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A scanning tunneling microscope (STM) has been installed in a usual scanning electron microscope (SEM) with a vacuum of 10−6 Torr. The STM image is displayed on the cathode ray tube of the SEM, 512 × 512 pixels, with a scanning rate of 80 s/picture. The spatial resolution of the STM is about 1 Å, while that of the SEM is several tens of ångströms. The combined scanning microscope covers a wide magnification range from 10 to 107, where STM covers the high magnification region from 105 to 107.  相似文献   

A. Khursheed 《Scanning》1996,18(2):81-91
Conceptual designs of scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) using a time-of-flight electron spectrometer are presented. The procedure for making quantitative measurements with such SEMs is shown to be much simpler and versatile than using conventional SEMs. SEMs which use an electron time-of-flight spectrometer are able to operate as multicontrast analytical probes, capable of simultaneously quantifying surface topography, voltage, and material type. In addition, it is demonstrated that these SEMs can be designed to have high spatial resolution, good signal-to-noise characteristics, and to be of compact table-top size.  相似文献   

O. C. Wells 《Scanning》1988,10(2):73-81
To achieve the highest resolution in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) or in the scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM), the sample must be mounted in the high-field region of a condenser-objective lens. A secondary electron (SE) image can then be obtained using a collector before the lens. It is also possible to obtain a scanning reflection image by tilting the specimen so that the second half of the condenser-objective lens field deflects the forward-scattered electrons onto the transmission detector beyond the specimen. Experiments were made with an unmodified commercial SEM fitted with a condenser-objective in the upper stage and with a transmission detector, and it was found that the scanning reflection image from a solid sample can provide additional useful information when used in conjunction with the SE image.  相似文献   

R.K. Reeves  D.W. Hoeppne 《Wear》1978,48(1):87-92
Scanning electron microscope examinations of surfaces damaged by fretting fatigue were performed to establish variations in microstructural and environmental effects on the fretting fatigue process of ferrite/pearlite and martensite microstructures of a .40.50 carbon steel. The observations suggest differences in fretting mechanisms in laboratory air and “vacuum” conditions as well as differences due to surface hardness.  相似文献   

The technique of scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) has been employed usefully in studies of amorphous materials, and the theory of image formation and interpretation in this case has been well developed. Less attention has been given to the practical and theoretical problems associated with the use of STEM for the examination of crystalline materials. In this case the contrast mechanisms are dominated by Bragg diffraction and so they are quite different from those occurring in amorphous substances. In this paper practical techniques for the observation and interpretation of contrast from defects in crystalline materials are discussed. It is shown that whilst images of defects are obtained readily under all typical STEM operating conditions, the form of the image and the information it contains varies with the angle subtended at the specimen by the detector. If this angle is too large significant image modifications relative to the "conventional" transmission electron microscope case may occur and the resolution of the image may degrade. If this angle is too small, then signal to noise considerations make an interpretation of the image difficult. In this paper we indicate how the detector angle may be chosen correctly, and also present techniques for setting up a STEM instrument for imaging a crystalline material containing lattice defects.  相似文献   

A discrete dynode electron multiplier with radial flux of electrons was built and tested in the range of low‐voltage scanning electron microscopy as a backscattered electron detector of topographic contrast. The multiplier collects backscattered electron emitted in a specific range of take‐off angles and over the whole azimuth angular range enabling large solid collection angle. Multipliers with different dynode shapes were studied theoretically with the use of the software for particle optics and three assemblies were built and tested experimentally. The gain estimation, assessment of the type of detected electrons (secondary electron or backscattered electron), imaging the spatial collection efficiency and signal‐to‐noise measurements were performed.  相似文献   

In this study, vascular resin cast models in the periodontium of beagle dogs were prepared and three-dimensional observation of the relationship between the gingiva and periodontal ligament (PDL) vascular network was performed. After the perfusion of Ringer's solution and fixative, synthetic resin was injected from the inferior alveolar arteries. Soft tissue was digested by proteinase solution and specimens were examined under scanning electron microscope (SEM). The gingival vascular network (GVN) in the region facing the teeth consisted of sulcular and junctional epithelium. The vascular network of the sulcular epithelium (SE) had a renal glomerulus-like form and the junctional epithelium (JE) consisted of squamous mesh. The gingival sulcular fluid exudated from the vascular network directly beneath the JE, and leukocytes permeated from the vascular network beneath the epithelium. Thus, we considered that the GVN performs an important function in the protection against the inflammation. Periodontal ligament had a polygonal mesh vascular network that was anastomosed to the venous plexus of alveolar bone through Volkmann's canals (VC). When occlusal force was applied, the blood in the periodontal vessels flowed out through VC into the bone marrow, and when the force was removed, it flowed backward into the PDL. This blood transfer acted as an absorber against occlusal force. Our findings suggest that the blood vessels of the gingiva perform an important function in defending against inflammation, while the blood vessels of the PDL play a key role in absorbing occlusal force.  相似文献   

The electron backscattering coefficient of liquid water has been determined for electrons in the energy range 15–30 keV using QuantomixTM capsules. Values of the mean atomic number for water estimated from a fit to the backscatter yield, the mean ionization potential of water and from Monte Carlo simulations, show that the scattering behaviour of water is not anomalous despite the effects of hydrogen bonding. Computations of the electron range, and of the mean depth for backscattering, in water as a function of incident beam energy show that water and vitreous ice are good media for imaging purposes.  相似文献   

