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The objective of this article is to present an accurate model for behavioral modeling and digital predistortion of power amplifiers (PAs) using physical knowledge. Starting with the physically meaningful block model, we present a novel approach to simplify the block model and propose a simplified physical knowledge‐based (SPK) model. The SPK model's performance was experimentally assessed by two types of PAs (a LDMOS Doherty PA and a GaN Doherty PA) and two signals (a single carrier 16QAM signal and a 2‐carrier WCDMA signal). All experimental results prove the superiority of the SPK model. Compared with the 1st‐dynamic deviation reduction (DDR) approach and the 2nd‐simplified DDR approach, the SPK approach achieves average ACPR improvements of 4.4 dB and 2.5 dB, respectively. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 23: 682–689, 2013.  相似文献   

Digital Predistorter is a cost‐effective solution to compensate for the nonlinear distortions appearing in the RF power amplifiers (PAs). The indirect learning scheme is widely implemented because of its flexibility to eliminate the requirement for building a closed‐loop real time system, which dramatically reduces the complexity for measurement setup. However, such scheme is sensitive to the measurement noise that may cause biasing in the coefficients estimation. To minimize the influence of measurement noise and simultaneously enable the open‐loop implementation, we propose a predistortion technique that first model the PA and then generates predistorted signal iteratively through a feedback configured structure to avoid using the noisy signal when performing the inverse model estimation. Unlike the indirect learning which estimates the postinverse of the PA, our predistortion is based on the preinverse of the PA. Both simulations and measurements show that utilizing the proposed predistortion can obtain adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) improvement in wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) signal test compared with the conventional memory polynomial predistortion based on indirect learning. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2011.  相似文献   

为补偿正交频分复用(OFDM)通信系统中由记忆高功率放大器(HPA)引起的失真,提出了一种自适应数字预失真方法。对Wiener、Hammerstein和Wiener-Hammerstein模块化模型的HPA各自构成了一个有记忆自适应预失真器。仿真结果表明,利用模块化模型能快速、简便地实现记忆放大器的线性化,而且具有满意的性能。  相似文献   

This article presents a strategy for enhancing efficiency in power amplifiers (PAs) by combining digital predistortion (DPD) linearization and clipping strategies for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing signals in a WiMAX scenario. On the one hand, by reducing the peak‐to‐average power ratio of multicarrier signals using the well‐known clipping technique, it is possible to perform a more efficient PA amplification. On the other hand, nonlinear and linear distortion introduced by the PA operating close to saturation is compensated by the baseband adaptive DPD linearizer. The DPD has to counteract not only the PA nonlinear behavior, but also its dynamics. A test‐bench implementing a WiMAX transmitter was deployed to evaluate the possibilities for enhancing power efficiency while fulfilling the demanded linearity requirements. Experimental results showing the power efficiency and linearity enhancement achieved by the proposed strategy are provided. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2009.  相似文献   

为了进一步改善非线性功率放大器系统的线性度,提出了一种基于BP神经网络逆向建模的离线训练自适应预失真方法。利用BP神经网络对功放逆向建模,并将建立好的逆模型参数作为预失真器模型初值。为了提高在初始预失真系统中预失真器的线性化效果及系统自适应进程的速度,在建立自适应预失真系统之前,利用BP逆向模型对预失真器进行离线训练。最后采用直接结构和最小均方(LMS)算法调节神经网络预失真器的权值,以消除放大器非线性的扰动。仿真结果显示,此方案可使邻道互调功率降低约18 dB,而经典的直接—非直接结构只降低了8 dB,表明此预失真方案能够更好地改善功率放大器的线性度。  相似文献   

A platform of high accuracy and reliability is crucial for power amplifier (PA) designers to assess the characteristics of the PA prototype, and for the digital predistorter engineers to validate their models and algorithms. Digital processing techniques for building a test bed of high performance for PA characterization and predistortion (PD) are discussed in this article. We also proposed a novel technique to characterize the frequency responses of the vector signal generator and vector signal analyzer independently without using any other instrument. The techniques described in this article are quite useful, especially for narrowband vector transmitters and receivers, to improve their performance. These techniques were experimentally evaluated, both for characterization and PD of a class‐F PA. Test results show that using such techniques can successfully build a test bed of high accuracy and wide bandwidth. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2013.  相似文献   

