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针对我军软件装备研制过程质量量化管理的需要,对军用软件过程质量度量与评价方法进行了研究,提供了度量构造、度量数据采集、度量结果分析与评价活动准则,建立了军用软件过程质量度量与评价体系,并指导其实施。  相似文献   

基于生产线方式的软件开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
计算机在不同行业的广泛使用,需要大量的软件作为支撑。越来越多的软件企业发现按照传统的方式即一次开发一个软件的方式已经不能够满足需求,它们需要提高软件开发的效率,而基于生产线方式的软件开发可以较好地解决这个问题。本文介绍了基于生产线方式开发软件的基本概念及其优点,软件生产线与软件成熟度模型集成的关系,以及实施软件生产线过程中可能用到的度量标准,最后指出实施软件生产线过程中可能引入的风险。  相似文献   

迭代和增量把软件开发分成可以重复的不同活动的流程,是现代软件开发过程的基本特征。迭代地执行每个流程就相应地增加软件产品,直至完成产品的开发。为定量地指导和管理迭代式增量软件开发,提出了基于UML模型的一组软件度量。这组度量针对UML的可视化以及一致地应用在多个软件开发活动的特性,对UML各种图所表达的信息量、可视化大小以及复杂性三个方面度量软件制品,进而度量迭代的增量。分析并通过案例讨论了这组度量的有效性及其在软件项目管理中的应用。  相似文献   

一个集成化软件过程度量系统的设计与实现*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了使企业度量活动满足企业各层级角色的度量需求,提出了一个建立企业集成化软件过程度量体系的方法,给出了一个度量模型及其典型应用,描述了一个企业集成化软件过程度量系统的体系结构及功能。在系统支持下,企业度量活动的效率得到了有效提升。  相似文献   

如何对软件进行度量是现今软件行业面临的一大难点。本文通过对度量技术与CMMI中度量与分析过程域的研究,结合理论与实践,提出了一种基于CMMI软件度量模型,可以帮助软件企业有效地开展度量活动,并基于度量数据进行管理决策,以达到高成熟度软件组织的要求。  相似文献   

软件过程度量的过程模型及其应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
软件度量是软件工程中最活跃的一个研究领域。本文给出了一个软件过程度量的过程模型,定义了实施软件过程度量的角色、内容、主要活动及相关的支持环境,重点阐述软件过程度量的数据采集、验证和分析活动的目标、任务和方法。通过一个软件项目的度量过程实例,研究并确认该模型在过程评估和改进方面的作用和意义。本文的研究对于规范和改善组织的软件过程度量,提高组织的过程能力成熟度,具有一定的指导意义和广泛的应用价值。  相似文献   

运用软件度量的方法改进传统的变更管理过程,论述了在软件变更管理中应用度量的完整过程,并以实际数据为例分析了软件变更状况的相关特性,从而帮助软件开发人员改善软件变更管理策略,是软件度量方法在变更管理中的一次成功实践.  相似文献   

演化性是软件的固有属性.整个软件演化过程是由一系列活动构成,同时该过程具有复杂性、持续变化性、自治性、并发性、迭代性等特点.这些属性决定了软件演化过程是一个动态的、难以度量的过程.基于markov链理论,采用状态转移矩阵和权重因子等技术构造了关于软件演化过程对资源开销的度量模型.软件演化过程度量体系的建立对进行软件演化管理、控制、评估具有重要意义,同时更为重要的是该体系的建立为软件演化的自适应演化奠定了基础.  相似文献   

软件度量是质量管理的一种重要手段,本文介绍了面向规模的项目度量和面向功能的项目度量方法,着重分析了项目度量对软件度量方法的影响,目的在于改进软件产品的质量。  相似文献   

软件企业在实施软件度量的过程中面临最主要的障碍是如何将软件度量转换成可实施的、体现组织过程特征的度量实施过程模型.为解决这一问题,本文基于"软件度量过程也是软件"的思想给出组织级实施软件度量的操作模型OMMP,在此基础上,对基于度量的过程管理框架进行讨论,将度量集成在过程管理框架中.  相似文献   

