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China’s rapid growth over the last three decades has attracted much academic attention. In the post-reform era, economic growth has been paralleled by rapid urbanization. China’s urbanization experience has been shaped heavily by the state through national urban policies as well as through local administrative means. Much has been written about large Chinese cities in the more developed coastal regions, such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, but little is known about the process of city-making in medium-sized and small Chinese cities, especially those in the less developed central and western regions of the country. This paper sheds light on the processes of urban transformation in Hebi, a medium-sized inland city in Henan Province, emphasizing the critical role that the local state has played in city-making, the mechanisms and processes of change, and the resultant impacts on the city. As a mining city, Hebi has been threatened by depleting natural resources. To invigorate the city, a new city center has been built to attract new enterprises. Through intensive interviews and fieldwork conducted in 2007 and 2008, we examine what the city government of Hebi has done to turn the newly constructed urban space into a new administrative and economic center of the city. With the establishment of new enterprises, the local economy has been diversified, although coal continues to be a major component of Hebi’s economy. The role of the local state in the production and development of the new urban space is direct and forceful. As local state policies on urban development have been implemented by strong administrative means, we conceptualize the contemporary Chinese model of urbanization as “administrative urbanization”. One problem with this kind of state-dominated urbanization and city-making is that the needs of the people are not fully considered, and it is unclear who the major beneficiaries are. More case studies are needed to determine how economic and political forces are driving China’s land-based urban development, the extent to which local states are understood as entrepreneurial, profit-seeking and pro-growth, the relationship between the local state and other stake-holders in local urban development, and who has benefited from administrative urbanization.  相似文献   

Socio-spatial differentiation and residential segregation have been studied extensively in numerous cities and have contributed significantly to the understanding of urban spatial and social structures. Analyses of diverse data sets at varied spatial scales have supported the development of theoretical frameworks. However, the majority of Chinese case studies published in recent decades were dominantly based on either non-spatial data or population census data at sub-district (or jiedao in Chinese) level. These analyses have been limited through using low-resolution aggregate data resulting in incomplete or biased findings. This paper aims to examine the fine-scale socio-spatial structure of the inner city of Nanjing using the fifth population census data of 2000 at the lowest spatial scale – community (or juweihui in Chinese) level. Our findings reveal that the policies of the socialist era and the initial outcomes of the introduction of a free market, particularly with regard to the creation of new elite spaces within the inner city, have shaped a complex pattern of socio-spatial differentiation and residential segregation.  相似文献   

Jones R  Recer GM  Hwang SA  Lin S 《Indoor air》2011,21(2):156-164
Asthma is a leading chronic disease among children and places a significant burden on public health. Exposure to indoor mold has been associated with asthma symptoms. However, many mold assessments have relied on visual or other identification of damp conditions and mold presence, thus have not examined associations with specific fungal genera. The objective of this case-control study was to examine the relationship between airborne mold concentrations and asthma status among children and to identify the contribution from specific mold genera in air. Participants completed a questionnaire of home environmental conditions and underwent indoor air sampling in the home, from which viable and total-count fungal spores were quantified. The most prevalent fungi in the homes were the allergenic molds Cladosporium (98% and 87% of homes from viable and total count samples, respectively) and Penicillium (91% and 73%). There were no significant differences in mean fungal concentrations between the homes of cases and controls, although the observed rate of exposure to several molds was higher among the cases. Among children who lacked a family history of asthma, cases had significantly higher exposures to viable Aspergillus. Measured humidity levels in the home corresponded with some self-reported indicators of mold and dampness. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The results of this study support existing literature that indoor fungal exposures play a role in current asthma status and that some qualitative assessments of mold exposure correspond to fungi present in indoor air.  相似文献   

沈环艇  王冬 《华中建筑》2012,(9):147-150
该文简要介绍了C·亚历山大的模式语言理论体系,并分析了其模式语言提取原则;探讨了模式语言与乡土聚落之间的关系,分析乡土聚落模式语言现代转化的可能性,并总结出乡土聚落模式语言的提取原则及方法。我们对云南石林彝族乡土聚落进行研究并提取用于描述石林彝族乡土聚落、街巷、民居、院落、房间及细部构造的相关模式语言。在石林枫叶度假酒店规划设计项目的创作中,这些模式语言在项目的整体布局、空间效果、建筑单体及细部营造中都有体现,使整个设计充满了石林彝族乡土风情。  相似文献   

吴佳慧  陈帆 《华中建筑》2013,(12):148-151
黄声远建筑团队近二十年间扎根宜兰,以在地实践的方式,认真经营本土化建筑。,该文试以礁溪林宅、壮围张宅、三星张宅等黄声远建筑团队已完成的住宅建筑项目为观察对象,从对基地涵构的敏锐共识与生态维护,以及对生活层面的细致关怀与空间经营两个层面,探讨黄声远建筑团队的在地实践,从而为当前的本土化建筑实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