针对现代无线通信系统中射频功率放大器的非线性与记忆效应,提出一种新的低复杂度的动态有理函数模型,该模型简化了有理函数模型,通过两个多项式的比进行建模,但分子是包络记忆多项式的形式,分母由无记忆多项式构成.通过模型仿真和预失真应用系统验证,结果表明:与记忆多项式模型相比,动态有理函数模型所需的系数要少30.6%,模型精度却与其相近,邻信道功率比(ACPR)改善约20 dB,而与有理函数模型相比,所需系数要少21.9%,模型精度改善2.4 dB,ACPR改善约15 dB.由此证明了该模型在复杂度和精确度上的优越性,对功放预失真的研究具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

This article introduces the concurrent dual‐band digital predistortion (DPD) architecture with only one upconvertion unit, which is suitable for the linearization of wideband power amplifiers (PAs) excited by concurrent dual‐band signals. By extending the conventional dynamic deviation reduction (DDR) model to the concurrent dual‐band mode, we propose two DDR‐based concurrent dual‐band models, the dual‐band DDR (DB‐DDR) model and the simplified dual‐band DDR (SDB‐DDR) model. The performance of these two models is experimentally assessed with two types of wideband PAs (a GaN Class F PA and a GaN Doherty PA) driven by the concurrent dual‐band signal, and compared with the prior two‐dimensional digital predistortion (2D‐DPD) model and the two‐dimensional modified memory polynomial (2D‐MMP) model. The results prove the good DPD performance and low computational complexity of the proposed models. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 24:401–411, 2014.  相似文献   

自适应数字预失真是克服高功率放大器非线性失真最有前途的一项技术。为提高预失真的效率和效果,引入并行计算平台下的演化计算技术,提出了基于PSO算法预训练神经网络的方法,给出了算法软件实现的基本流程。在所述基础上,采用带抽头延时的双入双出三层前向神经网络结构,根据非直接学习结构和反向传播算法实现自适应,可同时补偿放大器的记忆失真和非线性失真的预失真技术。仿真实验表明,通过与无PSO预训练算法的相比,基于PSO预训练的神经网络训练算法有更好的性能。  相似文献   

基于FPGA芯片Stratix Ⅱ EP2S60F672C4设计实现了数字基带预失真系统中的环路延迟估计模块.该模块运用了一种环路延迟估计新方法,易于FPGA实现.同时,在信号失真的情况下也能给出正确的估计结果.Modelsim SE 6.5c的时序仿真结果和SignalTaps Ⅱ的硬件调试结果验证了模块的有效性.  相似文献   

This article proposes a new method to estimate and compensate for the in‐phase and quadrature (IQ) imbalance errors of the quadrature modulator (QM) and demodulator (QDM) without interrupting the transmission. It uses two groups of captured signals, which transmit through two feedback loops with different propagation delays, to separate and estimate the IQ imbalance errors. In comparison with the previous methods, the greatest advantage of the proposed method is that both compensators of the QM and QDM can be obtained without additional feedback loop, and then the digital predistorter can be designed without the disturbance of IQ imbalance errors. This method can improve the compensation performance of digital predistortion with lower costs and less complexity. Experimental results show the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed method. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2012.  相似文献   

为了提升射频数字功放整体效率,需要降低前端△∑调制器(DSM)输出的平均切换频率,以减少功放的切换损耗。基于滞环比较思想在DSM中提出了一种可变门限量化策略,并通过理论和仿真分析了该策略下DSM输出的平均切换速率以及带内SNR性能。结果表明,采用所提出的量化策略,在带内SNR减少有限的情况下,能够有效降低DSM输出的平均切换频率。  相似文献   

A large‐signal model for GaN HEMT transistor suitable for designing radio frequency power amplifiers (PAs) is presented along with its parameters extraction procedure. This model is relatively easy to construct and implement in CAD software since it requires only DC and S‐parameter measurements. The modeling procedure was applied to a 4‐W packaged GaN‐on‐Si HEMT, and the developed model is validated by comparing its small‐ and large‐signal simulation to measured data. The model has been employed for designing a switching‐mode inverse class‐F PA. Very good agreement between the amplifier simulation and measurement shows the validity of the model. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2011.  相似文献   

射频功放的非线性特性是一个重要的研究方向,针对预失真系统采样率过高的问题,提出一种新的宽带功放预失真模型,即在反馈回路采用基于正弦调频(SFM)信号的调制宽带解调(MWC)对信号进行采样,再用变步长广义自适应匹配追踪(VS-GSAMP)算法对信号进行重构,降低反馈回路采样速率,提升线性化效果。实验结果表明,在提高信号重构精度的同时,NSME(normalized mean squared error)显示较MP、GMP模型提升了2~3 d B,ACPR(adjacent channel power radio)约改善了21 d B,该方法能够使系统在较低的采样率下获得良好的线性性能。  相似文献   

