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对于初春的寒冷,有人似乎已经显得不耐烦了,但是舂捂秋冻的穿衣经还在对我们的身体健康进行着忠告。那么或许大号的针织衫可能是最好不过的衣物了,保暖效果好,而且搭配合适还会给你带来意想不到的效果。  相似文献   

从前有一个浮躁的人,经常暴跳如雷,上帝为了惩罚他,就送给了他一只蜗牛,让他跟着蜗牛去一个地方。一路上,蜗牛爬得十分缓慢,浮躁的人急得连喊带叫,但是蜗牛依然故我。那人非常不耐烦,心想:蜗牛能带他去什么好地方,还不如走自己的路,于是他决定弃蜗牛而另择他路,就在此时,他抬起头朝蜗牛前行的方向望去,猛然发现前面是一个绮丽的花园,花园里种着奇异的花草和世间罕有的树木。这时,他才恍然明白上帝的用意,原来煞费苦心的上帝是让他跟蜗牛到花园里去散步。  相似文献   

我在希腊的圣托尼里岛,拍摄到了这些绚烂照片。在希腊各小岛上你会轻易找到可爱的猫咪。它们如此自由、如此安静。旅行中感受爱琴海的浪漫时,也和异国之猫来次短暂的约会吧!  相似文献   

国外医学人员在在《科学》杂志上说.人的大脑内有一个“进食钟”。“进食钟”会掌控我们的身体。开展这项研究的哈佛大学贝丝·伊斯雷介绍说:“大多数情况下.人体内的昼夜生理节奏是由光线决定着的.由于人体的生物钟每天只能调整一小点,所以.倒时差时.一般需要大约一周的时间才能适应新的时区。  相似文献   

近段时间,有不少媒体报道弱视学生考试时突发性失明,这到底是怎么一同事呢? 专家表示,弱视者的视力通常是比较稳定的,如果突然发生失明,说明患者有生理或心理上的其他疾病,最好是去医院诊断,确诊具体病因.  相似文献   

卡尔 《模型世界》2013,(3):48-55
1942年6月,英军的托布鲁克要塞被隆美尔的非洲军攻克,噩耗震惊整个英伦。丘吉尔首相随即向美国要求加大军事援助力度,包括引进美国当时最新型的M4A1坦克。丘吉尔在英军将领人选方面也做出调整,任命此前毫无名气的蒙哥马利将军担任第八集团军司令。9月,英军共接  相似文献   

1、1945年2月25日美国海军陆战队将国旗插在了硫磺岛上。硫黄岛战役是流血最多的战役之一,它的伤亡人数甚至超过了冲绳战役。2、瓜达尔卡纳尔岛战役胜利的关键是不断地得到了援兵和补给。当美军得到支援时,日军在瓜达尔卡纳尔岛的守备部队却遭到疾病和饥饿的折磨。位于隆加角岸边的日本“衣笠丸”号战舰,遭受到了美军猛烈的袭击。3、1942年美军满载援兵的战舰在南太平洋上随时待命。美军“昆西”号巡洋舰(图后)在1942年8月9日萨沃岛战役中沉没;美军“亚当斯总统”号(图前)幸存,1974年报废。4、1943年美军战机统治了二战战场的所有领空,以使…  相似文献   

背景及取材1944年8月中旬,盟军成功登陆诺曼底已两个多月,德军节节败退,巴黎也即将被盟军解放。在这种形势下,为保证盟军的补给以及肃清法国南部的德军,美军决定在法  相似文献   

孔子说过,割不正,不食。大凡割得不方正的肉,即使你炒得喷喷香端到他老人家面前,他也会停下筷子发脾气的。这个不正,看似寻常,其实却大有讲究,除了指肉必须割得四四方方像块砖头外,还特指诸如头脑脚肠之类的边角余料,那都是不能端上夫子餐桌的。后者作为一种风俗或者说是一种传统的观念,一直深入人心。以前我在乡下的时候,家贫,但再穷,过年也要买上几斤上好的猪肉。记得那时只有活得最差劲的人,毫无办法可想了,才可能去买一只猪头;还有等而下之的,那就只能买一笼肠子了。可以说这是最没面子的事情,因为整个新年里,一家人…  相似文献   

创立人兼设计师Scott Sternberg,曾在好莱坞担任电影经理人近7年。自04年品牌创立至今,Scott好像没有离开过电影圈,关系反而更加密切,每季都是以电影感的手法展现,这次也不例外。品牌的出品更经常出现于好莱坞明星身上,说他是“旁观者”,其实也是局内人。  相似文献   

