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Given that there are an increasing number of information security breaches, organizations are being driven to adopt best practice for coping with attacks. Information security standards are designed to embody best practice and the legitimacy of these standards is a core issue for standardizing organizations. This study uncovers how structures at play in de jure standard development affect the input and throughput legitimacy of standards. We participated as members responsible for standards on information security and our analysis revealed two structures: consensus and warfare. A major implication of the combination of these structures is that legitimacy claims based on appeals to best practice are futile because it is difficult to know which the best practice is.  相似文献   

Critical information systems (IS) research, it is argued, does not have a distinct methodological identity. While some research methods are closely related to the positivist research paradigm (experiments, surveys, and structural equation modelling) and others to the interpretivist paradigm (field study, ethnography, and action research), the critical paradigm is not identified with specific ‘critical methods’ and typically relies on the appropriation of interpretivist methods (such as critical ethnography). The criticism of the critical research paradigm in IS has often focused on the lack of distinctly critical research methods and even the neglect of methodological issues (Klein; McGrath). This paper questions the notion of and the arguments behind the quest for ‘critical research methods’ defined in contrast to positivist and interpretivist methods. Instead, the paper argues that it is a critical research methodology – understood as an overall strategy of conceptualizing and conducting an inquiry, engaging with studied phenomena, and constructing and justifying socially relevant knowledge, which distinguishes critical from other research paradigms. Building on a Kleinian argument regarding the need for common principles across diverse critical IS inquiries (Klein; Myers & Klein) this paper proposes a framework that describes key dimensions of a critical research methodology that distinguish critical from other research paradigms and provide methodological guidance in the doing of critical research.  相似文献   

To date, there have been few attempts at integrating the increasing amounts of information that are available to users of computer systems. Using published literature, this paper collates some relevant principles (or heuristics) for integrating information based on task orientation. These are then applied to the electronic fishing aids in an in-shore fishing vessel's wheelhouse with the purpose of reducing the number of screens used therein. However, the application raises some issues; in particular that of the designer's knowledge of the tasks so that unique information is not lost.  相似文献   

For business-to-consumer e-commerce to have a significant impact, consumer decision support systems (CDSS) must accommodate a wide variety of online buyers. The popular parameter-based CDSS (PCDSS) are limited by their inability to help novice consumers in their purchase of highly differentiated products. Drawing on Cognitive Fit Theory, we propose that a needs-based CDSS (NCDSS) that derives product selections based on user specified usage context is suitable for buyers without sufficient expertise in the product category. We adopt a design science paradigm to develop several approaches that serve this purpose. The effectiveness of our design is empirically evaluated through a user study in a simulated scenario. The results show that in general, the proposed needs-based decision supporting mechanisms significantly outperform the conventional PCDSS when applied to aid e-buyers to make purchase decisions. Moreover, they can also be utilized as the complement of the popular PCDSS in order to enable purchase decision support for online shoppers at various expertise levels.  相似文献   

Proper planning of preventive maintenance (PM) is crucial in many industries such as oil transmission pipelines, automotive and food industries. A critical decision in the PM plans is to determine frequencies and types of maintenance actions in order to achieve a certain level of system availability with a minimum total cost. In this paper, we consider the problem of obtaining availability-based non-periodic optimal PM planning for systems with deteriorating components. The objective is to sustain a certain level of availability with the minimal total maintenance-related costs. In the proposed approach, the planning horizon is divided into some inspection periods of equal intervals. For any given interval, a decision must be made to perform one of the three actions on each component; inspection, preventive repair and preventive replacement. Any of these activities has different effects on the reliability of the components and the corresponding distinct costs based on the required recourses. The cost function includes the cost for repair, replacement, system downtime and random failures. System availability and PM resources are the main constraints considered. Since the proposed model is combinatorial in nature involving non-linear decision variables, a simulated annealing algorithm is employed to provide good solutions within a reasonable time.  相似文献   

