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The main objective of this paper is to investigate the use of Quality Threshold ARTMAP (QTAM) neural network in classifying the feature vectors generated by moment invariant for the insect recognition task. In this work, six different types of moment invariant technique are adopted to extract the shape features of the insect images. These moment techniques are Geometrical Moment Invariant (GMI), United Moment Invariant (UMI), Zernike Moment Invariant (ZMI), Legendre Moment Invariant (LMI), Tchebichef Moment Invariant (TMI) and Krawtchouk Moment Invariant (KMI). All the moment techniques are analyzed using the concept of intraclass and interclass analysis. In intraclass analysis, several computation methods are introduced in order to examine the invariance properties of adopted moment techniques for the same insect object. Meanwhile, the classification accuracy of neural networks is adopted to measure the interclass characteristic and the effectiveness of moment technique in extracting the shape features of insect images. Other types of neural networks are also utilized in this research work. This includes novel enhancement technique based on the Gaussian and Mahalanobis function that design to increase its prediction accuracy. All the other networks used to classify the feature vectors are based on the Fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM) neural network. The experimental results indicated that the Krawtchouk Moment Invariant technique generated the highest classification accuracy for most of the networks used and generated the smallest error for the intraclass analysis. Using different normalization technique, the Quality Threshold ARTMAP and Mahalanobis distance function (QTAM-m) network gave the highest insect recognition results when compared to other networks.  相似文献   

A fuzzy neural network and its application to pattern recognition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Defines four types of fuzzy neurons and proposes the structure of a four-layer feedforward fuzzy neural network (FNN) and its associated learning algorithm. The proposed four-layer FNN performs well when used to recognize shifted and distorted training patterns. When an input pattern is provided, the network first fuzzifies this pattern and then computes the similarities of this pattern to all of the learned patterns. The network then reaches a conclusion by selecting the learned pattern with the highest similarity and gives a nonfuzzy output. The 26 English alphabets and the 10 Arabic numerals, each represented by 16×16 pixels, were used as original training patterns. In the simulation experiments, the original 36 exemplar patterns were shifted in eight directions by 1 pixel (6.25% to 8.84%) and 2 pixels (12.5% to 17.68%). After the FNN has been trained by the 36 exemplar patterns, the FNN can recall all of the learned patterns with 100% recognition rate. It can also recognize patterns shifted by 1 pixel in eight directions with 100% recognition rate and patterns shifted by 2 pixels in eight directions with an average recognition rate of 92.01%. After the FNN has been trained by the 36 exemplar patterns and 72 shifted patterns, it can recognize patterns shifted by 1 pixel with 100% recognition rate and patterns shifted by 2 pixels with an average recognition rate of 98.61%. The authors have also tested the FNN with 10 kinds of distorted patterns for each of the 36 exemplars. The FNN can recognize all of the distorted patterns with 100% recognition rate. The proposed FNN can also be adapted for applications in some other pattern recognition problems  相似文献   

Neural network ensemble based on rough sets reduct is proposed to decrease the computational complexity of conventional ensemble feature selection algorithm. First, a dynamic reduction technology combining genetic algorithm with resampling method is adopted to obtain reducts with good generalization ability. Second, Multiple BP neural networks based on different reducts are built as base classifiers. According to the idea of selective ensemble, the neural network ensemble with best generalization ability can be found by search strategies. Finally, classification based on neural network ensemble is implemented by combining the predictions of component networks with voting. The method has been verified in the experiment of remote sensing image and five UCI datasets classification. Compared with conventional ensemble feature selection algorithms, it costs less time and lower computing complexity, and the classification accuracy is satisfactory.  相似文献   

付威  王欣 《控制与决策》2024,39(3):994-1002
广义证据理论是一种在不完备识别框架中处理多传感器信息融合问题的实用方法.由于时代环境的影响,人们的认知存在局限性,难免会将不完备的识别框架认为是完备的,经典证据理论在这种情况下并不完全适用.因此,根据广义证据理论提出一种新的广义基本概率赋值(generalized basic probability assignment,GBPA)生成方法.该方法首先根据训练数据分别构造样本类别和测试样本的广义三角模糊数模型;然后通过计算样本和类别间的广义三角模糊距离生成GBPA;最后使用广义组合规则融合所有证据并得出最终的结论.Iris数据集的实验结果表明所提方法合理有效,即使在样本不足的情况下仍有较高的分类精度.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel supervised dimension reduction algorithm based on K-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier. The proposed algorithm reduces the dimension of data in order to improve the accuracy of the KNN classification. This heuristic algorithm proposes independent dimensions which decrease Euclidean distance of a sample data and its K-nearest within-class neighbors and increase Euclidean distance of that sample and its M-nearest between-class neighbors. This algorithm is a linear dimension reduction algorithm which produces a mapping matrix for projecting data into low dimension. The dimension reduction step is followed by a KNN classifier. Therefore, it is applicable for high-dimensional multiclass classification. Experiments with artificial data such as Helix and Twin-peaks show ability of the algorithm for data visualization. This algorithm is compared with state-of-the-art algorithms in classification of eight different multiclass data sets from UCI collection. Simulation results have shown that the proposed algorithm outperforms the existing algorithms. Visual place classification is an important problem for intelligent mobile robots which not only deals with high-dimensional data but also has to solve a multiclass classification problem. A proper dimension reduction method is usually needed to decrease computation and memory complexity of algorithms in large environments. Therefore, our method is very well suited for this problem. We extract color histogram of omnidirectional camera images as primary features, reduce the features into a low-dimensional space and apply a KNN classifier. Results of experiments on five real data sets showed superiority of the proposed algorithm against others.  相似文献   

