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Large-angle in-plane light scattering from rough surfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Karabacak T  Zhao Y  Stowe M  Quayle B  Wang GC  Lu TM 《Applied optics》2000,39(25):4658-4668
An in-plane light scattering setup that is capable of measuring large azimuthal scattering angles is presented. This type of measurement makes it easier to probe large k(parallel) at a fixed k(perpendicular) value (k(parallel) and k(perpendicular) are momentum transfer vectors parallel and perpendicular to the surface, respectively). Therefore the system allows us to explore small lateral scale and large vertical roughness (approximately lambda, the wavelength of the probe beam) of a rough surface. In-plane intensity measurements from a rough backside Si wafer and a Cu thin-film surface are reported. The structure factor that is related to surface roughness parameters is obtained from the measured in-plane intensity profiles. Both scalar (Beckmann-Kirchhoff) and vector (Rayleigh-Rice) theories have been applied to interpret the experimental data. The roughness parameters obtained from the scattering measurements are compared with those measured by atomic-force microscopy.  相似文献   

Phonon backscattering experiments with polished silicon surfaces show that there is no Kapitza anomaly at frequencies corresponding to the aluminum junction detector threshold (80 GHz), whereas at higher frequencies the anomalous transmission into liquid helium or solid nitrogen increases (reduced backscattering by the coverage), closely related to the increase of the diffuse scattering at the uncovered surface.  相似文献   

Diffuse and specular reflectance from rough surfaces   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We present a reflection model for isotropic rough surfaces that have both specular and diffuse components. The surface is assumed to have a normal distribution of heights. Parameters of the model are the surface roughness given by the rms slope, the albedo, and the balance between diffuse and specular reflection. The effect of roughness on diffuse reflection is taken into account, instead of our modeling this component as a constant Lambertian term. The model includes geometrical effects such as masking and shadowing. The model is compared with experimental data obtained from goniophotometric measurements on samples of tiles and bricks. The model fits well to samples with very different reflection properties. Measurements of the sample profiles performed with a laser profilometer to determine the rms slope show that the assumed surface model is realistic. The model could therefore be used in machine vision and computer graphics to approximate reflection characteristics of surfaces. It could also be used to predict the texture of surfaces as a function of illumination and viewing angles.  相似文献   

The angular distribution of the mean diffuse intensity scattered from a metal surface with one-dimensional roughness is studied with perturbation theory. From an approach based on the reduced Rayleigh equations in p polarization, exact perturbation terms up to eighth order in the height parameter are developed for surface roughness consistent with a stationary Gaussian process. The theory is evaluated for a number of cases in which surface plasmon polariton excitation is significant and produces effects such as backscattering enhancement. For surface roughness having a wide Gaussian power spectrum, it is found that the high-order terms lead to roughness-induced broadening of the backscattering peak. For rectangular spectra, two cases are studied in which backscattering effects are due to sixth- and eighth-order terms; both cases provide good comparisons with previously unexplained experimental results. Further, because of an eighth-order term, the diffuse intensity is shown to contain a specular peak that also relies on polariton excitation. This new effect is studied in detail and is found to arise from the constructive interference of contributions produced by multiple-scattering processes, although the time-reversed paths that produce backscattering enhancement are not essential to the specular effect.  相似文献   

为了获得目标材料表面的散射参数,设计了一种测量粗糙表面散射特性的实验装置,并对几种材料进行了测量.激光器发出的激光经样品反射散射后,被探测器接收,转动转台,完成在入射平面的测量.利用Matlab对实验数据曲线拟合,给出了材料表面散射特性的数学表达式.实验结果表明,散射特性与表面粗糙度和入射角相关.当以中大角度照射时,粗糙表面不再严格遵守朗伯余弦定律,出现非镜向峰值现象,且峰值随着入射角的增大而增大.  相似文献   


