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钱伯章 《河南化工》2012,(18):13-13
近日,美国密歇根大学菲利普·萨维奇教授领衔的研究团队宣布,该团队发现,采用适当的参数,通过水热液化(HTL)可使65%湿微藻(微绿球藻)在1分钟内转化成生物原油,并可获得微绿球藻中90%的能量。据了解,HTL是将生物质转化为生物燃料或生物燃料前体的诸多方法之一。研究人员注意到,HTL可避免繁琐的干燥步骤,因此对水分含量很高的生物质(如微藻)具有很高的转化效率。研究表明,加快加热速度,可使不必要的反应减至最少,提高生物原油的产率。较短的反应时间还意味着反应器不必太大,成本可能会较低。在改质方面,团队的实验室已于今年早些时候生产出舍有97%的碳和氢的生物原油。  相似文献   

超声波生物炼制技术综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了国内外超声波技术用于生物炼制的研究进展.详细介绍了超声波生物炼制技术用于生物柴油/乙醇等生物燃料的制备、纤维素/木质素/淀粉/壳聚糖/蛋白质及其衍生物等生物基材料的制备、各种植物有效成分以及香兰素/水合萜二醇/没食子酸萜醇酯/脂肪酸及其衍生物/喜树碱衍生物/肉桂酸及其甲酯/假性紫罗兰酮/糠醛衍生物等生物基化学品的制备等.  相似文献   

生物炼制技术研究新进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
谭天伟  俞建良  张栩 《化工进展》2011,30(1):117-125
生物炼制是以可再生生物质资源为原料,替代化石资源,生产能源、化工产品和生物材料的低碳型工业模式,是社会经济实现可持续发展的重大战略需求。随着全世界对生物炼制的深入研究,新的技术和产品不断涌现,各种生物技术平台和经济技术评价体系不断建立和完善,促进了生物炼制过程的健康飞速发展。本文从生物质原料、生物转化技术和热化学转化技术等多个方面,介绍了目前世界各国在生物炼制领域取得的最新研究进展和发展方向,展望了生物炼制发展前景。  相似文献   

生物质高压液化制生物原油研究进展   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
介绍了生物质液化过程的最新研究进展;分析了原料种类、溶剂、催化剂、反应温度、反应压力、反应时间、反应器类型对高压液化过程以及产品组成和收率的影响;对生物质液化的机理进行了剖析;对生物质液化制生物原油过程进行了展望,认为降低生物原油的生产成本、降低生物原油中的氧含量是生物质液化的发展方向。  相似文献   

以林业生物质精炼理念为基础,通过桉木自催化水解及脱色精炼获取低聚木糖半纤维素高附加值产品,并对炼制的低聚木糖产品进行了初步应用探索。  相似文献   

石油的生物催化法脱硫   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对石油的生物催化法脱的发展史,机理,菌种及酶的选择,生物学及分子生物学手段的应用作了全面的介绍,并提出目前仍存在的问题。  相似文献   

金涌 《化学工业》2007,25(8):1-8
讨论了生物炼制的原料、相关技术及需要解决的瓶颈制约,着重讨论了生物柴油的相关问题。对生物催化作了扼要介绍。  相似文献   

覃伟中  李强  朱兵  陈丙珍 《化工学报》2010,61(7):1653-1658
生物炼制是与石油炼制互补的新型工业生产模式,对我国生物质能源发展有重要作用。我国生物炼制产业发展目前处于起步阶段,面临着原料、技术等问题。针对我国国情,提出了在条件适当地区,生物炼制企业建设采取生物炼制与石油炼制一体化建设的设想。以燃料乙醇项目建设为例,通过对单独建设和一体化建设两种方案的比较,从成本、未来发展和原料供应等方面分析了一体化建设的优势。研究表明生物炼制与石油炼制一体化模式将对我国能源、化工等行业的可持续性发展起到促进作用。  相似文献   

石油生物催化深度脱硫   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要综术字国外石油生物催化脱硫研究的新进展,介绍了生物催化脱硫的发展趋势和应用前景。  相似文献   

