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针对太阳能光伏电池特性对最大输出功率80W的单晶硅电池进行实验研究,得到光伏电池的伏安特性曲线。研究结果表明,太阳能光伏电池短路电流随太阳辐射强度的增大线性增加,开路电压随太阳辐射强度的增大呈对数增加,且弱光时开路电压随光照强度增加很快,强光(>300W.m-2)时趋于饱和。  相似文献   

在光伏组件中引入旁路二极管是目前解决组件中电流失配问题的主要手段,但是当旁路二极管故障时,不仅会导致光伏组件的功率损失,极端情况下还会引发火灾。考虑到目前针对旁路二极管故障尚缺乏有效的检测手段,本文根据光伏组件中旁路二极管的工作原理和热特性,建立了一种考虑旁路二极管的光伏组件数学模型,分析了旁路二极管故障时光伏组件的输出特性;最后,搭建了并网光伏系统模型,分析了旁路二极管损坏对光伏系统最大功率跟踪控制的影响,为光伏系统故障诊断提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

建立了聚光条件下光伏电池的热平衡方程及电学特性模型,利用模型对电池的输出特性进行了计算,根据计算结果对传热过程中的热阻及电池的串联内阻对电池的温度、光电转换效率及电能输出功率的影响进行了分析。分析结果表明:电池温度随聚光率的增加而升高,电池效率和输出功率随聚光率的增加先增后降,并存在一个最大输出功率;电池冷却过程的热阻越小、工作温度越低,光电转换效率越高、输出功率越大;电池本身串联内阻越大,电池的效率越低、输出功率越小。根据分析结果提出,要使硅电池在聚光条件下长期高效、稳定安全的运行,必须对电池进行适当的冷却,要尽可能减小电池的串联内阻。  相似文献   

基于光伏电池数据手册提取光伏电池模型参数,常利用参数的半经验公式求取任意工况下的模型参数,但半经验公式仅为近似公式,将引入较大误差。文中提出一种任意工况下的光伏电池单二极管5参数等效电路模型参数提取方法。该方法利用光伏电池数据手册提供的I-V曲线关键点数据,通过短路电流温度系数和开路电压温度系数求得任意工况下的关键点电流、电压,针对关键点列写方程组求解参数,从而得出任意辐照和温度下的光伏电池I-V特性。以高效单晶硅电池在多种工况下的测量数据为例,进行光伏电池模型参数提取和I-V曲线计算。结果表明,与利用参数半经验公式求取任意工况下参数的方法相比,该方法具有更高的准确度,在所有工况下均方根误差(RMSE)均小于5%。  相似文献   

提出了一种计算阴影遮挡情况下组件输出特性的方法。该方法首先根据流经组件的电流对被遮挡电池及其所在电池串的输出特性进行分析,在此基础上对旁路二极管的伏安特性进行理论分析,进而判定旁路二极管导通状态,从而计算出光伏组件在阴影遮挡情况下的多峰特性。经试验验证,此种方法可精确地模拟复杂遮挡情况下光伏组件的输出特性,对于各种阴影遮挡情况下的峰值点的最大误差在3%以内。该方法较传统的失配情况下基于一个电池单元并联一个保护旁路二极管的计算方法更符合实际,具有较强的实用价值。  相似文献   

在清洁能源飞速发展的今天,以太阳能为首的清洁能源已经成为了国内外研究的热点。本文采用Matlab/Simulink仿真模块,建立一种以太阳能光伏电池基本参数为基础的光伏电池数学模型,利用该模型能模拟在不同的太阳辐照度和工作温度下不同光伏模块的光伏电池P-U与I-U输出特性,仿真结果验证了此模型的准确性。  相似文献   

光伏电池在缓解能源危机、改善生态环境中发挥了重要作用.文章针对光伏电池工作环境的易变性和模型参数的不确定性,提出了2类新型忆阻光伏电池模型,这两种模型能够对光伏电池输出特性进行准确、自适应描述;然后,通过严谨的数学推导以及数值仿真分别讨论了内、外部参数对新型忆阻光伏电池输出特性的影响,这样有利于高效选取忆阻器模型参数;...  相似文献   

由阴影遮挡造成的光伏阵列功事损失是光伏电站运行中较为常见的现象之一,为了有效减少阴影遮挡损耗,本文结合电站实际现场运行经验,对通过利用旁路二极管、改变组件安装方向、优化矩阵间组件接线方式等途径进行了详细阐述与分析探讨,结果证明所提出方法具有可行性,为今后光伏电站在设计与建设过程中减少阴影损耗提供了一定指导意义.  相似文献   

