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机械搅拌作为一种重要的混合技术,在化工生产、环保安全、生物制药等领域有着广泛的应用。搅拌效率和流场的分布是衡量搅拌质量的重要指标。然而,在层流搅拌流场中,搅拌桨周期性的扰动产生了环形动力流场导致搅拌槽内普遍存在混合隔离区,隔离区的存在是实现高效混合的主要障碍。本实验基于平面激光诱导荧光技术实现了二维瞬态液相混合流场结构的可视化,研究了Reynolds数和搅拌槽的几何参数对流场结构时空变化规律的影响。基于MATLAB软件对实验图像进行后处理得到非混合区域面积覆盖率,定量计算出流体的混合效率。结果表明,层流搅拌中搅拌槽内叶轮上方和下方出现对称的隔离区域,并且不会随着Reynolds数的增加而消失。通过在搅拌槽内部特定位置(侵入隔离流场几何中心)设置几何挡板结构,破坏隔离区域环形流场的对称性和封闭性,引发混沌混合从而提升混合质量。设置在特定位置的长方体挡板和扇形圆环挡板分别使搅拌槽内流体混合效率在200s内从65%提升至95%和97%。该研究可为高效层流搅拌混合器的设计提供实验数据与理论指导。  相似文献   

混合时时间是评定搅拌设设备混合效率的重重要指标,为了了检测带有挡板和和导流筒的搅拌槽槽内液-固-固三相相流场的混合时时间,以甘油溶液液为液相,砂子和和赤泥为固相建立立了流场体系,采采用电导法测量体体系的混合时间。并对流场进行行了计算流体动力力学(CFD)模拟研研究,CFD模型采用基于欧拉多多相流模型和RNNGκ-ε湍流模型。流场混合时间间模拟结果与实验验结果的偏差较小小,说明该CFDD数学模型能很很好地预测流场的的混合时间。体系系的混合时间随随搅拌转速的增大大而减小,当流场场的轴向混合占主主导地位时,增设设导流筒可减小小流场的混合时间间。导流筒对于粒粒径和密度较小的的固体影响较大。。  相似文献   

偏心搅拌反应器内的液相混合行为   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
胡银玉  刘喆  杨基础  程易 《化工学报》2010,61(10):2517-2522
利用先进的无干扰流场测试手段——平面激光诱导荧光技术(PLIF),对斜叶桨搅拌反应器内的液相混合过程进行高精度定量可视化。对比了中心搅拌和3种不同偏心率下的偏心搅拌混合行为,引入参数混合均匀度和均匀混合时间定量描述测量平面的示踪剂浓度分布。研究发现,偏心搅拌过程由于破坏了流场的对称性,比中心搅拌能更快达到均匀混合。反应器内局部混合存在差异,偏心搅拌中不同监测点达到均匀混合时间差异较小,体现了偏心搅拌在液相混合中的优势。  相似文献   

激光测速技术及其在化工搅拌流场测量中的应用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
介绍了激光测速技术基本原理,比较分析LDA,PDPA,PIV3种代表性激光测速技术的技术进展和应用范围,针对它们在化工搅拌流场测量应用进行了综述,并介绍了激光测速技术在搅拌系统计算流体力学(CFD)模拟中的应用,激光测速技术与CFD的结合将是未来搅拌系统优化与设计的必然趋势。  相似文献   

管式搅拌反应器停留时间分布的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对一种新型管式搅拌反应器的停留时间分布(RTD)进行了实验研究,运用商业计算流体力学(CFD)软件FLUENT进行流场模拟及RTD计算,证实管式搅拌反应器的停留时间分布受搅拌转速及入口流量等因素影响,带搅拌装置的管式反应器适当增加转速能使RTD曲线变窄,改善流型和抑制返混;转速过大会使RTD曲线变宽,导致死区的产生,不利于反应器的混合.RTD曲线的数值模拟计算结果与实验结果基本稳合.  相似文献   

搅拌生物反应器混合特性的数值模拟与实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以工程流体计算软件CFX-4.4为工具,对不同规模的机械搅拌生物反应器的混合特性进行数值模拟,研究了不同操作条件下反应器混合时间的变化规律. 采用pH电极在位监测[H+]的方法实验测定混合时间. 模拟结果与实验测定值之间的误差随反应器容积增大而逐渐减小,对容积为25 m3的反应器误差小于11.6%.  相似文献   

柔性Rushton搅拌桨混合性能的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提高混合效率是流体搅拌混合领域的重点研究内容之一。几十年来,人们在开发新型搅拌桨及研发流体混合新技术方面做了大量工作。基于刚性Rushton桨,开发了一种柔性叶片Rushton搅拌桨,并以罗丹明6G为荧光剂,采用平面激光诱导荧光法对介质为水时该桨在湍流状态下的混合性能进行了实验测试研究。结果发现,标定实验结果表明,荧光剂强度与浓度呈线性关系,可以此为基准衡量同等实验条件下的宏观混合时间。荧光剂的扩散情况表明,与刚性桨相比,柔性桨具有更好的混合性能,尤其在混合的初始阶段,混合均匀程度及混合速度均有一定的优势。与刚性桨混合时间的对比表明,柔性桨的宏观混合时间较短,有助于提高流体混合效率。研究结果为该桨的工业应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