A novel successive learning algorithm based on a Test Feature Classifier is proposed for efficient handling of sequentially provided training data. The fundamental characteristics of the successive learning are considered. In the learning, after recognition of a set of unknown data by a classifier, they are fed into the classifier in order to obtain a modified performance. An efficient algorithm is proposed for the incremental definition of prime tests which are irreducible combinations of features and capable of classifying training patterns into correct classes. Four strategies for addition of training patterns are investigated with respect to their precision and performance using real pattern data. A real-world problem of classification of defects on wafer images has been dealt with by the proposed classifier, obtaining excellent performance even through efficient addition strategies.  相似文献   

This paper proposes polytope ARTMAP (PTAM), an adaptive resonance theory (ART) network for classification tasks which does not use the vigilance parameter. This feature is due to the geometry of categories in PTAM, which are irregular polytopes whose borders approximate the borders among the output predictions. During training, the categories expand only towards the input pattern without category overlap. The category expansion in PTAM is naturally limited by the other categories, and not by the category size, so the vigilance is not necessary. PTAM works in a fully automatic way for pattern classification tasks, without any parameter tuning, so it is easier to employ for nonexpert users than other classifiers. PTAM achieves lower error than the leading ART networks on a complete collection of benchmark data sets, except for noisy data, without any parameter optimization.  相似文献   

We propose a threshold-varying artificial neural network (TV-ANN) approach for solving the binary classification problem. Using a set of simulated and real-world data set for bankruptcy prediction, we illustrate that the proposed TV-ANN fares well, both for training and holdout samples, when compared to the traditional backpropagation artificial neural network (ANN) and the statistical linear discriminant analysis. The performance comparisons of TV-ANN with a genetic algorithm-based ANN and a classification tree approach C4.5 resulted in mixed results.  相似文献   

Condition monitoring of tool wear is paramount for guaranteeing the quality of workpiece and improving the lifetime of the cutter. To improve the training speed and the flexibility of the incremental learning, a modified Fuzzy ARTMAP classifier is developed in which the resonance layer is linked with the category node directly by many to one mapping. Therefore, the weight value and model structure can be updated simultaneously during the online incremental learning process. To testify the effectiveness of the presented method, experiments of tool condition classification in the process of end milling of Titanium alloy are carried out and two incremental learning cases are simulated. The analysis of online learning process in both cases shows that the structure and parameters of the model can be adjusted automatically without requiring access to the previous training data. At the same time, the accuracy analysis demonstrates that the presented method has strong ability to learn the new knowledge without forgetting the previous knowledge.  相似文献   

Markov逻辑网及其在文本分类中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了Markov逻辑网的理论模型、学习算法和推理算法,并将其应用于中文文本分类中.实验结合了判别式训练的学习算法,MC-SAT、吉布斯抽样和模拟退火等推理算法,结果表明基于Markov逻辑网的分类方法能够取得比传统K邻近(KNN)分类算法更好的效果.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss a new method for extracting fuzzy rules directly from numerical input-output data for pattern classification. Fuzzy rules with variable fuzzy regions are defined by activation hyperboxes which show the existence region of data for a class and inhibition hyperboxes which inhibit the existence of data for that class. These rules are extracted from numerical data by recursively resolving overlaps between two classes. Then, optimal input variables for the rules are determined using the number of extracted rules as a criterion. The method is compared with neural networks using the Fisher iris data and a license plate recognition system for various examples  相似文献   

Dornaika  F.  Khoder  A.  Moujahid  A.  Khoder  W. 《Neural computing & applications》2022,34(19):16879-16895
Neural Computing and Applications - The performance of machine learning and pattern recognition algorithms generally depends on data representation. That is why, much of the current effort in...  相似文献   

