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Pyruvate kinase [EC] in various tissues of rats was separable into seven kinds of pI-isozymes by isoelectric separation with Ampholine carrier ampholytes; pI 5.4-isozyme, pI 5.6-isozyme, pI 6.2-isozyme (2 kinds), pI 6.6-isozyme, pI 7.4-isozyme, and pI 7.8-isozyme. Some of these pI-isozymes contained bound fructose 1,6-diphosphate (FDP). The bound FDP was completely dissociated when the pI-isozymes were salted out with ammonium sulfate. In the FDP-free form, pyruvate kinase was classified into three types, liver-type (type L) of pI 6.2, muscle-type (type M) of pI 7.4, and spleen-type (type M2) of pI 7.8. The liver-type isoenzyme had two kinds of FDP-binding sites; the pI 5.6-isozyme and pI 5.4-isozyme were obtained when one and two kinds of sites were bound with FDP, respectively. The association and dissociation of FDP at both sites were reversible in the presence and absence of 0.15 M KC1 (high ionic strength). The muscle-type isoenzyme had no FDP-binding site. The spleen-type isoenzyme had two kinds of FDP-binding sites, like the liver-type isoenzyme. When the ionic strength of solutions containing the enzyme and FDP was sufficiently low, one and two kinds of the sites could bind with FDP, converting the enzyme into pI 6.6-isozyme and pI 6.2-isozyme, respectively. FDP bound with one kind of site (the 2nd site) was easily dissociable, but FDP bound with the other kind of site (the 1st site) was not. Provided that the 1st site carried bound FDP, the 2nd site was associable at high ionic strength. The liver-type isoenzyme free of FDP and the spleen-type isoenzyme bound with FDP at both sites had similar pI values of 6.2 and were not separable by isoelectric separation. Some properties of these pI-isozymes were compared. When Rhodamine sarcoma was transplanted in rats, the content of spleen-type isoenzyme in the livers increased. When rats were injected with chromatin prepared from either Rhodamine sarcoma or spleen, the content of spleen-type isoenzyme in the livers again increased. This was not observed on the injection of chromatin prepared from liver, indicating that the factor capable of controlling the gene expression was present in chromatins of sarcoma and spleen but barely or not at all in chromatin of liver.  相似文献   

A procedure for the simultaneous purification of both isoenzymes of pyruvate kinase (type M2 and L) from chicken liver has been worked out. Each isoenzyme produces a single band in dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis. Each has a molecular weight of 190 000 and contains four apparently identical subunits of Mr = 50 000. The isoenzymes differ in their isoelectric points (type L: 6.3; type M2: 8.3) and their kinetic behaviour. Pyruvate kinase type L had an S-shaped phosphoenolpyruvate saturation curve (K 0.5=0.79 mM) which was transformed into an hyperbola in the presence of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, while type M2 had a phosphoenolpyruvate saturation curve of the Michaelis-Menten type (K0.5=0.2mM). Antibodies against pyruvate kinase type L from chicken liver inactivated type L from rat and partially inactivated type M2 from chicken and rat; but the antibodies against type L did not react with type M1 from chicken breast muscle. It is therefore concluded that, contrary to a previous report (Strandholm, J.J. et al. (1975) Biochemistry 14, 2242-2246), avian liver contains pyruvate kinases type M2 and L as the mammalian liver does.  相似文献   

This study aimed to measure energy intake (EI) and total energy expenditure (TEE) of asthmatic males and to validate diet history as a method of estimating their energy requirements. EI was assessed by dietary history and TEE by the heart-rate monitoring method in a group of asthmatic and nonasthmatic males. Resting energy expenditure (REE) adjusted for fat-free mass was higher in asthmatic than in nonasthmatic males (5,037 versus 4,839 kJ x day(-1), p<0.05). TEE (93+/-1.8 versus 8.4+/-1.4 MJ x day(-1), respectively; p=NS) and EI (9.2+/-15 versus 8.8+/-15 MJ x day(-1), respectively, p=NS) were not statistically different in asthmatic and nonasthmatic male. EI was not statistically different from TEE in both groups of males. Asthmatic males showed an acceptable agreement between TEE and EI at the individual level (range of agreement: -3.2 to 2.9 MJ x day(-1)), and a good agreement at the group level (95% confidence interval for the bias, - 1.1 to 0.8 MJ x day(-1)). Males with mild-to-moderate asthma have a higher metabolic activity per unit fat-free mass than nonasthmatic males. This increased requirement is apparently well compensated by an adequate energy intake. Diet history is a suitable method for estimating energy requirements in males with mild-to-moderate asthma.  相似文献   

