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This study evaluated the effects of three aging methods: (dry (D), wet (W), and special bag (SB)); two quality grades [USDA Choice((≥ Small50 marbling) and Select); and two cooked end-point temperatures (62.8 °C and 71.1 °C) on physico-chemical traits of instrumental tenderness, color, and sensory properties of Longissimus lumborum beef muscle. Dry-aged loins had higher (P < 0.0001) weight loss than W or SB aged loins. However, D and SB aged loins had similar (P > 0.05) combined losses. W aged loins had higher (P < 0.01) L* values than D or SB aged loins. Warner–Bratzler shear force of steaks was not affected (P > 0.05) by aging method or quality grade but increased (P < 0.0001) as end-point temperature increased. Sensory panel evaluation also showed no effect (P > 0.05) of aging method or quality grade on myofibrillar tenderness, juiciness, connective tissue amount, overall tenderness or off flavor intensity. Steaks cooked to 62.8 °C were juicier (P < 0.05) than those cooked to 71.1 °C. Neither D nor SB aging had advantages over W aging.  相似文献   

《Meat science》2014,98(4):433-442
The objective of this study was to investigate beef quality of longissimus muscle after ageing in dry ageing bags, traditional dry ageing or vacuum for 8 or 19 days. Lower ageing weight loss, odour score and microbial growth were found in meat aged in dry ageing bags than after traditional dry ageing. The sensory panel detected no differences for most of the sensory attributes between samples using the two dry ageing methods, except for the odour of the cutting surface. The dry-aged steaks had more umami and butter fried meat taste compared with vacuum-aged steaks. Ageing time affected most of the sensory traits in this study, which improved as ageing time increased from 8 to 19 days. In a consumer test, meat aged for 21 days in dry ageing bags was preferred than the samples aged in vacuum. This may be due to the higher tenderness and juiciness obtained during storage in dry ageing bags than meat aged in vacuum.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the differences in biochemical, sensorial and quality characteristics of retail beef in Belgium. Four types of beef (Belgian Blue double-muscled, Limousin, Irish and Argentine) and two different muscles (longissimus lumborum and semimembranosus) were bought at the retail level and compared with regard to colour, shear force, collagen content, fatty acid analysis, taste panel evaluation as well as flavour analysis. Belgian Blue and Limousin beef had a paler colour, lower collagen and intramuscular fat contents. Fatty acid profiles were significantly different between the four types, with significantly higher PUFA/SFA and n-6/n-3 ratios for Belgiam Blue and Limousin beef compared to Argentine and Irish beef. There were significant differences between the meat types for taste panel tenderness and shear force, however both measurements did not fully correspond. Flavour analysis by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry as well as sensory analysis demonstrated that Irish and Argentine beef had a higher flavour intensity related to higher contents of volatile compounds. Differences in tenderness and flavour between the meat types were probably affected by differences in ageing time, related to import vs local production of meat.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to identify the factors that affect and motivate the purchase of quality-labelled beef in Spain. For this purpose a total of 364 surveys were carried out on buyers of beef in three Spanish cities. The sample was divided into three groups of buyers according to the frequency with which they buy beef with a quality label. A logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the differences between groups. The results showed the importance of the production region as a quality aspect. In general terms, variables such as income level and lifestyles would seem to be the variables that enable us to discriminate between quality-labelled beef buyers and non-buyers, whereas beef purchasing habits, a greater appreciation of production systems and attitudes towards quality-labelled beef, are the variables that may explain the differences that exist between regular and occasional quality-labelled beef buyers.  相似文献   

