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1 INTRODUCTIONThe determination of the solids hold-up and local solidfluxes is of paramount importance in the study ofthe hydrodynamics of a two-phase flow.Several tech-niques have been used during the past decades(Table1).These methods can be classified in two groups,depending on their possible disturbance of the two-  相似文献   

在耦合流化床反应器大型冷模实验装置上,考察了不同表观气速下FCC颗粒在耦合流化床内截面平均密度的轴向分布. 结果表明,反应器轴向固含率可分为底部流化床区域和上部提升管区域. 前者的密相区平均固含率随表观气速增大而减小;后者的平均固含率随表观气速Ug增大而增大,Ug<0.58 m/s时固含率分布均匀,Ug=0.70~1.04 m/s时提升管出口出现约束返混区(>8.62 m),Ug>1.16 m/s时提升管底部出现密度重整区(3.82~4.57 m)、加速平稳区(4.57~8.62 m)和出口返混区(>8.62 m). 确定了耦合反应器内提升管区域截面平均固含率的影响参数,并利用实验数据回归了平均固含率的轴向分布经验模型,计算值与实验值吻合较好.  相似文献   

基于欧拉双流体模型和颗粒流动理论对实验室规模的循环流化床气化炉进行了全三维模拟,考察了炉内压力和固体颗粒的分布特征,并进一步比较了操作条件对炉内气固两相循环流动的影响差异。模拟结果表明:提升管内呈上稀下浓的颗粒分布,径向处存在边壁浓中心稀的环合结构,下降管内能够形成堆积较为密实的料封,模拟得到的系统压力环路与试验值较吻合。藏量、粒径和入口气速均会影响炉内的固体颗粒浓度和压力分布,合适的粒径和入口气速条件与颗粒终端速度的匹配是影响炉内稳定循环流化的关键因素。  相似文献   

循环喷动流化床固体流动规律   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
李宝霞  张济宇 《化工学报》1995,46(5):635-640
<正>循环喷动流化床由于循环管(导向管)的引入,显著地提高了射流床的操作能力、传热传质特性及接触效率,因而被广泛地应用于化工过程,如:颗粒涂层、煤气化和石油烃类的热裂解)。 鉴于循环喷动流化床的广泛应用,许多研究者对床层的气固流动循性进行了研究,但是由于实验的几何参数、特性参数及操作参数的不同,实验结果存在着较大的差异,有关固体循环速率的数学模型报道很少,已有的模型也因假设条件太多及考虑影响因素不全而不具有普遍的适用性,本文通过研究几何参数、操作参数及物性参数对固体循环速率的影响,进而得出综合考虑以上参数在内的预测固体循环速率的定量方程,为工程设计提供重要信息。  相似文献   

电容层析成像技术在线测量气固流化床空隙率的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于电容层析成像技术,提出了一种在线测量气固流化床空隙率的新方法。建立了相应的12电极电容层析成像气固流化床空隙率测量系统,可同时实现气固 流化床空隙率分布的在线显示和整体空隙率测量。选择加权反投影算法进行图像重建以保证空隙率分布显示的实时性和有效性。采用Tikhonov正则化原理和ART算法相结合的组合型新图像重建算法来实现整体空隙率的测量。Tikhonov正则化原理用于克服图像重建过程中的不适定问题,ART算法用于提高最终重建图像的质量。研究表明以上提出的空隙率测量新方法是有效的。空隙率分布在线测量的速度可达25幅/秒以上,整体空隙率测量的最大误差可小于5%。  相似文献   

循环床提升管中粗重颗粒浓度的轴向分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在10m高提升管中对空气-沙子体系的压力梯度进行系统测试,研究了粗重颗粒平均颗粒浓度云的轴向分布及操作条件对它的影响。结果表明,粗重颗粒的^εs在相同操作条件下显著低于FCC颗粒;随操作条件的不同,沙子颗粒表现出与FCC显著不同的轴向分布形态。高气速下粗重颗粒^εs的轴向分布与FCC相似表现为单调下降或直线形关系;但在表观气速Ug降低至某一临界值后,粗重颗粒^εs的轴向分布呈现出波动形式,表明沙子颗粒在提升管中的流动是一个加速-减速-再加速直至充分发展的过程。随Ug减小或Gs增大,提升管各截面上云升高;当^εs的轴向分布为波动形式时,提升管底部截面和中部颗粒聚集截面上^εs的变化较其它截面更为显著。  相似文献   

刘宝勇  魏绪玲  张斌  杨西 《广东化工》2012,39(11):159-160
循环流化床是一种新型高效无气泡气-固反应器,应用广泛。文章首先介绍了气-固循环流化床的特点,总结了循环流化床上部区域的流动特性,并讨论了循环流化床底部区域的流动特性,最后展望了循环流化床流动特性研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

