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Several investigators have observed that free hemoglobin may increase the mortality rate in experimental Escherichia coli peritonitis in animals. This effect is probably mediated by the heme moiety of hemoglobin, but the mechanism remains controversial. Free hemoglobin might impair neutrophil function, and it might serve as a source of iron, which is necessary for bacterial replication. Several modified hemoglobin solutions, developed as blood substitutes, are currently being tested in clinical studies, but concern exists that these solutions may have the potential to exacerbate a bacterial infection. At the Central Laboratory of the Netherlands Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service, a blood substitute based on modified hemoglobin (PolyHbXl) has been developed that has improved oxygen affinity and prolonged vascular retention. In the present study the potential risk of this solution on the promotion of infections has been evaluated. PolyHbXl was intravenously injected into mice in a clinically relevant dose of 1.5 gm/kg body weight 1 hour before intravenous administration of a sublethal number of Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella typhimurium, E. coli, or Candida albicans organisms. PolyHbXl did not promote the proliferation of any of these microorganisms in the liver and spleen, nor did it lead to an increased mortality rate in the mice. Also, the in vitro proliferation of L. monocytogenes, S. typhimurium, and E. coli was not increased by PolyHbXl. In conclusion, PolyHbXl does not affect the course of infection with various microorganisms in mice, and no indication was found that this new blood substitute compromises the host defense against infections.  相似文献   

Rhodococcus equi is a facultative intracellular bacterium that can cause pneumonia in both young horses and immunocompromised humans. In this study, we have tried to determine the T-cell populations that recognize this pathogen during murine infection, as well as the bacterial antigens recognized by these cells. When BALB/c mice were hyperimmunized with a virulent R. equi strain, we did not observe preferential expansion of a particular T-cell subset in their spleens. However, when the splenic T lymphocytes of the hyperimmunized BALB/c mice were cultured in the presence of killed bacteria, we found that alpha/beta CD4+ T cells proliferated and exhibited increased levels of the interleukin-2 receptor (IL2R). In order to ensure antigen specificity, two different controls were included in these experiments: (i) T-cell proliferation and expression of the IL2R in the presence of the major membrane constituent of Bacillus megaterium were studied comparatively with the presence of the R. equi bacterial antigen, and (ii) T-cell proliferation and expression of the IL2R from naive, non-infected mice in the presence of bacterial antigens were compared to those observed in hyperimmunized mice. In our study, the T cells from hyperimmunized mice did not significantly proliferate nor were they activated in the presence of non-related bacterial antigens, and T cells from naive mice were not found to significantly recognize R. equi antigens. When we studied the localization of R. equi antigens that could stimulate the in vitro proliferation and activation of T cells, we found that they were constituents of the bacterial cell wall and the cytoplasm, but they were not excreted in the culture medium. For these experiments, T-cell recognition of the bacterial antigens in hyperimmunized mice was compared to that of naive mice. With T-cell immunoblotting, we found that T-cell proliferation and activation were obtained with proteins having molecular masses of approximately 65, 43, 30, 22-27 and 15-17 kDa. It is noteworthy that among the recognized bacterial antigens, some have been described as being associated with virulence.  相似文献   

The respiratory characteristics of mitochondria isolated from the subcutaneous brown adipose tissue of newborn harp seals indicate that the tissue is thermogenically active. Temperature recordings in vivo revealed, in fact, that the tissue was maintained at a temperature close to that of the body core during immersion of the pups in ice-water. Beta-adrenergic blockade markedly increased the cooling rates at both locations in ice-water, while curarization, accompanied by artificial respiration did not. We conclude that nonshivering thermogenesis through activated brown adipose tissue plays a decisive role in the defence against cold in the newborn harp seal.  相似文献   

Chronic rejection is the most common cause of late graft failure after solid organ transplantation. A model of chronic rejection, the rat aortic allograft, has histologic features that parallel those in the vessels of human transplanted organs. However, the molecular tools required to dissect the immunology of chronic rejection are unavailable in the rat. We developed aortic transplantation in the mouse as a new model of chronic rejection. This will allow the use of the diversity of recombinant cytokines and monoclonal antibodies available for the mouse and its well-defined genetics to investigate chronic rejection in greater detail. We describe the perioperative care and surgical technique for the model in which a 1 cm segment of donor thoracic aorta was used to replace a section of recipient abdominal aorta below the renal arteries and above the aortic bifurcation. Mortality rates were initially high (70%) due to thrombosis and shock. Changes in technique and operator facility resulted in a high rate of success (75%). After 192 operations, the current success rate is > 80%. Mice free from complications at 12 hrs postop had indefinite survival, and after 2 months the typical vascular lesion of chronic rejection was present. This new model of chronic rejection will be a valuable tool to study the molecular immunology and genetics of chronic rejection.  相似文献   