A new study was conducted to apply computer vision methods successfully developed using trained sensory panel palatability data to new samples with consumer panel palatability data. The computer vision methodology utilized the traditional approach of using beef muscle colour, marbling and surface texture as palatability indicators. These features were linked to corresponding consumer panel palatability data with the traditional approach of partial least squares regression (PLSR). Best subsets were selected by genetic algorithms. Results indicate that accurate modelling of likeability with regression models was possible (r2 = 0.86). Modelling of other important palatability attributes proved encouraging (tenderness r2 = 0.76, juiciness r2 = 0.69, flavour r2 = 0.78). Therefore, the current study provides a basis for further expanding computer vision methodology to correlate with consumer panel palatability data.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the structural, water holding capacity (WHC) and water compartmentalization changes in meat samples sonicated at 24 h after slaughter. Analyses were carried out at the following fixed intervals post mortem: 24, 48, 72 and 96 h on the beef muscle (m. semimembranosus) taken from carcasses chilled at 2 °C. Muscle was divided into eight parts. Four of them were subjected to ultrasound treatment within 2 min with frequency of 45 kHz (sample S). The other four were regarded as control samples. Water compartmentalization was assessed by NMR relaxation time measurements. Water holding capacity as well as acidity of meat was measured. More advanced post mortem changes in sonicated sample than in the control sample support the hypothesis that application of ultrasound treatment can cause acceleration of the ageing process.  相似文献   

Beef neckbones were processed through a traditional Advanced Meat Recovery system (TAMR), a Desinewated Minced Meat machine with/without prior use of Jarvis saw for removal of spinal cord (DMMJ/DMMNJ), or hand boned with/without Jarvis saw (HJ/HNJ). This study investigated the composition of meat recovered by these five methods.

Ranking from the most to least total fat percentage was TAMR (22.02%), HNJ (18.37%), HJ (14.69%), DMMNJ (11.14%), and DMMJ (9.76%); higher fat was related to less moisture. Protein was most for HJ (18.32%) and least for TAMR (15.79%). TAMR and HJ were similar (P > 0.05) in ash content. Calcium was most in DMMJ (79.81 mg); the least was found in the hand boned (HJ, 20.86 mg/100 g and HNJ, 23.66 mg) lean. All samples contained calcium below the required limits set by USDA-FSIS. Total iron was the highest in TAMR (5.28 mg of iron/100 g), followed by DMMJ (3.65 mg), DMMNJ (3.46 mg), HJ (2.77 mg), and HNJ (2.18 mg).  相似文献   

Consumers are becoming more aware of the relationships between diet and health and this has increased consumer interest in the nutritional value of foods. This is impacting on the demand for foods which contain functional components that play important roles in health maintenance and disease prevention. For beef, much attention has been given to lipids. This paper reviews strategies for increasing the content of beneficial omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and reducing saturated fatty acids (SFA) in beef. Particular attention is given to intramuscular fat (IMF) and the relationships between fatty acid composition and key meat quality parameters including colour shelf life and sensory attributes. Despite the high levels of ruminal biohydrogenation of dietary PUFA, nutrition is the major route for increasing the content of beneficial fatty acids in beef. Feeding grass or concentrates containing linseed (rich in α-linolenic acid, 18:3n-3) in the diet increases the content of 18:3n-3 and its longer chain derivative eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) in beef muscle and adipose tissue, resulting in a lower n-6:n-3 ratio. Grass feeding also increases docasahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3). Feeding PUFA rich lipids which are protected from ruminal biohydrogenation result in further enhancement of the PUFA in meat with concomitant beneficial improvements in the ratio of polyunsaturated:saturated fatty acids (P:S ratio) and n-6:n-3 ratio. The main CLA isomer in beef is CLA cis-9, trans-11 and it is mainly associated with the triacylglycerol lipid fraction and therefore is positively correlated with level of fatness. The level of CLA cis-9, trans-11 in beef is related to (1) the amount of this isomer produced in the rumen and (2) synthesis in the tissue, by delta-9 desaturase, from ruminally produced trans vaccenic acid (18:1 trans-11; TVA). Feeding PUFA-rich diets increases the content of CLA cis-9, trans-11 in beef. Trans-fatty acids in foods are of rising importance and knowledge of the differential effects of the individual trans isomers is increasing. TVA is the major trans 18:1 isomer in beef and as the precursor for tissue CLA in both animals and man should be considered as a neutral or beneficial trans-isomer. Increasing the content of n-3 PUFA in beef can influence colour shelf life and sensory attributes of the meat. As the content of n-3 PUFA increases then sensory attributes such as "greasy" and "fishy" score higher and colour shelf life may be reduced. Under these situations, high levels of vitamin E are necessary to help stabilise the effects of incorporating high levels of long chain PUFA into meat. However, grass feeding not only increases n-3 PUFA and CLA but, due to its high content of vitamin E, colour shelf life is improved. It is evident that opportunities exist to enhance the content of health promoting fatty acids in beef and beef products offering opportunities to add value and contribute to market differentiation. However, it is imperative that these approaches to deliver "functional" attributes do not compromise on the health value (lipoperoxidation) or the taste of beef products.  相似文献   

