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一种基于DA-GMRF的无监督图像分割方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
亓琳  史泽林 《光电工程》2007,34(10):88-92
提出一种基于间断自适应高斯马尔可夫随机场(DA-GMRF)模型的无监督图像分割方法.针对MRF模型中的过平滑问题,利用边缘信息构造能量函数,定义了一种DA-GMRF模型.利用灰度直方图势函数自动确定分类数及分割阈值,进行多阈值分割,得到DA-GMRF模型中标记场的初始化,用Metroplis采样器算法进行标记场的优化,实现了图像的无监督分割.实验结果表明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   


Segmentation is one of the most complicated procedures in the image processing that has important role in the image analysis. In this paper, an improved pixon-based method for image segmentation is proposed. In proposed algorithm, complex partial differential equations (PDEs) is used as a kernel function to make pixonal image. Using this kernel function causes noise on images to reduce and an image not to be over-segment when the pixon-based method is used. Utilising the PDE-based method leads to elimination of some unnecessary details and results in a fewer pixon number, faster performance and more robustness against unwanted environmental noises. As the next step, the appropriate pixons are extracted and eventually, we segment the image with the use of a Markov random field. The experimental results indicate that the proposed pixon-based approach has a reduced computational load and a better accuracy compared to the other existing pixon-image segmentation techniques. To evaluate the proposed algorithm and compare it with the last best algorithms, many experiments on standard images were performed. The results indicate that the proposed algorithm is faster than other methods, with the most segmentation accuracy.  相似文献   

卢印举  郝志萍  戴曙光 《包装工程》2021,42(23):162-169
目的 针对玻璃的材料透明性以及条带噪声等固有属性使得传统玻璃缺陷分割算法准确率较低等问题,提出一种基于双特征高斯混合模型的玻璃缺陷分割方法.方法 首先,利用分数阶运算对玻璃缺陷增强,用灰度共生矩阵获取纹理特征,从而构建玻璃缺陷的双特征向量;将双特征向量引入高斯混合模型,并利用马尔科夫随机场的相邻像素空间信息对玻璃缺陷分割高斯混合模型进行改进,通过交替进行玻璃缺陷像素点与标号场之间映射关系的估计和基于高斯核函数空间约束更新,完成玻璃缺陷分割;最后,应用模糊熵对缺陷图像分割结果进行后续处理.结果 对疖瘤、污点、气泡以及夹杂等4种典型缺陷样本图像进行性能测试和不同算法对比分析实验,实验结果表明,所提算法的Dice指标达到98.59%,crM指标达到7.03%,衡量指标优于其他算法.结论 将灰度特征和纹理特征引入玻璃缺陷分割的马尔科夫随机场,能够抑制非缺陷目标,并保留低对比度玻璃缺陷,提高玻璃缺陷分割算法的鲁棒性和准确性.  相似文献   

吴涛  夏平  刘小妹  雷帮军 《声学技术》2016,35(3):198-203
声呐图像受噪声影响严重,分辨率低,传统算法对其目标分割效果较差,为此,提出了小波域多分辨率MRF模型的声呐图像分割算法。小波域多分辨率分析有利于提取声呐图像弱特征信息;每一分辨率中的观测特征采用高斯混合模型建模,尺度内同标记的观测特征用高斯模型建模,用各向同性的双点多级逻辑(Multi-Level Logistic,MLL)模型建模每一尺度的标记场;最后,用迭代条件模式(Iterated Conditional Mode,ICM)实现多分辨率马尔可夫随机场(Multi-Resolution Markov Random Field,MRA-MRF)中能量函数的最优解,获取标记场,完成声呐图像分割。从视觉效果和定量分析两方面验证。对比实验的结果表明,该文算法能有效地提取声呐图像的弱目标信息,较好地将目标区域和背景区域分割出来,具有较高的分割精度和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Silicon wafers are commonly used materials in the semiconductor manufacturing industry. Their geometric quality directly affects the production cost and yield. Therefore, improvement in the quality of wafers is critical for meeting the current competitive market needs. Conventional summary metrics such as total thickness variation, bow and warp can neither fully reflect the local variability within each wafer nor provide useful insight for root cause diagnosis and quality improvement. The advancement of sensing technology enables two-dimensional (2D) data mapping to characterise the geometric shapes of wafers, which provides more information than summary metrics. The objective of this research is to develop a statistical model to characterise the thickness variation of wafers based on 2D data maps. Specifically, the thickness variation of wafers is decomposed into macro-scale and micro-scale variations, which are modelled as a cubic curve and a first-order intrinsic Gaussian Markov random field, respectively. The models can successfully capture both the macro-scale mean trend and the micro-scale local variation, with important engineering implications for process monitoring, fault diagnosis and run-to-run control. A practical case study from a wafer manufacturing process is performed to show the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

