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Reliable packet transmissions in multipath routed wireless networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We study the problem of using path diversification to provide low probability of packet loss (PPL) in wireless networks. Path diversification uses erasure codes and multiple paths in the network to transmit packets. The source uses Forward Error Correction (FEC) to encode each packet into multiple fragments and transmits the fragments to the destination using multiple disjoint paths. The source uses a load balancing algorithm to determine how many fragments should be transmitted on each path. The destination can reconstruct the packet if it receives a number of fragments equal to or higher than the number of fragments in the original packet. We study the load balancing algorithm in two general cases. In the first case, we assume that no knowledge of the performance along the paths is available at the source. In such a case, the source decomposes traffic uniformly among the paths; we call this case blind load balancing. We show that for low PPL, blind load balancing outperforms single-path transmission. In the second case, we assume that a feedback mechanism periodically provides the source with information about the performance along each path. With that information, the source can optimally distribute the fragments. We show how to distribute the fragments for minimized PPL, and maximized efficiency given a bound on PPL. We evaluate the performance of the scheme through numerical simulations.  相似文献   

In the third-generation (and beyond) wireless communication systems, there will be a mixture of different traffic classes, each having its own transmission rate characteristics and quality-of-service (QoS) requirements. In this paper, a QoS-oriented medium access control (MAC) protocol with fair packet loss sharing (FPLS) scheduling is proposed for wireless code-division multiple access (CDMA) communications. The QoS parameters under consideration are the transmission bit error rate (BER), packet loss, and delay requirements. The MAC protocol exploits both time-division and code-division statistical multiplexing. The BER requirements are guaranteed by properly arranging simultaneous packet transmissions and controlling there transmit power levels, whereas the packet loss and delay requirements are guaranteed by proper packet scheduling. The basic idea of FPLS is to schedule the transmission of multimedia packets in such a way that all the users have a fair share of packet loss according to their QoS requirements, which maximizes the number of the served users under the QoS constraints. Simulation results demonstrate effectiveness of the FPLS scheduler, in comparison with other previously proposed scheduling algorithms.  相似文献   

Random packet CDMA, a novel packet-based multiple access scheme for connectionless, uncoordinated random channel access is proposed. Random packet CDMA, or RP-CDMA, utilizes a novel packet format which consists of a short header and a data portion. Each header is spread with a unique spreading code which is identical for all users and packets, while the data portion of each packet is spread by a randomly chosen spreading sequence. The receiver operates in two stages: header detection and data detection. For header detection a conventional spread spectrum receiver is sufficient. Headers are spread with a large enough processing gain to allow detection even in severe interference. The data portion is decoded with a sophisticated receiver, such as a multiuser detector, which allows for successful decoding of overlapping active packets. It is shown that the RP-CDMA system is detector capability limited and that it can significantly outperform spread ALOHA systems whose performance is limited by the channel collision mechanism. RP-CDMA also experiences a much smaller packet retransmission rate than conventional or spread ALOHA, and provides better spectral efficiencies.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了CDMA无线网络的关键技术和工程规划流程.首先说明了CDMA无线网络在通信系统中的重要地位,接着从传播模型的校正、链路预算、容量和干扰分析等方面阐述CDMA网络的关键性问题,最后,详细介绍了CDMA无线网络工程规划的流程,并且,通过仿真得出了符合要求的覆盖效果.  相似文献   

