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In the area of medical image processing, stomach cancer is one of the most important cancers which need to be diagnose at the early stage. In this paper, an optimized deep learning method is presented for multiple stomach disease classification. The proposed method work in few important steps—preprocessing using the fusion of filtering images along with Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), deep transfer learning-based features extraction, optimization of deep extracted features using nature-inspired algorithms, and finally fusion of optimal vectors and classification using Multi-Layered Perceptron Neural Network (MLNN). In the feature extraction step, pre-trained Inception V3 is utilized and retrained on selected stomach infection classes using the deep transfer learning step. Later on, the activation function is applied to Global Average Pool (GAP) for feature extraction. However, the extracted features are optimized through two different nature-inspired algorithms—Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) with dynamic fitness function and Crow Search Algorithm (CSA). Hence, both methods’ output is fused by a maximal value approach and classified the fused feature vector by MLNN. Two datasets are used to evaluate the proposed method—CUI WahStomach Diseases and Combined dataset and achieved an average accuracy of 99.5%. The comparison with existing techniques, it is shown that the proposed method shows significant performance.  相似文献   

We propose to perform an image-based framework for electrical energy meter reading. Our aim is to extract the image region that depicts the digits and then recognize them to record the consumed units. Combining the readings of serial numbers and energy meter units, an automatic billing system using the Internet of Things and a graphical user interface is deployable in a real-time setup. However, such region extraction and character recognition become challenging due to image variations caused by several factors such as partial occlusion due to dust on the meter display, orientation and scale variations caused by camera positioning, and non-uniform illumination caused by shades. To this end, our work evaluates and compares the state-of-the art deep learning algorithm You Only Look Once (YOLO ) along with traditional handcrafted features for text extraction and recognition. Our image dataset contains 10,000 images of electrical energy meters and is further expanded by data augmentation such as in-plane rotation and scaling to make the deep learning algorithms robust to these image variations. For training and evaluation, the image dataset is annotated to produce the ground truth of all the images. Consequently, YOLO achieves superior performance over the traditional handcrafted features with an average recognition rate of 98% for all the digits. It proves to be robust against the mentioned image variations compared with the traditional handcrafted features. Our proposed method can be highly instrumental in reducing the time and effort involved in the current meter reading, where workers visit door to door, take images of meters and manually extract readings from these images.  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence aids for healthcare have received a great deal of attention. Approximately one million patients with gastrointestinal diseases have been diagnosed via wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE). Early diagnosis facilitates appropriate treatment and saves lives. Deep learning-based techniques have been used to identify gastrointestinal ulcers, bleeding sites, and polyps. However, small lesions may be misclassified. We developed a deep learning-based best-feature method to classify various stomach diseases evident in WCE images. Initially, we use hybrid contrast enhancement to distinguish diseased from normal regions. Then, a pretrained model is fine-tuned, and further training is done via transfer learning. Deep features are extracted from the last two layers and fused using a vector length-based approach. We improve the genetic algorithm using a fitness function and kurtosis to select optimal features that are graded by a classifier. We evaluate a database containing 24,000 WCE images of ulcers, bleeding sites, polyps, and healthy tissue. The cubic support vector machine classifier was optimal; the average accuracy was 99%.  相似文献   

Globally, Pakistan ranks 4 in cotton production, 6 as an importer of raw cotton, and 3 in cotton consumption. Nearly 10% of GDP and 55% of the country's foreign exchange earnings depend on cotton products. Approximately 1.5 million people in Pakistan are engaged in the cotton value chain. However, several diseases such as Mildew, Leaf Spot, and Soreshine affect cotton production. Manual diagnosis is not a good solution due to several factors such as high cost and unavailability of an expert. Therefore, it is essential to develop an automated technique that can accurately detect and recognize these diseases at their early stages. In this study, a new technique is proposed using deep learning architecture with serially fused features and the best feature selection. The proposed architecture consists of the following steps: (a) a self-collected dataset of cotton diseases is prepared and labeled by an expert; (b) data augmentation is performed on the collected dataset to increase the number of images for better training at the earlier step; (c) a pre-trained deep learning model named ResNet101 is employed and trained through a transfer learning approach; (d) features are computed from the third and fourth last layers and serially combined into one matrix; (e) a genetic algorithm is applied to the combined matrix to select the best points for further recognition. For final recognition, a Cubic SVM approach was utilized and validated on a prepared dataset. On the newly prepared dataset, the highest achieved accuracy was 98.8% using Cubic SVM, which shows the perfection of the proposed framework..  相似文献   