Lignin-rich stream from lignocellulosic ethanol production was converted into biocrude by continuous hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) while hydrogen was produced by aqueous phase reforming (APR) of the HTL aqueous by-product. The effects of Na2CO3 and NaOH were investigated both in terms of processability of the feedstock as well as yield and composition of the obtained products. A maximum biocrude yield of 27 wt% was reached in the NaOH-catalyzed runs. A relevant amount of dissolved phenolics were detected in the co-produced aqueous phase (AP), and removed by liquid–liquid extraction using butyl acetate or diethyl ether, preserving the APR catalyst stability and reaching an hydrogen yield up to 146 mmol H2 L−1 AP. Preliminary mass balances integrating HTL and APR showed that the hydrogen provided by APR may account for up to 46% of the hydrogen amount theoretically required for upgrading the HTL biocrude, thus significantly improving the process performance and sustainability.  相似文献   

Lignin has the potential to be a sustainable resource for producing biobased chemicals (e.g. phenols, aromatic hydrocarbons, vanillin) for multiple applications. However, given its heterogeneous and rigid structure, its efficient conversion to value‐added products remains one of the most important limiting factors for the successful viability of the biobased economy. Hydrotreating and hydrothermal treatment (including liquefaction, gasification and wet oxidation) are promising technologies that can convert lignin into biobased products. This review article provides a literature overview of how key process parameters of hydrotreating and hydrothermal treatment (operating conditions, catalysts, solvents, type of starting lignin) may influence the conversion of alkaline lignin into valuable chemical products. It was observed that low selectivity to products (and subsequent required separation and purification) and char formation are the main hurdles for effective conversion of alkaline lignin. However, experimental work in alternative catalytic systems, solvents and hydrogen sources has shown that promising opportunities exist to overcome these drawbacks. Certain catalysts (e.g. Ru/Al2O3) have been found to improve selectivity and the use of alcohol solvents (especially methanol or ethanol) as a hydrogen source has been found to improve product yields and reduce char formation at lower working temperatures and pressures. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

微藻水热液化生物油化学性质与表征方法综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
张冀翔  蒋宝辉  王东  魏耀东 《化工学报》2016,67(5):1644-1653
微藻水热液化生物油由于性质较差,不能直接作为车载燃料使用,与现代石油炼制工艺结合是一种新的应用途径。综述了微藻生物油的化学性质,包括化学组成、官能团组成与杂原子化合物组成等信息,比较分析了GC-MS、FTIR、NMR和FT-ICR MS等表征方法的异同,简要回顾了微藻水热液化反应机理和精制方法。重点指出微藻水热液化生物油中含氧、含氮化合物含量较高,并具有较高的芳香度和不饱和度,催化加氢精制能够有效脱除杂原子,并增加烷烃含量。微藻基生物燃料的发展,不仅需要精制工艺的提升,也有赖于表征方法的进步。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Currently, the ‘green chemistry’ philosophy is being increasingly adopted by the chemical industry and, therefore, new production procedures of valuable chemicals from biomass‐derived raw materials are being sought. In this work, the synthesis of lactic acid from sorbitol under alkaline hydrothermal conditions is investigated by analyzing the influence on conversions and yields of temperature, NaOH/sorbitol molar ratio (MR), initial sorbitol concentration (SC) and reaction time. RESULTS: A 100% sorbitol conversion and a maximum 39.5% yield of lactic acid on a carbon basis are obtained at 280 °C, 50 min, 1.0 mol L?1 SC and 2.0 MR. Glyceraldehyde was the only identified intermediate while formic acid, acrylic acid, acetic acid, oxalic acid and sodium carbonate were identified as over‐oxidation products, all of them in very low yields with the exception of formic acid (16% yield at a MR of 4 and 280 °C). Several plausible conversion routes of sorbitol involving dehydrations, keto‐enol tautomerisms, reverse aldol condensations, aldol condensations, Cannizzaro reactions and oxidations are proposed. CONCLUSIONS: Considering the high number of parallel conversion routes as a consequence of high functionality of sorbitol, the 39.5% lactic acid yield obtained is a good result. Total carbon mass in all identified products only justifies, at most, 50% of that in sorbitol due to the coexistence of several conversion routes resulting in a large number of products other than lactic acid. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

