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In this article, a comprehensive study of the compact octaband monopole MIMO/diversity antenna is carried out in the free space and user proximity. The radiating structure of the proposed antenna consists of a driven element which is directly fed with microstrip line and a parasitic element. However, the designed antenna provides of 730‐885 MHz at lower frequency side and 1670‐2740 MHz at higher frequency side. Further, to reduce the mutual coupling between two antenna elements, a folded T‐shaped structure is designed of electrical length λ/4 at 0.8 GHz and attached to the ground plane. This structure helps in isolation improvement up to the level of ?12 dB from ?6 dB. The folded structure of T‐shaped provides compactness to the proposed antenna. Thereafter, three kinds of user proximity named as Talk mode, Data mode, and Read mode along with mobile phone are studied. Moreover, the specific absorption rate (SAR) is calculated and found well below the standard limit of FCC and European standard. Finally, the proposed antenna is fabricated and tested. The measured results are in close agreement with simulated results.  相似文献   

This communication presents a compact wide band wearable MIMO antenna with very low mutual coupling (VLMC). The proposed antenna is composed of Jeans material. Two “I” shaped stubs are connected in series and are employed on the ground plane between the two patches separated by 0.048 λ to increase isolation characteristics of the antenna‐port. The antenna covers frequency spectrum from 1.83 GHz to 8 GHz (about 125.5%) where the minimum port isolation of about 22 dB at 2.4 GHz and maximum of about 53 dB at 5.92 GHz are obtained. The envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) of the MIMO antenna is obtained to be less than 0.01 with a higher diversity gain (DG > 9.6) throughout the whole operating band. The proposed MIMO antenna is cost effective and works over a wide frequency band of WLAN (2.4‐2.484 GHz/5.15‐5.35 GHz/5.72‐5.825 GHz), WiMAX (3.2‐3.85 GHz) and C‐band downlink‐uplink (3.7‐4.2 GHz/5.925‐6.425 GHz) applications. Simulation results are in well agreement with the measurement results.  相似文献   

A novel design of 2 × 2 multiple‐input‐multiple‐output (MIMO) antenna is reported for ultra‐wideband applications. The neutralization line is implemented to minimize the mutual coupling between the radiating patches. The overall dimension of the designed antenna is 21 × 34 × 1.6 mm3. This antenna covers the measured bandwidth of 95.0% (3.52‐9.89 GHz) with better isolation (≤?22 dB) over the entire operating frequency band. The measured gain varies from 3.08 to 5.12 dBi over the entire band. The various antenna parameters such as S‐parameters, gain, efficiency, envelope correlation coefficient, mean effective gain, channel capacity loss, total active reflection coefficient, and radiation patterns are calculated and corresponding results are validated with the measured results.  相似文献   

In this study, a simple broadband circularly polarized (CP) printed monopole antenna for S/C‐band applications is proposed. The CP antenna is composed of a falcate‐shaped monopole with a right‐angle trapezoid stub, then wide impedance and axial ratio (AR) bandwidths are achieved. By placing one rectangular split‐ring resonator above the stub for generating upper CP mode, both of impedance and CP performances are further improved. The proposed antenna is fabricated on a FR4 substrate and measured. The measured ?10‐dB impedance bandwidth is 107%, ranging from 2.4‐7.9 GHz, and the measured 3‐dB AR bandwidth is 94% (2.4‐6.6 GHz), covering the entire wireless local area network (WLAN) and WiMAX bands.  相似文献   