局部阴影遮挡的太阳电池组件输出特性实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
张臻  沈辉  李达 《太阳能学报》2012,33(1):5-12
结合太阳电池双二极管与雪崩击穿效应数学模型,设计太阳电池组件遮挡实验,并对组件性能进行实际测试。分别在有、无旁通二极管两种情况下,分析比较单片太阳电池小比例(1%~10%)、大比例(10%~100%)遮挡及多片电池阴影遮挡的太阳电池组件输出的I-V及P-V特性曲线。结果表明,有、无旁通二极管情况下,组件单片电池被遮挡1%~10%,整个组件输出功率下降比例均不超过2%,同一串电池片之间可允许存在小的功率差异或表面辐照强度差异(<5%)。同组件无旁通二极管多个电池遮挡实验显示,电池出现热斑效应时会被反向击穿,实验组件击穿电压约15V,为避免热斑损害,组件中应对少于15/0.6=25片串联电池并联一个旁通二极管。  相似文献   

利用光伏电池数据手册提供的标准测试条件下的开路电压、短路电流、最大功率点电压和最大功率点电流,得到光伏电池的详细模型参数;提出一种光伏电池模型的等效并联电阻和串联电阻的估算新方法。利用数据手册中的光伏电池短路电流和开路电压温度系数,得到了任意光强和任意温度下的光伏电池模型。为降低求解隐函数模型方程的复杂性,采用近似方法求解隐函数超越方程,得到了光伏电池模型显函数表达式。通过与两种光伏电池在不同光强和温度下的测试数据及同类模型的比较,验证了所提出的模型及参数估算方法的正确性、有效性,具有较高的精度。  相似文献   

目前,我国现有建筑数量十分庞大,为降低既有建筑的能耗,可在建筑表面敷设太阳能光伏板,为建筑提供照明以及办公等用电需求.以吉林建筑科技学院科研楼为研究对象,利用PVsyst软件对既有建筑的光伏一体化系统进行仿真研究,分析得出系统在4—8月份发电量较高.系统内太阳入射角度修正系数和光伏组件的运行温度造成的损失分别为2.8%和3.7%,可以通过改变光伏组件倾角和改善光伏组件的运行环境来减小上述损失.综上所述,利用PVsyst软件对光伏建筑一体化系统进行模拟,分析系统的各项损失,并提出优化方法是可行的.  相似文献   

结合PC1D模拟软件,对减薄至200μm的多晶硅电池片进行双面扩散与背靠背扩散的对比研究。试验表明:双面扩散工艺和背靠背扩散工艺均具有良好的吸杂效果,少子寿命有很大提高,少子扩散长度已大于电池片厚度。双面扩散比背靠背扩散具有更好的吸杂和钝化效果,少子寿命更长。但PC1D软件仿真及试验结果显示,扩散后电池片的转换效率、短路电流、开路电压等电学性能没有显著改善。  相似文献   

This paper presents briefly the results of the development of , and GaSb cells manufactured for tandem solar cells, as well as tandems designed for point and line-focus concentrator modules. The maximum efficiency 23–23.8% (25°C, AM0) under 20–100 suns has been reached in the infrared transparent cells with prismatic cover. The efficiency 27.5% under AM1.5, 140 suns conditions has been reached as well. The bottom cells are based on lattice-matched or GaSb homo-junction Zn-diffused structures. The summation of the highest efficiencies measured in the top and bottom cells gave the values 28.8%–29.4% (AM0, 20–70 suns, 25°C) and 33.2% (AM1.5, 100 suns, 30°C). Two types of concentrator photovoltaic modules employing the reflective optical elements have been developed. The first type is based on compound parabolic concentrators, the second one on line-focus parabolic troughs. The estimated specific parameters of these modules with single-junction solar cells are the following: 230–240 W · m−2 (AM0) and 3 kg · m−2. The usage of tandem cells will allow to increase specific power of these modules on the value of 20–25%.  相似文献   

In this paper the simulation model of an artificial neural network (ANN) based maximum power point tracking controller has been developed. The controller consists of an ANN tracker and the optimal control unit. The ANN tracker estimates the voltages and currents corresponding to a maximum power delivered by solar PV (photovoltaic) array for variable cell temperature and solar radiation. The cell temperature is considered as a function of ambient air temperature, wind speed and solar radiation. The tracker is trained employing a set of 124 patterns using the back propagation algorithm. The mean square error of tracker output and target values is set to be of the order of 10−5 and the successful convergent of learning process takes 1281 epochs. The accuracy of the ANN tracker has been validated by employing different test data sets. The control unit uses the estimates of the ANN tracker to adjust the duty cycle of the chopper to optimum value needed for maximum power transfer to the specified load.  相似文献   

