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泛在电力物联网建设一个重要方面便是实现更多终端小微设备的接入,使得数据的获取更加海量和多元化,实现数据流和能量流的深度融合,而综合能源系统是泛在电力物联网价值的重要实现形式。综合能源系统在其规划运行中涉及多种能源类型和海量数据,是一项复杂工程,因此面向泛在电力物联网建设进行综合能源系统的规划思考,提出综合能源系统规划的可靠性、经济性和区域差异性原则,建立了综合能源系统规划的基本模型,以及系统综合效益评价指标体系,并对系统规划运行的数据需求进行了分析,提出一套完整的综合能源系统规划思路方法。研究成果为我国综合能源系统的建设和实施提供理论依据。  相似文献   

物联网时代的智慧型物品探析   总被引:3,自引:13,他引:3  
李世国 《包装工程》2010,31(4):50-53
阐述了以物与物之间交流为标志的物联网将是一种无处不在的泛在网络,其目的是使地球上的"物"变得更加智慧。针对物联网中的物是具有感知和交流功能的智慧物之特点,分析了用智慧型物品的术语来表述物联网中的人造物可以体现与传统智能产品的差异和物联网特征,提出了智慧型物品的智慧主要来自于网络系统各类智慧解决方案以及智慧型物品的设计策略和理念。  相似文献   

泛在电力物联网的建设主要是将信息化和人工智能等新技术、新理念应用于企业发展进程中,以提高电力企业的技术水平,同时这也是服务于国家战略需要,符合推动互联网、大数据、人工智能和制造业深度融合的战略要求,其对推动我国的科技进步、产业升级和提高人民生活水平具有重要意义。对泛在电力物联网的提出背景、建设目标和意义等进行介绍;讨论各界对泛在电力物联网的态度和相应措施;对泛在电力物联网建设的技术支持进行分析;举例说明泛在电力物联网在当下的典型应用;最后指出泛在电力物联网发展过程中可能遇到的问题。  相似文献   

Blockchain technology has become a research hotspot in recent years with the prominent characteristics as public, distributed and decentration. And blockchain-enabled internet of things (BIoT) has a tendency to make a revolutionary change for the internet of things (IoT) which requires distributed trustless consensus. However, the scalability and security issues become particularly important with the dramatically increasing number of IoT devices. Especially, with the development of quantum computing, many extant cryptographic algorithms applied in blockchain or BIoT systems are vulnerable to the quantum attacks. In this paper, an anti-quantum proxy blind signature scheme based on the lattice cryptography has been proposed, which can provide user anonymity and untraceability in the distributed applications of BIoT. Then, the security proof of the proposed scheme can derive that it is secure in random oracle model, and the efficiency analysis can indicate it is efficient than other similar literatures.  相似文献   

面向物联网时代的交互系统限制因素研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
阐述了限制因素由传统交互系统的唯一选择、静态限制向物联网时代的多种选择、动态限制演变的趋势。结合传统交互系统限制因素的产生模式、作用机理,分析了物联网时代限制因素的新特点。在此基础上,针对限制因素对用户的打扰程度、控制感和情感体验3个方面分析了物联网时代限制因素的价值,为在交互设计中全面认识和运用限制因素提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) emerges with the vision of the Wireless Body Sensor Network (WBSN) to improve the health monitoring systems and has an enormous impact on the healthcare system for recognizing the levels of risk/severity factors (premature diagnosis, treatment, and supervision of chronic disease i.e., cancer) via wearable/electronic health sensor i.e., wireless endoscopic capsule. However, AI-assisted endoscopy plays a very significant role in the detection of gastric cancer. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has been widely used to diagnose gastric cancer based on various feature extraction models, consequently, limiting the identification and categorization performance in terms of cancerous stages and grades associated with each type of gastric cancer. This paper proposed an optimized AI-based approach to diagnose and assess the risk factor of gastric cancer based on its type, stage, and grade in the endoscopic images for smart healthcare applications. The proposed method is categorized into five phases such as image pre-processing, Four-Dimensional (4D) image conversion, image segmentation, K-Nearest Neighbour (K-NN) classification, and multi-grading and staging of image intensities. Moreover, the performance of the proposed method has experimented on two different datasets consisting of color and black and white endoscopic images. The simulation results verified that the proposed approach is capable of perceiving gastric cancer with 88.09% sensitivity, 95.77% specificity, and 96.55% overall accuracy respectively.  相似文献   

宋姣 《包装工程》2018,39(14):122-127
目的探讨在物联网时代的人性化产品的设计策略。方法分析传统时期和物联网时期人们对产品在安全性、舒适性、艺术性和环保性方面的要求,总结物联网时代人们对人性化更高层次的需求。结论提出产品设计在物联网技术的基础上,将人性化理念贯穿于产品设计的各个阶段,包括分析阶段、设计阶段、实现阶段,挖掘使用者的潜在需求,构思人性化的智慧型产品创意,模拟产品的真实效果。  相似文献   

