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透明质酸(HA),又名玻璃酸,为体内重要的生理活性物质。HA在不同的代谢阶段,因其相对分子质量(Mr)的不同而产生不同的生物活性,低Mr HA(LMWHA)就具有高Mr HA没有的某些生物活性,甚至两者有完全相反的作用。低分子量的HA易吸收,在体内可重新合成高分子HA,增加内源性HA的含量,可发挥保健和美容养颜的功效。目前发酵法和从动物组织中提取的HA相对分子质量较大(100万以上),作为功能因子添加在食品中的HA需要降解。HA降解的方法有多种,本文对各种方法进行了简单介绍。 相似文献
高级氧化技术降解水中环境激素的研究进展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
环境激素是一类像激素一样影响人类和动物内分泌功能的物质.介绍了废水中环境激素类物质的高级氧化降解技术的机理、特点、应用以及局限性,主要介绍了03/H2/O2、O3/金属催化剂、光催化降解以及核辐射法等高级氧化技术在降解此类废水中的应用.高级氧化技术与其他廉价水处理技术的联合应用将是此类废水处理技术的发展方向之一. 相似文献
高级氧化技术降解双酚A的研究进展 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
对高级氧化技术降解污水中一种内分泌干扰物双酚A(BPA)的作用机理和研究现状进行了综合评述。针对高级氧化技术中最重要的5种技术,即芬顿氧化及光-芬顿氧化、电化学氧化、光分解及光氧化、超声辐射和光催化氧化,详述了各种氧化技术的作用机理、降解效果以及影响因素等。还对这5种高级氧化技术今后可能的发展方向做了初步展望,鉴于各种高级氧化技术降解BPA的条件不同,通过合理设计多种高级氧化技术复合作用并建立优化模型,开发低能耗、高效率以及广泛适用于内分泌干扰物及持久性有机污染物的处理技术。 相似文献
光催化氧化降解有机废物研究进展 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
光催化氧化技术作为一种新型的污染治理手段日益受到重视。本文简要介绍了光催化氧化技术的机理、催化剂的改性、影响催化反应的因素以及与其它技术的结合使用,最后讨论了该技术在降解有机物方面的发展方向。 相似文献
Rebecca Galla Sara Ruga Silvio Aprile Sara Ferrari Arianna Brovero Giorgio Grosa Claudio Molinari Francesca Uberti 《International journal of molecular sciences》2022,23(15)
Background: In recent decades, hyaluronic acid (HA) has attracted great attention as a new treatment option for osteoarthritis. Classical therapies are not able to stop the cartilage degeneration process nor do they favor tissue repair. Nowadays, it is accepted that high molecular weight HA can reduce inflammation by promoting tissue regeneration; therefore, the aim of this study was to verify the efficacy of a new high molecular weight HA of plant origin (called GreenIuronic®) in maintaining joint homeostasis and preventing the harmful processes of osteoarthritis. Methods: The bioavailability of GreenIuronic® was investigated in a 3D intestinal barrier model that mimics human oral intake while excluding damage to the intestinal barrier. Furthermore, the chemical significance and biological properties of GreenIuronic® were investigated in conditions that simulate osteoarthritis. Results: Our data demonstrated that GreenIuronic® crosses the intestinal barrier without side effects as it has a chemical–biological profile, which could be responsible for many specific chondrocyte functions. Furthermore, in the osteoarthritis model, GreenIuronic® can modulate the molecular mechanism responsible for preventing and restoring the degradation of cartilage. Conclusion: According to our results, this new form of HA appears to be well absorbed and distributed to chondrocytes, preserving their biological activities. Therefore, the oral administration of GreenIuronic® in humans can be considered a valid strategy to obtain beneficial therapeutic effects during osteoarthritis. 相似文献
Guillem Ferreres Sílvia Prez-Rafael Juan Torrent-Burgus Tzanko Tzanov 《International journal of molecular sciences》2021,22(24)
Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) appeared as promising antimicrobial candidates to face the development of antibiotic resistance. Although reported as toxic towards mammalian cells, their combination with biomolecules have shown reduced toxicity, while maintaining the antimicrobial function. Herein, hyaluronic acid (HA) with low (40 kDa), medium (200 and 600 kDa) and high (2 MDa) molecular weight (Mw) was modified with adipic acid dihydrazide (ADH) and used as reducing and capping agents to synthesise antimicrobial hybrid Ag NPs. The Mw of the polymer played a crucial role in the morphology, size and antibacterial activity of the Ag NPs. The 600 and 200 kDa HA-ADH-Ag NPs were able to reduce the Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus concentration by more than 3 logs, while the 40 kDa NPs reached ~2 logs reduction. The 2 MDa HA-ADH failed to form homogenous NPs with strong bactericidal activity. A mechanistic study of the interaction with a model bacterial membrane using Langmuir isotherms confirmed the greater interaction between bacteria and higher Mw polymers and the effect of the NP’s morphology. The nanocomposites low toxicity to human skin cells was demonstrated in vitro, showing more than 90% cell viability after incubation with the NPs. 相似文献
不同降解方法制备低分子量硫酸软骨素的比较 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
分别用过氧化氢降解法、草酸降解法和苹果酸降解法制备低分子量硫酸软骨素,通过测试降解速度、产品的分子量、收率和红外光谱进行比较研究。结果显示,过氧化氢降解法和草酸降解法所得产品的分子量较小;草酸降解法和苹果酸降解法所得产品的收率较高;苹果酸降解法的降解反应最温和,易于控制;3种方法所得产品的红外光谱未见明显差别。 相似文献
本文在用热分析方法研究了铝试剂的热氧降解历程后^[1],用Coats-Redfrn方程进行动力学处理,确定铝试剂热氧降解的表面反应级数为1.8、1.6、1.5、0.82和活化能力60.2kJ/mol、113.3kJ/mol、65.2kJ/mol、274.2kJ/mol。 相似文献