Software quality models can predict which modules will have high risk, enabling developers to target enhancement activities to the most problematic modules. However, many find collection of the underlying software product and process metrics a daunting task.Many software development organizations routinely use very large databases for project management, configuration management, and problem reporting which record data on events during development. These large databases can be an unintrusive source of data for software quality modeling. However, multiplied by many releases of a legacy system or a broad product line, the amount of data can overwhelm manual analysis. The field of data mining is developing ways to find valuable bits of information in very large databases. This aptly describes our software quality modeling situation.This paper presents a case study that applied data mining techniques to software quality modeling of a very large legacy telecommunications software system's configuration management and problem reporting databases. The case study illustrates how useful models can be built and applied without interfering with development.  相似文献   

A software product line is a unified representation of a set of conceptually similar software systems that share many common features and satisfy the requirements of a particular domain. Within the context of software product lines, feature models are tree-like structures that are widely used for modeling and representing the inherent commonality and variability of software product lines. Given the fact that many different software systems can be spawned from a single software product line, it can be anticipated that a low-quality design can ripple through to many spawned software systems. Therefore, the need for early indicators of external quality attributes is recognized in order to avoid the implications of defective and low-quality design during the late stages of production. In this paper, we propose a set of structural metrics for software product line feature models and theoretically validate them using valid measurement-theoretic principles. Further, we investigate through controlled experimentation whether these structural metrics can be good predictors (early indicators) of the three main subcharacteristics of maintainability: analyzability, changeability, and understandability. More specifically, a four-step analysis is conducted: (1) investigating whether feature model structural metrics are correlated with feature model maintainability through the employment of classical statistical correlation techniques; (2) understanding how well each of the structural metrics can serve as discriminatory references for maintainability; (3) identifying the sufficient set of structural metrics for evaluating each of the subcharacteristics of maintainability; and (4) evaluating how well different prediction models based on the proposed structural metrics can perform in indicating the maintainability of a feature model. Results obtained from the controlled experiment support the idea that useful prediction models can be built for the purpose of evaluating feature model maintainability using early structural metrics. Some of the structural metrics show significant correlation with the subjective perception of the subjects about the maintainability of the feature models.  相似文献   

Software architecture has been a key area of concern in software industry due to its profound impact on the productivity and quality of software products. This is even more crucial in case of software product line, because it deals with the development of a line of products sharing common architecture and having controlled variability. The main contributions of this paper is to increase the understanding of the influence of key software product line architecture process activities on the overall performance of software product line by conducting a comprehensive empirical investigation covering a broad range of organizations currently involved in the business of software product lines. This is the first study to empirically investigate and demonstrate the relationships between some of the software product line architecture process activities and the overall software product line performance of an organization at the best of our knowledge. The results of this investigation provide empirical evidence that software product line architecture process activities play a significant role in successfully developing and managing a software product line.  相似文献   

软件度量是针对软件开发项目、过程及产品进行数据定义、收集和分析的持续度量化过程;持续集成工具上的的构建工程每天自动完成从版本库更新代码、静态检查、编译、出包、自动化用例测试等任务,在进行集成构建的过程中可以为软件度量提供多种相关的度量数据;结合工作实践,叙述了基于持续集成的软件度量的原理;软件度量管理涉及到的角色;软件度量实现过程;叙述了基于持续集成的两种类型的软件度量指标的定义以及提取方法;最后详细叙述了在软件度量过程中遇到的几个典型案例;工作实践表明在软件的开发过程中做好软件度量工作有助于软件开发部门控制、预测、和改进软件产品的质量与软件开发过程;从而提高软件质量和软件开发效率,降低软件开发成本。  相似文献   

产品线体系结构需要支持多种变化性以满足其内部成员特性,因而是重要又复杂的软件产品线子系统。本文通过分析产品线体系结构的vADL规约,充分考虑产品线体系结构变化性对其复杂性度量的影响,生成产品线体系结构信息流图PLA—IFG,基于PLA—IFG,实现自动化度量产品线体系结构复杂性,提出了支持变化性的产品线体系结构复杂性度量方法。  相似文献   