利用缝隙耦合技术和双线馈电技术设计了一种高增益、高隔离、双极化的H型缝隙耦合天线单元,在此基础上设计了多天线系统。通过实测分析不同阵元间距对MIMO基站多天线互耦的影响,确定了最佳阵元间距,测试了此间距在频率2.14 GHz处远场方向图,实测水平极化端口处最大增益为14.89 dB,垂直极化端口处最大增益为14.78 dB,与仿真结果吻合较好。其结构简单,成本低廉,容易制作,满足MIMO基站多天线系统的需求。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a compact dual‐band printed quadrifilar helix antenna (QHA) operating at GPS‐L1 (1575 ± 2 MHz) and L2 (1228 ± 2 MHz) bands. To generate the dual operating bands, two interconnected lines with unequal lengths are introduced as a radiating element. The closely allocated radiators resonate in quarter‐wavelength mode, which significantly miniaturizes antenna's size. Four shunt capacitors are loaded near ports to manipulate the mutual coupling between each two radiators, so that satisfactory matching condition with minimum active reflection at two target bands can be obtained simultaneously. Then, a compact feeding network consisting of on‐chip hybrid couplers is designed and connected to the QHA. Measured results show that the compact proposed antenna achieves peak gains of 1.5 dBic and 2.6 dBic at 1575 MHz and 1228 MHz, respectively. The axial ratios (ARs) at L1 and L2 bands are both below 2.5 dB, and the half‐power‐beamwidths (HPBWs) are as wide as 130° and 116°, respectively. As compared with reported works, the proposed antenna can achieve much more compact size (0.11 × 0.21 λ02) and dual‐band radiation at the same time.  相似文献   

This work presents a triband antenna, which is compact, low profile, and covers the bandwidth requirements for WLAN and WiMAX applications. The proposed design is a modified and miniaturized printed monopole antenna. It consists of beveling rectangular patch, a Pi‐shape slot element, and an inverted‐L slot element to achieve resonance in three bands. The physical size of the antenna is 27.5 × 20 mm2 while the electrical size is 0.26 λ0 × 0.23 λ0 at the lower operating frequency which is very compact as compared to other triband designs. It works in three bands, that is, 2.37 to 2.52 GHz, 3.35 to 3.90 GHz, and 4.97 to 7.85 GHz with |S11| < ? 10 dB within these operating bands. The prototype of the proposed miniaturized antenna has been fabricated and the measured results are provided for validation. Antenna performance is studied in terms of input match, gain, radiation efficiency, surface current distributions, and radiation pattern. The antenna shows a nearly omnidirectional radiation pattern with peak efficiency of 90% and acceptable gain of 4 dBi over the three operating bands of WLAN and WiMAX. The prototype of the antenna is fabricated, and simulated results have been verified through measurements.  相似文献   

A novel triple‐band antenna element by etching parasitic slot on ground plane is presented. A three‐element antenna system for WLAN MIMO communications is fabricated by using the proposed antenna element. The triple‐band antenna element is designed for the WLAN standard frequency ranges (2.4‐2.485, 5.15‐5.35, and 5.475‐5.725 GHz). The three identical antenna elements are rotationally symmetric on the substrate, isolated by using metal‐vias cavity. The measured average peak gain within the operational bandwidth is about 2.7 dBi. The isolation between the antenna elements can achieve better than 17 dB at the lower band (2.25‐2.65 GHz), while more than 32 dB at the higher bands (5.20‐5.35 and 5.47‐5.73 GHz) is obtained.  相似文献   

In this article, a pair of unsymmetrical dual‐feed antennas with one shared radiator and two isolated ports is proposed for multiple‐input‐multiple‐output (MIMO) systems. The proposed antenna pair achieves high isolation between the two ports by properly adjusting the distance between the two feeding ports and the position and length of shorting strips on the radiator. The antenna has simple structure and covers the 3.3‐3.7 GHz band, which could meet the demand of future 5G applications. The measured results show that antenna has good impedance matching (better than 10 dB return loss) and high port isolation (better than 20 dB isolation) from 3.35 to 3.65 GHz. The total efficiencies are above 55% and the envelope correlation coefficient is <0.1, which is sufficient for MIMO applications.  相似文献   

In this article, a new compact eight‐element three‐dimensional (3D) design of ultra‐wideband (UWB) multiple‐input‐multiple‐output (MIMO) antenna is proposed. For realizing polarization diversity, four elements of the MIMO antenna are oriented horizontally and four elements are arranged vertically. In the horizontal arrangement, the antenna resonating elements are placed orthogonally to each other, which reduces interelement coupling and offers a consistent link with the wireless systems/devices. The proposed antenna shows a bandwidth (S11 ≤ ?10 dB) of 17.99 GHz (2.83‐20.82 GHz) and isolation larger than 15 dB in the resonating band. The proposed MIMO/diversity antenna performance parameters such as envelope correlation coefficient, diversity gain, and total active reflection coefficient are evaluated and presented. Furthermore, the unit cell of the MIMO system is simulated for the packaged environment and it is observed that the antenna housing does not affect the antenna performance.  相似文献   

