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The investigation of biochemical markers in wild rats (Rattus norvegicus) is thought to be useful in the efficient establishment of inbred strains with a wide range of genetic variability of wild rats. In this study, 21 marker proteins were analyzed by electrophoresis in nine wild rats captured in Oita city. It was found that eleven marker samples in six animals were heterogeneous. We further found that the investigated wild rat population possessed the interesting polymorphisms of esterase-4 (ES-4) with high frequency, which are very rare in laboratory rats.  相似文献   

A number of traditional Chinese medicinal herbs have become extremely interesting in the search for potential BRMs in the international medical community, especially in the United States and Japan. Naturin, a new Chinese medical herb produced by XingYa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., has enhanced immune response, inhibited tumor metastases and retroviral infection in animal models as well as in clinical studies. The results demonstrated that the inhibition of Natural Killer (NK) and Lymphokine-activated Killer (LAK) cell activity and lymphocyte proliferation was compromised by tumor metastases and retrovirus infection (Murine AIDS), even immunosuppression induced by surgical amputation can be restored by Naturin. It is also shown that Naturin can protect the mice from lethal total body irradiation. These studies indicated that Naturin possesses immunomodulatory effects in vivo for a broad range of stresses. The results of the clinical studies on Naturin have demonstrated: (a) significantly improved symptoms of patients, including MDS, acute and chronic leukemia, aplastic anemia, lung cancer, and association with the increased number and percentage of CD4 (Helper T-cell) which have been reduced in some patients, (b) Lymphocyte proliferation and NK cell activity which were suppressed in cancer patients can be significantly restored by Naturin treatment, (c) the addition of Naturin treatment to patients receiving radiotherapy and chemotherapy augments immune response and reduces radiation and chemotherapy injury, and (d) no cytotoxic side effects were found in patients given Naturin treatment for up to eight months.  相似文献   

The tonotopic organization of primary auditory cortex (AI) and surrounding secondary regions has been studied in the Octodon degus using standard microelectrode mapping techniques. The results confirm and extend previous observations made in other species. The tonotopic organization of the largest field (AI) apparently covered the hearing range of O. degus. Low tonal frequencies were represented rostroventrally and high frequencies caudally, with isofrequency contours orientated dorsoventrally in a ventrocaudal slant. There were additional tonotopic representations adjacent to AI. Rostral to AI, a small field with a tonotopic gradient reversed with respect to that in AI (mirror image representation) was mapped and termed rostral auditory field (R). Best frequencies (BF's) in a range from 0.1-30.0 kHz were found in AI and R, with higher spatial resolution for the representation of lower BF's up to 10.0 kHz. Responses obtained in AI as well as in R were strong, with narrow tuning and short latencies. Caudal to AI, two small additional, tonotopically organized fields, the dorsoposterior field (DP) and the ventroposterior field (VP), could be distinguished. In fields VP and DP, high BF's were situated rostrally, adjacent to the high frequency representation in AI. Low frequency representations were found in caudal part of DP and VP fields. Responses to tone burst within DP and VP were mostly weak, with longer latencies and broader tuning compared to those found in AI and R.  相似文献   

An expression map containing 48 ESTs was constructed to identify a tumor-suppressor gene involved in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL), which was previously assigned to chromosome band 13q14.3 close to genetic markers D13S25 and D13S319. Thirty-nine of these 48 ESTs, together with 11 additional ones listed in databases, were initially assigned to chromosome 13q14 between markers D13S168 and D13S176. Nine others have recently been located in the D13S319 region. Our results indicate that 48 of the 59 ESTs analyzed belong to a YAC contig of chromosome 13 band q14, and 22 are contained on YAC 933e9, which encompasses the B-CLL critical region. Ten of these 22 ESTs were accurately assigned on a PAC, BAC, and cosmid contig encompassing the smallest minimal deletion area described so far in B-CLL, and 20 were tested for their expression on 27 normal or tumor tissues. One EST appears to be a likely candidate for the tumor-suppressor gene involved in B-CLL.  相似文献   

A simple test of critical thermal maximum (CTM) to assess a break-down of heat-escape behavior in rats is described. Experiments were performed on 18 unrestrained adult Wistar rats of both sexes. Hypothalamic and intraperitoneal (i.p.) temperatures as well as motor activity were simultaneously and continuously recorded in the rats exposed to heat. When animals were growing restless, as evidenced by an increase in their motor activity, which was usually recorded at hypothalamic temperatures well above 41 degrees C, we started testing CTM. To assess heat-escape behavior we used a precooled cooling bar (a part of a camp-cooler) which was placed at intervals in a climatic chamber. The hyperthermic rats, given the bar for 30 s, mounted it vigorously until they failed at particular levels of brain and body temperatures which were recognized as respective CTM values. Rapid external cooling of rats prevented lethal effects of the heat exposure. We were able to show effects of timing of heat exposure on heat tolerance. We also managed to detect small but significant differences in heat tolerance of warm-reared (an increase), cold-reared (a decrease), and bacterial-endotoxin-treated (an increase) rats. The heat-escape behavior was less heat-resistant than selective brain cooling response which was still present at CTM point. In conclusion, our CTM test is a safe and reliable way to study heat tolerance in rats.  相似文献   

Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (EC is a nuclear enzyme which binds to DNA breaks and then catalyzes the covalent modification of acceptor proteins with poly(ADP-ribose). Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activity contributes to the recovery of proliferating cells from DNA damage and to the maintenance of genomic stability, which may be mediated by effects on chromatin structure, DNA base-excision repair and cell cycle regulation. We established the complete cDNA sequence of rat poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase by RT-PCR and direct sequencing of amplification products and compared it with that of other mammalian species. The amino acid sequence homology is strikingly high. The best conserved regions are the known functional modules of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase.  相似文献   

Results of 3 experiments with 120 rats show that multiple ejaculatory series may be critically important for successful reproduction by multiparous old females near the end of their active reproductive lives. Multiple series were essential for successful pregnancy, apparently because more than one series was necessary to induce functional luteal activity. Thus, (a) females receiving just one series failed to show the cessation of regular estrous cycles which characteristically follows induction of a functional luteal phase; (b) direct measurement of plasma progestins by radioimmunoassay revealed that only those females receiving more than one series had circulating levels significantly higher than unmated, normally cycling controls; and (c) administration of exogenous progesterone increased significantly the incidence of successful pregnancy among females allowed to mate through only one series. In addition to facilitating the occurrence of pregnancy, multiple series also increased both the number of eggs released at ovulation and the number of embryos present and developing 12 days later. It is concluded that multiple series may function as a behavioral mechanism for prolonging the female's active reproductive life. (31 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Selection of wild gray rats for domestication (tame behavior) resulted in a sharp increase in the frequency of heterozygotes at the h allele of hooded, the main locus of rat depigmentation. The observed effect of the selection on the manifestation of the h allele is compared with similar effects giving rise to piebaldness in other animals subjected to experimental domestication. The results are discussed in terms of genetic specificity of piebaldness and of the selection vector.  相似文献   

NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) activity was studied comparatively in area 17 of four mammalian species, two primates and two rodents. Three brain hemispheres each from adult capuchin-monkeys, owl-monkeys, agoutis and guinea pigs were fixed with aldehyde fixatives by perfusion and 200 microns sections were submitted to NADPH-d histochemistry, using the indirect malic enzyme method. In all species studied the neuropil pattern of enzymes activity presented a clear layered appearance. In primates, histochemical staining was most intense in layer IVc, while in rodents the highest intensity of the neuropil reaction was in supragranular layers (II and III). Comparison of cell density in grey and white matter showed that the majority of NADPH-d-positive neurones were located in the white matter of primates but not of rodents. Since NADPH-d is a nitric oxide synthase the results are very important for comparative functional studies of neuromediators and their correlations with laminar and modular organization of area 17 of the mammalian brain.  相似文献   

An inflammatory reaction was induced in grass-cutters (Thryonomys swinderianus) by injecting turpentine. The changes in the plasma haptoglobin, fibrinogen, alpha 2 macroglobulin and immunoglobulin G was followed for 23 days by immunonephelometry. The results were compared to rat and rabbit. They showed that (a) the inflammatory reaction is delayed in the grass-cutter compared to rats and rabbits; (b) the concentration of haptoglobin increases less than in rat and rabbit; (c) the fibrinogen concentration is very low in the grass-cutter, despite hypercoagulability of blood; (d) the changes in the plasma alpha 2-macroglobulin in the grass-cutter seems to be comparable to that of rabbit alpha 1 macroglobulin in amplitude and in its slow return to the initial concentration; and (e) fibrinogen and haptoglobin are suitable markers for grass-cutter inflammation monitoring.  相似文献   