The anemia of chronic renal failure (CRF) is largely due to decreased production of erythropoietin (EPO) by the kidney. A small amount of EPO also originates from extra-renal sources, and this would be expected to assume a more important role in maintaining erythropoiesis when renal production is impaired. In this study, we examined the production of EPO mRNA by RT-PCR in kidney, liver, and bone marrow tissues isolated from normal mice, mice rendered acutely anemic by phlebotomy, and from mice with surgically induced CRF. The induction of acute anemia results in an expected increase in the expression of EPO mRNA in renal and hepatic tissue. In contrast, while the expression of EPO mRNA was expectedly reduced in the kidney from CRF mice, it was completely absent in the liver of these same animals. EPO mRNA expression was also absent in the bone marrow in both states of acute anemia and CRF. These results show that CRF can directly or indirectly can suppress the extrarenal production of EPO by the liver and that this effect may further aggravate the anemia of CRF.  相似文献   

Since Kraepelin delineated dementia praecox as a disease entity construct, epidemiological studies conducted since the beginning of the century have produced remarkably consistent estimates of its prevalence, incidence and lifetime risk across various populations and geographic areas. A similar pattern emerged from the WHO ten-country study on first-contact incidence of schizophrenia. The diagnostic concept of dementia praecox originally used by Kraepelin and that of schizophrenia employed in the WHO studies were found to overlap extensively, indicating continuity over time. However, the findings of a similar incidence of schizophrenia in diverse populations and across time periods are unusual for a multifactorial disease and are compatible with at least two alternative interpretations that have different implications for the search for genetic and environmental causes of the disorder.  相似文献   

T cell cytokine profiles in the spleens and Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced lesions of P. gingivalis-immunized mice were examined. BALB/c mice were immunized with P. gingivalis outer membrane (OM) antigens/mouse weekly for 3 weeks followed by challenge with live organisms 2 weeks after the final immunization. Control mice were immunized with PBS. Spleens were excised at 0 and 4 days and lesions at 1, 4, and 7 days after challenge. Splenic and lesional CD4 and CD8 cells were stained for intracytoplasmic interleukin (IL)-4, interferon (IFN)-gamma, and IL-10. More than 50% of the T cells in the spleens of immunized mice were IFN-gamma positive at day 0 which was significantly higher than for IL-4 or IL-10, these levels decreasing significantly 4 days after challenge. Less than 6% of the T cells in sham immunized mice were cytokine positive at day 0, although at day 4, there was a significant increase in the percent IL-10 positive CD4 cells and IL-4 and IL-10 positive CD8 cells. There were no differences in the percent IL-4, IFN-gamma, or IL-10 positive T cells in the lesions of immunized mice, but there was a dramatic decrease at day 7 to very low levels in control mice. In conclusion, the results of the present study show a predominant Th1 response in the spleens of BALB/c mice after immunization with P. gingivalis OM antigens, suggesting that a protective immune response to P. gingivalis may involve a strong IFN-gamma response.  相似文献   

The anatomical progression of chlamydial infection was studied in different areas of the placenta, using a mouse model and two inoculation times: early pregnancy (day 7, group A) and midpregnancy (day 11, group B). The first population cells affected were decidual cells and neutrophils located just at the limits of the maternal and fetal placenta. The following invaded area was the layer of giant cells. Complete colonization of the maternal placenta occurred after day 15 of pregnancy independently of the inoculation time, the metrial gland being the last area to be invaded; numerous granulated metrial gland (GMG) cells were infected. Finally, chlamydial inclusions were observed in labyrinthine trophoblastic cells from day 18 of pregnancy onward. Since no fetal damage was observed, it seems that an indirect mechanism involving the lysis of GMG cells and neutrophil infiltration of the decidua and metrial gland may be the pathogenic mechanism that leads to abortion.  相似文献   

