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Lysophosphatidic acid (1-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphate (LPA)) is a phospholipid with diverse biological activities. The mediator serves as an intermediate in membrane phospholipid metabolism but is also produced in acute settings by activated platelets. LPA is converted to phosphatidic acid, itself a lipid mediator, by an LPA acyltransferase (LPAAT). A human expressed sequence tag was identified by homology with a coconut LPAAT and used to isolate a full-length human cDNA from a heart muscle library. The predicted amino acid sequence bears 33% identity with a Caenorhabditis elegans LPAAT homologue and 23-28% identity with plant and prokaryotic LPAATs. Recombinant protein produced in COS 7 cells exhibited LPAAT activity with a preference for LPA as the acceptor phosphoglycerol and arachidonyl coenzyme A as the acyl donor. Northern blotting demonstrated that the mRNA is expressed in most human tissues including a panel of brain subregions; expression is highest in liver and pancreas and lowest in placenta. The human LPAAT gene is contained on six exons that map to chromosome 9, region q34.3.  相似文献   

IL-1 beta is a potent modulator of immune and inflammatory responses. Murine IL-1 beta is initially synthesized as an inactive 33-kDa pro-molecule that is activated by proteolytic cleavage between Asp-117 and Val-118 to generate the 17-kDa mature IL-1 beta protein. This cleavage is catalyzed by a specific protease that has been designated the IL-1 beta converting enzyme (or IL-1 beta convertase). We have used a human IL-1 beta convertase cDNA to isolate murine convertase cDNA from a WEHI-3 library. These cDNA predicted that the murine convertase is a 402-residue protein. Overall, the murine convertase showed 71% nucleotide and 62% predicted amino acid sequence identity with the human convertase. Southern blot analysis of interspecific backcross mice indicated that the murine IL-1 beta convertase is encoded by a single copy gene located on murine chromosome 9. The murine convertase showed broad constitutive expression, being detected in mononuclear phagocyte and T lymphocyte cell lines as well as in spleen, heart, brain, and adrenal glands. The expression of the murine convertase in mononuclear phagocytes was up-regulated by treatment with LPS or rIFN-gamma. These studies establish that the IL-1 beta convertase is an evolutionarily conserved, widely expressed enzyme that can be regulated at a pretranslational level.  相似文献   

Calnexin is a 90-kDa integral membrane protein of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Calnexin binds Ca2+ and may function as a chaperone in the transition of proteins from the ER to the outer cellular membrane. We have purified human calnexin in association with the human interferon-gamma receptor and cloned calnexin cDNA from placenta. Fragments of calnexin have been prepared as glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins and analyzed for their abilities to bind 45Ca2+ and ruthenium red. A subdomain containing four internal repeats binds Ca2+ with the highest affinity. This sequence is highly conserved when compared to calreticulin (a luminal ER protein), an Onchocerca surface antigen, and yeast and plant calnexin homologues. Consequently, this sequence represents a conserved motif for the high-affinity binding of Ca2+, which is clearly distinct from the "E-F hand" motif. An adjacent subdomain, also highly conserved and containing four internal repeats, fails to bind Ca2+. The carboxyl-terminal, cytosolic domain is highly charged and binds Ca2+ with moderate affinity, presumably by electrostatic interactions. The calnexin amino-terminal domain (residues 1-253) also binds Ca2+, in contrast to the amino-terminal domain of calreticulin, which is relatively less acidic. We have also determined the cDNA sequences of mouse and rat calnexins. Comparison of the known mammalian calnexin sequences reveals very high conservation of sequence identity (93-98%), suggesting that calnexin performs important cellular functions. The gene for human calnexin is located on the distal end of the long arm of human chromosome 5, at 5q35.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels (CNGCs) play crucial roles in visual and olfactory signal transduction. As a first step to explore the presence of a CNGC gene in human heart, we cloned a human heart CNGC gene. The sequence consists of 111 bp 5' non-coding region and a 2064 bp open reading frame which is followed by a 459 bp 3' non-coding region. The predicted protein consists of 688 amino acids with a short highly charged segment rich in lysine and glutamate. Sequence comparison indicates that the human heart cDNA is almost identical to the retinal rod photo receptor CNGC cDNA. However, the human cardiac cDNA is lacking a 205 bp Alu fragment in the 5'-uncoding region, has a glutamic acid residue at amino acid position 129, and has a replacement of glutamic acid with a lysine residue at amino acid position 99. Data obtained with northern blot analysis confirm the presence of RNA for the CNGC alpha chain. This channel might play a role in cyclic nucleotide-mediated cellular processes, such as the inotropic effect in the heart.  相似文献   