K Sunil Kumar  U B Desai 《Sadhana》1998,23(3):281-302
In this paper, we give a generalized formulation for a vision problem in the framework of modular integration and multiresolution. The developed framework is used to solve the high-level vision problem of scene interpretation. The formulation essentially involves the concept of reductionism and multiresolution, where the given vision taskν is broken down into simpler subtasksν 1,ν 2, …,ν m. Moreover, instead of solving the vision taskν Ω =ν at the finest resolution Θ, we solve the synergetically coupled vision subtasks at coarser resolutions (Ω −N) for Θ ≥N>0 and use the results obtained at resolution (Θ −N) to solveν Ω −N+1, the vision task at resolution (Θ −N+1). Image interpretation is a two-phased analysis problem where some salient features or objects in an image are identified by segmenting the image and the objects in the segmented image are interpreted based on their spatial relationships. We present a solution to the joint segmentation and interpretation problem in the proposed generalized framework. For the interpretation part we exploit the Markov Random Field (MRF) based image interpretation scheme developed by Modestino and Zhang. Experimental results on both indoor and outdoor images are presented to validate the proposed framework.  相似文献   

基于离散分数布朗随机场的水下图像目标检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用传统图像检测方法存在目标区域定位不准确、目标细节信息丢、目标形状变形等问题,本文提出一种基于离散分数布朗随机场模型的水下图像目标检测方法.该方法根据分形理论和水下图像的特点,以图像中每个像素点为中心取窗口,计算在该窗口内的分形维数均值,将该均值作为中心像素的分形特征,然后根据分形维数分布图确定分割阈值,从而实现对水下图像分割,并且通过将目标表面不同尺度下的灰度差分平均值进行归一化处理,减少了用于表示不同尺度下的平均绝对值灰度差分的数据,从而提高算法检测效率.实验结果表明,该方法对水下成像条件具有一定鲁棒性,是一种有效的水下图像目标检测方法.  相似文献   

Shadows may be formed on stained glass windows by structural bars supporting the leaded panels, or by external protective wire grilles, or by masonry, such as mullions or buttresses, or external objects, such as trees. The eye tends to “discount” such shadow formations when viewing the actual windows even though in the photographic images they are very clearly visible. This article introduces a method to remove shadow effects on stained‐glass windows; the observed image, as captured by the camera, may be modeled mathematically as a combination of a “true stained glass image” and a “grille/bar image.” A mixture model is derived, based on a theoretical model of image formation, leading to a conjectured relationship between “shadow” pixels and the neighboring “nonshadow” pixels. The resulting mixture model assumes a multiplicative relationship. If this mixture can be separated into its original components, then it should be possible to remove the unwanted shadow component from the captured image to produce the desired image of the stained glass without the shadows. The digital modeling techniques enable the shadows to be characterized and removed with a reasonable degree of success. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 20, 223–226, 2010.  相似文献   

Tissue segmentation in magnetic resonance brain scans is the most critical task in different aspects of brain analysis. Because manual segmentation of brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images is a time‐consuming and labor‐intensive procedure, automatic image segmentation is widely used for this purpose. As Markov Random Field (MRF) model provides a powerful tool for segmentation of images with a high level of artifacts, it has been considered as a superior method. But because of the high computational cost of MRF, it is not appropriate for online processing. This article has proposed a novel method based on a proper combination of MRF model and watershed algorithm in order to alleviate the MRF's drawbacks. Results illustrate that the proposed method has a good ability in MRI image segmentation, and also decreases the computational time effectively, which is a valuable improvement in the online applications. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 27, 78–88, 2017  相似文献   