基于FLUENT软件的管式搅拌反应器流场的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用商业计算流体力学(CFD)软件FLUENT对一种新型管式搅拌反应器进行流场模拟,用GAMBIT建立流场实体模型,采用标准k-ε湍流模型以及多重参考系法(MRF)处理搅拌桨区.结果表明,计算所选模型能较准确地预测搅拌反应器的速度场、压力场及湍流动能分布,考察流量为1 m3/h时不同搅拌转速对反应器内部混合的影响,此时对应的最佳搅拌转速为50 rpm左右.模拟结果将为实验研究提供适当的操作参数,对搅拌反应器的优化和放大具有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

翼形桨搅拌槽内混合过程的数值模拟   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用FLUENT软件的多重参考系(MRF)及标准k-ε模型,将速度场与浓度场方程分开进行求解,对单层轴流式三叶CBY翼形桨搅拌槽内的混合过程进行了数值模拟,所得的混合时间的模拟结果与实验值相吻合。同时采用数值模拟的方法研究了不同的示踪剂加料点、监测点位置及操作条件对混合时间的影响规律;模拟结果表明,混合过程主要由搅拌槽内的流体流动所控制,混合时间与示踪剂加料点及监测点位置密切相关。上述的研究结果对于工业搅拌反应器的优化具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

杨锋苓  周慎杰 《化工进展》2011,30(6):1158-1169
搅拌槽内的流场是决定混合、传热及传质等操作的基础,对流场的研究具有十分重要的意义,计算流体动力学是研究流场的重要方法。本文回顾了搅拌数值模型的发展历程,阐述了三十年来各种搅拌流场数值模拟方法的特点及其应用情况,对比分析了各种湍流模型的优缺点,并展望了未来搅拌槽内单相湍流模型的发展方向。  相似文献   

A comprehensive study on the liquid mixing with/without instantaneous reactions was conducted using planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) technique, where a novel reactive PLIF technique was adopted to quantitatively visualize the dynamic variation of the concentration of fluorescence dye due to signal quenching by a Fenton reaction. The factors (e.g., tracer injection direction, tracer injection position, impeller speed) influencing the reactive and non-reactive mixing processes were investigated, and the mixing performances were characterized by non-reactive mixing times (τ95 and τ99), and reactive mixing time (θ99), respectively. The experimental results from the 2-D measurements of liquid mixing behavior emphasized the significance of the understanding on the spatio-temporal mixing patterns: not only did the tracer injection position affect the mixing performances in the stirred tank, but also the sampling position to monitor the mixing status would lead to a large difference in evaluating the mixing performance. For the stirred tank with fast reactions, the reactive mixing performance had a strong interplay with the non-reactive mixing.  相似文献   

A fast liquid mixing process was implemented by the cross-flow impingement of thin liquid sheets in the confined mixing channels with the width of millimeter(s). The species transport between the two liquids was studied by visualizing the 2-D concentration field of Rhodamine dye with the planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) technique, on which the intensity of segregation (IOS) and the 95% mixing time (τ95) were calculated to evaluate the mixing quality. Due to the reduced spatial scale of liquid mixing and the high energy dissipation rate of ∼1000 to produced by the strong impingement between the liquid sheets, fast mixing of liquids was achieved at a time scale of milliseconds. The effects of operating conditions and the mixer geometry on the mixing behavior were investigated comprehensively by both experiments and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Good agreement of the CFD predictions with the experimental data was obtained by the k-? model with species transport, where dependence of the CFD predictions on the turbulent Schmidt number (i.e. Sct) was discussed in detail. The results show that for this turbulence-induced mixing procedure the momentum ratio and the cross-flow angle between the two liquids play significant roles in the mixing efficiency. The absolute liquid velocity has little effect on the species transport in space, i.e. the mixing distance to reach IOS of 5%. Nevertheless, the mixing time is shortened at higher velocity conditions. The fluctuation of the transient concentration signals shows stronger interaction at the interface between the two liquid sheets. And the local concentration fluctuations can be well described by the β-PDF (probability density function) model.  相似文献   

面激光诱导荧光技术用于快速液液微观混合研究   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
骆培成  程易  汪展文  金涌  杨万宏 《化工学报》2005,56(12):2288-2293
建立了面激光诱导荧光技术研究液液微观混合过程的实验方法,在无干扰流场条件下,研究了毫米尺度流道内、错流接触的两股液膜的时空混合行为,以可视化的手段揭示了液液微观混合过程的二维瞬态浓度场,发现了液膜快速错流接触后形成的有序波形涡结构,涡的尺度大小为1~2 mm,涡的发展过程是影响两股流体混合的主要因素.同时建立了混合过程的定量表征方法,用混合液膜中组分的离析度(intensity of segregation, IOS)定量描述了混合过程所达到的程度,获得了不同液膜流速下液液混合过程IOS值随着液体流动方向的变化趋势图,并分析了两股液膜之间的速率比以及混合液膜的Reynolds数对混合过程的影响.  相似文献   