微拟球藻油脂萃取及脱脂藻水热液化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐晓寒  杨晓奕 《化工学报》2019,70(11):4356-4362
为提高微藻的综合利用效率,使用不同的溶剂系统分别对干、湿微拟球藻进行油脂萃取,并对脱脂后的藻渣进行水热液化实验,探究溶剂萃取脱脂对微藻水热液化产物的影响。溶剂萃取的结果表明,极性溶剂对油脂的萃取率达到25.0%,但对脂质的萃取缺乏选择,萃取物的脂肪酸甲酯产率仅为29.68%;混合溶剂萃取的脂肪酸甲酯回收率达到57.70%。脱脂后的微拟球藻水热粗油产率为27.7%~34.6%,氮含量为5.29%~6.68%,主要由脂肪酸、脂肪酸酯、脂肪酸酰胺、长链烃类、胺类、含氧化合物和含氮杂环化合物组成。经甲醇萃取后的湿藻水热粗油产率为34.6%,氮含量为5.44%,过程能耗低,表明甲醇萃取湿藻结合水热液化具有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

以滇池藻为原料研究水热液化条件对其液化反应的影响,并分析反应温度对水热液化产物分布及生物油特性的影响。结果表明:在反应温度300℃、反应时间60 min、原料含固率20%条件下生物油产率最高为14.82%,生物油能量回收率最高为54.11%,碳、氢元素回收率分别为49.65%、24.83%,其热值为35.79 MJ/kg。GC-MS分析结果显示:生物油含烃类22.4%,有机酸类34.3%,氮氧化合物21.1%,酯类5.47%。反应温度对生物油组分中含氮氧杂环化合物、酯类、有机酸类、烃类以及酚类化合物GC含量变化有很大影响。反应温度为380℃时转化率最高为83.87%,生物油H/C最高,N/C最低,比值分别为1.39和0.05,热值为36.76 MJ/kg。  相似文献   

催化剂对稠油水热裂解反应研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以富含镍的矿石为原料,制备了五种催化剂,确定了最佳催化剂。在此基础上研究了催化剂对稠油水热裂解反应的催化作用。考察了在注蒸汽条件下反应温度和催化剂添加量对稠油的粘度和平均分子质量的影响。实验结果表明,在注入蒸汽的条件下,辽河稠油可以发生水热裂解反应,高温下催化剂对水热裂解反应具有催化作用。探讨了催化剂对稠油水热裂解反应的催化机理。  相似文献   

棉秆水热及水热氧化过程水相产物分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
水热及水热氧化处理技术可改变生物质的特性,从而提高热解产物的品质及热解效率。本研究使用高压反应釜在180~280℃下对棉秆进行水热及水热氧化过程处理,使用色谱质谱联用仪、波美密度计及pH酸度计对比分析了水热过程水相产物(HTAP)及水热氧化过程水相产物(HOAP)的有机组分、折光指数和pH。结果表明,HOAP中酸类有机物含量最高时的温度(200℃)低于HTAP(230℃)。200~230℃下HOAP中酚类化合物的含量明显高于HTAP。水热氧化过程抑制了HOAP中酮类化合物的生成。180~280℃下HOAP的折光指数高于HTAP,且随着温度增加而下降。HOAP的pH随着温度的升高而增加,并且180~260℃下HOAP的pH低于HTAP。HTAP与HOAP的理化性质和木醋液基本一致,有潜力应用于农业、林业等领域。  相似文献   

Canada has 347 million ha of forest cover, contributing to the potential large availability of wood-based resources. Although Canada's forest sector contributed $23.7 billion to the national nominal gross domestic product (GDP) in 2019, the GDP contribution of the wood product manufacturing subsector shrank by 6%. To reposition the Canadian forest industry, new forest management practices and wood-based conversion technologies should be applied. In this context, the use of woody biomass in biorefineries to produce clean energy, fuels, and chemicals is becoming increasingly significant. There is a need to understand the current status and challenges of the wood-based biomass conversion technologies that have been and are being developed in Canada. This information will help decision-makers in formulating and implementing forest sector-related policies for a sustainable bioeconomy in Canada. This study is focused on a review of Canadian woody biomass conversion technologies. Our critical review identified considerable potential biomass conversion technologies specialized for woody feedstock, all in the Canadian setting. We focused on the prospects of revitalizing Canada's pulp and paper industry through the integration of pre-treatment processes and biochemical technologies. The thermochemical conversion pathway was identified as the dominant route for woody feedstock valorization. The review also identified pathways with the potential to diversify the existing product mix that generate products from wood streams, such as chemicals and biomaterials. Most of the biochemical and thermochemical research done in institutional and multi-institutional research collaborations from laboratory scale to industrial scale will boost the chances of the commercialization of a wood-based biorefinery in Canada.  相似文献   

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