Race classification is a long-standing challenge in the field of face image analysis. The investigation of salient facial features is an important task to avoid processing all face parts. Face segmentation strongly benefits several face analysis tasks, including ethnicity and race classification. We propose a race-classification algorithm using a prior face segmentation framework. A deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) was used to construct a face segmentation model. For training the DCNN, we label face images according to seven different classes, that is, nose, skin, hair, eyes, brows, back, and mouth. The DCNN model developed in the first phase was used to create segmentation results. The probabilistic classification method is used, and probability maps (PMs) are created for each semantic class. We investigated five salient facial features from among seven that help in race classification. Features are extracted from the PMs of five classes, and a new model is trained based on the DCNN. We assessed the performance of the proposed race classification method on four standard face datasets, reporting superior results compared with previous studies.  相似文献   


Abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract are widespread worldwide today. Generally, an effective way to diagnose these life-threatening diseases is based on endoscopy, which comprises a vast number of images. However, the main challenge in this area is that the process is time-consuming and fatiguing for a gastroenterologist to examine every image in the set. Thus, this led to the rise of studies on designing AI-based systems to assist physicians in the diagnosis. In several medical imaging tasks, deep learning methods, especially convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have contributed to the state-of-the-art outcomes, where the complicated nonlinear relation between target classes and data can be learned and not limit to hand-crafted features. On the other hand, hyperparameters are commonly set manually, which may take a long time and leave the risk of non-optimal hyperparameters for classification. An effective tool for tuning optimal hyperparameters of deep CNN is Bayesian optimization. However, due to the complexity of the CNN, the network can be regarded as a black-box model where the information stored within it is hard to interpret. Hence, Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques are applied to overcome this issue by interpreting the decisions of the CNNs in such wise the physicians can trust. To play an essential role in real-time medical diagnosis, CNN-based models need to be accurate and interpretable, while the uncertainty must be handled. Therefore, a novel method comprising of three phases is proposed to classify these life-threatening diseases. At first, hyperparameter tuning is performed using Bayesian optimization for two state-of-the-art deep CNNs, and then Darknet53 and InceptionV3 features are extracted from these fine-tunned models. Secondly, XAI techniques are used to interpret which part of the images CNN takes for feature extraction. At last, the features are fused, and uncertainties are handled by selecting entropy-based features. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms existing methods by achieving an accuracy of 97% based on a Bayesian optimized Support Vector Machine classifier.


Background: In medical image analysis, the diagnosis of skin lesions remains a challenging task. Skin lesion is a common type of skin cancer that exists worldwide. Dermoscopy is one of the latest technologies used for the diagnosis of skin cancer. Challenges: Many computerized methods have been introduced in the literature to classify skin cancers. However, challenges remain such as imbalanced datasets, low contrast lesions, and the extraction of irrelevant or redundant features. Proposed Work: In this study, a new technique is proposed based on the conventional and deep learning framework. The proposed framework consists of two major tasks: lesion segmentation and classification. In the lesion segmentation task, contrast is initially improved by the fusion of two filtering techniques and then performed a color transformation to color lesion area color discrimination. Subsequently, the best channel is selected and the lesion map is computed, which is further converted into a binary form using a thresholding function. In the lesion classification task, two pre-trained CNN models were modified and trained using transfer learning. Deep features were extracted from both models and fused using canonical correlation analysis. During the fusion process, a few redundant features were also added, lowering classification accuracy. A new technique called maximum entropy score-based selection (MESbS) is proposed as a solution to this issue. The features selected through this approach are fed into a cubic support vector machine (C-SVM) for the final classification. Results: The experimental process was conducted on two datasets: ISIC 2017 and HAM10000. The ISIC 2017 dataset was used for the lesion segmentation task, whereas the HAM10000 dataset was used for the classification task. The achieved accuracy for both datasets was 95.6% and 96.7%, respectively, which was higher than the existing techniques.  相似文献   