A halved falcate‐shape dual‐broadband circularly polarized printed monopole antenna is proposed. To generate the equal amplitude orthogonal modes, two halved falcate‐shaped antenna are used. Also, to provide the 90° phase difference between the two modes, three stubs are used in the ground plane of the antenna. The proposed antenna provides 22.6 (1.36–1.72 GHz) and 44.4% (5.25–8.25 GHz) 3 dB axial ratio bandwidth over the lower and upper bands, respectively. By adjusting the parameters of the antenna, the lower and upper band center frequencies can be tuned individually. The proposed antenna is fabricated, and results are compared with those of the simulation. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2011.  相似文献   

This article presents the design of an ultra‐wideband (UWB) quasi‐circular monopole antenna with directional characteristics for use in wireless body area network (WBAN) applications. The proposed antenna has hybrid geometry and it is constructed using a semicircular and square patch on a very thin substrate of thickness 0.2 mm. The antenna has a compact geometry with a footprint of 30 × 20 mm. The proposed antenna covers 3.1 to 10.6 GHz with a measured peak gain of 5.37 dBi at 6 GHz. The proximity effect of the human body is resolved by incorporating the reflector behind the antenna. The antenna with reflector provides a directional pattern with a measured peak gain of 8.84 dBi at 6 GHz. Further to improve the link reliability between the sensor and the cluster head in WBAN, polarization diversity technique is adopted and the performance metrics are evaluated. The proposed flexible antenna simultaneously offers large gain and high impedance bandwidth. The prototype antenna is fabricated and the simulation results are validated using experimental measurements. The measurement results are in good agreement with the simulation results.  相似文献   

This article presents a novel compact circularly polarized antenna with wideband operation. The proposed antenna consists of a microstrip‐line‐fed printed monopole, a finite truncated ground, and a dielectric resonator (DR). Compared to the printed monopole antenna, the proposed DR‐loaded antenna has an increased impedance bandwidth, a large axial ratio bandwidth, and a good realized gain across the desired frequency range. An antenna prototype is fabricated and experimentally tested. The measured antenna impedance match is better than ?10 dB over 90% from 4.5 to 11.8 GHz frequency band and the 3‐dB axial‐ratio bandwidth is better than 35% covering the 5.4–7.65 GHz frequency band. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE , 2012.  相似文献   

This article presents a coplanar waveguide fed global system for mobile communications band integrated ultra wide band (UWB) multiple input multiple output (MIMO) antenna with single and dual notch band characteristics. The novelty of the antenna lies in its design as all the unit cells of the proposed UWB MIMO antenna structure are orthogonal to each other therefore the additional isolation elements responsible for achieving high isolation are not required consequently making proposed antenna design simple and easy to fabricate. In this context, 2 MIMO systems have been designed. The first MIMO system is consisting of a dual port antenna whereas the second MIMO system is a printed quad port antenna; further single and dual notch band are achieved in the proposed multi‐port MIMO antenna. The antenna shows pattern diversity throughout the impedance bandwidth range. The gain of the antenna varies from 4 to 8.48 dBi. The 2 band notches are achieved at 4.8 and 7.7 GHz in the UWB range. The proposed antenna is fabricated and it is found measured results are in good agreement with simulated results.  相似文献   

A dual‐band MIMO slot antenna with polarization diversity and improved gain is proposed in this article. The antenna is composed of two C‐type back‐to‐back connected slot resonators and offers resonances at 3.5 and 5.2 GHz. This antenna element is further used to design a MIMO antenna. By introducing one U‐shaped slot between two antenna elements, isolation between the ports of this MIMO antenna is improved further. Finally, an artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) is placed below the MIMO antenna to enhance its gain. Gain enhancement of 1.5 and 2.2 dB is achieved at lower and upper band, respectively. S‐parameters, radiation patterns, gain, envelope correlation coefficient, and channel capacity loss are investigated to conclude about its performances in MIMO applications. Dual band dual polarization (circular and linear), improved isolation, polarization diversity (right‐hand circular polarization and left‐hand circular polarization), gain enhancement all are presented in a simple design represents the novelty of the proposed MIMO antenna.  相似文献   