Compressing encrypted images remains a challenge. As illustrated in our previous work on compression of encrypted binary images, it is preferable to exploit statistical characteristics at the receiver. Through this line, we characterize statistical correlations between adjacent bitplanes of a gray image with the Markov random field (MRF), represent it with a factor graph, and integrate the constructed MRF factor graph in that for binary image reconstruction, which gives rise to a joint factor graph for gray images reconstruction (JFGIR). By exploiting the JFGIR at the receiver to facilitate the reconstruction of the original bitplanes and deriving theoretically the sum-product algorithm (SPA) adapted to the JFGIR, a novel MRF-based encryption-then-compression (ETC) scheme is thus proposed. After preferable universal parameters of the MRF between adjacent bitplanes are sought via a numerical manner, extensive experimental simulations are then carried out to show that the proposed scheme successfully compresses the first 3 and 4 most significant bitplanes (MSBs) for most test gray images and the others with a large portion of smooth area, respectively. Thus, the proposed scheme achieves significant improvement against the state-of-the-art leveraging the 2-D Markov source model at the receiver and is comparable or somewhat inferior to that using the resolution-progressive strategy in recovery.  相似文献   

采用自适应邻域马尔可夫场的极化SAR图像分割   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种新的马尔可夫场(MRF)极化SAR图像分割方法,对于图像中的每个像素,利用极化SAR数据总功率(span)图,得到该像素的马尔可夫场自适应邻域系统,且对区域标号过程的参数进行修正.使用该方法对机载极化SAR数据进行分割,实验结果表明,与传统的马尔可夫场方法、最大似然方法相比,该方法可以得到较好的分割结果.  相似文献   

城市固体垃圾管理与城市发展的矛盾日益突出,固体垃圾量峰值的预测能力是检验城市垃圾管理水平的重要标志.传统预测方法大多利用平均值概念,不能有效地衡量数据动态变化和对峰值进行动态跟踪.基于此,提出一种改进的基于混合高斯分布的隐马尔科夫模型(GMM-HMM),用以动态跟踪城市垃圾量峰值.以小样本的上海市近30年固体垃圾量和大样本的城市废水量为案例,分别采用状态转移推知预测期望值和通过后验概率搜索历史最相似时刻做预测,并利用bootstrapping重采样方法对结果进行区间修正以减少初始分布带来的不确定性.案例结果验证了所提出方法的有效性和实用性.  相似文献   