G alpha q is the alpha subunit of one of the heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins that mediates stimulation of phospholipase C beta. We report the isolation and characterization of cDNA clones from a frontal cortex cDNA library encoding human G alpha q. The encoded protein is 359 amino acids long and is identical in all but one amino acid residue to mouse G alpha q. Analysis of human genomic DNA reveals an intronless sequence with strong homology to human G alpha q cDNA. In comparison to G alpha q cDNA, this genomic DNA sequence includes several small deletions and insertions that alter the reading frame, multiple single base changes, and a premature termination codon in the open reading frame, hallmarks of a processed pseudogene. Probes derived from human G alpha q cDNA sequence map to both chromosomes 2 and 9 in high-stringency genomic blot analyses of DNA from a panel of human-rodent hybrid cell lines. PCR primers that selectively amplify the pseudogene sequence generate a product only when DNA containing human chromosome 2 is used as the template, indicating that the authentic G alpha q gene (GNAQ) is located on chromosome 9. Regional localization by FISH analysis places GNAQ at 9q21 and the pseudogene at 2q14.3-q21.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding a new type of alcohol dehydrogenase was cloned from a human stomach cDNA library. PCR amplification of 5'-stretch human stomach lambda gt11 library, using degenerate inosine-containing oligonucleotide probes compatible with peptide sequences of human sigma-ADH, resulted in a single product. Subsequently, internal non-degenerate primers were constructed according to the sequences occurring in the product. By PCR with combinations of these new primers and lambda gt11 forward and reverse primers, fragments of the cDNA containing its 5' and 3' ends were amplified. The full length cDNA sequence has 1125 nucleotides with a 72% similarity to those of human class I ADH. The polypeptide sequence, predicted from the cDNA, corresponds to 373 amino acids with a high degree of similarity (96%) to fragments of sigma-ADH previously reported. Northern hybridization analysis with the specific probe for the mRNA of this protein showed that it is expressed in the human stomach but not in the liver. These data indicate that the cDNA we cloned is that of human class IV ADH.  相似文献   

Radixin is a cytoskeletal protein that may be important in linking actin to the plasma membrane. Recent cloning of the murine and porcine radixin cDNAs revealed a protein highly homologous to ezrin and moesin. We have cloned and sequenced the human radixin cDNA and found the predicted amino acid sequence for the human protein to be nearly identical to those predicted for radixin in the two other species. By Southern analyses of Chinese hamster x human somatic cell hybrid DNA and of PCR products derived from hybrids, the coding gene (RDX) was mapped to 11q. Fluorescence chromosomal in situ hybridization with a cDNA plasmid further localized this gene to band 11q23. However, PCR amplification with "radixin-specific" primers on the hybrid DNA panel yielded an additional, very similar DNA sequence that was further characterized by direct sequencing of PCR products. This sequence represents a truncated version and the respective locus (RDXP2) was assigned to Xp21.3. Furthermore, by employing a different set of primers, a third sequence was found that was 90% identical to the radixin sequence but contained termination codons and seemed to lack introns. This pseudogene (RDXP1) was mapped to 11p by Southern and PCR analyses.  相似文献   

The gene responsible for the second form of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, PKD2, has recently been identified. We now describe the cloning, genomic localization, cDNA sequence, and expression analysis of its murine homologue, Pkd2. The cloned cDNA sequence is 5134 bp long and is predicted to encode a 966-amino-acid integral membrane protein with six membrane-spanning domains and intracellular NH2 and COOH termini. Pkd2 is highly conserved with 91% identity and 98% similarity to polycystin-2 at the amino acid level. Pkd2 mRNA is widely expressed in mouse tissues. Pkd2 maps to mouse Chromosome 5 and is excluded as a candidate gene for previously mapped mouse mutations resulting in a polycystic kidney phenotype.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the predictability of endosseous implants placed in a maxillary sinus grafted with a mixture of bovine porous bone mineral and demineralized freeze-dried bone. Sixty implants were placed in 20 patients representing 28 sinuses using either a one- or two-stage technique. After an implant loading period of more than 2 years, the survival rate (eg, a clinically functioning implant without signs of mobility or infection) varied from 90% to 96%. No infections or other complications were encountered. The data suggest that this treatment regimen can result in a high rate of survival.  相似文献   