In this paper, a very low‐profile two‐port ultra‐wideband antenna for multiple input‐multiple output applications is proposed. The antenna is implemented by using two orthogonal quasi‐circular slot dipole radiators fed by coaxial lines. The antenna performs from 2 to 10 GHz, with an average peak‐gain of 4 dB, and high port isolation, with values around S21 = ?20 dB and below. The radiation patterns of both antennas are opposite to each other and hence, the diversity gain reaches values around 20 dB. The low inter‐port coupling and low correlation are verified by obtaining the envelope correlation coefficient, which is lower than 0.003. These calculations were made by the S‐parameter and far‐field methods. The total active reflection coefficient shows that the antenna operative bandwidth does not change for different input signals with random phases, preserving the operation from 2 to 10 GHz. The antenna performance is compared to different state of the art slot configurations, showing advantages to previously published work.  相似文献   

A compact MIMO antenna was proposed in this article. The designed antenna is compact in size with dimensions of 20 × 34 × 1.6 mm. In this proposed antenna model the patch consisting of two counter facing C‐shaped elements facing each other in which a hexagonal ring attached to a strip line which is placed in between the two C‐shaped patch acts as the stub. The novelty of the antenna elements lies isolation improvement by using the ground stub with the use of circular ring resonator. The proposed antenna operates in four bands in which 2.66 to 3.60 GHz (Wi‐Max, Wi‐Fi), 4.52 to 5.78 GHz (WLAN), 6.59 to 7.40 GHz (satellite communication), and 9.55 to 10.91 GHz and having bandwidth of 0.94, 1.26, 0.81, and 1.36 GHz at four bands. The envelope correlation coefficient is ECC ≤ 0.3 and diversity gain > 9.8 dB for the operating bands of antenna proposed. This antenna can work in the bands of Wi‐Max, Wi‐Fi, WLAN, satellite communication in X‐band and for radio location, and astronomy applications.  相似文献   

In this article, a novel compact triple‐band stacked monopole antenna for USB dongle applications is proposed. The antenna consists of an e‐shaped monopole connected directly to the feedline and a square patch‐shaped monopole at another layer connected to feedline by a metallic pin. The e‐shaped monopole is used to obtain WLAN band (2.4‐2.48 GHz) and WiMAX band (3.4‐3.69 GHz). On the other hand, square patch‐shaped monopole is introduced to get WLAN bands (5.15‐5.35 and 5.725‐5.825 GHz) and WiMAX band (5.25‐5.85 GHz). The antenna is compact with the dimension of 17 × 13 mm2.  相似文献   

A new compact three‐dimensional multiple‐input‐multiple‐output (MIMO) antenna comprised of eight antenna elements is presented. The unit cell of the proposed MIMO/diversity antenna consists of three elliptical rings connected together in the region close to the feed line and a rectangular‐shaped modified ground plane. To achieve polarization diversity with the proposed eight‐port MIMO configuration, four antenna elements are horizontally arranged and the remaining four are vertically oriented. The proposed antenna has an impedance bandwidth (S11 < ?10 dB) of 25.68 GHz (3.1‐28.78 GHz) with a wireless local area network notch‐band at 5.8 GHz (5.2‐6.5 GHz). In addition to polarization diversity, the proposed antenna provides a reliable link with wireless devices. The prototype antenna design is fabricated and measured for diversity performance. Also, the proposed MIMO antenna provides good performance metrics such as apparent diversity gain, channel capacity loss, envelope correlation coefficient, isolation, mean effective gain, multiplexing efficiency, and total active reflection coefficient.  相似文献   

A new compact printed monopole antenna with dual‐wideband characteristics is presented for simultaneously satisfying wireless local area network and worldwide interoperability for microwave access applications. The antenna structure consists of a circular monopole with a microstrip feed‐line for excitation and a hexagon conductor‐backed parasitic plane. The antenna has a small size of 13 mm × 26 mm × 1 mm. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2011.  相似文献   

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