The characterization of the L-type PK were made of PK extracted from the liver of a patient with congenital hemolytic anemia associated with an erythrocyte PK variant, PK Nagasaki. The L-type PK of PK Nagasaki showed the following parameters: slow migration on electrophoresis, high Km for PEP without F-1,6-P2, less activation by F-1,6-P2, normal Km for ADP, high utilization of UDP, acidic pH optimum, and instability to urea and heat. These tests served to differentiate this L-type PK variant from the other variants previously reported. At the same time, both the Km for PEP with F-1,6-P2 saturation and the electrophoretic mobility of L-type PK were found to be different from those of the erythrocyte PK and PK Nagasaki. Though the liver cell, with regard to L-type PK, has only the less functional and less stable mutant L-type PK there is no evidence of liver dysfunction or damage, although there is chronic hemolytic anemia.  相似文献   

The kinetic and optical properties of pyruvate kinase isolated from rabbit muscle, sturgeon muscle, and yeast were compared using various activating divalent metal ions as probes for functional features and using ultraviolet circular dichroism (cd) measurements for conformational features, respectively. All three preparations of pyruvate kinase were similar in many aspects, such as activating efficiencies of the four activating metal ions, Mg(II), Co(II), Mn(II), and Ni(II) and pH-rate profiles, suggesting the presence of a similar metal binding locus of these enzymes as well as a common underlying mechanism of action. L-Phe inhibited the rabbit muscle enzyme and turned the hyperbolic kinetics into a sigmoidal kinetic with respect to phosphoenolpyruvate at alkaline pH, while fructose-1,6-biphosphate activated the sturgeon muscle and yeast enzymes and turned the sigmoidal kinetics into hyperbolic kinetics with respect to phosphoenolpyruvate. The ultraviolet cd spectral changes qualitatively correlated well with kinetic observations of all three native enzymes in the presence and absence of allosteric effectors. Our results suggested that there are at least two conformational states of pyruvate kinase which are inducible by the binding of substrate and (or) allosteric effectors. The conformational changes from one form to another in these enzymes are very similar, especially between the rabbit and sturgeon muscle enzymes.  相似文献   

The conductance and capacitance of octopus arm are measured in vivo over the frequency range 5 Hz to 1 MHz. Measurement of these parameters for a number of electrode separations permits the determination of the variations in tissue conductivity and dielectric constant with frequency. In the range 1-100 kHz the conductivity is independent of the frequency f and the dielectric constant varies as f-1. These results, in conjunction with those reported previously for frog skeletal muscle, are consistent with the fractal model for the dielectric properties of animal tissue proposed by Dissado. Transformation of the results to complex impedance spectra indicates the presence of a dispersion above 100 kHz.  相似文献   

cDNA encoding the regulatory subunit of bovine mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase (PDPr) has been cloned. Overlapping cDNA fragments were generated by the polymerase chain reaction from bovine genomic DNA and from cDNA synthesized from bovine poly(A)+ RNA and total RNA. The complete cDNA (2885 base pairs) contains an open reading frame of 2634 nucleotides encoding a putative presequence of 31 amino acid residues and a mature protein of 847 residues with a calculated Mr of 95,656. This value is in agreement with the molecular mass of native PDPr (95,800 +/- 200 Da) determined by matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization mass spectrometry. The mature form of PDPr was expressed in Escherichia coli as a maltose-binding protein fusion, and the recombinant protein was purified to near homogeneity. It exhibited properties characteristic of the native PDPr, including recognition by antibodies against native bovine PDPr, ability to decrease the sensitivity of the catalytic subunit to Mg2+, and reversal of this inhibitory effect by the polyamine spermine. A BLAST search of protein data bases revealed that PDPr is distantly related to the mitochondrial flavoprotein dimethylglycine dehydrogenase, which functions in choline degradation.  相似文献   

