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Here we report the isolation of influenza virus A/turkey/Minnesota/833/80 (H4N2) with a mutation at the catalytic residue of the neuraminidase (NA) active site, rendering it resistant to the novel NA inhibitor 4-guanidino-Neu5Ac2en (GG167). The resistance of the mutant stems from replacement of one of three invariant arginines (Arg 292-->Lys) that are conserved among all viral and bacterial NAs and participate in the conformational change of sialic acid moiety necessary for substrate catalysis. The Lys292 mutant was selected in vitro after 15 passages at increasing concentrations of GG167 (from 0.1 to 1,000 microM), conditions that earlier gave rise to GG167-resistant mutants with a substitution at the framework residue Glu119. Both types of mutants showed similar degrees of resistance in plaque reduction assays, but the Lys292 mutant was more sensitive to the inhibitor in NA inhibition tests than were mutants bearing a substitution at framework residue 119 (Asp, Ala, or Gly). Cross-resistance to other NA inhibitors (4-amino-Neu5Ac2en and Neu5Ac2en) varied among mutants resistant to GG167, being lowest for Lys292 and highest for Asp119. All GG167-resistant mutants demonstrated markedly reduced NA activity, only 3 to 50% of the parental level, depending on the particular amino acid substitution. The catalytic mutant (Lys292) showed a significant change in pH optimum of NA activity, from 5.9 to 5.3. All of the mutant NAs were less stable than the parental enzyme at low pH. Despite their impaired NA activity, the GG167-resistant mutants grew as well as parental virus in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells or in embryonated chicken eggs. However, the infectivity in mice was 500-fold lower for Lys292 than for the parental virus. These findings demonstrate that amino acid substitution in the NA active site at the catalytic or framework residues, followed by multiple passages in vitro, in the presence of increasing concentrations of the NA inhibitor GG167, generates GG167-resistant viruses with reduced NA activity and decreased infectivity in animals.  相似文献   

The influenza virus neuraminidase (NA)-specific inhibitor zanamivir (4-guanidino-Neu5Ac2en) is effective in humans when administered topically within the respiratory tract. The search for compounds with altered pharmacological properties has led to the identification of a novel series of influenza virus NA inhibitors in which the triol group of zanamivir has been replaced by a hydrophobic group linked by a carboxamide at the 6 position (6-carboxamide). NWS/G70C variants generated in vitro, with decreased sensitivity to 6-carboxamide, contained hemagglutinin (HA) and/or NA mutations. HA mutants bound with a decreased efficiency to the cellular receptor and were cross-resistant to all the NA inhibitors tested. The NA mutation, an Arg-to-Lys mutation, was in a previously conserved site, Arg292, which forms part of a triarginyl cluster in the catalytic site. In enzyme assays, the NA was equally resistant to zanamivir and 4-amino-Neu5Ac2en but showed greater resistance to 6-carboxamide and was most resistant to a new carbocyclic NA inhibitor, GS4071, which also has a hydrophobic side chain at the 6 position. Consistent with enzyme assays, the lowest resistance in cell culture was seen to zanamivir, more resistance was seen to 6-carboxamide, and the greatest resistance was seen to GS4071. Substrate binding and enzyme activity were also decreased in the mutant, and consequently, virus replication in both plaque assays and liquid culture was compromised. Altered binding of the hydrophobic side chain at the 6 position or the triol group could account for the decreased binding of both the NA inhibitors and substrate.  相似文献   

An oral prodrug of GS 4071, a potent and selective inhibitor of influenza neuraminidases, is currently under clinical development for the treatment and prophylaxis of influenza virus infections in humans. To investigate the potential development of resistance during the clinical use of this compound, variants of the human influenza A/Victoria/3/75 (H3N2) virus with reduced susceptibility to the neuraminidase inhibitor GS 4071 were selected in vitro by passaging the virus in MDCK cells in the presence of inhibitor. After eight passages, variants containing two amino acid substitutions in the hemagglutinin (A28T in HA1 and R124M in HA2) but no changes in the neuraminidase were isolated. These variants exhibited a 10-fold reduction in susceptibility to GS 4071 and zanamivir (GG167) in an in vitro plaque reduction assay. After 12 passages, a second variant containing these hemagglutinin mutations and a Lys substitution for the conserved Arg292 of the neuraminidase was isolated. The mutant neuraminidase enzyme exhibited high-level (30,000-fold) resistance to GS 4071, but only moderate (30-fold) resistance to zanamivir and 4-amino-Neu5Ac2en, the amino analog of zanamivir. The mutant enzyme had weaker affinity for the fluorogenic substrate 2'-(4-methylumbelliferyl)-alpha-D-N-acetylneuraminic acid and lower enzymatic activity compared to the wild-type enzyme. The viral variant containing the mutant neuraminidase did not replicate as well as the wild-type virus in culture and was 10,000-fold less infectious than the wild-type virus in a mouse model. These results suggest that although the R292K neuraminidase mutation confers high-level resistance to GS 4071 in vitro, its effect on viral virulence is likely to render this mutation of limited clinical significance.  相似文献   