吴慧敏  吴永发 《华中建筑》2010,28(3):161-162,173
我国城市中的居住分异由来已久,居住空间分异现象几乎是和城市的诞生同时出现的。该文主要从居住空间分布发展的几种状态来研究其分异的演化过程,并从社会制度、经济发展、文化观念三个方面分析它们对居住分异现象产生的影响,从而认识到居住分异是社会发展过程中不可避免的现象,将其控制在一个合理的范围内才能保证我国居住区和社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

寻找消失的支路——破解城市支路规划和建设难题的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马强 《规划师》2009,25(6):5-10
支路对城市交通和市民生活具有重大作用,然而我国城市普遍缺乏支路系统。为使支路对城市交通发挥更大的作用,我国城市支路系统建设需要克服理念偏差、理论模糊、规划缺位、建设滞后等体制性障碍,将支路建设与干路建设置于同等重要的地位,建立支路规划、设计和实施的理论体系、规范标准和技术导则。  相似文献   

This article examines the local impacts of dive tourism in a South African case study, namely Sodwana Bay in Maputaland, KwaZulu-Natal province. Using extensive primary research interviews with key tourism stakeholders and local product owners, dive tourism at Sodwana Bay is considered an example of niche tourism in small-town South Africa. It is argued that opportunities exist for extending local pro-poor impacts if several challenges are addressed concerning improved skill levels, the institutional environment and extending local small business opportunities.  相似文献   

叶明 《时代建筑》2012,(1):23-25
纵观青浦的发展历程,青浦与水结缘,新城建设离不开其地域文化根基的影响,水文化与古文化孕育了青浦历史。文章把青浦新城发展阶段划分为三个部分:20世纪90年代末开始的城镇化阶段,21世纪初的"新江南水乡"阶段与如今的"湖滨新城阶段"。青浦各个时期的建设都把尊重地方特色作为发展的原则,通过十多年的运作和精心打造,出现了一批新建筑和一批年青的建筑师,青浦的地域特点和文化底蕴更加厚重和凝练,青浦新城的建设体现了对地域文化特色的追求。  相似文献   

姚雪艳 《华中建筑》2007,25(10):16-19
介绍了美国土地学会的《城市郊区的新形态--住区开发的趋势》一书.该书在详细客观的调查研究和大量案例分析的基础上,论述了美国城市郊区居住区开发建设面临的主要问题,并为未来居住区的发展方向和开发趋势提出预测,如住区开发时,必须认识到购房者本身及购房者的需求在不断转变;未来住区应为居民提供包括步行通行在内的多种交通方式;提高居住密度,增进土地和基础设施的使用效率;利用开放空间环境为住区开发创造价值;提倡多种住宅类型的混合开发,以延展市场潜能;探索成功进行回填式住宅开发的途径;建设经济、有效的可持续性绿色社区.该书内容对于中国城市住区开发研究同样具有很强的参考价值.  相似文献   


Residential satisfaction is a key variable in understanding residential mobility. Many researchers have studied the individual level and neighbourhood level determinants of satisfaction, however, very few have studied which neighbourhood characteristics affect satisfaction for whom. In this paper, ordered logit models are estimated, explaining satisfaction from neighbourhood characteristics, personal characteristics and interactions. These interactions test whether neighbourhood characteristics have similar effects on satisfaction for all individuals, or whether individual characteristics affect the size and direction of these effects. Satisfaction is found to be less affected by the share of ethnic minorities for ethnic minorities than for natives, because minorities are more satisfied in neighbourhoods with higher shares of their own ethnic group. Neighbourhood characteristics are found to have a stronger effect on satisfaction for owner-occupiers and parents with children than for others, however the impact of neighbourhood ethnic composition does not vary with tenure or household type.  相似文献   

Traditionally, along with stages of the life cycle and changes in people’s financial status and their household composition, the commute distance has been identified as one of the main explanatory factors for residential locational preferences and subsequent migration flows. In the Netherlands, telecommuting is rapidly becoming popular and is expected to affect residential locational preferences. A hypothesis that can be raised is that telecommuting has an impact on the effect that commute distance has on residential preferences. Based on this hypothesis, this paper investigates the role of telecommuting alongside the traditional factors currently explaining residential locational preferences. The paper provides evidence that, in the Netherlands, telecommuting has enabled people to commute longer distances. The effect of telecommuting on the probability of relocating, however, is not significant. Telecommuting appears to have a limited effect on residential location preferences, but traditional factors, such as life cycle stages, remain the dominant explanatory factors.  相似文献   

