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Comparative analysis of FA, NL and sterol profiles in the Nephropsnorvegicus (langoustine), Palinurusvulgaris (lobster) and Penaeuskerathurus (shrimp) muscle and cephalothorax showed that C16:0, C16:1ω-7, C18:0, C18:1ω-9, C20:4ω-6, EPA and DHA were found to be their major FA. Highest EPA occurred in langoustine muscle TL, DHA in both shrimp tissues TL while C20:4ω-6 in lobster muscle and cephalothorax TL. Muscle and cephalothorax NL consisted mainly of sterols (42.5–54.4% and 13.7–43.1%) and triacylglycerols (35.4–45.8% and 44.6–59.4%). Cholesterol was the major sterol (70.90–98.58% and 97.10–98.31% of total sterols in muscle and cephalothorax respectively) followed by avenasterol (0.18–20.32% and 0.07–0.70%) and β-sitosterol (0.29–7.30% and 0.23–0.75%). Lower concentrations of brassicasterol, stigmasterol, Δ7-stigmasterol, campesterol and campestanol were also found. The examined crustaceans muscle (edible part) was found to be a good ω-3 PUFA source for the consumers, while the cephalothorax (which is usually discarded) could be used effectively as a source for ω-3 PUFA production.  相似文献   

To investigate the nutritional value of the diatom Cyclotella cryptica (Reimann, Lewin, and Guillard) as an alternative feed for use in the aquaculture industry, the heterotrophic growth characteristics and resultant fatty acid profile of the microalga were studied when cultivated under a variety of controlled salinity and temperature conditions. In addition, the effects of pH on the growth characteristics were also studied. The maximum specific growth rate was affected by initial pH and cultivation temperature, but not by salinity. The optimal pH and temperature ranges for growth were 7.2 to 8.1 and 22.5 to 25.0 °C, respectively. Lipid accumulation and the fatty acid composition were also affected by cultivation temperature and salinity. The optimal temperature range and salinity level for lipid accumulation were 18.0 to 25.0 °C and 11.2 psu, respectively. In all cases the fatty acid distribution was similar, with the most abundant fatty acids being palmitic acid (16:0), palmitoleic acid (16:1 n-7), stearidonic acid (18:4 n-3, SDA), eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5 n-3, EPA), and decosahexaenoic acid (22:6 n-3, DHA).  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of beef and pork has been stigmatized due to their relationships with several diseases from cardiovascular disease to cancer. Meat lipids are, however, one of the few components of meat that can be modified in content and composition, and can present opportunities for value added production and health promotion. Until regulations and policies are in place to define requirements for fatty acid enrichment, however, the process remains relatively academic. Once practical goals are in place for fatty acid enrichment in meat, both theory and practice need to converge for successful production of fatty acid enriched meat. The present review covers aspects of policy in Canada, and requirements for research networks to respond to theoretical and practical challenges associated with production of fatty acid enriched meat. Finally, needs for education and marketing are outlined which must be in place to truly realize a transition of meat lipids from perceived disease and waste to health and opportunity.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to describe the dietary pattern of a representative sample of 516 adult participants (203 men and 313 women) from Catalonia, a Spanish Mediterranean region, to assess their current dietary and plasma levels of trans C18:1, the major trans-fatty acid (TFA), and cis-9, trans-11 CLA, and trans-10, cis-12 CLA, the two major conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers, and to evaluate their correlation with several cardiovascular disease risk factors. The population was a random sample derived from the Catalan Nutrition Survey. Plasma levels of the CLA isomers were determined in a subsample of 100 volunteers. The Catalan diet seemed to maintain some traits of the ‘traditional’ Mediterranean diet, although other components were lost. The dietary intakes of saturated fatty acids (SFA), TFA, cis-9, trans-11 CLA, and trans-10, cis-12 CLA were 12.3%, 0.84% (2.0 g/d), 0.030% (71.5 mg/d), and 0.0015% (3.4 mg/d) of the energy intake, respectively. Trans C18:1 accounted for 0.19% of the total plasma fatty acids, while the sum of cis-9, trans-11and trans-10, cis-12 CLA isomers represented about 0.09% of the plasma fatty acids. Trans C18:1 isomers correlated significantly with the intake of French fries and pastries, while cis-9, trans-11 CLA significantly correlated with the intake of dairy products and ruminant meat. None of the cardiovascular disease risk factors were found to be associated with the plasma levels of TFA or CLA. The results of this study suggest that monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) are the main dietary fat source in the Catalan population, due to their regular olive oil consumption. Moreover, plasma levels of the main TFA and CLA suggest that the Catalan diet is not at present strongly influenced by the occidental dietary patterns. However, a reduction of the intake of SFA in the Catalan population should be recommended.  相似文献   