Identifying fruit disease manually is time-consuming, expert-required, and expensive; thus, a computer-based automated system is widely required. Fruit diseases affect not only the quality but also the quantity. As a result, it is possible to detect the disease early on and cure the fruits using computer-based techniques. However, computer-based methods face several challenges, including low contrast, a lack of dataset for training a model, and inappropriate feature extraction for final classification. In this paper, we proposed an automated framework for detecting apple fruit leaf diseases using CNN and a hybrid optimization algorithm. Data augmentation is performed initially to balance the selected apple dataset. After that, two pre-trained deep models are fine-tuning and trained using transfer learning. Then, a fusion technique is proposed named Parallel Correlation Threshold (PCT). The fused feature vector is optimized in the next step using a hybrid optimization algorithm. The selected features are finally classified using machine learning algorithms. Four different experiments have been carried out on the augmented Plant Village dataset and yielded the best accuracy of 99.8%. The accuracy of the proposed framework is also compared to that of several neural nets, and it outperforms them all.  相似文献   

Background—Human Gait Recognition (HGR) is an approach based on biometric and is being widely used for surveillance. HGR is adopted by researchers for the past several decades. Several factors are there that affect the system performance such as the walking variation due to clothes, a person carrying some luggage, variations in the view angle. Proposed—In this work, a new method is introduced to overcome different problems of HGR. A hybrid method is proposed or efficient HGR using deep learning and selection of best features. Four major steps are involved in this work-preprocessing of the video frames, manipulation of the pre-trained CNN model VGG-16 for the computation of the features, removing redundant features extracted from the CNN model, and classification. In the reduction of irrelevant features Principal Score and Kurtosis based approach is proposed named PSbK. After that, the features of PSbK are fused in one materix. Finally, this fused vector is fed to the One against All Multi Support Vector Machine (OAMSVM) classifier for the final results. Results—The system is evaluated by utilizing the CASIA B database and six angles 00°, 18°, 36°, 54°, 72°, and 90° are used and attained the accuracy of 95.80%, 96.0%, 95.90%, 96.20%, 95.60%, and 95.50%, respectively. Conclusion—The comparison with recent methods show the proposed method work better.  相似文献   

Active learning has been widely utilized to reduce the labeling cost of supervised learning. By selecting specific instances to train the model, the performance of the model was improved within limited steps. However, rare work paid attention to the effectiveness of active learning on it. In this paper, we proposed a deep active learning model with bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) for text classification. BERT takes advantage of the self-attention mechanism to integrate contextual information, which is beneficial to accelerate the convergence of training. As for the process of active learning, we design an instance selection strategy based on posterior probabilities Margin, Intra-correlation and Inter-correlation (MII). Selected instances are characterized by small margin, low intra-cohesion and high inter-cohesion. We conduct extensive experiments and analytics with our methods. The effect of learner is compared while the effect of sampling strategy and text classification is assessed from three real datasets. The results show that our method outperforms the baselines in terms of accuracy.  相似文献   

The sewer system plays an important role in protecting rainfall and treating urban wastewater. Due to the harsh internal environment and complex structure of the sewer, it is difficult to monitor the sewer system. Researchers are developing different methods, such as the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence, to monitor and detect the faults in the sewer system. Deep learning is a promising artificial intelligence technology that can effectively identify and classify different sewer system defects. However, the existing deep learning based solution does not provide high accuracy prediction and the defect class considered for classification is very small, which can affect the robustness of the model in the constraint environment. As a result, this paper proposes a sewer condition monitoring framework based on deep learning, which can effectively detect and evaluate defects in sewer pipelines with high accuracy. We also introduce a large dataset of sewer defects with 20 different defect classes found in the sewer pipeline. This study modified the original RegNet model by modifying the squeeze excitation (SE) block and adding the dropout layer and Leaky Rectified Linear Units (LeakyReLU) activation function in the Block structure of RegNet model. This study explored different deep learning methods such as RegNet, ResNet50, very deep convolutional networks (VGG), and GoogleNet to train on the sewer defect dataset. The experimental results indicate that the proposed system framework based on the modified-RegNet (RegNet+) model achieves the highest accuracy of 99.5 compared with the commonly used deep learning models. The proposed model provides a robust deep learning model that can effectively classify 20 different sewer defects and be utilized in real-world sewer condition monitoring applications.  相似文献   