Two fusion proteins in which the regulatory domains of human protein kinase Calpha (Ralpha; amino acids 1-270) or mouse protein kinase Cepsilon (Repsilon; amino acids 1-385) were linked in frame with glutathione S-transferase (GST) were examined for their abilities to inhibit the catalytic activities of protein kinase Calpha (PKCalpha) and other protein kinases in vitro. Both GST-Ralpha and GST-Repsilon but not GST itself potently inhibited the activities of lipid-activated rat brain PKCalpha. In contrast, the fusion proteins had little or no inhibitory effect on the activities of the Ser/Thr protein kinases cAMP-dependent protein kinase, cGMP-dependent protein kinase, casein kinase II, myosin light chain kinase, and mitogen activated protein kinase or on the src Tyr kinase. GST-Ralpha and GST-Repsilon, on a molar basis, were 100-200-fold more potent inhibitors of PKCalpha activity than was the pseudosubstrate peptide PKC19-36. In addition, a GST-Ralpha fusion protein in which the first 32 amino acids of Ralpha were deleted (including the pseudosubstrate sequence from amino acids 19-31) was an effective competitive inhibitor of PKCalpha activity. The three GST-R fusion proteins also inhibited protamine-activated PKCalpha and proteolytically activated PKCalpha (PKM), two lipid-independent forms of PKCalpha; however, the IC50 values for inhibition were 1 order of magnitude greater than the IC50 values obtained in the presence of lipid. These results suggest that part of the inhibitory effect of the GST-R fusion proteins on lipid-activated PKCalpha may have resulted from sequestration of lipid activators. Nonetheless, as evidenced by their abilities to inhibit the lipid-independent forms of the enzyme, the GST-R fusion proteins also inhibited PKCalpha catalytic activity through direct interactions. These data indicate that the R domains of PKCalpha and PKCepsilon are specific inhibitors of protein kinase Calpha activity and suggest that regions of the R domain outside the pseudosubstrate sequence contribute to autoinhibition of the enzyme.  相似文献   

We have examined the role of protein kinase C in the regulation of foetal-calf serum-stimulated cell proliferation in human prostatic smooth muscle cells. The data showed that the proliferative effect to foetal-calf serum (10%, v/v) was partially inhibited by 12-(2-cyanoethyl)-6,7,12,13-tetrahydro-13-methyl-5-oxo-5H-indolo (2,3-a) pyrrolo (3,4-c)-carbazole (Go-6976), a selective Ca2+-dependent protein kinase C inhibitor, suggesting that Ca2+-dependent protein kinase C isozymes might play roles in this proliferative regulation. Additionally, foetal-calf serum caused a significant translocation of protein kinase C-betaII and -epsilon from a cytosolic to a membrane distribution. These findings combined with the aforementioned functional experiments suggest that foetal-calf serum-stimulated cell proliferation might involve the activation of protein kinase C-betaII in human prostatic smooth muscle cells; however, the role of protein kinase C-epsilon in mediating cellular functions other than cell proliferation remains further investigation in these cells.  相似文献   

The pyruvate kinase of Trypanosoma cruzi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Subjects in the midst of a major depressive episode completed the Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ) prior to beginning an open trial of nefazodone. A multiple regression analysis was used to further examine the finding of Joyce et al. (1994; Temperament predicts clomipramine and desipramine response in major depression, J. Affect. Disord. 30 (1994) 35-46) that a model involving TPQ Reward Dependence and Harm Avoidance scores, and their interaction, significantly predicted treatment response. The model was found to have significant predictive value (R2 = 0.011, P = 0.0053), but to account for a trivial 1.1% of the variance. Individuals with high Reward Dependence scores had a significantly lower response rate when response was defined as a 60% reduction from baseline HAM-D score. Although the clinical utility of the present findings is uncertain, this line of investigation attempting to link temperament to pharmacological response represents a potentially useful future strategy.  相似文献   

Prenatal testing for pyruvate kinase deficiency is often requested by parents who already have an affected child. However, before the development of molecular biologic techniques there were no suitable diagnostic methods. We present here two cases in which the diagnosis was established, one using amniotic fluid cells, the other cord blood. Two different approaches were used. The first, using a direct method of PCR amplification and restriction endonuclease analysis, detected mutations in fetus genomic DNA. The second method, using two polymorphic sites linked to the PKRL gene, enabled us to establish which chromosome had been inherited from each parent.  相似文献   

Circular muscle of the esophagus (ESO) is normally relaxed and contracts phasically in response to neural stimuli. In contrast, lower esophageal sphincter (LES) circular muscle maintains spontaneous tone and relaxes in response to neural stimuli. We have previously shown that in vitro, spontaneous LES tone and contraction of ESO in response to acetylcholine (ACh) are antagonized by protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors, suggesting that PKC activation is responsible for these functions. In the current study, Western blot analysis of LES and ESO revealed PKC-alpha, -betaII, and -gamma isozymes in LES circular muscle, but only PKC-betaII translocated from the cytosolic to the membrane fraction in response to ACh. In contrast, ESO contained PKC-betaII, -gamma, and -epsilon, and only PKC-epsilon translocated to the membrane fraction in response to ACh. In LES single cells isolated by enzymatic digestion and permeabilized by saponin, 1-2-dioctanoylglycerol-mediated contraction was inhibited by preincubation with PKC-betaII antiserum but not by other PKC antisera. In esophageal cells, contraction was inhibited by the PKC-epsilon antiserum but not by antisera against other PKC isozymes. N-Myristoylated peptides derived from the pseudosubstrate sequences of PKC isozymes were used to inhibit saponin, 1-2-dioctanoylglycerol-induced contraction of LES and ESO smooth muscle cells. Contraction of LES cells was reduced by the alpha beta gamma pseudosubstrate but not by the alpha, delta, or epsilon pseudosubstrate. Contraction of ESO cells was reduced by the epsilon pseudosubstrate but not by the alpha, delta, or alpha beta gamma pseudosubstrate. We conclude that different types of contractile activity in the ESO and LES are mediated by different PKC isozymes. LES contraction is mediated by the calcium-dependent PKC-betaII, whereas contraction of ESO is mediated by the calcium-independent PKC-epsilon.  相似文献   