The sialidase inhibitor 4-guanidino-2,4-dideoxy-2,3-dehydro-N-acetylneuraminic acid (4-guanidino-Neu5Ac2en), designed with computer assistance and knowledge of the crystal structure of influenza virus neuraminidase, has shown antiviral effects in animal models of human influenza (M. von Itzstein et al., Nature, 363, 418-423, 1993). Here we demonstrate that the compound efficiently inhibits the enzyme activity of all nine subtypes of avian influenza A neuraminidase in vitro. When administered intranasally to chickens infected with lethal viruses, high doses of the compound (1000 micrograms/kg) protected 85% of birds harboring A/Chick/Victoria/1/85 (H7N7), a fowl plague virus, but not chickens infected with other highly virulent viruses of the N1, N2, or N3 subtype. This differential inhibitory effect was also seen in a plaque reduction assay with Madin-Darby canine kidney cells (MDCK), where 4-guanidino-Neu5Ac2en was more effective against A/Chick/Vic/85 (H7N7) than A/FPV/Rostock/34 (H7N1). In contrast to the substantial plaque reduction observed in MDCK cells, the drug failed to inhibit plaque formation in chicken embryo fibroblasts infected with either A/Chick/Vic/85 or A/FPV/Rostock/34, regardless of its concentration. The different levels of drug efficacy seen in two cell systems most likely reflect the location of virus budding and release in polarized versus nonpolarized cells, as well as the compound's mode of extracellular action.  相似文献   

A human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) variant with highly reduced susceptibility to Ro 31-8959, an inhibitor of the viral proteinase, has been selected by repeated passage of wild-type virus in CEM cells in the presence of increasing concentrations of the inhibitor. Peptide sequences of the proteinase of selected virus were obtained from proviral DNA. Sequence comparison to wild-type (wt) proteinase demonstrated two amino acid substitutions in the resistant virus, a Gly to Val exchange at position 48 and a Leu to Met exchange at position 90. Furthermore, sequences of intermediate passage virus suggest contributions from positions 12, 36, 57, and 63 in early steps of resistance development. The selected virus showed a ca. 40-fold increase in 50% inhibitory concentration of Ro 31-8959. Growth kinetics of resistant virus were comparable to wild-type virus and the resistant genotype proved to be stable in the absence of inhibitor. Directed mutagenesis of the HIV-1 HXB2 proteinase at positions 48 and 90 suggested that each mutation alone led to a moderate decrease in sensitivity of the recombinant virus to proteinase inhibitor. However, a recombinant virus carrying both mutations in the proteinase gene showed a significant reduction in its sensitivity to Ro 31-8959 thus proving the importance of these exchanges for the resistance phenotype.  相似文献   

The significance of the conserved cytoplasmic tail sequence of influenza A virus neuraminidase (NA) was analyzed by the recently developed reverse genetics technique (W. Luytjes, M. Krystal, M. Enami, J. D. Parvin, and P. Palese, Cell 59:1107-1113, 1989). A chimeric influenza virus A/WSN/33 NA containing the influenza B virus cytoplasmic tail rescued influenza A virus infectivity. The transfectant virus had less NA incorporated into virions than A/WSN/33, indicating that the cytoplasmic tail of influenza virus NA plays a role in incorporation of NA into virions. However, these results also suggest that the influenza A virus and influenza B virus cytoplasmic tail sequences share common features that lead to the production of infectious virus. Transfectant virus was obtained with all cytoplasmic tail mutants generated by site-directed mutagenesis of the influenza A virus tail, except for the mutant resulting from substitution of the conserved proline residue, presumably because of its contribution to the secondary structure of the tail. No virus was rescued when the cytoplasmic tail was deleted, indicating that the cytoplasmic tail is essential for production of the virus. The virulence of the transfectant viruses in mice was directly proportional to the amount of NA incorporated. The importance of the NA cytoplasmic tail in virus assembly and virulence has implications for use in developing antiviral strategies.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of different influenza A2 (H3N2) virus strains to rimantadine in ovo was studied. The reference strains of influenza virus A/Hong Kong/1/68, A/England/42/72, A/Scotland/840/74 as well as new epidemic strains isolated in the USSR and Mongolia in 1974-1975 antigenically related to influenza A/Port Chalmers/1/73 virus were found to be sensitive to rimantadine.  相似文献   