In this paper, the stability analysis problem of linear systems with an interval time-varying delay is investigated. Firstly, an augmented Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional is constructed, which includes more information of the delay’s range and the delay’s derivative. Secondly, based on two improved integral inequalities which are less conservative than Jensen’s integral inequalities, a delay-range-partition (DRP) approach is proposed to estimate the upper bound of the derivative of the augmented Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional. Then, less conservative stability criteria in the form of linear matrix inequality (LMI) are established no matter whether the lower bound of delay is zero or not. Finally, to illustrate the effectiveness of the stability criteria proposed in this paper, two numerical examples are given, and their results are compared with the existing results.  相似文献   

In this paper, an implicit function approach is applied to controllability of a class of discrete-time Hammerstein-nonlinear systems. Based on this approach, the systems are shown to own a strong property, namely, small-controllability. As an immediate application, the obtained small-controllability results are generalised to the continuous-time Hammerstein-nonlinear systems and some continuous-time versions of small-controllability are presented.  相似文献   

Grounded in configuration and complexity theory, qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) combines the advantages of case-based and variable-oriented methods for rendering complex information systems (IS) phenomena comprehensible. Given its manifold benefits, the QCA method has attracted considerable attention in IS research, with an increasing number of studies employing it as their methodological approach. Based on a comprehensive review and synthesis of recent QCA practices from the IS field, covering 12 years of research, we outline the most prevalent research gaps and limitations concerning QCA's methodological application prior to identifying issues for further improvement as well as highlighting future research directions.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the analysis of linear time-varying systems using distribution theory. The technique is developed to obtain the output given the input as well as to obtain the impulse response from the knowledge of the output and input. All quantities are considered time varying. The basic approach used converts the integral equation into a distributional differential equation.  相似文献   

Self-organizing systems are investigated and the basic foundations of a new approach arc proposed. Mainly based upon the notion of information exchange, this tentative defines the physical entropy of a system and some other characteristic functions. It is shown that a system which is isolated from its environment cannot increase its organization.  相似文献   

This paper documents information technology (IT) impacts that extend across organizational boundaries based on the economic theory. It evaluates how a firm's production cost is affected by the IT decisions of its business partners, over which it has no direct control. Using cross-sectional data on 100 audit engagements for the 100 largest continuing clients of a leading international public accounting firm's main office, it empirically evaluates the impact of the clients’ IT choices on their supplier's (the public accounting firm's) production costs, professional allocations and product prices. The results indicate, other things being equal, that the higher intensity or complexity a client's IT exhibits, the more effort public accounting professionals need to exert, thus, the higher the production cost incurred by the public accounting firm. In contrast, the better documentation or security a client's IT furnishes, the lower the cost the public accounting firm sustains. Furthermore, such differences in production cost are eventually passed on to the client via differences in product price.  相似文献   

Estimating observability matrices or state sequences is the central component of existing subspace identification methods. In this paper a different approach, in which Markov parameters are first estimated under general input excitation, is proposed. The prominent difference of this approach is that a three-block arrangement of data matrices is used. It is shown that one advantage of this approach over other subspace algorithms is that several unbiased estimating procedures can be carried out. One immediate application is to obtain balanced or nearly balanced models directly from the estimated Markov parameters. Another application is that with the estimated Markov parameters, consistently initialized Kalman filter state sequences can be obtained, from which the system matrices can be easily determined without bias. Performance of the proposed algorithms is investigated in two case studies which are based on real data taken from two industrial systems. The algorithms developed in this paper have been implemented and are publicly available.  相似文献   