This study examines the hypothesis that patients with frontal lobe lesions are impaired on tests of letter but not category fluency. This hypothesis was proposed by Moscovitch (1994), based on a series of cognitive studies with young, normal participants. A group of patients with lateral prefrontal lesions and age-matched controls were tested on 2 tests of verbal fluency, the FAS task and a category fluency task that used semantic categories as cues (e.g., animals). Patients with frontal lobe lesions generated fewer items than controls on both letter and category fluency. This effect did not interact with the type of fluency test, suggesting that the frontal lobes are more generally involved in verbal fluency. Moreover, this pattern of findings, along with previous results of impaired free recall and remote retrieval in this patient group, suggests that patients with frontal lobe lesions do not efficiently organize and develop retrieval strategies.  相似文献   

The extreme flexibility of the octopus arm allows it to perform many different movements, yet octopuses reach toward a target in a stereotyped manner using a basic invariant motor structure: a bend traveling from the base of the arm toward the tip (Gutfreund et al., 1996a). To study the neuronal control of these movements, arm muscle activation [electromyogram (EMG)] was measured together with the kinematics of reaching movements. The traveling bend is associated with a propagating wave of muscle activation, with maximal muscle activation slightly preceding the traveling bend. Tonic activation was occasionally maintained afterward. Correlation of the EMG signals with the kinematic variables (velocities and accelerations) reveals that a significant part of the kinematic variability can be explained by the level of muscle activation. Furthermore, the EMG level measured during the initial stages of movement predicts the peak velocity attained toward the end of the reaching movement. These results suggest that feed-forward motor commands play an important role in the control of movement velocity and that simple adjustment of the excitation levels at the initial stages of the movement can set the velocity profile of the whole movement. A simple model of octopus arm extension is proposed in which the driving force is set initially and is then decreased in proportion to arm diameter at the bend. The model qualitatively reproduces the typical velocity profiles of octopus reaching movements, suggesting a simple control mechanism for bend propagation in the octopus arm.  相似文献   

Enzymopathies of pyruvate kinase (PK) are characterized by polymorphism. 11 different mutants of PK were detected in 12 analysed cases. The frequency of double heterozygotes of the PK deficiency is very high. The mutant forms have been identified by electrophoretic, kinetic and immunologic methods in red blood cells of patients and members of their families. The effect of trypsin has greatly increased the sensitivity of the differentiation procedures. Differences in activity and quality of the proteolytic systems in liver and kidney in comparison to red blood cells are responsible for inactivation and degradation of PK mutants in both organs. Homozygotes and double heterozygotes show clinic manifestations. The rigidity of red blood cells increases with the severity of the nonspherocytic haemolytic anaemia.  相似文献   

Two isozymes of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase, GGT-A and GGT-B, were purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from a culture broth of Bacillus subtilis TAM-4, which produces poly(gamma-glutamic acid) (PGA) de novo. GGT-A was composed of three subunits with molecular weights of 23,000 (I), 39,000 (II), and 40,000 (III). GGT-B was composed of two subunits with molecular weight of 22,000 (I) and 39,000 (II). The N-terminal amino acid sequences of GGT-A subunit I and GGT-B subunit I were very similar. GGT-A subunit II and GGT-B subunit II had an identical N-terminal amino acid sequence. That of GGT-A subunit III showed no similarity to the other subunits. Both GGTs had similar enzymatic properties (optimum pH and temperature: pH 8.8 and 55 degrees C) but showed a significantly different thermal stability at 55 degrees C. Both GGT-A and -B used D-gamma-glutamyl-p-nitroanilide as well as the L-isomer as the gamma-glutamyl donor and used various amino acids and peptides as the acceptor. It was also found that the PGA produced by the strain was hydrolyzed to glutamic acid by its own GGTs.  相似文献   

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