Recently, it was shown that a 32-bp deletion in the CKR5 macrophage chemokine receptor gene produced resistance to HIV infection. Frequencies of the CKR5 mutant allele in Russians, Tatars, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Azerbaijanis, Uigurts, Tuvinians, and Georgians estimated by means of the PCR technique were equal to 0.13, 0.12, 0.85, 0.06, 0.05, 0.04, 0.03, and 0.00, respectively. While the theoretically expected frequency of deletion homozygotes in Russians and Tatars was 1.7%, none of such homozygotes were detected among the 90 persons examined. The data suggested that about 25% of the population in northwestern Russia is highly resistant to HIV infection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Inhibitors of the influenza virus neuraminidase have been shown to be effective antiviral agents in humans. Several studies have reported the selection of novel influenza strains when the virus is cultured with neuraminidase inhibitors in vitro. These resistant viruses have mutations either in the neuraminidase or in the viral haemagglutinin. Inhibitors in which the glycerol sidechain at position 6 of 2-deoxy-2,3-dehydro-N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac2en) has been replaced by carboxamide-linked hydrophobic substituents have recently been reported and shown to select neuraminidase variants. This study seeks to clarify the structural and functional consequences of replacing the glycerol sidechain of the inhibitor with other chemical constituents. RESULTS: The neuraminidase variant Arg292-->Lys is modified in one of three arginine residues that encircle the carboxylate group of the substrate. The structure of this variant in complex with the carboxamide inhibitor used for its selection, and with other Neu5Ac2en analogues, is reported here at high resolution. The structural consequences of the mutation correlate with altered inhibitory activity of the compounds compared with wild-type neuraminidase. CONCLUSIONS: The Arg292-->Lys variant of influenza neuraminidase affects the binding of substrate by modification of the interaction with the substrate carboxylate. This may be one of the structural correlates of the reduced enzyme activity of the variant. Inhibitors that have replacements for the glycerol at position 6 are further affected in the Arg292-->Lys variant because of structural changes in the binding site that apparently raise the energy barrier for the conformational change in the enzyme required to accommodate such inhibitors. These results provide evidence that a general strategy for drug design when the target has a high mutation frequency is to design the inhibitor to be as closely related as possible to the natural ligands of the target.  相似文献   

The activity of monoamine oxidase (MAO) and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DBH), enzymes involved in monoamine metabolism, were studied in 29 bipolar patients (mean age = 33.12 years, SD = 7.27) who were treated with lithium carbonate and in 20 healthy volunteers (mean age = 30.05 years, SD = 6.04). Platelet MAO activity was higher after lithium withdrawal, whereas plasma DBH activity was lower in remitted euthymic bipolar patients compared with normal volunteers. During lithium treatment, platelet MAO activity decreased and plasma DBH activity increased compared with the lithium-withdrawal values. It was also observed that the activities of these enzymes in the bipolar patients during lithium treatment did not differ from those in the volunteers. Thus, platelet MAO and plasma DBH activities differed in unmedicated patients with bipolar affective disorder from those of healthy subjects. Treatment with lithium appeared to have a normalizing effect on MAO and DBH activity levels.  相似文献   

Tuberous sclerosis complex is an autosomal dominant disorder with loci on chromosome 9q34 (TSC1) and chromosome 16p13.3 (TSC2). The TSC2 gene has been isolated. To date, only a small number of intragenic deletional and point mutations have been detected, almost exclusively in sporadic (no family history) cases. With the exception of a single parent/offspring pair, there have been no published reports of mutations in extended multigenerational chromosome 16-linked TSC2 families. For our TSC studies we ascertained and sampled a four-generation African-American TSC family that shows a high likelihood for linkage to chromosome 16 (z=1.53). Using single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis we identified a 4590/4591delC mutation in exon 34. The 4590/4591delC causes a frameshift mutation resulting in the creation of a premature stop codon. In addition, we have detected a 542del4 polymorphism in the two partially overlapping polyadenylation signals in exon 40 that segregates in the family. The polymorphism has been detected in six of 72 African-American control chromosomes examined, and has not been detected in 80 Caucasian control chromosomes examined.  相似文献   