根据生产实践经验,介绍了从原料的选择、设备的调试、工艺的控制等多方面来保证针织松紧带成品质量的方法。  相似文献   

类金刚石薄膜的光吸收及其禁带宽度的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先从理论上探讨了非晶材料的光吸收规律,与晶体材料的光吸收规律有所不同,它不满足k守恒的选择定则.从而得出了计算非晶材料禁带宽度的方法.又通过实验验证了上述规律,并发现了新型材料类金刚石薄膜的禁带宽度比其它半导体的禁带宽度大  相似文献   

The individual modes of heat transfer, e.g., conduction, radiation and convection, are considered for the processing of products in conventional band ovens. A specific theoretical model is considered for the baking of biscuits in an indirect fired oven. Values of individual heat transfer constants in the theoretical model and major effects of the individual modes of heat transfer were determined using lab scale heating devices. Extrapolating these results to a band oven baking process, the model indicated a heat transfer profile of about 20% heat transferred by conduction, about 45% by radiation and about 35% by forced convection in the band oven, with about half the heat being absorbed as sensible heat, and about half as latent heat.  相似文献   

激光焊接锯片生产工艺过程中,有一道刀头磨弧工序。文章分析了各种磨弧机的不同结构特点,并推荐一种简单而实用的仿形砂带磨弧机,供有兴趣的厂家参考试制。  相似文献   

蛋白质水解度测定方法综述   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
对目前国内外常用的蛋白质水解度测定方法进行了综述,其中pH—state方法是通过滴定水解过程中释放的质子测定DH;OPA、TNBS及国内常用的水合茚三酮和甲醛等测定方法是利用游离氨基的反应测定DH。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— The effect of time, temperature and rpm of comminution of emulsions was determined on the dispersion of approximately 25% of beef fat, pork fat or cottonseed oil in frankfurters. The numbers of lipid particles 5 μ or less in diameter increased in frankfurters containing either beef or pork fat as comminution was continued to higher temperatures, with pork fat dispersed more thoroughly. Fat tended to separate from frankfurters containing beef fat in particles 200 μ or more in diameter. In contrast, no specific degree of dispersion of particles 5 μ or less in diameter consistently indicated emulsion stability, or its lack. Increased rpm during comminution produced an increased dispersion of beef or pork fat. Under the same conditions pork fat was dispersed more finely than beef fat. Dispersion of cottonseed oil produced finely dispersed particles beyond the resolution of light microscopy, as was confirmed by electron microscopy which showed a substantial number of particles to be less than 1 μ in diameter.  相似文献   

SUMMARY— The mechanism and generality of the known stabilization against autoxidation conferred on linoleic acid by certain basic amino acids, such as lysine and arginine, was investigated. Basic amino acids were the only class of compounds found to confer the effect. However, the smallest basic amino acid, 2,3-diaminopropionic acid, was not effective, nor was αβω-diaminc acid, 3,6-diaminohexanoic acid, although a simple isomer of lysine. The stabilization was observed only in the solid phase. Inclusion of sodium chloride in the solid matrix was deleterious to the effect. A large number of physical and chemical observations were made and correlated but it has not been possible to draw detailed conclusions about the mechanism of stabilization, nor can a detailed structure of the stabilized complex be suggested. The cause of the phenomenon appears to be closely associated with the physical arrangement of the ions in the crystal lattice.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: A partially purified immunoglobulin G (lgG) solution prepared from the serum of species to be tested was heated to the specifications for sausages. The resulting supernatant fluid was decanted and the precipitate washed with saline and used to immunize rabbits. The supernatant fluid was used to sensitize tanned sheep red blood cells. The immune serum was rendered monospecific by absorptions with heterologous, heated lgG precipitates. A sample of monospecific immune serum was absorbed with a washed homogenate of sausage. Aliquots of the monospecific immune serum, both untreated and sausage absorbed, were tested with cells sensitized with the homologous heated lgG supematant fluid. A significant reduction of titer by sausage absorption indicated that the sausages contained the meat homologous to the immune serum.  相似文献   

研究了聚多元羧酸盐的合成方法及反应机理,将其应用于洗涤剂和PVC制品中分别代替三聚磷酸钠和邻苯二甲酸二丁酯,证明有良好效果。  相似文献   

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