Meat quality and marbling properties of Angus, Simmental, Charolais and Limousin steers (4×16) were compared at an average intramuscular fat content (IMF) of 3.25% in the M. longissimus dorsi. The steers were fattened on a forage-based diet until the desired, ultrasonically estimated IMF content was reached which resulted in considerably different growth and carcass characteristics. The Angus group showed a growth rate similar to Simmental and Charolais while Limousin grew slower, became oldest and provided the heaviest carcasses and best conformation. Angus carcasses showed the lowest weight but the highest fatness score. Marbling was equal for all breeds. Angus and Charolais provided pale meat with low haem iron content. Angus and Limousin beef was more tender on sensory assessment than Simmental beef, corresponding to differences found in shear force (non-significant) and myofibrillar fragmentation index measured at 48 h post mortem. Flavour was similar among breed groups while juiciness was highest for Limousin and lowest for Angus. The juicier beef simultaneously showed the highest drip but the lowest cooking losses. In conclusion, clear differences in meat quality were observed between breeds despite similar IMF contents.  相似文献   

Cylindrical cores of beef semitendinosus (500 g) were cooked in a combined ohmic/convection heating system to low (72 °C, LTLT) and high (95 °C, HTST) target end-point temperatures. A control was also cooked to an end-point temperature of 72 °C at the coldest point. Microbial challenge studies on a model meat matrix confirmed product safety. Hunter L-values showed that ohmically heated meat had significantly (p < 0.05) lighter surface-colours (63.05 (LTLT) and 62.26 (HTST)) relative to the control (56.85). No significant texture differences (p ≥ 0.05) were suggested by Warner–Bratzler peak load values (34.09, 36.37 vs. 35.19 N). Cook loss was significantly (p < 0.05) lower for LTLT samples (29.3%) compared to the other meats (36.3 and 33.8%). Sensory studies largely confirmed these observations. Cook values were lower for LTLT (3.05) while HTST and the control were more comparable (6.09 and 7.71, respectively). These results demonstrate considerable potential for this application of ohmic heating for whole meats.  相似文献   

The effect of frozen storage conditions on meat from 36 Morucha × Charolais crossbred yearlings was studied. Slices of M. Longissimus thoracis were randomly assigned to groups arising from the combination of experimental factors. These factors were: ageing extent (3 and 10 days), length of frozen storage (0, 30, 75 and 90 days) and temperature (−20 and −80 °C). Regarding microbiological counts, although values were acceptable in all cases, longer storage time and longer previous ageing extent provided higher phychrotrophic bacteria counts. As frozen storage period increased, colorimetric parameters L, a and C decreased, but H increased. Regarding Warner–Braztler shear force and tenderness values, an interaction (p < 0.05) between frozen storage and post-mortem ageing resulted from larger differences between frozen storage periods at shorter ageing periods than those at longer ageing periods. Frozen storage for 90 days resulted in a reduction in water holding capacity, without differences in juiciness. No effect of freezing temperature was observed in any of the parameters studied.  相似文献   

