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本文对泡沫铝芯体夹层板材的准静态和动态力学性能进行了试验研究.在SHPB设备上测试了不同冲击速度时的动态压缩响应,为了对比,也测试了静态压缩力学性能.结果表明泡沫铝芯体夹层板准静态和动态压缩过程均具有明显的三阶段特征.即弹性区、屈服平台区和致密区.随着应变率的增加,泡沫铝芯体夹层板的动态屈服强度增加,具有明显的应变率效应.  相似文献   

采用胶粘法制备大尺寸钢质泡沫铝夹心板,测试夹心板的三点弯曲强度,分析面板厚度、芯层厚度对夹心板弯曲性能的影响规律,研究弯曲载荷作用下的夹心板失效机理。结果表明:钢质泡沫铝夹心板可承受很高的弯曲载荷,夹心板抗弯强度随着芯层泡沫铝厚度的提高而提高。增加钢面板的厚度,夹心板抗弯强度整体呈增强趋势。当面板厚度为8 mm、芯层厚度为50 mm时,夹心板的极限抗弯强度可达66.06 kN。芯层泡沫铝内泡壁表面的大尺寸裂纹是夹心板在弯曲载荷作用下失效的主要原因;采用熔体发泡法制备的泡沫铝板材,因冷却强度过大而导致的附加应力使泡壁的强度下降,也是影响夹心板力学性能的主要因素。  相似文献   

泡沫铝层合梁的弯曲性能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以泡沫铝为夹芯,长条薄铝板为面板制备泡沫铝层合梁,对泡沫铝层合梁的三点弯曲变形进行了研究。结果表明:泡沫铝层合梁的三点弯曲变形过程与泡沫铝的相似,层合梁的载荷曲线远远高于泡沫铝和面板的载荷曲线之和,显示出良好的层合效果;泡沫铝层合梁和泡沫铝承受载荷能力随着孔隙率的增大而逐渐减小;且同一孔隙率下泡沫铝层合梁的极限载荷点出现得比泡沫铝极限载荷点迟,极限载荷值约为后者的4~5倍;较厚面板和良好的孔结构可以提高泡沫铝层合梁载荷曲线,载荷分别增加70%和80%左右。泡沫铝层合梁在保持泡沫铝轻质同时,大大提高了其载荷极限,在工程应用中有着良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

研究集中载荷作用下金属泡沫夹芯梁的准静态压入力学行为。考虑到夹芯梁表板弯曲和拉伸的相互作用,提出了一个金属泡沫夹芯梁局部压入大挠度变形行为的新理论模型,并详细讨论芯材剪切对局部压入行为的影响。为了验证理论模型的有效性,对夹芯梁的局部压入行为进行有限元数值模拟,理论预测结果与有限元模拟结果吻合得很好。结果表明:当压入挠度超过夹芯梁表板厚度后,塑性膜力控制着夹芯梁的局部压入行为。  相似文献   

Fast-moving machine tool assemblies should be light and rigid. Because of the lightweight construction and the dynamic loads these assemblies are very often susceptible to vibrations. Aluminum foam sandwiches are laminates with an aluminum foam core and compact cover sheets. The foam cores possess a high-energy absorption capacity. Machine tool assemblies made of aluminum foam sandwiches offer very high flexural stiffness, together with comparatively light weight. Vibrations generated by machining are damped very well due to the cellular structure of foam. The manufacturing process of foam sandwiches is in general well understood, but there are still some open questions concerning the mechanisms of bonding and adhesion between cover sheets and foam core. This paper tries to give answers to these questions.  相似文献   

采用挤压法在开孔泡沫铝中充填硅橡胶,以硅橡胶填充开孔泡沫铝为芯、铝管和钢管为面板制备层合管,研究了静态压缩条件下充填硅橡胶后泡沫铝及其层合金属管的变形行为和能量吸收性能。研究表明:在泡沫铝中充填硅橡胶后,泡沫铝的平台区比原来增高、增长,其吸能性能也得到提高;由于泡沫铝的充填,钢管的变形方式发生改变,由不对称屈曲转变为轴对称屈曲;充填硅橡胶的泡沫铝层合金属管具有比原来更高的屈曲褶皱载荷,且屈曲褶皱的产生滞后,其吸能性能也得到提高,硅橡胶充填对层合钢管的影响比对层合铝管的影响更明显。  相似文献   

随着武器科技的发展,冲击波对掩体内部人员的伤害已经不能忽视。研发了新型自制泡沫铝复合材料,并通过实验得出泡沫铝复合材料的应力-应变曲线,采用数值模拟,对泡沫铝复合材料在爆炸荷载下,其抗冲击缓冲特性进行研究。结果表明,冲击波在泡沫铝复合材料中传播时,显示出明显的衰减特性和良好的吸能性。泡沫铝复合材料可作为新型抗冲击缓冲材料和结构简化。  相似文献   