气固循环床提升管内的局部颗粒浓度及流动发展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用反射式光纤浓度探头对f100mm×15.1m循环床提升管8个轴向截面上11个径向位置的局部颗粒浓度进行了测量, 分析研究了颗粒浓度径向分布的不均匀性及其沿轴向的发展变化。结果表明:提升管内气固两相流的发展并不同步,而是一个由核心区向边壁区逐渐扩展,并最终达到总体充分发展的过程,该过程主要受边壁区发展过程所控制;相对于核心区,边壁区的发展不仅显著缓慢,而且受操作条件的影响也较显著。实验还发现:在颗粒加速段,无因次颗粒浓度的径向分布不具有相似性,不仅与径向位置有关,而且还与床层截面高度有关。  相似文献   

采用激光相位多普勒粒子分析仪(PDPA)测量了二维循环流化床中局部颗粒运动行为及流动结构.通过将PDPA采集的数据进行动态图形化处理,研究了稀、密相的结构以及颗粒聚团的形成和分解.研究结果表明:在循环流化床中不仅存在稀、密两相的不均匀流动结构,而且密相和稀相自身内部也存在不均匀性;颗粒聚团的形成和分解是一个动态过程,颗粒间不同速度造成颗粒相互碰撞,密相能够分解形成稀相,稀相能够合并成为密相.在流动过程中稀相、密相及介于稀、密相间的乳相以动态的形式存在和分解,形成复杂的动态流动结构.  相似文献   

在内径110mm高6m的下料管循环流化床的冷模实验装置内,采用FCC催化剂和硅胶球物料,并通过气固并流下行中气固间相互作用的分析,提出了气体流动方程,并以气体示踪法实验证实了其可靠性。  相似文献   

The gas and solids in a circulating fluidized bed (CFB) are heterogeneously dispersed and a multiscale flow regime may form both in time and space. Accurate measurement of the fluidizing process is significant for investigating the multiscale gas–solid flow characteristics and the design, optimization, and control of CFBs in various applications. This article develops a deep learning-based tomographic imaging of electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) to characterize the particle concentration distribution in a CFB. The deep tomographic imaging approach is realized through training a well-designed convolutional neural network (CNN) with the numerically built dataset. Simulation results demonstrate that the average values of the relative image errors reconstructed by CNN in the test set are 0.1110 and 0.1114 for the 60 and 100 mm pipes, respectively, which are better than the average values of 0.1819 and 0.2519 by the Landweber algorithm. With the verification of the trained model based on the prepared data can image the unseen typical flow patterns better than Landweber, it is further used to investigate the particle flow characteristics of a lab-scale CFB. Experimental results reveal that the developed deep tomographic imaging of ECT can successfully measure the fluidized particle distribution in both the 60 and 100 mm pipes, showing good prediction and generality of the designed CNN model. A flow regime transformation from “annular” flow to “core-annular” flow and pneumatic conveying is observed under the tested conditions. Besides, the flow regime would be highly affected by the fluidized gas flow rate and the initial bed height.  相似文献   

提升管中气固两相流动行为的相似特性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
漆小波  黄卫星  祝京旭  石炎福 《化工学报》2005,56(11):2096-2101
在15.1 m高循环流化床实验装置上对提升管内的轴向压力梯度、局部颗粒浓度和颗粒速度进行了较系统的实验测试,研究了提升管中气固两相流充分发展段在不同操作条件下流动行为的相似特性.结果表明,在(Gsp)1.2/U2.0g相近的操作条件下,上行气固两相流充分发展段的颗粒浓度、下降颗粒时均速度、絮状物颗粒浓度和出现频率在空间的分布特征基本相同.对于同一提升管内的同一气固两相流系统,只要表观气速和颗粒循环速率按(Gsp)1.2/U2.0g同步变化,不同操作条件下的上行气固两相流在充分发展段就具有相似的宏观和微观流动行为.  相似文献   

The distributions of the three phases in gas–liquid–solid circulating fluidized beds (GLSCFB) were studied using a novel measurement technique that combines electrical resistance tomography (ERT) and optical fibre probe. The introduction of gas into a liquid–solid circulating fluidized bed (LSCFB), thus forming a GLSCFB, caused the increase of solids holdup due to the significantly decreased available buoyancy with the lower density of the gas, even with a somewhat increased liquid velocity due to the decreased liquid holdup giving space for the gas holdup. The gas passed through the riser in the form of bubbles, which tended to flow more through the central region of the riser, leading to more radial non‐uniformity in radial holdup of the phases. The gas velocity has the most significant effect on the gas phase holdup. While the gas velocity also has an obvious effect to the solids holdups, the liquid flow rate had a much more considerable effect on the phase holdups. The solids circulation rate also had a significant effect on the phase holdups, with increasing solids circulation rate causing much more increased solids holdup in the central region than close to the wall. A correlation was developed for the relative radial distributions of solids holdup in GLSCFB, as such radial profiles were found similar over a wide range of operating conditions, like those in a typical gas–solid circulating fluidized beds (GSCFB). Finally, the axial solids profiles in a GLSCFB was found to be much closer to those in an LSCFB which are very uniform, than those found in a GSCFB which are less uniform and sometime having a S shape. Water was used as the continuous and conductive phase, air was the gas phase and glass bead and lava rock particles were used as the solid and non‐conductive phase.  相似文献   