A novel human cDNA containing CAG repeats, designated B120, was cloned by PCR amplification. An approximately 300-bp 3' untranslated region in this cDNA was followed by a 3426-bp coding region containing the CAG repeats. A computer search failed to find any significant homology between this cDNA and previously reported genes. The number of CAG trinucleotide repeats appeared to vary from seven to 12 in analyses of genomic DNA from healthy volunteers. An approximately 8-kb band was detected in brain, skeletal muscle and thymus by Northern blot analysis. The deduced amino-acid sequence had a polyglutamine chain encoded by CAG repeats as well as glutamine- and tyrosine-rich repeats, which has also been reported for several RNA binding proteins. We immunized mice with recombinant gene product and established a monoclonal antibody to it. On Western immunoblotting, this antibody detected an approximately 120-kDa protein in human brain tissue. In addition, immunohistochemical staining showed that the cytoplasm of neural cells was stained with this antibody. These findings indicated that B120 is a novel cDNA with a CAG repeat length polymorphism and that its gene product is a cytoplasmic protein with a molecular mass of 120 kDa.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced the cDNA encoding triadin, a junctional terminal cisternae protein from human skeletal muscle. The cDNA, 2941 base pairs in length, encodes a protein of 729 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 81,545 Da. Hydropathy analysis indicates that triadin of human skeletal muscle has the same topology in the myoplasmic, transmembrane and sarcoplasmic reticulum luminal domains as that of triadin from rabbit skeletal muscle. The number and relative position of potential modulation sites are also conserved between the human and rabbit proteins. The cDNA sequence of the predicted sarcoplasmic reticulum luminal domain of human triadin diverged from that of rabbit, with an observed similarity of 82%, translating to an identity of 77% in amino acid sequence. Two insertions of 9 and 12 residues in the amino acid sequence were observed in the predicted luminal domain of triadin, although the structural and functional consequences of such insertions are expected to be minimal. Using fluorescence in situ hybridisation, we have assigned the gene encoding human triadin to the long arm of chromosome 6 in the region 6q22-6q23. Our structural analysis of human triadin supports a central role for this protein in the mechanism of skeletal muscle excitation/contraction coupling.  相似文献   

Bleomycin hydrolase (BH) is a highly conserved cysteine proteinase that deamidates and inactivates the anticancer drug bleomycin. Yeast BH self-assembles to form a homohexameric structure, which resembles a 20 S proteasome and may interact with other proteins. Therefore, we searched for potential human BH (hBH) partners using the yeast two-hybrid system with a HeLa cDNA library and identified the full-length human homologue of yeast ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 9 (UBC9). Cotransformation assays using hBH deletion mutants revealed that the carboxyl terminus of hBH (amino acids 356-455), which contains two of the three essential catalytic amino acids, was not critical for protein binding in the yeast two-hybrid environment. In vitro translated human UBC9 was precipitated by glutathione S-transferase-hBH fusion protein but not by glutathione S-transferase. Efficient in vitro binding occurred in the absence of the first 24 amino acids of UBC9 and the catalytic Cys93 of UBC9. We confirmed that hBH and UBC9 interacted in vivo by affinity copurification of proteins overexpressed in mammalian cells. Using immunocytochemical analysis, hBH was colocalized with UBC9. Coexpression of hBH and UBC9 in mammalian cells did not markedly alter the bleomycin-hydrolyzing activity of hBH or apparent small ubiquitin-related modifier 1 addition. This is the first reported heteromeric interaction with hBH, and it suggests a role for hBH in intracellular protein processing and degradation.  相似文献   

cDNAs encoding the human homolog of BAG1, a Bcl-2-binding protein with anti-apoptotic function, were cloned. DNA sequence analysis of human BAG1 cDNAs predicts a protein with an additional 55 amino acids at its NH2-terminus compared to the mouse protein. Immunoblot assays using monoclonal antibodies raised against bacterially produced h-BAG1 protein confirmed the larger size of the human protein (approximately 34 kDa) compared to mouse. PCR analysis of DNA from human x rodent somatic cell hybrids using human BAG1-specific primers localized the gene to human chromosome 9. Cosmid clones of h-BAG1 were obtained and used for fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of normal metaphase chromosomes, thus localizing h-BAG1 to 9p12, a region associated with hereditary disorders that may involve developmental dysregulation of programmed cell death.  相似文献   

A cDNA and a gene encoding endo-inulinase from Penicillium purpurogenum were isolated, and were cloned for the first time. Two oligonucleotide probes, which were synthesized based on the partial amino acid sequences of the purified endo-inulinase, were used to screen a cDNA library. A 1.7-kb DNA fragment encoding endo-inulinase was isolated and analyzed. A single open reading frame, consisting of 1548-bp, was found to encode a polypeptide that comprised a 25-amino acid signal peptide and 490-amino acid mature protein. All the partial amino acid sequences of the purified enzyme were discovered in the deduced ones. The deduced amino acid sequences of endo-inulinase had similar sequences to those of fructan hydrolases. A 3.5-kb chromosomal DNA fragment encoding endo-inulinase was also isolated and analyzed. The same ORF with cDNA clone as identified. There were no introns in the endo-inulinase gene.  相似文献   