An efficient radio resource allocation scheme is crucial for guaranteeing the quality of service (QoS) requirements and fully utilizing the scarce radio resources in wireless mobile networks. Most of previous studies of radio resource allocation in traditional wireless networks concentrates on network layer connection blocking probability QoS. In this paper, we show that physical layer techniques and QoS have significant impacts on network layer QoS. We use a concept of cross-layer effective bandwidth to measure the unified radio resource usage taking into account both physical layer linear minimum-mean square error (LMMSE) receivers and varying statistical characteristics of the packet traffic in code devision multiple access (CDMA) networks. We demonstrate the similarity between traditional circuit-switched networks and packet CDMA networks, which enables rich theories developed in traditional wireless mobile networks to be used in packet CDMA networks. Moreover, since both physical layer signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) QoS and network layer connection blocking probability QoS are considered simultaneously, we can explore the tradeoff between physical layer QoS and network layer QoS in packet CDMA networks. This work is supported by Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Please address all correspondence to Professor Vikram Krishnamurthy at the above address. Fei Yu received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of British Columbia in 2003. From 2002 to 2004, he was with Ericsson (in Lund, Sweden), where he worked on the research and development of dual mode UMTS/GPRS handsets. From 2005, he has been working in Silicon Valley at a start-up, where he conducts research and development in the areas of advanced wireless communication technologies and new standards. After completing the PhD, he has been a research associate in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of British Columbia. His research interests include cross-layer optimization, QoS provisioning and security in wireless networks. Vikram Krishnamurthy (S’90-M’91-SM’99-F’05) was born in 1966. He received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Auckland, New Zealand in 1988, and Ph.D. from the Australian National University, Canberra, in 1992. Since 2002, he has been a professor and Canada Research Chair at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Prior to this he was a chaired professor at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Melbourne, Australia. His research interests span several areas including ion channels and nanobiology, stochastic scheduling and control, statistical signal processing and wireless telecommunications. Dr. Krishnamurthy has served as associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE Transactions Nanobioscience, IEEE Transactions Circuits and Systems II, Systems and Control Letters and European Journal of Applied Signal Processing. He was guest editor of a special issue of IEEE Transactions on NanoBioScience, March 2005 on bio-nanotubes.  相似文献   

Studies of the capacity of cellular systems, stated in terms of the admissible number of remote users, have generally been limited to voice telephony. We address the problem of comparing the interference-limited performance of code-division multiple-access (CDMA) and time-division multiple-access (TDMA) systems in a packet-switched environment. The objective is to determine whether the capacity advantages claimed for circuit-switched CDMA still apply in a packet-switched environment, where the natural time diversity of bursty transmission may be a significant factor. Under a set of specific assumptions about the wireless environment (including path loss, shadow fading, multipath delay spread, cochannel interference, power control, and coding), we evaluate the number of users that can be admitted to the system while maintaining some desired quality-of-service (QoS) level. Four different classes of users with different characteristics and requirements are considered. The system capacity is found to depend significantly on the QoS objectives, which might be stated in terms of availability of some specified signal-to-interference level, packet-loss rate, or mean tolerable delay. The main finding is that strict requirements imposed on the radio access level tend to favor CDMA, whereas if some form of packet recovery is allowed at the higher layers (implying a relaxed set of requirements on the radio interface), then a somewhat higher capacity may be achieved by TDMA.  相似文献   

A novel Multiple Access Control(MAC) protocol-User-dependent Perfect-scheduling Multiple Access(UPMA) protocol,which supports joint transmission of voice and data packets,is proposed.By this protocol,the bandwidth can be allocated dynamically to the uplink and downlink traffic with on-demand assignment and the transmission of Mobile Terminals(MTs) can be perfectly scheduled by means of polling.Meanwhile.a unique frame stucture is designed to guarantee Quality of Service(QoS) in voice traffic supporting.An effective colision resolution algorthm is also proposed to guarantee rapid channel access for activated MTs.Finally,performance of UPMA protocol is evaluated by simulation and compared with MPRMA protocol.Simulation results show that UPMA protocol has better performance.  相似文献   

Different kinds of Multirate (MR) communication systems, such as multicode (MCD) scheme and variable spreading length (VSL) schemes, have been considered for accommodating information sources with different data rates in Multicarrier code-division multiple access (MC-CDMA). In this paper, we propose the use of MCD scheme for MR services in MC/MCD-CDMA system that employs wavelet packets (WPs) as subcarriers. The bit error rate (BER) performance for the system was investigated by means of analytical methods and numerical results in a slow fading frequency selective Nakagami channel. The performance analysis includes the effects of diversity techniques, channel intensity profile, diversity order and fading parameter. Also, the effects of different service rates and number of users in each service rate were investigated. The performance of the system was compared to that of MC/MCD-CDMA based on sinusoidal carrier. Results reveal that BER performance is proportional to the service rate and our proposed system outperform the other system.  相似文献   