The diffuse scattering of p-polarized light from a one-dimensional, randomly rough dielectric film deposited on a planar, perfectly conducting surface is studied by means of small-amplitude perturbation theory. The dielectric constant εd and the thickness d of the dielectric film are chosen in such a way that in the absence of roughness the scattering system supports N (≥ 2) guided modes whose wavenumbers are q 1 (ω), …,q N(ω) at the frequency ω of the light incident at an angle θo. We investigate the occurrence of satellite peaks, in addition to the enhanced back-scattering peak, in the angular distribution of the intensity of the diffusely scattered light, at angles θs(n, m) given by sin θs(n, m)= ? sin θ0± (c/ω) [Qn(ω) ? qm(ω)] for n, m=1, …, N(nm). These satellite peaks are multiple-scattering effects due to degenerate timereversal symmetry.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo model was established to simulate polarized scattering fields of two-dimensional rough surfaces based on the Kirchhoff approximation. Based on this model, numerical studies of the hemispherical distribution of Stokes vectors of scattered light from dielectric and metal rough surfaces were carried out. These surfaces have Gaussian distributions with correlation length of 3.1?µm and standard deviation varying between 0.1 and 0.6?µm. The results reveal that the V component of metal surfaces has peaks antisymmetric with the incident plane, whereas the V component of dielectric surfaces is almost zero. We consider that this property of the V component would provide a new method which could be used to distinguish the target material.  相似文献   

We propose a model to calculate scattering from inhomogeneous three-dimensional, rough surfaces on top of a stratified medium. The roughness is made up of an ensemble of deposits with various shapes and permittivities whose heights remain small with respect to the wavelength of the incident light. This geometry is encountered in the remote sensing of soil surfaces, or in optics wherever there are contaminated planar components. Starting from a volume-integral equation involving the Green's tensor of the stratified medium, we derive a height-perturbative expansion up to second-order. Our formulation, which depends explicitly on the profiles of each deposit and on the Fresnel coefficients of the layered substrate, accounts for double-scattering events and permits an evaluation of depolarization in the plane of incidence. Comparisons with rigorous calculations in the simplified case of two-dimensional geometries are presented. It is shown that the second-order scattering term can be much more important for heterogeneous surfaces than for their homogeneous counterparts.  相似文献   

F Nee SM 《Applied optics》1996,35(19):3570
Polarization of specular reflection and near-specular scattering (NSS) by a randomly rough surface is investigated by the use of a Mueller matrix formulation. The collective effect by a rough surface on the average specular field results in reflectance loss and polarization, which can be explained by an effective medium theory. Effects of random NSS can be represented by a scattering matrix that is partially coherent and polarized. The incoherent and unpolarized part of scattering causes depolarization, and the coherent and polarized parts of scattering change the apparent polarization properties of specular reflection. Results of a simulation and least-squares fit of ellipsometric data to the models including the NSS effect, for a black anodized aluminum sample, are presented. Simultaneous least-squares fits for both ellipsometric data and reflectance data at multiple angles of incidence at three different wavelengths gave approximately the same rms roughness, which agrees with the profilometric values reported previously.  相似文献   

The influence of surface roughness on the equilibrium spreading of liquids on aluminium and stainless steel surfaces with well-characterized rough machine finishes and a well-defined technique of attaining liquid drop equilibrium has been experimentally studied. The surfaces were prepared under practical conditions, i.e. without rigorous purification or attempting to eliminate anisotropy or microheterogeneities in surface-free energy. Depending on the type of roughness, i.e. spiral-grooved, radial-grooved and porous, the advancing contact angle was in approximate agreement with one of the classical contact angle/surface roughness equations. Capillary channelling along machine grooves profoundly affected the spreading and wetting behaviour and was highly dependent on the orientation and texture of roughness. Although the observed spreading was generally smooth on all surfaces it was probable that microscopic surface asperities produce small-scale non-equilibrium contact line movements and are responsible for the extensive wetting hysteresis during drop retraction.  相似文献   