We use zip-code-level home value data and cluster analysis to define three types of neighborhood housing markets in the Atlanta region based on their levels of volatility and stability before, during, and after the housing crisis. We identify the demographic and housing market characteristics of each of these clusters and use multivariate analysis to measure their predictive association with the neighborhood types. We also examine factors that predict long-term price appreciation over the 2001–2014 period. One key finding is that many black neighborhoods exhibited steep rates of price decline with only little recovery following the crisis. Meanwhile, many predominantly white, middle- and upper-income neighborhoods generally more than recovered from any housing price declines. The findings suggest that the legacies of the mortgage crisis may have long-lasting implications for housing wealth inequality and housing markets. Implications include a call for a renewed commitment to fair housing, community reinvestment, and equitable housing finance policies to support more evenness in recovery.  相似文献   

贾新锋  黄晶 《华中建筑》2011,29(12):137-139
目前,我国对于城市肌理的研究面临着困境。该文基于复杂性科学中整体和局部的关系的相关理论,将局部规则的概念引入城市肌理的研究中,对城市肌理进行了再研究,提出:局部规则对个体建筑的作用涌现了城市肌理。城市肌理是城市在原有的外部环境下的局部规则综合作用的结果。对城市肌理的研究可以从对城市局部规则的研究入手。  相似文献   

乔琦  高静 《华中建筑》2011,29(2):51-53
阐述云南艺术学院呈贡新校区教学区方案的"乡土"设计理念,以及选择云南本土民族文化和乡土文化作为设计源泉的理由通过时云南乡土建筑分析、抽象与提炼,控制完成教学区的规划和各学院教学楼的设计试图说明在现代建筑设计中注入乡土精神,适当运用乡土建筑语言,能够创作出更具特质的建筑作品.  相似文献   

Theoretical models of ethnic residential segregation indicate asymmetries in preferences as the key driver of ethnic segregation dynamics. This study uses a pivoted choice experiment to empirically analyse the asymmetric preference structures for ethnic composition of neighbourhoods. We assume that the utilities of various alternative residential locations are dependent on the experienced levels of co‐ethnics or ethnic minorities in the current neighbourhood of residence, where the increases in current ethnic concentrations could be evaluated differently than decreases. Results from a discrete choice model estimated on data from Swiss city of Lugano confirm the existence of asymmetries, showing that individuals tend to be averse to decreases in the share of their co‐nationals, while being indifferent to any increases.  相似文献   

在民族村落的发展建设中,特别是旅游型民族传统村落,只有将地方特色做到良好融入,体现地方自然环境特色和人文环境特色,才能保留原真性,具备吸引力。地方特色的应用从软件策划入手,通过“活动-场所”的思维,推导出硬件设施的规划安排,并强调软件和硬件的整合,最终才能较好地体现地方特色。  相似文献   

A three-part series presents the development of models for predicting the local thermal sensation (Part I) and local comfort (Part II) of different parts of the human body, and also the whole-body sensation and comfort responses (Part III). The models predict these subjective responses to the environment from thermophysiological measurements or predictions (skin and core temperatures). The models apply to a range of environments: uniform and non-uniform, transient and stable. They are based on diverse results from literature and from body-part-specific human subject tests in a climate chamber. They were validated against a test of passengers in automobiles. This series is intended to present the rationale, structure, and coefficients for these models so that others can test them and develop them further as additional empirical data becomes available. The experimental methods and some measured results from the climate chamber tests have been published previously.Part II describes a thermal comfort model with coefficients representing 19 individual local body parts. For each part, its local comfort is predicted from local and whole-body thermal sensations. These inputs are obtained from the sensation models described in Part I and III, or from measurements.  相似文献   

The narrative of urban sustainability transformations epitomises the hope that urban governance can create the conditions to plan and govern cities in a way that they contribute to local and global sustainability and resilience. So far, urban governance is not delivering: novel governance approaches are emerging in cities worldwide, yet are unable to transform conventional policymaking and planning to allow for innovative, co-beneficial and long-term solutions and actions to emerge and institutionalise. We present a capacities framework for urban transformations governance, starting from the need to fulfil distinct output functions (‘what needs to happen’) for mobilising and influencing urban transformation dynamics. The framework helps to diagnose and inform urban governance for responding to disturbances (stewarding capacity), phasing-out drivers of path-dependency (unlocking capacity), creating and embedding novelties (transformative capacity) and coordinating multi-actor processes (orchestrating capacity). Our case study of climate governance in New York City exemplifies the framework's applicability and explanatory power to identify conditions and activities facilitating transformation (governance), and to reveal gaps and barriers of these vis-à-vis the existing governance regime. Our framework thereby functions as a tool to explore what new forms of urban transformation governance are emerging, how effective these are, and how to strengthen capacities.  相似文献   

李长虹  舒平 《华中建筑》2010,28(6):126-128
该文以天津地域传统以及地方"合套式"住宅的特征研究为着眼点,通过分析比较本土住宅的近代化发展与外来住宅的地方化发展这两条线索,尝试梳理天津地域传统在城市住宅近代化阶段被吸收和转化的过程,从而得出只有融入了地域性、标志性、时代感的住宅设计,才能维持长久而鲜活的生命力这一重要结论。  相似文献   

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