采用Al-Si钎料真空钎焊的方法制备了泡沫铝/铝夹芯板,对夹芯板钎焊界面处微观组织进行了金相、SEM形貌、EDS能谱分析,并对夹芯板弯曲力学性能进行了研究,分析了钎焊工艺参数对泡沫铝/铝焊缝微观组织及力学性能的影响.结果表明,在605~625℃温度下保温20 min,夹芯板钎缝中心区微观组织主要由α(Al)固溶体、块状CaAl2Si2化合物、骨骼状CaAl4组成;随着焊接温度的升高,钎料中合金元素向母材中扩散速度加快,块状CaAl2Si2分布更加均匀、分散,提高了焊缝中心区的韧性;当焊接温度为625℃时,泡沫铝/铝夹芯板抗弯强度达到最高的67.97 MPa.  相似文献   

The aluminum/polypropylene/aluminum (A1/PP/A1) sandwich sheets have been developed for potential application of these materials for automotive body panels in future high performance automobiles with significant weight reduction. The tensile properties of the A1/PP/A1 sandwich sheets were examined in the present study as well as those of the aluminum skin and the polypropylene core at room and elevated temperatures. It was found that the sandwich sheet with hard skin and low volume fraction of the polypropylene core showed the highest tensile strength, whereas that with soft skin and high volume fraction of the polypropylene core showed the lowest strength. The sandwich sheet with hard skin showed much smaller work hardening rate than that with soft skin. All sandwich sheets showed serration phenomena on their flow curves. However, the magnitude of serration was significantly diminished in the sandwich sheet with high volume fraction of polypropylene core. The tensile strength of the sandwich sheet was compared with that calculated from the rule of mixture based on the tensile strengths of the aluminum skin and the polypropylene core. The results showed that there were good agreements between the experimentally obtained values and the calculated values. From the tensile tests at elevated temperatures, it was found that the tensile strength of the sandwich sheet with high volume fraction of polypropylene core was more sensitive to temperature than that with low volume fraction of polypropylene core. During tensile deformation of the sandwich sheet, it was found that fracture first took place in the aluminum skin and then in the polypropylene core and at the interface. The interface strength was found to be strong enough to avoid premature debonding at the interface before fracture took place in the entire sandwich sheet.  相似文献   

An open-cell aluminum foam filled with silicate rubber (AFFSR) was fabricated by infiltration of the liquid silicate rubber into the open-cell aluminum foam. The experiments were carried out to investigate the compressive behavior and energy absorption characteristics of the material. It is found that the stress--strain response of the AFFSR exhibits five regions including two plateau regimes, which is quite different from the stress--strain curves of many unfilled metallic foams that usually exhibit three distinct regions. The plastic deformation of the AFFSR is prolonged because of the filled silicate rubber, compared with the aluminum foam without such a filler. The AFFSR also exhibits a higher energy capacity than the aluminum foam without filler. Additionally, for the prolonged plateau region in the stress--strain curve, the energy absorption efficiency of the AFFSR maintains a high level (above 0.6) over a wide strain range from 3% to 60%.  相似文献   

泡沫铝是一种多功能多用途的新型材料,是一种由金属基体(铝)和气孔组成的复合材料,由于它具有许多普通铝及铝合金材料所没有的优秀性能,因此得到了愈来愈多的关注和研究兴趣。它的主要特性是:良好的动能吸收能力,很强的散热阻然能力,高的隔声阻燃特性,一定的电磁屏蔽特性。本文对泡沫铝的各项性能、制备工艺、主要应用领域特别是在交通运输装备中的应用作了较为全面的介绍。当前,妨碍泡沫铝大规模应用的主要障碍是其价格高。  相似文献   

采用闭孔泡沫铝和铝合金板制备单层夹芯板和六种多层夹芯结构。通过分析胞孔变形模式和宏观变形模式,研究了夹层板和芯层数量对结构准静态压缩力学性能和吸能特性的影响机制。结果表明:夹层板通过调节芯层间应力状态使芯层逐层坍塌,减少了由倾斜变形带的形成和延伸所导致的多芯层同步变形、横向滑动以及两侧滑移,使结构具有更高的坍塌应力、平台应力、单位体积吸能量以及更小的致密应变;芯层数量的增加导致无夹层板结构中变形带的长度和数量增加,从而改变了其宏观变形模式,致使结构两侧滑移现象加剧,同时积累了有夹层板结构中多个芯层中的胞孔缺陷,因此影响了逐层稳定变形,导致致密应变增大,坍塌应力、平台应力和单位体积吸能量减小,致密应变处的吸能效率降低。与其他结构相比,三层泡沫铝夹层板具有最佳的抗压强度和吸能性能。  相似文献   