Observed medical ultrasound images are degraded representations of the true tissue reflectance. The specular reflections at boundaries between regions of different tissue types are blurred, and the diffuse scattering within such regions also contains speckle. This reduces the diagnostic value of such images. In order to remove both blur and speckle, the authors develop a maximum a posteriori deconvolution algorithm for two-dimensional (2-D) ultrasound radio frequency (RF) images based on a new Markov random field image model incorporating spatial smoothness constraints and physical models for specular reflections and diffuse scattering. During stochastic relaxation, the algorithm alternates steps of restoration and segmentation, and includes estimation of reflectance parameters. The smoothness constraints regularize the overall procedure, and the algorithm uses the specular reflection model to locate region boundaries. The resulting restorations of some simulated and real RF images are significantly better than those produced by Wiener filtering  相似文献   

This research is an extension of the optical method of quality control presented in a previous paper [Appl. Opt. 39, 5811 (2000)] to the case of slightly rough cylindrical surfaces. Applying the Kirchhoff scalar diffraction theory yields an analytical expression of the autocorrelation function of the intensity scattered from slightly rough cylindrical surfaces. This function, which is related to speckle size and shape, is shown to depend on the surface correlation length, unlike for plane surfaces for which the speckle depends on the illuminated area only. The theoretical expression is compared with that for the speckle produced by the light scattered from a cylindrical bearing and from various high-quality wires, showing that the method allows the correlation lengths of high-quality cylindrical surfaces to be determined.  相似文献   

A recursive solution of the small-perturbation method for rough surface scattering is presented. These results permit fourth- and higher-order corrections to rough surface scattering coefficients to be determined in a form that explicitly separates surface and electromagnetic properties. Sample results are presented for the fourth-order correction to the specular reflection coefficient of a rough surface and the sixth-order correction to incoherent scattering cross sections.  相似文献   

Germer TA  Marx E 《Applied optics》2004,43(6):1266-1274
We derive expressions for the intensity and polarization of light singly scattered by flake pigments or a rough surface beneath a smooth transparent coating using the ray or facet model. The distribution of local surface normals is used to calculate the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF). We discuss the different distribution functions that can be used to characterize the distribution of local surface normals. The light-scattering model is validated by measurements of the BRDF and polarization by a metallic flake pigmented coating. The results enable the extraction of a slope distribution function from the data, which is shown to be consistent over a variety of scattering geometries. These models are appropriate to estimate or predict the appearance of flake pigment automotive paints.  相似文献   


An experimental investigation of the angular distribution of the light scattered by randomly rough, two-dimensional, isotropic dielectric surfaces is presented. The surfaces, whose profiles constitute good approximations to Gaussian random processes with Gaussian correlation functions, are fabricated in a photoresist and characterized by means of a mechanical profilometer. The substrates employed in the fabrication of the samples consist of thick parallel plates of filter glass that absorb the incident light and whose refractive index is close to that of the photoresist. This allows us to approximate experimentally a situation in which the light is scattered by a randomly rough interface between two semi-infinite dielectric media, illuminated from the air side. The results display features that can be attributed to multiple scattering. In particular, significant amounts of cross-polarized scattered light, as well as an enhanced backscattering peak, were observed in the scattering measurements.  相似文献   

A critical evaluation of various theoretical techniques for calculating the reflectivity of one-dimensional metallic randomly rough surfaces is presented. We proceed by comparing experimental and rigorous numerical results with those obtained with three perturbation theories and the Kirchhoff approximation. The samples were fabricated in photoresist, and their metallized surface profiles constitute good approximations to Gaussian-correlated, Gaussian random processes. The correlation lengths of these surfaces range from approximately one third to approximately three times the infrared wavelengths employed. The results show that the phase-perturbation theory has wider applicability than the other perturbation theories and the results based on the Kirchhoff approximation.  相似文献   

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