This study describes the potential use of New Zealand seaweed extracts as antioxidants in fish oils. The extracts from two brown seaweeds (Ecklonia radiata, Macrocystis pyrifera) and two red species (Champia sp. and Porphyra sp.), were added to hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae) oil and assessed by production of oxidation products in an elevated temperature (60 °C) storage trial. Antioxidant assays ORAC and DPPH were conducted to elucidate the radical scavenging activity of the seaweed extracts. The results showed that all the lipid-soluble seaweed extracts had some antioxidative capacity, with brown algae generally outperforming red algae species. Extracts from E. radiata performed best with significantly lower primary, secondary and total oxidation products, and higher DPPH radical scavenging ability than the commercial antioxidant, BHT. This study demonstrated the potential of brown algae seaweed extracts, in particular E. radiata, for use as antioxidants in fish oil products.  相似文献   

The triacylglycerol (TAG) composition of edible Mediterranean molluscs (Eledone moschata, Sepia officinalis, Todarodes sagittatus) and crustacean (Penaeus kerathurus) was studied using a combination of preparative RP–HPLC and GC/MS. In S. officinalis and T. sagittatus mantle TAG, the main fatty acids were C16:0 and C18:0 while in E. moschata they were C18:1ω-9, C16:0, C20:5ω-3 and C22:6ω-3. In P. kerathurus muscle and cephalothorax TAG, the main fatty acids were C16:0, C18:0, C18:1ω-9, C20:4ω-6, C20:5ω-3, C22:6ω-3 and C16:0, C18:1ω-9, C20:4ω-6, C20:5ω-3, C22:6ω-3, respectively.  相似文献   

Yearling steers were fed 70:30 forage:concentrate diets for 205 d, with either grass hay (GH) or red clover silage (RC) as the forage source, and concentrates containing either sunflower-seed (SS) or flaxseed (FS), each providing 5.4% oil to diets. Feeding diets containing SS versus FS significantly improved growth and carcass attributes (P < 0.05), significantly reduced meat off-flavor intensity (P < 0.05), and significantly increased intramuscular proportions of vaccenic (t11-18:1), rumenic (c9,t11-CLA) and n − 6 fatty acids (FA, P < 0.05). Feeding diets containing FS versus SS produced significantly darker and redder meat with greater proportions of atypical dienes (P < 0.05). A significant forage × oilseed type interaction (P < 0.05) was found for n − 3 FA, α-linolenic acid, and conjugated linolenic acid, with their greatest intramuscular proportions found when feeding the RC-FS diet. Feeding GH versus RC also significantly improved growth and carcass attributes, sensory tenderness (P < 0.05) and significantly influenced intramuscular FA composition (P < 0.05), but overall, forage effects on FA profiles were limited compared to effects of oilseed.  相似文献   

The nutritional compositions of 34 edible seaweed products of the Laminaria sp., Undaria pinnatifida, Hizikia fusiforme and Porphyra sp. varieties were analyzed.  相似文献   

The present study determined the chemical composition, fatty acid (FA) content and antioxidant capacity of meat from goats supplemented with Moringa oleifera leaves (MOL) or sunflower cake (SC) or grass hay (GH). The meat from goat supplemented with MOL had higher concentrations of total phenolic content (10.62 ± 0.27 mg tannic acid equivalent E/g). The MOL significantly scavenged 2,2′-azino-bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic-acid (ABTS) radical to 93.51 ± 0.19% (93.51 ± 0.19%) and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical to 58.95 ± 0.3% than other supplements. The antioxidative effect of MOL supplemented meat on catalase (CAT), reduced glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and lipid oxidation (LO) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than other meat from goat feed on grass hay or those supplemented with sunflower seed cake. The present study indicated that the anti-oxidative potential of MOL may play a role in improving meat quality (chemical composition, colour and lipid stability).  相似文献   

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