The infiltration casting process for producing aluminum foam includes three steps: preparing precursor using NaCI particles, infiltrating molten aluminum and cleaning NaCI precursor. Defects occur during the preparation of aluminum foam with superfine open-cell structure, and influence the pore structure and performance of aluminum foam materials. The types of the defect and their forming mechanisms are analyzed in this paper. The defects include point defects and linear metal defects, and are caused by the defects in salt precursor and the insufficient infiltration of molten aluminum into precursor. With the choice of proper precursor preparation method and infiltration process parameters, the complete aluminum foam with superfine pores could be achieved.  相似文献   

通过激光焊接获得3种不同几何构型的双层金属点阵结构,再将闭孔泡沫铝切割后填充到其孔隙当中获得一种新型泡沫铝填充双层金属点阵结构。采用实验和有限元模拟的方法研究其准静态面外压缩载荷作用下的承载能力、吸能特性及机理、变形破坏模式等。结果表明,泡沫铝的填充能够有效改变空心点阵结构的后屈曲行为,提高点阵芯体单元的屈曲稳定性,具有明显的耦合增强效应,表现在承载及能量吸收效率的大幅提升,可达到对应空心结构的10倍以上。  相似文献   

Tensile property of Al-Si closed-cell aluminum foam   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
1Introduction The unique properties of metallic foams make them useful in a number of potential application fields including damping,electromagnetic shielding,heat exchange,sound insulation,sound absorption,and energy absorption[1?4].The closed-cell alumi…  相似文献   

复合碳酸盐作发泡剂制备泡沫铝的工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用熔体发泡法制取泡沫铝,利用DSC和DTG两种方法,分析了CaMg(CO3)2的热分解特性,同时系统地研究了发泡剂含量、温度及搅拌时间对泡沫铝孔结构的影响.结果表明,发泡剂加入质量分数为2%~3%,搅拌时间1 min~2 min,发泡温度为660℃~710℃的条件下,可以制取孔结构均匀、孔隙率高的泡沫铝合金.  相似文献   

Cell-structure and mechanical properties of closed-cell aluminum foam   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 INTRODUCTIONMetalfoamsexhibitunusualmechanical,ther mal,acoustic ,damping ,electricalandchemicalprop ertiesthatcannotbefoundinsolidmaterials .Thosespecialpropertiesmayleadtoavarietyofapplicationsinstructuralandfunctionalproducts.Closed cellalu minumfoamisalight massstructuralmaterialofgreatpromise .Itsdensityisonlyafractionofthatofthecorrespondingbulkmetal,butitsstrengthissuf ficientlyhightobeusedintheautomobileindustry ,buildingindustryandtransportation .Examplesoftheirapplicationsinc…  相似文献   

The vesicant problem during the process of preparing closed-cell aluminum foam by molten body transitional foaming process was discussed and the effect of granularity and addition of TiH2 on porosity of closed-cell aluminum foam was investigated. The static compressive behavior of closed-cell aluminum foam and the influence of porosity on static compressive property of closed-cell aluminum foam were researched as well. The results show that with increasing granularity of TiH2, the porosity of closed-cell aluminum foam firstly increases and then decreases gradually, the granularity should be controlled in the range of 38-74μm which can result in higher porosity. The porosity of closed-cell aluminum foam increases with the increasing addition of TiH2, and the addition of TiH2 should be controlled fi'om 1.5% to 2.5% which can result in homogeneous cell and moderate strength of closed-cell aluminum foam. The compressive process of closed-cell aluminum foam obviously displays linear elastic phase, plastic collapse phase, and densification phase, and the compressive strength grows with decreasing porosity.  相似文献   

利用海岛模型导出金属流体中气泡长大的连续性方程、运动方程和扩散质量守恒方程,与气泡表面的质量守恒、西华特定律和理想气体状态方程构成气泡长大动力学方程组,在确定粘度、扩散系数和表面张力以及忽略部分惯性力的基础上,对动力学方程组进行了求解,得到金属流体中气泡长大动力学方程,可用于描述泡沫铝气泡长大过程中时间、温度、第二相质量分数及压强各参数对气泡半径变化的影响,是金属流体中气泡演变过程动力学的首次理论描述。  相似文献   

This paper presents an infiltration casting technique for manufacturing big size open-cell aluminum foam boards. The principle and key technologies of infiltration casting are also analyzed. Based on the previous practice of the small size aluminum foam production, the die for preparing big size aluminum foam boards is designed and manufactured. The experiments on aluminum boards of 300 mm × 300 mm × (20-75) mm, with the pore size ranging from 1.0 to 3.2 mm and average porosity of 60%, have been performed. The experimental results show that a reliable infiltration process depends critically on the pouring temperature of the molten AI-alloy, the preheated temperature of the mould and salt particles and vacuum. Current research explores the possibility of large-scale manufacturing and application of the aluminum foams.  相似文献   

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