CDMA2000 分组域核心网移动IP技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
移动IP技术为CDMA2000 系统中的一种基本接入技术.分析了移动IP技术网络架构,介绍了移动IP网络部署下的几种关键技术.为了使只支持简单IP的终端使用移动IP业务,引入了代理移动IP技术.内容计费业务作为一种灵活的计费方式,同样也可以应用在CDMA2000分组网络中.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a simple, but effective method of enhancing and exploiting diversity from multiple packet transmissions in systems that employ nonbinary linear modulations such as phase-shift keying (PSK) and quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). This diversity improvement results from redesigning the symbol mapping for each packet transmission. By developing a general framework for evaluating the upper bound of the bit error rate (BER) with multiple transmissions, a criterion to obtain optimal symbol mappings is attained. The optimal adaptation scheme reduces to solutions of the well known quadratic assignment problem (QAP). Symbol mapping adaptation only requires a small increase in receiver complexity but provides very substantial BER gains when applied to additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and flat-fading channels.  相似文献   

本文基于码率匹配截短Turbo码和“码字校验交替重传”方案,提出了一种新的Ⅱ型混合ARQ方法,并将其应用于移动通信系统的分组数据业务中。仿真结果和分析表明,综合系统性能和复杂性两方面考虑,该方法不失为一种实现分组数据可靠传输的最佳解决方案。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on performance analysis of a CDMA wireless data network based on hierarchy schedule-sensing (HSS) protocol, in which a common-code permission frame beacon is used to schedule request transmissions to avoid packet collisions. To further reduce scheduling delay, hierarchical group-based coding is adopted in the scheme. The performance of such a network is evaluated considering packet collisions with and without packet capture effect using a two-dimensional Markovian chain model. In particular, this paper will study the impact of multiple packet-collision effect on network performance with the help of the average packet-collision rate derived explicitly in the paper. The obtained results show that, despite its low implementation complexity, the HSS protocol is a fairly robust medium-access control protocol featuring uniformly high throughput and short delay even under very high traffic load, which especially suits data-centric wireless networks with relatively small coverage area and great node density.  相似文献   

Radio communication offers the great advantage of mobility for users. At least two important systems exploit this feature: packet radio networks and personal communication systems. Since their radio links are subject to rapid changes in quality, the ability to adapt to these changes has much to offer in improving throughput, delay, and robustness characteristics. This paper addresses three areas. First, it presents the design fundamentals of an adaptive link-gain control algorithm for a multiple access radio channel. Second, it develops a probabilistic model for a related family of algorithms, which includes models for the effects of code-division multiple access interference. Third, it uses two sample algorithms to explore the transient behaviour of the system. The two algorithms are chosen to compare the relative merits of designs that emphasize adapting to channel noise versus adapting to multiple access interference. Transient analysis is sparse in the literature and is an important contribution of this paper.  相似文献   

A distributed algorithm for the conflict-free channel allocation in CDMA (code division multiple access) networks is presented. Dynamic adjustment to topological changes is also considered. Though the schedules produced by our algorithm are not optimal with respect to link schedule length, the algorithm is simple and practical. The link schedule length minimization problem is NP-complete. Here the length of a link schedule is the number of time slots it uses. The algorithm guarantees a bound 2 — 1 time slots on the TDMA cycle length, where is the maximum degree of a station (i.e., maximum number of stations that a station can reach by radio links) in the network. The message complexity of a station isO().  相似文献   

Next generation wireless code division multiple access (CDMA) networks are required to support packet multimedia traffic. This paper addresses the connection admission control problem for multiservice packet traffic modeled as Markov modulated Poisson process (MMPP) with the quality of service (QoS) requirements on both physical layer signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) and network layer blocking probability. Optimal linear-programming-based algorithms are presented that take into account of SIR outage probability constraints. By exploiting the MMPP traffic models and introducing a small SIR outage probability, the proposed algorithms can dramatically improve the network utilization. In addition, we propose two reduced complexity algorithms that require less computation and can have satisfactory approximation to the optimal solutions. Numerical examples illustrating the performance of the proposed schemes are presented.  相似文献   