Following the Kleinian spirit, this study takes a critical view of the existing orthodoxy within information systems (IS) and reframes the ongoing discussion concerning the intellectual core, identity and disciplinary status of IS using the disciplinary analysis of Michel Foucault and Stephen Toulmin. Instead of limiting the discussion to specific paradigms, topics, subjects or content, it focuses on the characteristics, rules and goals of IS as an academic field. A disciplinary lens is used to frame what it means to be a field, discipline and science, and in the process the study uncovers four doxas that have shaped the development of the IS field: (1) the IS research community sees no difference between fields, disciplines or sciences; (2) IT changes so rapidly, and thus the IS field needs to change to remain relevant; (3) disciplines are by definition rigid, inflexible and uni-theoretical and (4) because IS is pluralistic, IS should not become a discipline. This study's analyses of the IS field's discursive formation and intellectual ideals offer novel perspectives that allow for the integration of the IS field's plurality and diversity. To transform the IS field from its multimodal existence into a vibrant, diverse, academically and socially relevant and influential discipline, the study proposes actionable strategies that include (1) agreeing on the intellectual ideals for IS, (2) focusing on conceptual formation, (3) focusing on theory construction, (4) erecting genealogical boundaries and (5) fostering the development of professional bodies.  相似文献   

The depth spatial quantization uncertainty is one of the factors which influence the depth reconstruction accuracy caused by a discrete sensor. This paper discusses the quantization uncertainty distribution, introduces a mathematical model of the uncertainty interval range, and analyzes the movements of the sensors in an Intelligent Vision Agent System. Such a system makes use of multiple sensors which control the deployment and autonomous servo of the system. This paper proposes a dithering algorithm which reduces the depth reconstruction uncertainty. The algorithm assures high accuracy from a few images taken by low-resolution sensors. The dither signal is estimated and then generated through an analysis of the iso-disparity planes. The signal allows for control of the camera movement. The proposed approach is validated and compared with a direct triangulation method. The simulation results are reported in terms of depth reconstruction error statistics. The physical experiment shows that the dithering method reduces the depth reconstruction error.  相似文献   


Classification is an essential approach in business model research. Empirical classifications, termed taxonomies, are widespread in and beyond Information Systems (IS) and enjoy high popularity as both stand-alone artifacts and the foundation for further application. In this article, we focus on the study of empirical business model taxonomies for two reasons. Firstly, as these taxonomies serve as a tool to store empirical data about business models, we investigate their coverage of different industries and technologies. Secondly, as they are emerging artifacts in IS research, we aim to strengthen rigor in their design by illustrating essential design dimensions and characteristics. In doing this, we contribute to research and practice by synthesizing the diffusion of business model taxonomies that helps to draw on the available body of empirical knowledge and providing artifact-specific guidance for building taxonomies in the context of business models.


Supply chain management and customer relationship management are concepts for optimizing the provision of goods to customers. Information sharing and information estimation are key tools used to implement these two concepts. The reduction of delivery times and stock levels can be seen as the main managerial objectives of an integrative supply chain and customer relationship management. To achieve this objective, business processes need to be integrated along the entire supply chain including the end consumer. Information systems form the backbone of any business process integration. The relevant information system architectures are generally well-understood, but the conceptual specification of information systems for business process integration from a management perspective, remains an open methodological problem. To address this problem, we will show how customer relationship management and supply chain management information can be integrated at the conceptual level in order to provide supply chain managers with relevant information. We will further outline how the conceptual management perspective of business process integration can be supported by deriving specifications for enabling information system from business objectives. This work has been funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung), record no. 01HW0196.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to identify different knowledge profiles in organizations and to analyze their contribution to innovation. This is done by analyzing how knowledge is integrated within the work processes by groups of workers with different characteristics (i.e. knowledge profiles). The paper uses a combination of qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis. Using Action Research methodology, several semi-structured group interviews were performed and a questionnaire was applied to employees of two organizations. In order to identify the employee’s profiles, different groups were found by means of a factorial analysis, which resulted in specific knowledge profiles. The major finding of this research was the identification of several knowledge profiles - Innovators, Integrators, Organizers and Facilitators,. An important conclusion is that integration of knowledge in day-by-day practices can boost innovation. The collection of evidences carried out helped to identify ways of integrating knowledge through the implementation of knowledge sharing routines and promotion of collaborative activities in systematic transfer processes, including problem-solving routines and participation in improvement, quality and maintenance projects.  相似文献   

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