循环流化床提升管T形弯头动态压力的小波分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
针对循环流化床提升管出口T形弯头,以FCC催化剂颗粒为物料,采用动态压力传感器,对T形弯头内的气固两相流的动态压力进行了实验测量,以此分析T形弯头内动态压力的特性。实验结果表明,由于在T形弯头盲管处颗粒折返造成的冲击,形成了一个压力脉动源。小波分析表明T形弯头处的压力脉动主频来自盲管内,而次频能量所占比例随着颗粒质量流率增加而加大。T形弯头内的动态压力的标准偏差与颗粒质量流率呈线性关系,可以用于表征循环流化床内的颗粒质量流率。  相似文献   

在10.5 m高气固循环流化床实验装置上,在对提升管内的轴向压力梯度和局部颗粒浓度进行实验测试的基础上,结合部分文献上的实验数据,研究了上行气固两相流充分发展段在不同操作条件下气固两相流动行为的相似特性.结果表明,所提出的经验相似准则能表征上行气固两相流充分发展段在不同操作条件下流动行为的相似性,并且该经验相似准则独立于实验装置系统.对于同一上行气固两相流系统,只要操作参数按该相似准则同步变化,气固两相流在充分发展段就具有相似的宏观和微观流动行为.  相似文献   

为研究超高提升管内的气固流动特性,依托四川白马电厂600MW超临界循环流化床锅炉现有钢架,将原有60m高的提升管冷模试验台的上部20m改为矩形截面的循环流化床提升管试验台。本文重点研究了提升管流化风速对上部颗粒浓度的轴向/截面分布特性及其影响因素。试验结果表明:颗粒浓度和颗粒粒径的分布特性与流化风速和几何结构密切相关,在一定初始床料高度下,随着风速的增加,提升管上部的空隙率沿轴向先不变然后减少,并最终呈现倒C形分布;截面浓度从均匀分布逐渐变为近短边壁处的颗粒浓度要明显大于近长边壁处的不均匀分布;平均颗粒粒径则随风速的增加而增大,沿截面分布均匀,但是沿提升管高度方向平均颗粒粒径沿轴向会略微减小,且提升管上部近短边壁的颗粒粒径要稍小于近长边壁的。  相似文献   

The axial density profile is an important characteristic of the CFB riser and a key parameter in the CFB design. A simple, but reliable model is needed to predict the density profiles. Elutriation‐based models treat the dense phase at the bottom of the riser as a dense bubbling bed whereas the dilute phase higher up can be looked upon as the entrainment zone above the dense bed. The elutriation model, as originally presented by Rhodes et al. (1986) and based on Wen et al. (1982) is extensively studied and modified. In spite of the modifications, the use of entrainment models has certain clear limitations due to a wide range of predictions as evident from Table 1. Elutriation rates are calculated based on the hydrodynamic phenomena in the dense bed and a fitting procedure for the entrainment decay constant (σ) was performed.  相似文献   

Electrostatic potential in the multizone circulating fluidized bed (CFB) reactor for polypropylene is measured even larger than 1,000 V. In this article, electrostatic effects on hydrodynamics in the riser of CFBs were studied via experiment and computational fluid dynamic simulation. Experimental results showed electrostatics increased solids holdup in the riser for more than 20% in fast fluidization. Using measured charge densities as electrostatic model parameters, electrostatic effects were simulated by two-fluid model coupled with electrostatics accurately. The relative deviation between measured and simulated solids holdup was 3.53% at 5.68 m/s, which was the first time that this mode was verified quantitatively. Further analysis of simulation results demonstrated the mechanism of electrostatic effects was that the electrostatic forces increased the radial particle velocity and induced particle accumulation near the wall, leading to the increase of solids holdup. These electrostatic effects are more significant in the dense-phase region, which require special care.  相似文献   

Three‐dimensional high‐resolution numerical simulations of a gas–solid jet in a high‐density riser flow were conducted. The impact of gas–solid injection on the riser flow hydrodynamics was investigated with respect to voidage, tracer mass fractions, and solids velocity distribution. The behaviors of a gas–solid jet in the riser crossflow were studied through the unsteady numerical simulations. Substantial separation of the jetting gas and solids in the riser crossflow was observed. Mixing of the injected gas and solids with the riser flow was investigated and backmixing of gas and solids was evaluated. In the current numerical study, both the overall hydrodynamics of riser flow and the characteristics of gas–solid jet were reasonably predicted compared with the experimental measurements made at NETL. Published 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2012  相似文献   

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