Stabilizing the throughput over wireless links is one of the key challenges in providing high-quality wireless multimedia services. Wireless links are typically stabilized by a combination of link-layer automatic repeat request (ARQ) mechanisms in conjunction with forward error correction and other physical layer techniques. In this paper, we focus on the ARQ component and study a novel class of ARQ mechanisms, referred to as simultaneous MAC packet transmission (SMPT). In contrast to the conventional ARQ mechanisms that transmit one packet at a time over the wireless air interface, SMPT exploits the parallel code channels provided by multicode code-division multiple access. SMPT stabilizes the wireless link by transmitting multiple packets in parallel in response to packet drops due to wireless link errors. While these parallel packet transmissions stabilize the link layer throughput, they also increase the interference level in a given cell of a cellular network or cluster of an ad hoc network. This increased interference reduces the number of traffic flows that can be simultaneously supported in a cell/cluster. We develop an analytical framework for the class of SMPT mechanisms and analyze the link-layer buffer occupancy and the code usage in a wireless system running some form of SMPT. Our analysis quantifies the tradeoff between increased link-layer quality of service and reduced number of supported flows in SMPT with good accuracy, as verified by simulations. In a typical scenario, SMPT reduces the probability of link-layer buffer overflow by over two orders of magnitude (thus enabling high-quality multimedia services, such as real-time video streaming) while supporting roughly 20% fewer flows than conventional ARQ. Our analytical framework provides a basis for resource management in wireless systems running some form of SMPT and optimizing SMPT mechanisms.  相似文献   

IEEE 1588标准的基本功能是使分布式网络内的各个时钟与最精确的时钟保持同步,目前主要用于以太网中,无线分组网中尚未移植该协议.本文旨在研究无线分组通信网精确定时技术,分析IEEE 1588定义的PTP(Precision Time Protocol)体系结构和时钟同步原理,提出能在无线分组网络中通过IEEE 15...  相似文献   

This paper presents a simulation-based study of cellular packet CDMA systems operating in an integrated voice/data traffic scenario. Spread-spectrum CDMA provides a suitable framework for resource-shared packet transport capable of combining isochronous (voice, ISDN) and bursty data services. In this work, a general network model for cellular packet CDMA with mixed voice/data traffic is described and used to evaluate the capacity/performance impact of several key system parameters. First, the effect of spreading factor (N) and forward error correction (FEC) rate are studied, confirming earlier work indicating a weak dependence onN and a well-defined optimum code rate in the range of 0.5–0.7 (with BCH coding). Next, the effect of propagation loss coefficient () on network capacity is investigated over a range of possible assumptions for, including both constant and distance-dependent models. The results show that system capacity depends strongly on, varying by as much as a factor of 2 over the range of parameters considered. For a given distance-dependent assumption, performance results are also obtained for different cell sizes in order to understand the overall spatial reuse efficiency achievable in different cellular and microcellular scenarios. This is followed by an investigation of traffic source model effects: first the capacity improvement from voice activity detection VAD) is presented, showing the expected 21 gains. Results for varying proportions of voice and data traffic intensities indicate that the operating efficiency does not change significantly as the proportion of bursty data relative to voice is varied.  相似文献   

We present a novel reduced-power channel reuse scheme to improve the spectrum efficiency in wireless packet cellular networks. The basic idea is to reduce intercellular interference and improve the capture probability by an a priori assignment of power levels of channels used in different cells. We formulate and solve an optimal channel-selection problem for our scheme. We find that the optimal policy is in a form of bang-bang control. We illustrate our channel-selection solution by a case study with uniform fairness constraint. We evaluate, via numerical analysis and simulation, both throughput and delay of the new scheme, and compare them with other schemes. We find that our scheme can achieve significant performance improvements, in terms of both the maximum throughput and throughput-delay tradeoff, over a wide range of capture ratio values  相似文献   

In code-division multiple-access (CDMA) transmissions, computing the multiuser minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) detector coefficients requires the inversion of the covariance matrix associated to the received vector signal, an operation usually difficult to implement when the spreading factor and the number of users are large. It is therefore interesting to approximate the inverse by a matrix polynomial. In this correspondence, means for computing the polynomial coefficients are proposed in the context of CDMA downlink transmissions on frequency-selective channels, the users having possibly different powers. Derivations are made in the asymptotic regime where the spreading factor and the number of users grow toward infinity at the same rate. Results pertaining to the mathematics of large random matrices, and in particular to free probability theory, are used. Spreading matrices are modeled as isometric random matrices (spreading vectors orthonormality is a natural assumption in downlink) and also as random matrices with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) elements.  相似文献   

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