decreases. Such behavior is leads to local Nusselt number augmentations at these same locations, which also become larger as H/D decreases. Local Nusselt number ratios also increase substantially at same locations as Toi/Tw decreases because of buoyancy and variable property influences.  相似文献   

The effects of increasing the fin length from 250 to 375 mm on (i) the steady-state rate of heat loss and (ii) the optimal uniform fin separation of vertical rectangular fins protruding from a horizontal or a vertical rectangular base, have been investigated experimentally. A constant base temperature, 40 (±0·3)°C above that of the ambient environment, was used.  相似文献   

The characteristics of heat exchangers with offset-type plate fins for space stations are studied for Reynolds numbers less than 300 based on the hydraulic diameter. A three-dimensional analysis is carried out to study the effects of the following parameters on the heat transfer and the flow characteristics: (a) the thermal boundary layer developing on the bottom plate and on the fins on the plate, (b) the aspect ratio (height/pitch) of the cross section of the flow passage, the fin thickness, the fin length in the direction of the flow, the thermal conductivity of the fluid and the fins, and the Prandtl number of the fluid. The results obtained are as follows. (1) The heat-transfer coefficient on the fin surface is characterized by the thermal-conductivity ratio of fluid to fin material. When the thermal conductivity of the fin material approaches that of the fluid, the heat-transfer coefficient on the fin surface becomes low. (2) The optimum condition of the aspect ratio depends on the value of the thermal-conductivity ratio between the fluid and the fins. (3) When the aspect ratio becomes large or small, the friction factor of offset fins approaches that of fully developed duct flow with the same aspect ratio as the Reynolds number decreases. © 1998 Scripta Technica. Heat Trans Jpn Res, 26(4): 249–261, 1997  相似文献   

The two-dimensional inverse problem of estimating the unknown heat flux of a pin fin base has been solved using the conjugate gradient method. The advantage of the conjugate gradient method is that no information on the functional form of the unknown quantity is required beforehand. The accuracy of the inverse analysis is examined by using simulated exact and inexact measurements of temperature in an interior location of a pin fin. Numerical results show that good estimations on the heat flux can be obtained for all the test cases considered here. Furthermore, such a technique can be applied to determine the heat flux acting on an internal wall surface, where direct measurements are difficult to make.  相似文献   

Heat transfer to a row of impinging jets in consideration of optimization   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the current study the heated-thin-foil technique is used jointly with infrared thermography to evaluate accurately the heat transfer characteristics of one row of jets impinging on a flat plate. The impingement is confined by the test section and spent air is constrained to exit in only one direction. The configuration and parameters variation range are similar to those encountered in turbine internal cooling systems. The results are analysed in terms of local and averaged Nusselt number keeping in mind the design engineer preoccupation of minimizing the amount of cooling air taken from the compressor. The influence of the impingement distance Z/d, injection Reynolds number Re and spanwise spacing p/d between two holes of the row is presented. An optimum impingement distance is pointed out and some qualitative design rules for the two other parameters are underlined.  相似文献   

Compound-leaned blades have been applied for the design of turbomachinery for reducing secondary flow losses and then improving the aerodynamic performance. The aerodynamics features are not clear enough so far and, therefore, have been investigated by many authors experimentally and numerically. The present study on turbomachinery aerodynamics is emphasized on the leaning effects of straight-leaned turbine nozzle blades with low span-diameter ratio (less than 0.1). This kind of blades has relatively low efficiency. This is due to that the blades are too short and then the loss contours of both tip and hub surfaces are merged with each other. How to increase the efficiency becomes one of the important subjects, which is faced to the turbomachinery community. Effects of straight-leaned blades in a turbine nozzle blade row with low span-diameter ratio have been assessed using three-dimensional steady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes computations.  相似文献   

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