夏超鹏 《发电技术》2020,41(2):142-149
随着电力体制改革的不断深化,电力用户借助分布式发电、储能系统和电动汽车等新兴技术已经具备了参与电力交易的能力,但传统电力系统的运行控制方式却难以适应新时代开放电力市场的需求。国家电网有限公司所提出的泛在电力物联网(ubiquitous power internet of things,UPIoT)战略可以实现电力系统各环节互连、状态全面感知和优化控制,是建设开放电力市场的有效技术支撑。基于此,分析了新时代电力系统发展所面临的挑战以及建设泛在电力物联网的必要性;研究了泛在电力物联网在开放电力市场中的典型应用;对面向电力市场的泛在电力物联网关键技术进行了讨论,为构建现代化开放电力市场提供参考。  相似文献   

智慧校园建设过程中,非常重要的一环是智慧实训室管理系统的建设,而智慧实训室电源管理系统是重中之重.本文拟介绍一种基于物联网的新型智慧实训室电源管理系统,该电源管理系统分三级管理和使用模式,采用智慧卡授权后才可用电.卡取走后自然断电,可查询用电时段和刷卡者,实训室内分整个实训室的取电和实训台位的取电两个部分,实训台位上学...  相似文献   

物联网时代的智慧型手机设计探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苗延荣  祁小雨 《包装工程》2011,32(22):43-46
在当下全球物联网建设不断发展的背景下,以手机设计为研究对象,对未来手机设计进行探索,提出了在未来物联网背景下智慧型手机设计的目标将是以高感知、高智能化、高交互化为载体,根据用户需要提供即时、高效和准确的解决方案;设计方法上,将以用户目标为导向,以用户与手机可能的多种交互方式为研究设计重点,以泛在数据导向设计策略、群体智慧支持设计创新、整合创新提升用户满意度等方法来推进最终设计方案。  相似文献   

目的研究基于物联网的新书荐读系统并对其进行设计。方法依据对图书推广现状的分析和全民阅读调研数据的分析,应用物联网技术、热敏打印技术和B/S架构程序技术,实现新书荐读机终端与读者用户的交互,完成荐读图书数据的展示和用户行为信息的获取。结论在物联网技术支持下,构建了新书荐读系统,其中的荐读服务平台将读者与出版社连接起来,荐读机终端为用户提供了新的图书推荐方式及纸质阅读体验,从而提高了用户阅读质量,并促进了新书推广。  相似文献   

金鑫城  孙浩睿 《发电技术》2020,41(2):137-205
泛在电力物联网是物联网在电力领域的具体体现,建设泛在电力物联网是推进三型两网建设的关键环节,也是实现能源转型的必要手段。阐述了泛在电力物联网的定义,从供电公司角度出发,根据北京经济技术开发区实际情况,讨论了依托地区特点的泛在电力物联网实施策略和实际应用场景,分析了可能遇到的问题。得出结论:随着泛在电力物联网的深入建设,供电公司能够为电力客户提供多元化服务,提高客户满意度;地市供电公司能够依托泛在电力物联网开展更多电力相关业务;泛在电力物联网的安全性、实用性、有效性是发展面临的首要问题。  相似文献   

建设泛在电力物联网是实现能源转型目标的必要手段。从电力系统发展历程和面临的问题出发,论述了泛在电力物联网的意义,提出了实施策略和可能遇到的问题。为实现能源转型,风电光电等可再生能源装机容量不断增加。这些能源的随机性给电力系统的功率平衡造成巨大压力,有时不得不弃掉一部分风电光电。为了维持电力系统的稳定运行、提高风电光电的利用率,必须对可控负荷和分散式发电进行控制。因此,需要用互联网连接可控负荷和分散式发电,形成泛在电力物联网。常规发电厂、大型风电场、光电站等已经和电力系统连接了,调度可以直接控制。因此,泛在电力物联网主要任务是连接负荷和分散式发电,尤其是可控负荷。电动汽车是可控负荷中最容易实现可控的,其次是热水器、电热锅炉和空调等。利用泛在电力物联网,协同控制风电光电、可控负荷、分散式发电等,可以提高风电光电利用率,实现能源转型目标。  相似文献   

针对信息家电与传统家电相比之下存在的特点和优势,结合物联网技术的发展和应用,提出了新技术环境下信息家电数字化、智能化的未来发展方向。根据信息家电功能、形态、情感因素的设计,阐述了其设计的复杂性与简洁性之间需要制约和平衡,以达到满足消费者物质和精神双层需要的目的,从而建立一种超智能家居环境,并提高人们的生活质量。  相似文献   