Data fusion is one of the challenging issues, the healthcare sector is facing in the recent years. Proper diagnosis from digital imagery and treatment are deemed to be the right solution. Intracerebral Haemorrhage (ICH), a condition characterized by injury of blood vessels in brain tissues, is one of the important reasons for stroke. Images generated by X-rays and Computed Tomography (CT) are widely used for estimating the size and location of hemorrhages. Radiologists use manual planimetry, a time-consuming process for segmenting CT scan images. Deep Learning (DL) is the most preferred method to increase the efficiency of diagnosing ICH. In this paper, the researcher presents a unique multi-modal data fusion-based feature extraction technique with Deep Learning (DL) model, abbreviated as FFE-DL for Intracranial Haemorrhage Detection and Classification, also known as FFEDL-ICH. The proposed FFEDL-ICH model has four stages namely, preprocessing, image segmentation, feature extraction, and classification. The input image is first preprocessed using the Gaussian Filtering (GF) technique to remove noise. Secondly, the Density-based Fuzzy C-Means (DFCM) algorithm is used to segment the images. Furthermore, the Fusion-based Feature Extraction model is implemented with handcrafted feature (Local Binary Patterns) and deep features (Residual Network-152) to extract useful features. Finally, Deep Neural Network (DNN) is implemented as a classification technique to differentiate multiple classes of ICH. The researchers, in the current study, used benchmark Intracranial Haemorrhage dataset and simulated the FFEDL-ICH model to assess its diagnostic performance. The findings of the study revealed that the proposed FFEDL-ICH model has the ability to outperform existing models as there is a significant improvement in its performance. For future researches, the researcher recommends the performance improvement of FFEDL-ICH model using learning rate scheduling techniques for DNN.  相似文献   

In today’s smart city transportation, traffic congestion is a vexing issue, and vehicles seeking parking spaces have been identified as one of the causes leading to approximately 40% of traffic congestion. Identifying parking spaces alone is insufficient because an identified available parking space may have been taken by another vehicle when it arrives, resulting in the driver’s frustration and aggravating traffic jams while searching for another parking space. This explains the need to predict the availability of parking spaces. Recently, deep learning (DL) has been shown to facilitate drivers to find parking spaces efficiently, leading to a promising performance enhancement in parking identification and prediction systems. However, no work reviews DL approaches applied to solve parking identification and prediction problems. Inspired by this gap, the purpose of this work is to investigate, highlight, and report on recent advances in DL approaches applied to predict and identify the availability of parking spaces. A taxonomy of DL-based parking identification and prediction systems is established as a methodology by classifying and categorizing existing literature, and by doing so, the salient and supportive features of different DL techniques for providing parking solutions are presented. Moreover, several open research challenges are outlined. This work identifies that there are various DL architectures, datasets, and performance measures used to address parking identification and prediction problems. Moreover, there are some open-source implementations available that can be used directly either to extend existing works or explore a new domain. This is the first short survey article that focuses on the use of DL-based techniques in parking identification and prediction systems for smart cities. This study concludes that although the deployment of DL in parking identification and prediction systems provides various benefits, the convergence of these two types of systems and DL brings about new issues that must be resolved in the near future.  相似文献   

In recent times, Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Computing (CC) paradigms are commonly employed in different healthcare applications. IoT gadgets generate huge volumes of patient data in healthcare domain, which can be examined on cloud over the available storage and computation resources in mobile gadgets. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is one of the deadliest diseases that has high mortality rate across the globe. The current research work presents a novel IoT and cloud-based CKD diagnosis model called Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA)-based Deep Neural Network (DNN) model abbreviated as FPA-DNN. The steps involved in the presented FPA-DNN model are data collection, preprocessing, Feature Selection (FS), and classification. Primarily, the IoT gadgets are utilized in the collection of a patient’s health information. The proposed FPA-DNN model deploys Oppositional Crow Search (OCS) algorithm for FS, which selects the optimal subset of features from the preprocessed data. The application of FPA helps in tuning the DNN parameters for better classification performance. The simulation analysis of the proposed FPA-DNN model was performed against the benchmark CKD dataset. The results were examined under different aspects. The simulation outcomes established the superior performance of FPA-DNN technique by achieving the highest sensitivity of 98.80%, specificity of 98.66%, accuracy of 98.75%, F-score of 99%, and kappa of 97.33%.  相似文献   