Wang P  Yang H  Ran Y  Li C 《Scanning》2011,33(1):41-44
Leukonychia is a medical term for white discoloration appearing on nails. The pathophysiologic mechanisms that cause white discoloration are not entirely clear. We processed a case of leukonychia with scanning electron microscope observation and found many crispy, obviously dissociated "layers" in the lower part of the white nail plate. The dissociated "layers" were composed of thick, loose, coarse keratin bundles intertwined with each other. We believe the dissociated "layers" are related to the clinically noted white discoloration appearing on the nails.  相似文献   

This report deals with the principles of splitting wood specimens for observation in the scanning electron microscope and gives some examples in which the splitting is a crucial step in specimen preparation.  相似文献   

This report deals with the cutting of wood specimens for observation in the scanning electron microscope. Several cutting devices and types of knives are described and critically evaluated.  相似文献   

A method for rapid localization of the zinc granules in oyster tissue using SEM has been developed. The results are discussed in terms of electron backscattering coefficients η for tissue, carbon support and embedding medium. Also, the application of the presented method for marine environment pollution detection and monitoring is recommended.  相似文献   

K. Z. Baba-Kishi 《Scanning》1996,18(4):315-321
In this paper, the technique of scanning reflection electron microscopy (SREM) by diffusely scattered electrons in the scanning electron microscope is described in detail. A qualitative account of the formation of image contrast in SREM is also described. It is assumed that, for grazing geometry, forward-scattered electrons reflect from regions close to the surface, following a few scattering events within the first few atomic layers, and lose very little energy in the process. The penetration depth of the primary electrons is very limited, resulting in strongly peaked envelopes of forward-scattered electrons. It is also assumed that a surface containing topographic features presents a range of tilt angles, resulting in different reflection coefficients. Tilt contrast results because each facet has a different scattering yield, which is dependent upon local surface inclination. Full details of the instrumentation designed for SREM are described, and to illustrate the technique, results recorded from an epitaxial GaAs on GaAs crystal, Pb2(Zr,Ta)O6 thin film on silicon, and SiO2 amorphous film on silicon are presented.  相似文献   

The imaging and characterization of dislocations is commonly carried out by thin foil transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using diffraction contrast imaging. However, the thin foil approach is limited by difficult sample preparation, thin foil artifacts, relatively small viewable areas, and constraints on carrying out in situ studies. Electron channeling imaging of electron channeling contrast imaging (ECCI) offers an alternative approach for imaging crystalline defects, including dislocations. Because ECCI is carried out with field emission gun scanning electron microscope (FEG-SEM) using bulk specimens, many of the limitations of TEM thin foil analysis are overcome. This paper outlines the development of electron channeling patterns and channeling imaging to the current state of the art. The experimental parameters and set up necessary to carry out routine channeling imaging are reviewed. A number of examples that illustrate some of the advantages of ECCI over thin foil TEM are presented along with a discussion of some of the limitations on carrying out channeling contrast analysis of defect structures.  相似文献   

Seeger A  Duci A  Haussecker H 《Scanning》2006,28(3):179-186
We propose a new method for fitting a model of specimen charging to scanning electron microscope (SEM) images. Charging effects cause errors when one attempts to infer the size or shape of a specimen from an image. The goal of our method is to enable image analysis algorithms for measurement, segmentation, and three-dimensional (3-D) reconstruction that would otherwise fail on images containing charging effects. Our model is applied to images of chromium/quartz photolithography masks and may also work in the more general case of isolated metal islands on a flat insulating substrate. Unlike methods based on Monte Carlo simulation, our simulation method does not handle more general topographies or specimens composed entirely of an insulator; it is a crude approximation to the physical charging process described in more detail in Cazaux (1986) and Melchinger and Hofmann (1985), but can be fit with quantitative accuracy to real SEM images. We only consider changes in intensity and do not model charging-induced distortion of image coordinates. Our approach has the advantage over existing methods of enabling fast prediction of charging effects so it may be more practical for image analysis applications.  相似文献   

In order to achieve nondestructive observation of the three-dimensional spatially resolved electronic structure of solids, we have developed a scanning photoelectron microscope system with the capability of depth profiling in electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA). We call this system 3D nano-ESCA. For focusing the x-ray, a Fresnel zone plate with a diameter of 200 μm and an outermost zone width of 35 nm is used. In order to obtain the angular dependence of the photoelectron spectra for the depth-profile analysis without rotating the sample, we adopted a modified VG Scienta R3000 analyzer with an acceptance angle of 60° as a high-resolution angle-resolved electron spectrometer. The system has been installed at the University-of-Tokyo Materials Science Outstation beamline, BL07LSU, at SPring-8. From the results of the line-scan profiles of the poly-Si/high-k gate patterns, we achieved a total spatial resolution better than 70 nm. The capability of our system for pinpoint depth-profile analysis and high-resolution chemical state analysis is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Direct observation of events taking place at the contacting interfaces is important to understand many tribological phenomena. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) has the ability to look through materials at very high magnifications. Most of the TEM observations are done long after the deforming loads and stresses have been relaxed and the material state is further disturbed during the specimen preparation. We have developed a specimen holder in which two electron transparent surfaces can be brought in contact and moved relative to each other in JEOL 2000FX microscope. This holder enables visualization of not only the contacting surfaces at nanoscale but also the subsurface deformation resulting from the contact interaction. Sliding experiments have been carried out mimicking a single asperity sliding contact. A sharp tungsten probe is moved laterally against a tip mounted on a cantilever. Magnitude of the contact instability, when the contact is broken is found to be dependent on the local geometry of the contact.  相似文献   

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