The paper describes a protracted outbreak of Salmonella bareilly in a maternity hospital in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The disease affected the premature babies who suffered from gastroenterities. The infection started in one premature baby room and soon spread to all other premature baby rooms in the hospital. Though the disease affected only the premature babies, there was widespread contamination of the environment and a large reservoir of asymptomatic infections amongst the staff and healthy babies. Initially the spread of infection would have been by person-to-person transfer, but subsequently the rapid spread was probably through the piped water supply contaminated as a result of suction of waste water into the water mains. The organism appeared to grow in the interior of the water tap in that zone which is in contact with the atmosphere and also in the walls of the water tanks at the water level. When the plumbing defect which permitted the contamination was rectified, the organism disappeared from the taps and the infection rapidly subsided. Subsequently all the tanks were cleaned and disinfected. There was no recurrence of infection after this.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of an anti-interleukin (IL)-5 monoclonal antibody (TRFK-5) or dexamethasone (DEX) to reverse already established airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) and tissue eosinophilia in a Schistosoma mansoni antigen-sensitized and airway-challenged mouse model of chronic asthma. In this model at 4 d after antigen challenge there is dramatic bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL) eosinophilia, AHR to intravenous methacholine (MCh), and histologic evidence of peribronchial eosinophilic infiltration and mucoid cell hyperplasia. These changes persist for up to 2 wk after antigen challenge. Treatment with DEX from Days 4 through 10 significantly reduced established airway eosinophilia compared with animals sham-treated with saline from Days 4 -10 (120 +/- 29 eosinophils/microl BAL for DEX-treated mice versus 382 +/- 60 eosinophils/microl BAL for sham-treated animals, p < 0.01). DEX-treated mice also had dramatically reduced mucoid cell hyperplasia, and airway responsiveness returned to normal. In contrast, TRFK-5 given during the same time period reduced airway eosinophilia (86 +/- 32 eosinophils/microl BAL versus 382 +/- 60 eosinophils/microl BAL, p < 0.01) but did not reduce goblet cell hyperplasia or reverse already established AHR. Treatment with DEX but not TRFK-5 also inhibited interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) content of BAL fluid (0.49 +/- 0.09 ng/ml BAL fluid for DEX versus 1.50 +/- 0.24 ng/ml BAL fluid and 1.36 +/- 0.13 ng/ml BAL fluid for TRFK-5 and sham-treated mice, respectively, both p < 0.001 versus DEX). Thus, treatment with DEX reduces established eosinophilic airway inflammation and AHR in S. mansoni-sensitized and airway-challenged mice but treatment with TRFK-5 reversed established eosinophilia without ameliorating established AHR. Together, these data suggest that once airway inflammation develops, neutralizing the effects of IL-5 or reducing eosinophilia alone may not result in inhibiting established AHR in atopic asthma.  相似文献   

We have developed a model of low-inoculum Streptococcus pneumoniae infection in infant rats. We challenged 4-day-old Sprague-Dawley pups via intraperitoneal or intrapulmonary injection of S. pneumoniae serotypes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6b, 7f, 9v, 14, 19f, and 23f. To achieve bacteremia with low inocula, it was necessary to passage the isolates in rats. Inocula of the 10 S. pneumoniae serotypes producing bacteremia in 50% or more animals ranged from 1 to 400 CFU. Virulence was similar by intraperitoneal and intrapulmonary routes. Lung specimens from animals challenged by the intrapulmonary route grew S. pneumoniae and demonstrated histologic evidence of focal infection. Meningitis was detected in 20 to 50% of bacteremic animals, and mortality invariably followed bacteremia within 24 to 48 h. This model of intrapulmonary infection uses low inocula of S. pneumoniae and results in bacteremia, meningitis, and death in infant rats.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the virulence characteristics of Treponema denticola, T. socranskii, T. pectinovorum, and T. vincentii following challenge infection of mice. These microorganisms induced well-demarcated, dose-dependent, raised subcutaneous (s.c.) abscesses which were similar in time of onset, lesion progression, and duration of healing. Only viable cells were capable of inducing these characteristic s.c. abscesses. Histological examination of the skin lesion 3 and 5 days postinfection revealed abscess formation in the s.c. tissues, and abundant spiral organisms were demonstrated to be present in the abscess. Host resistance modulation by dexamethasone (neutrophil alteration) and cyclophosphamide (neutrophil depletion) pretreatment had a minimal effect on the virulence expression by any of these treponemes. The T. denticola isolates demonstrated significant trypsin-like protease (TLPase) activity, while both T. socranskii and T. vincentii were devoid of this activity. Interestingly, T. pectinovorum strains were heterogeneous with respect to TLPase as high producers, low producers, and nonproducers. However, no differences in lesion formation were noted regardless of whether the species expressed this proteolytic activity or whether treatment with N alpha-p-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone (TLCK) and dithiothreitol was performed. These results showed that (i) a murine model may be used to evaluate virulence expression by oral treponemes; (ii) while TLPase activity varies among the oral treponemes, this protease does not appear to participate in abscess induction in the mouse model; and (iii) T. pectinovorum strains show variation in TLPase activity.  相似文献   