Top Choice (n=48) and Select (n=48) paired bone-in ribeye rolls, bone-in strip loins, and boneless top sirloin butts were assigned randomly to one of two aging treatments, dry or wet, and were aged for 14, 21, 28 or 35d. Cutting tests, performed to determine retail yields and processing times, showed dry-aged subprimals had lower total saleable yield percentages and increased processing times compared to wet-aged subprimals. Sensory and Warner-Bratzler shear evaluation was conducted to determine palatability characteristics. For the most part, aging treatment and aging period did not affect consumer sensory attributes. However, ribeye and top loin steaks from the Top Choice quality grade group received higher sensory ratings than their Select counterparts. For top sirloin steaks, no consumer sensory attributes were affected by aging treatment, aging period, or quality grade group.  相似文献   

Effects of the Korean carcass-grading system on carcass traits and meat quality parameters for the longissimus dorsi (LD) and semimembranosus (SM) muscles were investigated for Hanwoo steer beef. High quality grade beef cuts had significantly higher intramuscular fat content than those of low quality grade beef cuts. To establish a guaranteed system of eating quality for Hanwoo steer beef, a palatability prediction model was developed. The model development approach used canonical discriminant analysis and multivariate regression to assess effects of muscle type, cooking method, and aging treatment on Hanwoo beef quality grade. The palatability prediction model can provide Korean consumers with detailed information about expected eating quality for an individual cut, as well as provide critical information to the industry for maintaining high-quality beef production. The model is a significant advance in grading compared with the traditional carcass grading system, which applies a single quality grade to an entire carcass.  相似文献   

Thirty llamas were used to study the effect of a 90 day feed supplementation on meat quality, chemical composition and muscle fatty acid profile. Treatments were: GR = llama on native pasture until slaughter; GR + SH = like GR, but with overnight free access to barley/alfalfa hay; and GR + SC = like GR, but with overnight free access to a wheat bran/sorghum grain concentrate. The supplementation had no effect on postmortem pH and temperature decline in the Longissimus lumborum muscle (LLM), cooking losses nor Warner–Bratzler shear force values (P > 0.05). Meat from GR + SC llama had higher fat content in LLM (P < 0.05) compared to GR and GR + SH llama. Intramuscular fat from GR + SH llama showed higher (P < 0.01) proportions of polyunsaturated fatty acids, higher (P < 0.05) polyunsaturated fatty acids/saturated fatty acids and desirable fatty acids ratio, lower (P < 0.05) omega-6/omega-3 (n − 6/n − 3) ratio, and higher (P < 0.01) conjugated linoleic acid.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of breed and diet on meat quality, defined as lipid stability, colour shelf life and sensory quality. Ninety-six steers were used, half Aberdeen Angus (AA) cross and half Holstein-Friesian (HF). They were reared from 6 months of age on a standard concentrate diet or grass silage and slaughtered at 14, 19 or 24 months of age. Breed had small effects on quality with lower lipid stability in muscle of 24 month-old HF (P<0.05). Sensory scores were similar between the breeds, the few differences being in favour of AA. Diet had the biggest effects on meat quality, in all 3 age groups. The grass silage diet produced higher plasma and muscle levels of vitamin E, lower lipid oxidation in loin steaks measured at 4 and 7 days of retail display and better colour stability (saturation) during shelf life in MAP (O(2):CO(2); 75:25) (all P<0.001). The high values for lipid oxidation in the concentrate-fed steers were linked to high muscle PUFA concentrations and low levels of vitamin E.  相似文献   

Effects of salt/phosphate injection level (112% or 125% pump), salt level (0.5% or 1.5% salt), and freezing/thawing on hydration characteristics, quality, and consumer acceptance of beef semitendinosus were investigated. All enhancement treatments decreased shear force by 25–35%, but negatively affected colour. Increased salt concentration yielded lower purge and cooking losses, and higher water holding capacity. The higher injection level reduced water binding properties, however, the loss in functionality with higher water addition was overcome with increased salt content. Freezing and subsequent thawing was generally detrimental to colour and water binding properties and tended to increase shear force. Freezing and subsequent thawing did not affect fluid release in steaks held for 1 day before analysis, but resulted in decreased water retention in samples held for 7 days. Holding vacuum packaged steaks for 7 days generally increased package purge and negatively affected colour parameters, although water binding characteristics were improved. Consumer panel results demonstrated a negative effect on juiciness and tenderness where meat subject to low salt/high injection was frozen then thawed – the low salt level was insufficient to maintain any positive effect of injection treatment. In general, salt/phosphate injection improved product acceptability and increased willingness to purchase.  相似文献   