Integrating human-computer interaction (HCI) activities in software engineering (SE) processes is an often-expressed desire. Two metrics to demonstrate the impact of integrating HCI activities in SE processes are proposed. Usability Goals Achievement Metric (UGAM) is a product metric that measures the extent to which the design of a product achieves its user-experience goals. Index of Integration (IoI) is a process metric that measures the extent of integration of the HCI activities in the SE process. Both the metrics have an organizational perspective and can be applied to a wide range of products and projects. An attempt has been made to keep the metrics easy to use in the industrial context. While the two metrics were proposed mainly to establish a correlation between the two and thereby demonstrate the effectiveness of integration of HCI in SE processes, several other applications seem likely. The two metrics were evaluated in three independent studies: a classroom-based evaluation with two groups of students, a qualitative feedback from three industry projects, and a quantitative evaluation using 61 industry projects. The metrics were found to be useful, easy to use, and helpful in making the process more systematic. Our studies showed that the two metrics correlate well with each other and that IoI is a good predictor of UGAM. Regression analysis showed that IoI has a somewhat greater effect on UGAM in projects that use the agile process model than the waterfall process and in the projects that are executed as a contracted software development service than in the projects in product companies. UGAM also correlated well with the traditional usability evaluations.  相似文献   

High development and maintenance costs and a high error rate are the major problems in the development of automation systems, which are mainly caused by bad communication and inefficient reuse methods. To overcome these problems, we propose a more systematic reuse approach. Though systematic reuse approaches such as software product lines are appealing, they tend to involve rather burdensome development and management processes. This paper focuses on small enterprises. Since such companies are often unable to perform a “big bang” adoption of the software product line, we suggest an incremental, more lightweight process to transition from single-system development to software product line development. Besides the components of the transition process, this paper discusses tool selection, DSL technology, stakeholder communication support, and business considerations. Although based on problems from the automation system domain, we believe the approach may be general enough to be applicable in other domains as well. The approach has proven successful in two case studies. First, we applied it to a research project for the automation of a logistics lab model, and in the second case (a real-life industry case), we investigated the approaches suitability for fish farm automation systems. Several metrics were collected throughout the evolution of each case, and this paper presents the data for single system development, clone&own and software product line development. The results and observable effects are compared, discussed, and finally summarized in a list of lessons learned.  相似文献   

Using metrics to manage software projects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Weller  E.F. 《Computer》1994,27(9):27-33
Five years ago, Bull's Enterprise Servers Operation in Phoenix, Arizona, used a software process that, although understandable, was unpredictable in terms of product quality and delivery schedule. The process generated products with unsatisfactory quality levels and required significant extra effort to avoid major schedule slips. All but the smallest software projects require metrics for effective project management. Hence, as part of a program designed to improve the quality, productivity, and predictability of software development projects, the Phoenix operation launched a series of improvements in 1989. One improvement based software project management on additional software measures. Another introduced an inspection program, since inspection data was essential to project management improvements. Project sizes varied from several thousand lines of code (KLOC) to more than 300 KLOC. The improvement projects enhanced quality and productivity. In essence, Bull now has a process that is repeatable and manageable, and that delivers higher quality products at lower cost. We describe the metrics we selected and implemented, illustrating with examples drawn from several development projects  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom in the software engineering research community says that metrics can make project management more effective. Software metrics range from internal product attributes such as size, complexity, and modularity to external process attributes such as effort, productivity, and reliability. Software project telemetry facilitates local, in-process decision making.  相似文献   

软件复用技术在软件工程领域具有重要作用并且被广泛应用,尤其是在软件产品线工程领域,系统化的软件复用技术为软件产品线的设计和实现提供了基础。论文首先详细阐述了具有代表性的系统化软件复用支撑技术,随后在一个通用的软件产品线参考架构的基础上,探讨了复用技术在软件产品线工程领域的主要应用形式,最后针对可变性定义及其管理问题,引人并着重探讨了三种可变性管理模型及技术。  相似文献   

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