物联网时代智慧型移动设备设计探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
金璐  李世国 《包装工程》2011,32(22):39-42
基于物联网技术的发展与智慧型移动设备关系的研究,从友好人机交互的起点、自然交互体验的实现过程,创新移动应用的发展方向3个方面,分析了智慧型移动设备具有的感知化、宜人化和多维化的"智慧特征"。在此基础上,阐述了如何通过物联网改变人们使用移动终端的体验,提出了区别于传统的未来智慧型移动设备的设计理念,信息跨平台传播、交互方式的多通道拓展以及设计对象的转变。  相似文献   

With the popularization of terminal devices and services in Internet of things (IoT), it will be a challenge to design a network resource allocation method meeting various QoS requirements and effectively using substrate resources. In this paper, a dynamic network slicing mechanism including virtual network (VN) mapping and VN reconfiguration is proposed to provide network slices for services. Firstly, a service priority model is defined to create queue for resource allocation. Then a slice including Virtual Network Function (VNF) placement and routing with optimal cost is generated by VN mapping. Next, considering temporal variations of service resource requirements, the size of network slice is adjusted dynamically to guarantee resource utilization in VN reconfiguration. Additionally, load balancing factors are designed to make traffic balanced. Simulation results show that dynamic slicing mechanism not only saves 22% and 31% cost than static slicing mechanism with extending shortest path (SS_ESP) and dynamic slicing mechanism with embedding single path (DS_ESP), but also maintains high service acceptance rate.  相似文献   

张志东  李海鹰 《包装工程》2011,32(14):122-125
通过分析物联网的概念、相关的关键技术、主要应用领域与现状及当前的不足之处,提出物联网时代的到来,对工业设计可能产生的影响。论述了物联网技术得到广泛应用后,可能引发的工业设计在设计对象、设计方法、设计工具上的变革。并且,结合最新的基于物联网技术的产品,分析了物联网时代下产品呈现出的信息交互频繁、远程交互等特点。  相似文献   

目的分析运用增强现实技术支持物联网数据呈现与交互的应用方式,并归纳其技术实现所需要的支持,为进一步的研究与应用提供思路和方法。方法根据增强现实技术应用于物联网数据呈现与交互的适用特性,对其应用可能进行分析描述。结论增强现实技术在物联网数据呈现、数据关联、数据交互、数据模拟、远程增强与协同操作等方面均有广阔的应用空间,能够提高数据呈现与交互过程中的直观程度、降低认知负担、支持更多样的呈现与交互形式,帮助建立更加智能与易用的物联网系统。  相似文献   

目的研究物联网产品品牌的形成机理和物联网产品品牌建设的关键方法。方法以传统品牌的形成机理为研究分析的基础,通过分析物联网对传统品牌带来的冲击,结合具体案例的对比,从物联网时代的品牌的根本、品牌的媒介、品牌的存在、品牌的价值4个方面发生的改变分别进行研究。结论在未来物联网技术平台上,品牌评价将会数据化,品牌符号属性会逐渐弱化。物联网化的产品品牌培育的关键在于,品牌根本的强化和对能实现产品、用户和企业三方直接联通的物联网品牌感知平台的设计、建设、使用和推广。  相似文献   

Security measures and contingency plans have been established in order to ensure human safety especially in the floating elements like ferry, ro-ro, catamaran, frigate, yacht that are the vehicles services for the purpose of logistic and passenger transport. In this paper, all processes in the event of Man overboard (MOB)are initiated for smart transportation. In MOB the falling person is totally dependent on the person who first saw the falling person. The main objective of this paper is to develop a solution to this significant problem. If a staff member or a passenger does not see the fall into the sea, undesirable situations such as disappearance, injury and death can occur during the period until the absence of the fallen person is noticed. In this paper, a comprehensive and improved solution is provided in terms of personnel and passenger security especially in all the floating elements, in which human resources are intensively involved like passengers, freight, logistics, fishing, business, yacht, leisure and naval vessels. In this case, if the ship's personnel or passengers fall into the sea in any way, it detected the fallen person into the sea by the sensors in the portable emergency device, which each person will carry. The warning system is activated via the in-ship automation system to which the information is transmitted by wireless communication. Thus, the case of MOB will be determined quickly. Internet of things (IoT) has a key role in identifying the location and information of the person falling into the sea through sensors, radio frequency, GPS and connected devices. Simultaneously, the alarm system on board will be activated and MOB flag (Oscar) will automatically be opened. This paper enables the Search and rescue (SAR) operations to be initiated and accelerated without losing time through decision-making process.  相似文献   

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