A frequency‐weighted parameter extraction method based on the performance evaluation criterion weighted error spectral power ratio is proposed. Performance of models extracted using the normalized mean square error are compared to the performances of models extracted using the WESPR. The results show an increase in performance with a decrease in model complexity. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2010.  相似文献   

In this article, some new effects of feedback impairment and noise on look‐up table (LUT) digital predistortion (DPD) are presented. Several digital techniques are proposed to mitigate these effects. A smoothing filter (SMF) for LUTs is used to eliminate fluctuations of the transfer function of the overall DPD amplification system. By combining SMF method with iterative average (IA) method, the LUTs iterative process becomes stable and well converged. A postcompensator is established according to the proposed two‐box model for feedback impairment. For the demonstration, both simulation and experiments are carried out based on a Hammerstein‐type PA. Simulation results give some preliminary cognition of these new effects and the effectiveness of proposed techniques. Experimental tests are performed on an S‐band amplifier excited with single‐carrier WCDMA signal. The adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) at 5‐MHz offset is ?48 dBc after DPD with SMF method and postcompensator. A total of 8 dB extra improvement of ACPR is obtained compared with that with neither SMF nor postcompensator. The result clearly shows that the proposed digital techniques are qualified for LUT DPD system, especially when it suffers significant feedback impairment and noise. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2011.  相似文献   

The RF power amplifier (PA) is a nonlinear system with an intrinsic and dynamic feedback mechanism. The application of an adequate linearizer (which is also a nonlinear dynamic system) inserted at the input of the signal path (i.e., predistortion) is very important to maintain a linear transmission chain when the PA carries high power signals (avoiding spectral regrowth). This article presents a new PA linearizer model whose topology has support on the physical behavior of the general PA electronic circuit. As the proposed model is of a feed‐forward nature, it is suited for implementation on digital hardware devices, such as field programmable gate array and digital signal processor. Validation tests were performed on the linearization of a 900 MHz PA excited with WCDMA‐3GPP signals. Comparison with other state‐of‐the‐art linearizer models is included, demonstrating very good linearization results. Moreover, this model has potential to be an adequate linearizer for a wider range of applications since it has physical support. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2010.  相似文献   

This paper presents a black‐box model that can be applied to characterize the nonlinear dynamic behavior of power amplifiers (PAs), including strong nonlinearities and memory effects. Feedforward time‐delay Neural Networks (TDNN) are used to extract the model from a large‐signal input‐output time‐domain characterization in a given bandwidth; furthermore, explicit formulas to derive Volterra kernels from the TDNN parameters are also presented. The TDNN and related Volterra models can predict the amplifier response to different frequency excitations in the same bandwidth and power sweep. As a case study, a PA, characterized with a two‐tone power swept excitation, is modeled and simulations are found in good agreement with training measurements; moreover, a model validation with two tones of different frequencies and spacing is also performed. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2007.  相似文献   

In this article, a broadband approach to high‐efficiency power amplifier performance, based on the parallel‐circuit Class E mode, is discussed. Results for a practical implementation of multi‐band and multi‐mode handset power amplifiers are shown. Measurements demonstrate the feasibility of the concept for highly efficient operation of DCS1800, PCS1900, CDMA2000, and WCDMA. PAE is greater than 50% at 30 dBm output power in the DCS1800 and PCS1900 bands, as well as better than 38% at 27 dBm output power and an ACLR of ?37 dBc is achieved for WCDMA operation. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 13, 496–510, 2003.  相似文献   

丁盛 《计算机应用》2014,34(1):236-238
针对伪线性输出误差回归系统的辨识模型新息信息向量存在不可测变量的问题,首先通过构造一个辅助模型,用辅助模型的输出代替未知中间变量,推导得到的基于辅助模型的递推最小二乘参数估计算法计算量较大,但算法的辨识效果不佳。进一步采用估计的噪声模型对系统观测数据进行滤波,使用滤波后的数据进行参数估计,从而推导提出了基于数据滤波的递推最小二乘参数估计算法。仿真结果表明,所提算法能够有效估计伪线性回归线性输出误差系统的参数。  相似文献   

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