Little research has explored the auditory categorization abilities of mammals. To better understand these processes, the authors tested the abilities of rats (Rattus norvegicus) to categorize multidimensional acoustic stimuli by using a classic category-learning task developed by R. N. Shepard, C. I. Hovland, and H. M. Jenkins (1961). Rats proved to be able to categorize 8 complex sounds on the basis of either the direction or rate of frequency modulation but not on the basis of the range of frequency modulation. Rats' categorization abilities were limited but improved slowly and incrementally, suggesting that learning was not facilitated by selective attention to acoustic dimensions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that experimentally induced cold stress produces a stunting effect in the limbs of rodents. Such an effect has also been reported for the dentition and limbs in response to other stressors (heat, cold). Recent research into the effects of various stressors on the magnitude of fluctuating dental asymmetry demonstrated that general stress increases the magnitude of fluctuating dental asymmetry in experimental animals. However, no increase in the magnitude of fluctuating asymmetry of limb length was reported as a response of general stress. In the light of such studies the present research investigates the relationship between stress and the mass per unit length of limbs. The stressor chosen for the present study was audiogenic stress as it has been demonstrated to induce the general stress syndrome and also increase the magnitude of fluctuating dental asymmetry. Audiogenic stress is found to produce increases in the magnitude of fluctuating asymmetry of the mass per unit length of long bones in the laboratory rat. Also the absolute values of long bone length and mass per unit length are significantly smaller in stressed animals when compared with controls. The relationship between the stress induced stunting of linear dimensions and the increase in the magnitude of fluctuating asymmetry is discussed.  相似文献   

Three experiments compared the effects of lesioning areas of thalamus, cortex, and the hippocampal system on delayed matching (DMTS) and nonmatching (DNMTS) to sample. Temporal decay was measured by comparing performances at different retention intervals (RIs) for rats trained to stability. Lesions of the lateral-internal medullary lamina site in thalamus and the medial wall area in frontal cortex produced impairments that were significantly greater than for lesions of the mediodorsal nucleus in thalamus, the fornix, or the dorsal hippocampus. The effects of lesions on temporal decay differed depending on how RIs were manipulated. When RIs were manipulated within training sessions, the DMTS and DNMTS impairments were delay independent (i.e., none of the lesions increased the rate of temporal decay). When RIs were manipulated between sessions, thalamic lesions were associated with an increase in the rate of temporal decay of DNMTS.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the amount of ascorbic acid in the corneal epithelium of various species to unveil possible differences between diurnal and nocturnal mammals. METHODS: Ascorbic acid was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography, using an LC-10 system (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan). RESULTS: Diurnal animals show a higher ascorbate concentration in the corneal epithelium than nocturnal animals. Ascorbate concentration is higher in the corneal epithelium than in the matching aqueous humor in diurnal and nocturnal species. The highest ascorbate concentration is found in the corneal epithelium of the reindeer. CONCLUSIONS: Ascorbate level in the corneal epithelium seems to vary in accordance with ambient radiation exposure of the respective species, just as in the aqueous humor. Both phenomena are regarded as environmental adaptations, and the ascorbic acid is suggested as protecting against photokeratitis and as acting as an ultraviolet filter for internal eye structures.  相似文献   

Infant rats (Rattus norvegicus) placed on a shallow incline (2°, 4°, or 8°) oriented and moved downhill within 1 min; that is, they displayed positive geotaxis. Their downhill translocation increased with angle of inclination. A variety of possible behavioral elements (e.g., initial orientation, rotational movements, ambulatory velocities) were eliminated as explanations of the geotaxis. Wall contact was recognized as a determinative event: Pups on the inclines showed no orientation with respect to the geogravitational stimulus before contacting a wall. The event of wall contact, however, evoked reliable downhill orientation and more linear movements. Positive geotaxis was created by pups' orientation against walls and an associated increase in movement velocity. This is a distinct perspective on a behavioral response that replaces a traditionally misinterpreted phenomenon. The authors discuss the ecological validity and historical context of these findings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Fetal development of the hands and feet of rats was investigated to determine the feasibility of using rats as an experimental model for studying the factors influencing early development of the hands and feet, and especially the dermatoglyphics in humans. Eighty rats fetuses of 14-21 days gestational age and 80 newborn rats of 0-7 days of age were used to study the morphological features of the palmar, plantar, and digital areas and to determine the timing of appearance and the location of the volar pads and flexion creases. Comparisons between analoguous developmental stages of rat and human fetuses demonstrate striking similarities in overall fetal development. Marked differences, however, were found between rat and human fetuses in the timing of developmental milestones and in some morphological features. The results indicate that rats can serve as a useful experimental model in studies of the utility of the epidermal ridge configurations and flexion creases in medical disorders, provided that the differences in the timing of development are taken into consideration.  相似文献   

We studied whether the growth of the intestinal tract changes at weaning. We weighted fresh tissue and measured segment length of the small intestine, cecum and proximal, middle, and distal colon of 45 male and 51 female F344/Yit rats (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1764) of 0 to 428 days old. We performed correlation analysis among tissue weight, segment length and empty body weight after logarithmic transformation of the data. The growth of the small and large intestine was biphasic. Intestinal growth exceeded body growth during the suckling period and slowed down suddenly after weaning. Sexual differences existed in intestinal growth, although much smaller than the difference before and after weaning. These results appear to suggest that the size of intestinal tract of the rat does not adapt to nutritional changes at weaning, but prepare for weaning beforehand.  相似文献   

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