With the development of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs), the extracted features for image recognition tasks have shifted from low-level features to the high-level semantic features of DCNNs. Previous studies have shown that the deeper the network is, the more abstract the features are. However, the recognition ability of deep features would be limited by insufficient training samples. To address this problem, this paper derives an improved Deep Fusion Convolutional Neural Network (DF-Net) which can make full use of the differences and complementarities during network learning and enhance feature expression under the condition of limited datasets. Specifically, DF-Net organizes two identical subnets to extract features from the input image in parallel, and then a well-designed fusion module is introduced to the deep layer of DF-Net to fuse the subnet’s features in multi-scale. Thus, the more complex mappings are created and the more abundant and accurate fusion features can be extracted to improve recognition accuracy. Furthermore, a corresponding training strategy is also proposed to speed up the convergence and reduce the computation overhead of network training. Finally, DF-Nets based on the well-known ResNet, DenseNet and MobileNetV2 are evaluated on CIFAR100, Stanford Dogs, and UECFOOD-100. Theoretical analysis and experimental results strongly demonstrate that DF-Net enhances the performance of DCNNs and increases the accuracy of image recognition.  相似文献   

针对地震勘探中噪声压制的问题,构建了一种适合分类和识别地震子波的卷积神经网络模型.首先对卷积神经网络模型的激活函数、卷积核大小以及归一化层等进行了设计,然后利用已搭建好的卷积神经网络对地震信号的时频谱图进行特征提取,最后实现了不同类型的含噪地震信号的分类和识别.实验结果表明,该模型有高分类率和识别率及较好的抗干扰能力,...  相似文献   

Sleep stage classification can provide important information regarding neonatal brain development and maturation. Visual annotation, using polysomnography (PSG), is considered as a gold standard for neonatal sleep stage classification. However, visual annotation is time consuming and needs professional neurologists. For this reason, an internet of things and ensemble-based automatic sleep stage classification has been proposed in this study. 12 EEG features, from 9 bipolar channels, were used to train and test the base classifiers including convolutional neural network, support vector machine, and multilayer perceptron. Bagging and stacking ensembles are then used to combine the outputs for final classification. The proposed algorithm can reach a mean kappa of 0.73 and 0.66 for 2-stage and 3-stage (wake, active sleep, and quiet sleep) classification, respectively. The proposed network works as a semi-real time application because a smoothing filter is used to hold the sleep stage for 3 min. The high-performance parameters and its ability to work in semi real-time makes it a promising candidate for use in hospitalized newborn infants.  相似文献   

Malicious software (malware) is one of the main cyber threats that organizations and Internet users are currently facing. Malware is a software code developed by cybercriminals for damage purposes, such as corrupting the system and data as well as stealing sensitive data. The damage caused by malware is substantially increasing every day. There is a need to detect malware efficiently and automatically and remove threats quickly from the systems. Although there are various approaches to tackle malware problems, their prevalence and stealthiness necessitate an effective method for the detection and prevention of malware attacks. The deep learning-based approach is recently gaining attention as a suitable method that effectively detects malware. In this paper, a novel approach based on deep learning for detecting malware proposed. Furthermore, the proposed approach deploys novel feature selection, feature co-relation, and feature representations to significantly reduce the feature space. The proposed approach has been evaluated using a Microsoft prediction dataset with samples of 21,736 malware composed of 9 malware families. It achieved 96.01% accuracy and outperformed the existing techniques of malware detection.  相似文献   

Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is the upset that happens due to high glucose level within the body. With the passage of time, this polygenic disease creates eye deficiency referred to as Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) which can cause a major loss of vision. The symptoms typically originate within the retinal space square in the form of enlarged veins, liquid dribble, exudates, haemorrhages and small scale aneurysms. In current therapeutic science, pictures are the key device for an exact finding of patients’ illness. Meanwhile, an assessment of new medicinal symbolisms stays complex. Recently, Computer Vision (CV) with deep neural networks can train models with high accuracy. The thought behind this paper is to propose a computerized learning model to distinguish the key precursors of Dimensionality Reduction (DR). The proposed deep learning framework utilizes the strength of selected models (VGG and Inception V3) by fusing the extracated features. To select the most discriminant features from a pool of features, an entropy concept is employed before the classification step. The deep learning models are fit for measuring the highlights as veins, liquid dribble, exudates, haemorrhages and miniaturized scale aneurysms into various classes. The model will ascertain the loads, which give the seriousness level of the patient’s eye. The model will be useful to distinguish the correct class of seriousness of diabetic retinopathy pictures.  相似文献   

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