Two strategies have been used for targeted integration at the lys2 locus of Penicillium chrysogenum. In the first strategy the disruption of lys2 was obtained by a single crossing over between the endogenous lys2 and a fragment of the same gene located in an integrative plasmid. lys2-disrupted mutants were obtained with 1.6% efficiency when the lys2 homologous region was 4.9 kb, but no homologous integration was observed with constructions containing a shorter homologous region. Similarly, lys2-disrupted mutants were obtained by a double crossing over (gene replacement) with an efficiency of 0.14% by using two lys2 homologous regions of 4.3 and 3.0 kb flanking the pyrG marker. No homologous recombination was observed when the selectable marker was flanked by short lys2 homologous DNA fragments. The disruption of lys2 was confirmed by Southern blot analysis of three different lysine auxotrophs obtained by a single crossing over or gene replacement. The lys2-disrupted mutants lacked alpha-aminoadipate reductase activity (encoded by lys2) and showed specific penicillin yields double those of the parental nondisrupted strain, Wis 54-1255. The alpha-aminoadipic acid precursor is channelled to penicillin biosynthesis by blocking the lysine biosynthesis branch at the alpha-aminoadipate reductase level.  相似文献   

The single gene reassortant virus that derives its PB2 gene from the avian influenza A/Mallard/NY/78 virus and remaining genes from the human influenza A/Los Angeles/2/87 virus exhibits a host range restriction (hr) phenotype characterized by efficient replication in avian tissue and failure to produce plaques in mammalian Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. The hr phenotype is associated with restriction of viral replication in the respiratory tract of squirrel monkeys and humans. To identify the genetic basis of the hr phenotype, we isolated four phenotypic hr mutant viruses that acquired the ability to replicate efficiently in mammalian tissue. Segregational analysis indicated that the loss of the hr phenotype was due to a mutation in the PB2 gene itself. The nucleotide sequences of the PB2 gene of each of the four hr mutants revealed that a single amino acid substitution at position 627 (Glu-->Lys) was responsible for the restoration of the ability of the PB2 single gene reassortant to replicate in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Interestingly, the amino acid at position 627 in every avian influenza A virus PB2 protein analyzed to date is glutamic acid, and in every human influenza A virus PB2 protein, it is lysine. Thus, the amino acid at residue 627 of PB2 is an important determinant of host range of influenza A viruses.  相似文献   

The gene content of the MHC class I telomerically adjacent region, in linkage disequilibrium with hereditary hemochromatosis, has not been well characterized yet. In the present work, we established three bacterial clone contigs, including mainly P1-derived artificial chromosomes. These contigs cover 89% of the 1.2-Mb 6p-subtelomeric region encompassing locus D6S105. Terminal exon trapping was applied to selected clones from these contigs. Forty-six independent terminal exons were identified and mapped within the region, 2 of which matched perfectly to expressed sequence tags. These 3' exons are all expressed in human fetal brain but differentially expressed in four tissues and two cell lines. The high number of exons identified indicates that the high gene density observed in the MHC class I region extends to this telomerically adjacent region.  相似文献   