Several algorithms have been proposed in the literature for image denoising but none exhibit optimal performance for all range and types of noise and for all image acquisition modes. We describe a new general framework, built from four‐neighborhood clique system, for denoising medical images. The kernel quantifies smoothness energy of spatially continuous anatomical structures. Scalar and vector valued quantification of smoothness energy configures images for Bayesian and variational denoising modes, respectively. Within variational mode, the choice of norm adapts images for either total variation or Tikhonov technique. Our proposal has three significant contributions. First, it demonstrates that the four‐neighborhood clique kernel is a basic filter, in same class as Gaussian and wavelet filters, from which state‐of‐the‐art denoising algorithms are derived. Second, we formulate theoretical analysis, which connects and integrates Bayesian and variational techniques into a two‐layer structured denoising system. Third, our proposal reveals that the first layer of the new denoising system is a hitherto unknown form of Markov random field model referred to as single‐layer Markov random field (SLMRF). The new model denoises a specific type of medical image by minimizing energy subject to knowledge of mathematical model that describes relationship between the image smoothness energy and noise level but without reference to a classical prior model. SLMRF was applied to and evaluated on two real brain magnetic resonance imaging datasets acquired with different protocols. Comparative performance evaluation shows that our proposal is comparable to state‐of‐the‐art algorithms. SLMRF is simple and computationally efficient because it does not incorporate a regularization parameter. Furthermore, it preserves edges and its output is devoid of blurring and ringing artifacts associated with Gaussian‐based and wavelet‐based algorithms. The denoising system is potentially applicable to speckle reduction in ultrasound images and extendable to three‐layer structure that account for texture features in medical images. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 24, 224–238, 2014  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the construction of a class of prior stochastic models for non‐Gaussian positive‐definite matrix‐valued random fields. The proposed class allows the variances of selected random eigenvalues to be specified and exhibits a larger number of parameters than the other classes previously derived within a nonparametric framework. Having recourse to a particular characterization of material symmetry classes, we then propose a mechanical interpretation of the constraints and subsequently show that the probabilistic model may allow prescribing higher statistical fluctuations in given directions. Such stochastic fields turn out to be especially suitable for experimental identification under material symmetry uncertainties, as well as for the development of computational multi‐scale approaches where the randomness induced by fine‐scale features may be taken into account. We further present a possible strategy for inverse identification, relying on the sequential solving of least‐square optimization problems. An application is finally provided. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a three-dimensional mathematical framework for modeling the evolving geometry, structure, and mechanical properties of a representative straight cylindrical artery subjected to changes in mean blood pressure and flow. We show that numerical predictions recover prior findings from a validated two-dimensional framework, but extend those findings by allowing effects of transmural gradients in wall constituents and vasoactive molecules to be simulated directly. Of particular note, we show that the predicted evolution of the residual stress related opening angle in response to an abrupt, sustained increase in blood pressure is qualitatively similar to measured changes when one accounts for a nonlinear transmural distribution of pre-stretched elastin. We submit that continuum-based constrained mixture models of arterial adaptation hold significant promise for deepening our basic understanding of arterial mechanobiology and thus for designing improved clinical interventions to treat many different types of arterial disease and injury.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于马尔可夫随机场的运动目标检测算法.针对传统时间分割使用主观固定阁值的缺点,使用马尔可夫随机场模型对差分图像建模,并提出了一种新的模型阶次选择算法,以及一种可以加速收敛过程的随机场迭代算法.采用期望最大算法获取高斯分布参数并检测运动变化区域,利用形态学运算修正时间分割模板;空间分割部分提出了基于人眼视觉特征的改进分水岭算法,有效地解决了过分割问题;最后对时、空间分割结果进行信息融合处理,从而得到完整的运动目标.仿真实验结果证明了本文算法可以有效地分割视频运动目标.  相似文献   

K-均值聚类具有简单、快速的特点,因此被广泛应用于图像分割领域.但K-均值聚类容易陷入局部最优,影响图像分割效果.针对K-均值的缺点,提出一种基于随机权重粒子群优化(RWPSO)和K-均值聚类的图像分割算法RWPSOK.在算法运行初期,利用随机权重粒子群优化的全局搜索能力,避免算法陷入局部最优;在算法运行后期,利用K-均值聚类的局部搜索能力,实现算法快速收敛.实验表明:RWPSOK算法能有效地克服K-均值聚类易陷入局部最优的缺点,图像分割效果得到了明显改善;与传统粒子群与K-均值聚类混合算法(PSOK)相比,RWPSOK算法具有更好的分割效果和更高的分割效率.  相似文献   

提出一种基于贪心EM算法的HMRF遥感影像变化检测算法.该算法采取PCA与差值法相结合的方式来构造差分影像.首先,采用隐马尔可夫随机场( Hidden Markov Random Field,HMRF)模型描述空间上下文信息,并构造系统能量函数;然后,利用贪心EM算法克服EM算法假定混合成分数为已知、迭代结果过分依赖初...  相似文献   

基于小波域局部统计模型的图像去噪方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
崔艳秋  王珂 《光电工程》2007,34(3):93-97,104
提出了一种基于小波域局部统计模型图像去噪方法.该方法利用图像小波子带的方向性特点以及小波系数尺度内和尺度间的相关性:将小波系数尺度内的相关性建模为一种各向异性马尔可夫随机场(Markov Random Field,MRF)先验概率模型,将小波系数尺度间的相关性建模为局部奇异性的条件概率模型.通过在贝叶斯框架中采用这种先验概率模型和条件概率模型可以得到一种具有自适应性的贝叶斯萎缩函数.利用这种萎缩函数可以实现对小波系数的修正.实验结果表明利用该方法进行图像去噪能够取得良好的效果,同时可以有效地保留图像的细节.  相似文献   

根据人耳听觉特性,提出新的同步多带最大似然线性回归算法用于噪声环境下语音识别。该算法采用最大似然作为参数估计准则,利用各频带信号同步感知和噪声污染假定的方法进行语音模型补偿,有效地提高了识别系统在噪声环境下的识别性能。  相似文献   

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