一种计算搅拌槽混合时间的新方法   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
张庆华  毛在砂  杨超  王正 《化工学报》2007,58(8):1891-1896
基于对混合时间定义的思考,提出了一种新的定义方法,在湍流流场数值计算的基础上通过求解示踪剂的浓度输运方程,研究了单层涡轮桨搅拌槽内的混合过程。结果表明:搅拌转速和搅拌桨安装位置都影响混合时间的大小,而进料位置对混合时间的影响不大。对于不同的搅拌转速而言,随搅拌转速的增大,相同体积分数对应的混合时间逐渐减小。当搅拌桨安装在槽中间位置时所对应的混合时间最小。利用适宜的尺寸和安装位置的导流筒可有效降低混合时间。  相似文献   

We combine reduced order modeling and system identification to reconstruct the temporal evolution of large-scale vortical structures behind the blades of a Rushton impeller. We performed direct numerical simulations at Reynolds number 600 and employed proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) to extract the dominant modes and their temporal coefficients. We then applied the identification algorithm, N4SID, to construct an estimator that captures the relation between the velocity signals at sensor points (input) and the POD coefficients (output). We show that the first pair of modes can be very well reconstructed using the velocity time signal from even a single sensor point. A larger number of points improves accuracy and robustness and also leads to better reconstruction for the second pair of POD modes. Application of the estimator derived at Re = 600 to the flows at Re = 500 and 700 shows that it is robust with respect to changes in operating conditions.  相似文献   

孟辉波  刘振江  禹言芳  张平  吴剑华 《化工进展》2021,40(11):5939-5948
循环射流混合槽作为一种高效的混合装置在化工过程强化处理技术中具有潜在的工业应用前景。由于缺乏对其内多相体系流动和混合行为的研究,制约了循环射流混合反应器的优化设计与工业化应用。本文选取水和二甲基硅油两相体系,采用计算流体力学软件ANSYS Fluent V16.1中Eulerian-Eulerian多相流模型和SST k-?湍流模型,对两种不同加料方式下循环射流混合槽内液液两相射流中心线速度、离析强度、拉伸率等参数进行研究。研究结果表明:分散相浓度(αd)增大射流卷吸能耗增大,在l/s<0.4内αd=1.80%和2.86%量纲为1的射流中心线速度衰减趋势与αd=6.00%相比减弱51%和21%;在低分散相浓度时,量纲为1的射流中心线速度随Re的增大衰减趋势变化小,在l/s<0.24内Re=6346、9519和12692量纲为1的射流中心线速度衰减趋势与Re=3173相比分别减弱2.60%、2.87%和12.69%。离析强度随混合时间的增大而减小,随周向角度增大呈W形变化趋势。在相含率和雷诺数相同时,对称球状较圆柱状加料达到混合时间减少65.5%;不同喷嘴之间的拉伸率随迹线长度的增大而增大,jet1和jet9位置处的拉伸率与其余喷嘴相比较大;相同喷嘴之间拉伸率随Re的增大而增大,Re=6346、9519和12692的拉伸率与Re=3173相比分别提高289%~320%、418%~454%和607%~667%。  相似文献   

Turbulent mixing in a confined wake flow was studied by using the combined PIV/PLIF technique to measure instantaneous concentration and velocity fields. Measurements were performed at two slightly overlapping areas in the initial mixing zone and at an area at the end of the channel. The measurements revealed that there is a recirculation zone right behind the block that gives an increased mixing effect in this area. The measurement at the end of the channel shows that the concentration distribution is quite uniform, but the two streams are not completely mixed.  相似文献   

Dynamic behavior of the flow field in a Reaction Injection Molding, RIM, machine mixing chamber, having dimensions typically used in industrial machines, is studied from dynamic velocity data of Laser Doppler Anemometry, LDA, measurements and Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD, simulations with a 2D model. This study is based on the spectral analysis of the dynamic flow field data. The typical frequencies, in the reactor flow field, are identified and its values are related to the identified flow structures. The differences between the typical frequencies from experiments and simulations are observed and justified on the basis of the 2D representation of a 3D cylindrical geometry. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2009  相似文献   

施力田  高正明  闵健 《化工学报》2010,61(7):1747-1752
采用计算流体力学(CFD)方法对直径为0.476m双层涡轮桨搅拌反应器内的流动及混合进行了数值模拟,并实验测试了混合过程。利用大涡模拟(LES)及Smagorinsky-Lilly亚格子模型求解湍流流动与示踪剂传递过程,桨叶区域采用滑移网格技术。研究结果表明,大涡模拟得到的示踪剂响应曲线和混合时间与实验结果吻合良好,其预测精度明显优于基于雷诺平均(Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes,RANS)的标准k-ε模型的模拟结果。大涡模拟是研究搅拌反应器内非稳态及周期性湍流流动的有效方法。  相似文献   

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