Partial overlapping cDNA sequences likely to encode a novel human CC chemokine were identified from the GenBank Expressed Sequence Tag data base. Using these sequences, we isolated full-length cDNA encoding a protein of 96 amino acid residues with 20-28% identity to other CC chemokines. By Northern blot, this chemokine was mainly expressed in liver among various tissues and strongly induced in several human cell lines by phorbol myristate acetate. We thus designated this chemokine as LARC from Liver and Activation-Regulated Chemokine. We mapped the LARC gene close to the chromosomal marker D2S159 at chromosome 2q33-q37 by somatic cell and radiation hybrid mappings and isolated two yeast artificial chromosome clones containing the LARC gene from this region. To prepare LARC, we subcloned the cDNA into a baculovirus vector and expressed it in insect cells. The secreted protein started at Ala-27 and was significantly chemotactic for lymphocytes. At a concentration of 1 microg/ml, it also showed a weak chemotactic activity for granulocytes. Unlike other CC chemokines, however, LARC was not chemotactic for monocytic THP-1 cells or blood monocytes. LARC tagged with secreted alkaline phosphatase-(His)6 bound specifically to lymphocytes, the binding being competed only by LARC and not by other CC or CXC chemokines. Scatchard analysis revealed a single class of receptors for LARC on lymphocytes with a Kd of 0.4 nM and 2100 sites/cell. Collectively, LARC is a novel CC chemokine, which may represent a new group of CC chemokines localized on chromosome 2.  相似文献   

The GK (Goto-Kakizaki) rat is a lean model of type 2 diabetes in which the diabetic state was spontaneously induced. We recently demonstrated the presence in GK rats of two functional point mutations in the promoter region of the type 3 adenylyl cyclase (AC3) gene that resulted in overexpression of AC3 mRNA associated with increased cAMP generation. The AC3 gene promoter mutations are the first molecular changes to be described in any specific gene in the GK rat. Here we report cloning of a full-length cDNA encoding human AC3 from a human fetal brain cDNA library using a PCR-based screening method. This 4142-bp cDNA predicts an open reading frame encoding 1144 amino acids containing putative 12 transmembrane-spanning domains which are typically found in other mammalian AC isoforms. Comparison of the translated amino acid sequence of the AC3 gene between human and rat shows 95% homology. Using RT-PCR, clear AC3 expression was detected in isolated human islets as well as a cDNA panel containing templates from eight different tissues (brain, heart, kidney, liver, lung, pancreas, placenta, and skeletal muscle). This wide distribution of AC3 expression may involve a number of physiological and pathophysiological metabolic processes.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning of a canine metallothionein cDNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A canine metallothionein cDNA obtained from the liver of a cadmium-treated beagle was cloned and sequenced. Asn at position 4 conserved among all mammalian metallothionein-1 and metallothionein-2 is replaced by Asp in the canine metallothionein cDNA clone. Because the acidic amino acid doesn't exist at either position 10 or 11 in the deduced amino acid sequence, it is supposed that this cDNA is derived from canine metallothionein-1 mRNA. Northern blot analysis using the cDNA as a probe revealed the induction of the canine metallothionein mRNA expression in the liver and kidney of a cadmium-treated beagle. Thus, the canine metallothionein cDNA obtained in the present study should provide an useful tool for the molecular investigation of metallothionein in dog.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, the myosin heavy chain (MHC) genes are very closely related at the nucleotide sequence level. Amino acid sequence comparison of the human cardiac alpha- and beta-MHC have demonstrated that there are, at least, 7 isoform-specific divergent regions, including important binding protein-related sites such as ATP, actin and myosin light chain. It has been reported that in the rat, there are 8 isoform-specific divergent regions. The 7th divergent area which is thought to mediate thick filament in the light meromyosin region in the rat is not apparent in the human. Also, recently, 9 kinds of human genomic MHC genes have been investigated. The 4 human skeletal MHC genes are clustered at chromosome region 17 pter-p11, 17p13. The cardiac alpha- and beta-MHC genes are in tandem and mapped to chromosome region 14q11.2, the smooth muscle MHC gene is mapped to 16q11.2 and two nonmuscle MHC genes are mapped to chromosomes 17 and 22. We are studying the relationship between hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and the cardiac MHC gene, and between other MHC genes and other cardiac diseases.  相似文献   

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