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用PC直接获取数字示波器波形和联机波形参数测量 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
数字存储示波器,顾名思义除了能实现一般的显示波形功能之外,更重要的是能将屏幕上显示的波形保存下来,以便作再次观察和其它用途,这是数字存储示波器和普通示波器的根本区别。据了解,一般的数字存储示波器用户,都会使用它进行测量和观察波形,对如何存储波形的方法并没有去研究或不太了解。本文提供了利用电脑与安捷伦数字存储示波器实现联机,并利用电脑直接将示波器的波形存储下来,和对存储下来的波形进行参数测量分析等方法,对数字存储示波器用户有一定的参考价值。 相似文献
A system is presented for the accurate measurement of high-frequency periodic time-domain voltage and current waveforms of a nonlinear microwave device. The measurements are performed in the time domain using a high-speed sampling oscilloscope. The results are Fourier-transformed into the frequency domain for error correction and then back into the time domain. An error-correction algorithm is presented that makes it possible to obtain accurate waveforms in spite of nonideal system components. Practical difficulties in measurement-system characterization are also discussed. An accurate circuit model for the measurement fixture is developed and its element values are determined. Measurement results are given showing the waveforms in a microwave transistor operated in the nonlinear region. The errors caused by signal processing are discussed 相似文献
The primary system used at NBS, Boulder, CO, to measure fast (picosecond-nanosecond range), repetitive, electrical pulse parameters consists essentially of a wide-band (dc-18 GHz) sampling oscilloscope interfaced to a minicomputer. This paper describes the major calibration and analysis techniques used to reduce the effects of errors inherent in this system, both deterministic and random in nature. 相似文献
实时测温系统中采样精度的提高措施 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2
在介绍一种利用InGaAs/I半导体激光器并采用钽酸锂热释电探测器实时测量比辐射率及温度的系统的基础上,着重讨论了从光、电干扰及其抑制这两方面所采取的提高其采样精度的措施:一是在抑制光干扰的基础上选择合适的采样时机并优选采样结果;另一是在抑制电干扰的基础上选择合适的采样周期并进行信号平均。给出了系统的采样硫程图,进行了一些必要的分析和讨论。 相似文献
《Microelectronics Reliability》2015,55(11):2276-2283
Reliability of embedded electronic products is a challenging issue regarding ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD) events into real live applications. This is strongly related to the increased number of embedded systems and to technologies shrinking that result in less robust chips. To ensure the safety of electronic systems, the ESD events have to be taken into account at first design phase. But equipment manufacturers are facing the dilemma that no information is provided by the semiconductor manufacturers. At the same time Integrated Circuit (IC) designers have to take into account the final application environment to build the ESD protection strategy. Depending on the external components (external means around the chip) the on-chip current path could change. Understanding how the system environment impacts the current path within the chip is needed. This paper deals with on-chip oscilloscope developed for in-situ measurement of real ESD event in 65 nm CMOS technology. The measurement bandwidth of the embedded sampler is 100 GHz, and 20 GHz for the probes. Thanks to this technique, impact of the system on the current path of the on-chip ESD strategy will be observed. Some measurement results during an ESD stress on an I/O structure will be presented and analyzed showing that PCB trace and package induce the creation of new current paths. 相似文献
A simple method of phase-shift and velocity measurements of impulse surface waves in an active delay line is related. Using Lissajous's displays on a sampling oscilloscope, accurate measurements are performed, even though the transmitted signal is disturbed by r.f. leakage, echoes or spurious modes. The same technique is applied to the frequency determination of a convoluted signal in a nonlinear device. 相似文献
近年来国家颁布了一系列标准,规定逐步采用能量计量方式替代体积(或质量)计量方式进行贸易结算,贸易结算更趋科学、合理.本论文基于西门子SITRANS CV在线色谱分析仪设计了热值计量系统,包括样品处理系统、各种辅助配套设备及软硬件系统,实现了天然气热值测量的自动化、智能化和标准化. 相似文献
本文基于采用网络分析仪进行测试中经常遇到的测试考虑进行探讨。更好的使用网络分析仪以获得准确的测试结果。 相似文献
本文介绍了定向耦合器在矢量网络分析仪反射测量中的作用,分析了定向耦合器导致方向性误差的原因:耦合端出现的信号中包含有泄漏过去的非理想信号,在定向耦合器的耦合端口是被测件反射的信号,是理想的被测信号,但实际的定向耦合器并不理想,一小部分信号在经被测件反射之前便泄漏到了耦合端口.耦合端口的信号中包含有泄漏过去的非理想信号,... 相似文献
《Proceedings of the IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers》1983,71(9):1111-1113
A formula is derived for the output components of a nonlinearity which can be described by a power series, with complex coefficients and frequency-dependent time delays, when the input is a sum of sinusoids. 相似文献
Precise and accurate measurement of input resistance is essential to characterize small antennas whose input resistance is very small. However, this is very difficult because uncertainty, which includes imprecision and inaccuracy, sometimes exceeds the resistance being measured. A method for precise measurement of small input resistance using a conventional network analyzer is presented. Inaccuracy, which includes an actual conductor loss of the antenna under test (AUT), manufacturing error, and the residual systematic errors is then estimated. The former two sources of inaccuracy are obtained by comparing a radiation efficiency measurement of a small loop antenna using the Wheeler cap method with a calculated radiation efficiency. Using these values in the calculation of the input resistance, a true input resistance is acquired. Finally, the actual value of the residual systematic errors for each instrument is estimated by comparison between the true input resistance and the measurement 相似文献
热重分析仪对温度的测量精度和控制精度的要求都很高,文中对温度的测量方案、温度控制器的设计等一系列过程进行了分析研究,设计了一套适合于热重分析仪的温度测控系统。其中,温度信号的采集采用以模数转换器AD7714为核心的解决方案,温度控制器则采用模糊PID控制,通过单片机实现温度的恒温、变温等控制。实验证明,该系统对于复杂条件下的高级温度测控表现出了优良的性能。 相似文献
介绍美国DRA实验室研制的基于最长序列MLS信号测试技术的扬声器电声分析系统MLSSA。同时给出对其进行自动化改造的思路及方法,经改造后该系统能适应扬声器工厂生产线大批量测试产品频率响应的需要。对扬声器生产工厂的质量控制有一定意义。 相似文献