This study examined phonological sensitivity in 238 children from middle- to upper-income families and 118 children from lower-income families across different levels of linguistic complexity. Children ranged in age from 2 to 5 years. Overall, the results indicated that as children increased in age, phonological sensitivity both increased in absolute terms and became more stable. Significant social class differences in growth of phonological sensitivity were also obtained. Phonological sensitivity at different levels of linguistic complexity (e.g., syllables, phonemes) was substantially interrelated at each age and predicted word reading ability in older children independently of language skills and letter knowledge. These results indicate that phonological sensitivity can be assessed in young preschool children and that lower levels of phonological sensitivity may serve as developmental precursors to higher levels of phonological sensitivity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We have previously described a strategy for the recovery of a synthetic influenza A virus wild-type (wt) PB2 gene (derived from influenza A/Ann Arbor/6/60 [AA] virus) into an infectious virus. It was possible to introduce an attenuating temperature-sensitive (ts) mutation at amino acid residue 265 of the AA wt PB2 gene and to rescue this mutant gene into infectious virus. Application of this new technology to influenza A virus vaccine development requires that multiple attenuating mutations be introduced to achieve a satisfactorily attenuated virus that retains the attenuation (att) phenotype following replication in vivo. In this report, we demonstrate that putative ts mutations at amino acids 112, 556, and 658 each indeed specify the ts and att phenotypes. Each of these mutations was introduced into a cDNA copy of the AA mutant mt265 PB2 gene to produce three double-mutant PB2 genes, each of which was rescued into an infectious virus. In general, the double-mutant PB2 transfectant viruses were more ts and attenuated in the lower respiratory tracts of hamsters than the single-mutant transfectant viruses, and the ts phenotype of two of three double-mutant PB2 transfectant viruses was stable even after prolonged replication in the upper respiratory tracts of immunocompromised mice. Two triple-mutant PB2 transfectant viruses with three predicted amino acid substitutions resulting from five nucleotide substitutions in the cDNA were then generated. The triple-mutant PB2 transfectant viruses were more ts and more attenuated than the double-mutant PB2 transfectant viruses. These results indicate that sequential introduction of additional ts mutations into the PB2 gene can yield mutants that exhibit a stepwise increase in temperature sensitivity and attenuation compared with the preceding mutant(s) in the series. Furthermore, the level of temperature sensitivity of the transfectant viruses correlated significantly with the level of attenuation of these viruses in hamsters. Although the triple-mutant PB2 transfectant viruses were attenuated in hamsters, intranasal administration of these viruses elicited a vigorous serum hemagglutination-inhibiting antibody response, and this was associated with resistance of the lower respiratory tract to subsequent wt virus challenge. These observations suggest the feasibility of using PB2 reverse genetics to generate a live influenza A virus vaccine donor strain that contains three attenuating mutations in one gene. It is predicted that reassortant viruses derived from such a donor virus would have the properties of attenuation, genetic stability, immunogenicity, and protective efficacy against challenge with wt virus.  相似文献   

The bicyclam AMD3100 is a potent and selective inhibitor of the replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and type 2 (HIV-1 and HIV-2). It was recently demonstrated that the compound inhibited HIV entry through CXCR4 but not through CCR5. Selectivity of AMD3100 for CXCR4 was further indicated by its lack of effect on HIV-1 and HIV-2 infection mediated by the CCR5, CCR3, Bonzo, BOB, and US28, coreceptors. AMD3100 completely blocked HIV-1 infection mediated by a mutant CXCR4 bearing a deletion of most of the amino-terminal extracellular domain. In contrast, relative resistance to AMD3100 was conferred by different single amino acid substitutions in the second extracellular loop (ECL2) or in the adjacent membrane-spanning domain, TM4. Only substitutions of a neutral residue for aspartic acid and of a nonaromatic residue for phenylalanine (Phe) were associated with drug resistance. This suggests a direct interaction of AMD3100 with these amino acids rather than indirect effects of their mutation on the CXCR4 structure. The interaction of aspartic acids of ECL2 and TM4 with AMD3100 is consistent with the positive charge of bicyclams, which might block HIV-1 entry by preventing electrostatic interactions between CXCR4 and the HIV-1 envelope protein gp120. Other features of AMD3100 must account for its high antiviral activity, in particular the presence of an aromatic linker between the cyclam units. This aromatic group might engage in hydrophobic interactions with the Phe-X-Phe motifs of ECL2 or TM4. These results confirm the importance of ECL2 for the HIV coreceptor activity of CXCR4.  相似文献   

The biological properties of influenza virus strain A/PR/8/34, virulent from mice, and its variant 25A-1, obtained by hybridization with avirulent strain A/Leningrad. This reassortant 25A-1 included 7 genes of its virulent parent strain and only gene NS of the avirulent one, which contained a single mutation in position 798 (ATG=>ATA), inducing amino acid change MET=>IIe in position 100 of the polypeptide chain of protein NS2. The loss of pathogenic properties by strain A/PR/8/34 was achieved by replacing the single gene NS with an analogous mutant gene of the variant strain A/Leningrad, adapted to low temperatures. The single-gene reassortant 25A-1 thus obtained possessed, besides decreased capacity for multiplication in the lungs of mice, ts phenotype on MDCK cells, but exhibited no thermal sensitivity in cell systems of avian origin. The above-mentioned phenotypic changes in reassortant 25A-1 were due to disturbances in virus-specific protein synthesis at early and late stages, as detected in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

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