Twenty male llama of the Kh'ara genotype, reared extensively in the north of Chile, were slaughtered at ages between 2 and 4 permanent teeth (2 to 3.5 years) and analyses were carried out on the Longissimus lumborum muscle, including composition (moisture, fat, protein, ash, cholesterol, amino acids, fatty acid profile and collagen content) and meat quality parameters (pH, color, water holding capacity and Warner–Bratzler shear-force). Llama meat was characterized by a low cholesterol (39.04 mg/100 g) and intramuscular fat (1.56%) content, a total collagen content of 6.28 mg/g, of which 20.28% was soluble collagen. Amino acid composition and fatty acid profile were similar to those found for beef finished on forage. Llama meat showed a low n − 6/n − 3 (4.69) and hypocholesterolemic/hypercholesterolemic (1.55) ratio and acceptable values of DFA (65.78%). Quality parameters in llama Longissimus muscle were within the ranges reported for more traditional meats such as beef and lamb.  相似文献   

Gök V  Obuz E  Akkaya L 《Meat science》2008,80(2):335-344
The effects of packaging method (aerobic packaging (AP), vacuum packaging (VP) or modified atmosphere packaging (MAP)), the form of pastirma (sliced or non-sliced) and storage time (0, 15, 30, 60, 90 or 120 days) on the chemical, microbiological and sensory properties of a Turkish pastirma were investigated. Overall, MAP preserved chemical, microbiological and sensory properties of Turkish pastirma better than AP or VP. Very high correlation coefficients (almost all >0.90) were observed between subjective quality parameters (sensory properties) and objective quality parameters (TBARS, hexanal content, L*, a*, and b*), which suggests that sensory panel was able to determine the quality changes over storage time precisely. Based on the results of this study, MAP should be the preferred choice of packaging in order to preserve overall quality of Turkish pastirma and its implication for pastirma packaging may increase pastirma’s current share in the processed meat product market.  相似文献   

Eighty four steers were randomly assigned to three pasture treatments with increasing levels of grain (T1: 0%; T2: 0.6%; T3: 1.2% of live weight) and to an ad libitum concentrate treatment, T4, to study the effects on carcass and meat quality. Animals were slaughtered with 500 kg of average live weight per treatment. Average daily gain increased with increasing levels of energy, determining different slaughter dates. Intermediate treatments showed higher carcass weight than T1. T4 and T3 had a higher weight of valuable cuts than T1 and T4. Pistolas from T4 had a higher fat proportion and lower bone percentage. Increasing levels of energy in diet decreased fat yellowness. After 20 days of aging, T4 had the lowest muscle a values and shear force was higher for T4 than for T1. With pastures finishing strategy, no adverse effects on meat quality were detected and tenderness was enhanced.  相似文献   

Steers were offered grass silage ad libitum and 6.4 kg concentrates daily for 126 days or silage ad libitum for 35 days, followed by concentrates ad libitum (Experiment 1). Steers were offered grass silage ad libitum and 6 kg concentrates daily for 154 days, concentrates ad libitum or grass silage ad libitum for 112 days followed by concentrates ad libitum (Experiment 2). All treatments received the same total concentrate allowance. In Experiment 1, there was no difference in any measurement of meat quality. In Experiment 2, ad libitum concentrate feeding per se, decreased redness and increased shear force of muscle at 2 days post-mortem. Delaying concentrate feeding decreased fat yellowness, decreased shear force at 7 and 14 days post-mortem and increased muscle redness at 14 days post-mortem. Modifications of the beef production system examined had minor effects on beef quality which are unlikely to be of commercial significance.  相似文献   

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