Salmonella serotype typhimurium transpositional mutants altered in resistance to biliary salts and detergents were isolated previously. We have characterized further the LX1054 mutant strain, the most sensitive of them. The chromosomal DNA segment flanking transposon insertion was cloned and sequenced. The highest level of identity was found for the acrB (formerly acrE) gene of Escherichia coli, a gene encoding a drug efflux pump of the Acr family. LX1054 exhibited a reduced capacity to colonize the intestinal tract. After passages in mice, the mutant strain lost the sensitive phenotype. In vitro, a resumption of growth appeared after 17 h of culture in medium with cholate or other tested biological or chemical detergents. Then, the acquired resistant phenotype seemed stable. The data suggested a role of S. typhimurium acrB-like gene in resistance to biliary salts and detergents and in mice intestinal colonization. However, the local and transient sensitivity observed in vivo, and the in vitro adaptations suggest that several detergent-resistance mechanisms operate in S. typhimurium.  相似文献   

The nuclear pore complex (NPC), a supramolecular assembly of approximately 100 different proteins (nucleoporins), mediates bidirectional transport of molecules between the cytoplasm and the cell nucleus. Extensive structural studies have revealed the three- dimensional (3D) architecture of Xenopus NPCs, and eight of the approximately 12 cloned and characterized vertebrate nucleoporins have been localized within the NPC. Thanks to the power of yeast genetics, 30 yeast nucleoporins have recently been cloned and characterized at the molecular level. However, the localization of these nucleoporins within the 3D structure of the NPC has remain elusive, mainly due to limitations of preparing yeast cells for electron microscopy (EM). We have developed a new protocol for preparing yeast cells for EM that yielded structurally well-preserved yeast NPCs. A direct comparison of yeast and Xenopus NPCs revealed that the NPC structure is evolutionarily conserved, although yeast NPCs are 15% smaller in their linear dimensions. With this preparation protocol and yeast strains expressing nucleoporins tagged with protein A, we have localized Nsp1p and its interacting partners Nup49p, Nup57p, Nup82p, and Nic96p by immuno-EM. Accordingly, Nsp1p resides in three distinct subcomplexes which are located at the entry and exit of the central gated channel and at the terminal ring of the nuclear basket.  相似文献   

During the past 11 years, there have been numerous reports of outbreaks of salmonellosis involving horses in veterinary teaching hospitals. Some of these outbreaks have been associated with Salmonella serotypes not commonly associated with infection of horses. Salmonella infantis is among the more common Salmonella serotypes isolated from human beings, and is an important pathogen in the broiler chicken industry. However, it was not commonly isolated from horses or cattle on a national basis between 1993 and 1995. In this report, we describe an outbreak of S infantis infection among large animals, primarily horses, in a veterinary teaching hospital and the control measures that were implemented. Factors that appeared to be key in control of this outbreak in this hospital included providing biosecurity training sessions for hospital personnel, adopting a standard operating procedure manual for biosecurity procedures, installing additional handwashing sinks throughout the facility, painting the interior of the facility with a nontoxic readily cleanable paint, replacing the dirt flooring in 4 stalls with concrete flooring, and removing noncleanable surfaces such as rubber stall mats, wooden hay storage bins, and open grain bins. Our experience with this outbreak suggests that although it is virtually impossible to eliminate Salmonella organisms from the environment, minimizing contamination is possible. Prevention of nosocomial infection must be approached in a multifaceted manner and care must be taken to search out covert sources of contamination, especially if standard intervention procedures do not prevent spread of the disease.  相似文献   

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