The abundance and non-polluting nature of solar energy has aroused the interest of many researchers. This worldwide attention of photovoltaic panels has led to the need of generating accurate model for solar photovoltaic (PV) module before proceeding to the installation part. However, accurate modeling of solar PV characteristics is difficult; since the manufacturer’s datasheet provides only four values such as Vmp, Imp, Voc, and Isc. Further, for accurate modeling precise estimation of model parameters at different environmental conditions are very essential. On the other hand, optimization technique is a very powerful tool to obtain solutions to complex non-linear problems. Hence, in this paper, Bacterial Foraging Algorithm is proposed to model the solar PV characteristics accurately. A new equation has been evolved to determine the values of Voc, Vmp accurately; since these values decides the closeness of the simulated characteristics. Model parameters are extracted for three different types of solar PV panels. A systematic evaluation and performance comparison of Bacterial Foraging Algorithm with other optimization techniques such as Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Immune System has been done and the best computational technique is derived based on performance criteria such as accuracy, consistency, speed of convergence and absolute error. Extensive computations are carried out for the proposed method, as well as for Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Immune System to substantiate the findings.  相似文献   

太阳能光伏发电是可再生能源利用的一种重要形式。文章通过研究太阳能光伏发电并网系统的特性,建立了由光伏阵列、逆变器、控制器、电网等组成的太阳能光伏并网发电系统数学仿真模型。仿真系统动态模拟了光伏阵列输出、逆变器控制及发电并网等。模拟结果表明,系统较好地实现了安全并网,对实际光伏并网系统的设计具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to investigate the electrical uniformity of monolithic polycrystalline silicon solar cells prepared by various process techniques. By a series of experiments such as P and Al impurity gettering and silicon nitride passivation, a new conclusion is that the application of P and Al gettering as well as silicon nitride passivation enhances the electrical uniformity of small area solar cells diced from the same polycrystalline silicon solar cells, even if impurity gettering is not effective when the dislocation density is above a threshold value of about 106 cm−2. The experiments give us some hints that when we cut large area polycrystalline silicon solar cells into small pieces needed for application, we should modify production process slightly.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to propose the PV roof solar collector (PV-RSC) to investigate the natural convection heat transfer and estimated the convective heat transfer coefficient in the channel. The experimental set-up was composed of a PV panel on the upper layer and the lower layer is aluminum plate of the channel. The inclination angle and air gap of channel were fixed at 30° and 15 cm, respectively. The channel width is 0.7 m, and length is 1.2 m. The data analysis were confirmed the effect of radiative exchange influent to natural convection within the channel. On the basis of the experimental results, an empirical formula is found; the Nu as a function of Ras sin30, that is Nus = 0.3282 (Ras sin30)0.2249. The correlation obtained to range 3 × 108 < Ras sin30 < 7 × 108. A comparison between PV-RSC and normal PV panel, it was confirmed that the PV-RSC could be generated electric power than that normal PV panel by about 30 W; and also the percentage of power generation increase was rising about 25% throughout the day.  相似文献   

Solar PV arrays made of interconnected modules are comparatively less susceptible to shadow problem and power degradation resulting from the aging of solar cells. This paper presents a simulation model for the sizing of stand-alone solar PV systems with interconnected arrays. It considers the electricity generation in the array and its storage in the battery bank serving the fluctuating load demand. The loss of power supply probability (LPSP) is used to connote the risk of not satisfying the load demand. The non-tracking (e.g., fixed and tilted) and single-axis tracking aperture arrays having cross-connected modules of single crystalline silicon solar cells in a (6×6) modular configuration are considered. The simulation results are illustrated with the help of a numerical example wherein the load demand is assumed to follow uniform probabilistic distribution. For a given load, the numbers of solar PV modules and batteries corresponding to zero values of LPSP on diurnal basis during the year round cycle of operation are presented. The results corresponding to the surplus and deficit of energy as a function of LPSP are also presented and discussed to assess the engineering design trade offs in the system components.Furthermore, a simple cost analysis has also been carried out, which indicates that for Delhi the stand-alone solar PV systems with fixed and tilted aperture arrays are better option than those with single-axis tracking aperture (with north–south oriented tracking axis) arrays.  相似文献   

2018 年中国企业使用5BB 技术制备的HJT电池的产线平均效率可以达到23%左右;2019年H J T电池的产线平均效率可以达到23.5%~24.0%.但是M B B产线技术还需要设备、材料及组件等产业链各个环节进行全面的配合才能成熟,下文将对这些要点进行重点描述.  相似文献   

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