A novel distance measure between two intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) is proposed in this paper. The introduced measure formulates the information of each set in matrix structure, where matrix norms in conjunction with fuzzy implications can be applied to measure the distance between the IFSs. The advantage of this novel distance measure is its flexibility, which permits different fuzzy implications to be incorporated by extending its applicability to several applications where the most appropriate implication is used. Moreover, the proposed distance might be expressed equivalently by using either intuitionistic fuzzy sets or interval‐valued fuzzy sets. Appropriate experimental configurations have taken place to compare the proposed distance measure with similar distance measures from the literature, by applying them to several pattern recognition problems. The results are very promising because the performance of the new distance measure outperforms the corresponding performance of well‐known IFSs measures, by recognizing the patterns correctly and with high degree of confidence. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Presents a feature recognition network for pattern recognition that learns the patterns by remembering their different segments. The base algorithm for this network is a Boolean net algorithm that the authors developed during past research. Simulation results show that the network can recognize patterns after significant noise, deformation, translation and even scaling. The network is compared to existing popular networks used for the same purpose, especially the Neocognitron. The network is also analyzed as regards to interconnection complexity and information storage/retrieval  相似文献   

In this study, a modified hybrid neural network with asymmetric basis functions is presented for feature extraction of spike and slow wave complexes in electroencephalography (EEG). Feature extraction process has a great importance in all pattern recognition and classification problems. A gradient descent algorithm, indeed a back propagation type, is adapted to the proposed artificial neural network. The performance of the proposed network is measured using a support vector machine classifier fed by features extracted using the proposed neural network. The results show that the proposed neural network model can effectively be used in pattern recognition tasks. In experiments, real EEG data are used.  相似文献   

The polynomial classifier (PC) that takes the binomial terms of reduced subspace features as inputs has shown superior performance to multilayer neural networks in pattern classification. In this paper, we propose a class-specific feature polynomial classifier (CFPC) that extracts class-specific features from class-specific subspaces, unlike the ordinary PC that uses a class-independent subspace. The CFPC can be viewed as a hybrid of ordinary PC and projection distance method. The class-specific features better separate one class from the others, and the incorporation of class-specific projection distance further improves the separability. The connecting weights of CFPC are efficiently learned class-by-class to minimize the mean square error on training samples. To justify the promise of CFPC, we have conducted experiments of handwritten digit recognition and numeral string recognition on the NIST Special Database 19 (SD19). The digit recognition task was also benchmarked on two standard databases USPS and MNIST. The results show that the performance of CFPC is superior to that of ordinary PC, and is competitive with support vector classifiers (SVCs).  相似文献   

Principal component analysis (PCA) and kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) are classical feature extraction methods. However, PCA and KPCA are unsupervised learning methods which always maximize the overall variance and ignore the information of within-class and between-class. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective strategy to improve the performance of PCA and then this strategy is generalized to KPCA. The proposed methods utilize within-class auxiliary training samples, which are constructed through linear interpolation method. These within-class auxiliary training samples are used to train and get the principal components. In contrast with conventional PCA and KPCA, our proposed methods have more discriminant information. Several experiments are respectively conducted on XM2VTS face database, United States Postal Service (USPS) handwritten digits database and three UCI repository of machine learning databases, experimental results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate using multi-objective genetic programming to evolve a feature extraction stage for multiple-class classifiers. We find mappings which transform the input space into a new, multi-dimensional decision space to increase the discrimination between all classes; the number of dimensions of this decision space is optimized as part of the evolutionary process. A simple and fast multi-class classifier is then implemented in this multi-dimensional decision space. Mapping to a single decision space has significant computational advantages compared to k-class-to-2-class decompositions; a key design requirement in this work has been the ability to incorporate changing priors and/or costs associated with mislabeling without retraining. We have employed multi-objective optimization in a Pareto framework incorporating solution complexity as an independent objective to be minimized in addition to the main objective of the misclassification error. We thus give preference to simpler solutions which tend to generalize well on unseen data, in accordance with Occam’s Razor. We obtain classification results on a series of benchmark problems which are essentially identical to previous, more complex decomposition approaches. Our solutions are much simpler and computationally attractive as well as able to readily incorporate changing priors/costs. In addition, we have also applied our approach to the KDD-99 intrusion detection dataset and obtained results which are highly competitive with the KDD-99 Cup winner but with a significantly simpler classification framework.  相似文献   

Kar-Ann   《Neurocomputing》2008,71(7-9):1680-1693
This paper presents a novel quadratic error-counting network for pattern classification. Two computational issues namely, the network learning issue and the classification error-counting issue have been addressed. Essentially, a linear series functional approximation to network structure and a smooth quadratic error-counting cost function were proposed to resolve these two computational issues within a single framework. Our analysis shows that the quadratic error-counting objective can be related to the least-squares-error objective by adjusting the class-specific normalization factors. The binary classification network is subsequently extended to cater for multicategory problems. An extensive empirical evaluation validates the usefulness of proposed method.  相似文献   

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