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Time-resolved resonance Raman (RR) spectra of the recombined species of photodissociated CO with recombinant human myoglobin (Mb) and several E7 mutants, in which distal His was replaced by Gly (H64G), Gln (H64Q), Ala (H64A), Ile (H64I), Val (H64V), and Leu (H64L) through site-directed mutagenesis, were observed in the time range -20 ns to 1 ms following photolysis. The Fe-CO stretching (VFe-CO) RR band was observed successfully with pulse excitation when the laser power was greatly reduced. H64H, H64G, and H64Q gave the VFe-CO band at 505-510 cm-1 in their stationary states. In their recovery processes 1-100 microseconds after photodissociation, a broad transient band was observed at slightly lower frequencies than those of their equilibrium structures for H64G and H64Q, but a transient VFe-CO band corresponding to the so-called "open" form was not identified around 490 cm-1 for any of the three species. A second group, H64A, H64I, H64V, and H64L, gave the main VFe-CO band at 490-495 cm-1 with a shoulder around 510 cm-1 (except for H64L) in the stationary state and exhibited a much faster recovery than the first group. These latter four species gave a broad transient band around 492-500 cm-1 in the time range of 100-1000 ns, while the approximately 510 cm-1 shoulder appeared much later. The equilibrium relative intensity of the two bands was attained at 500 microseconds, suggesting that the interconversion between the two forms is slower than 100 microseconds.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectroscopy was used to investigate electron-nuclear coupling to the N epsilon of the proximal histidine (F8, His93) imidazole in oxyCo(II)-substituted distal histidine (E7, His64) mutants (His-->Leu, His-->Val, His-->Gly, His-->Gln) and recombinant wild-type human myoglobins (Mbs). Nuclear hyperfine and nuclear quadrupole coupling constants decrease in the order: H64L > H64V > or = H64G approximately H64Q > wild-type. The differences in couplings found for the four mutant proteins are correlated with the differences in polarity of the E7 side chain. On the basis of the relative orientation of the nuclear quadrupole and g tensors, obtained by computer simulation of ESEEM spectra, the Co-O-O bond angle of H64G and H64Q appears to be similar to that of oxyCo sperm whale Mb (and possibly wild-type human Mb) at room temperature [Hori et al. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 3636], while that in H64V and H64L is more obtuse. ESEEM measurements in D2O demonstrate the presence of a hydrogen bond between the distal histidine and bound O2 in the wild-type protein, as was found in oxyCo sperm whale and horse Mbs [Lee et al. (1992) Biochemistry 31, 7274]. This hydrogen bond leads to a reduction in the N epsilon coupling in the wild-type protein as compared to that in the E7 mutants. No hyperfine-coupled deuterons were found in any of the mutants, and therefore, the proposed hydrogen bond between bound O2 and the distal glutamine in H64Q [Ikeda-Saito et al. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 23641] could not be substantiated.  相似文献   

The effect of the apolar mutation of the distal histidine (His69-->Val) has been studied in the cooperative homodimeric hemoglobin from the mollusc Scapharca inaequivalvis. Absorption, circular dichroism, and resonance Raman spectroscopy point to a more symmetric heme structure of the deoxy derivative, which is indicative of an R-like conformation of the deoxy heme. Resonance Raman spectroscopy also brings out alterations in the geometry and interactions of the bound CO molecule. The iron-carbon stretching frequency is decreased by about 30 cm-1 with respect to the native protein, while the diatomic ligand stretching frequency is increased by about the same degree. Consistent with the structural changes, the ligand binding properties are significantly altered. In the mutant the overall rate and the affinity for CO binding are increased about 100-fold with respect to the native protein, and cooperativity is abolished. In addition, the amplitude and the rate of the geminate rebinding process increase significantly. This finding may be correlated to the longer average residence time of the photolyzed CO molecule within the heme pocket of the H69V mutant, as indicated by molecular dynamics simulations.  相似文献   

Mariner elements, a family of DNA-mediated transposable elements with short, inverted terminal repeats, have been reported in a wide variety of arthropods, as well as planarians, nematodes, and humans. No such element has been reported in a plant. Here we report a mariner element in the plant soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). Although this sequence belongs to the mariner family, it is clearly distinct from previously reported mariner-like elements, as well as from the Tc1 transposon family. Novel aspects of its sequence could be useful as a starting point to identify mariner-like elements in new organisms, and it may prove useful in creating a transformation vector for plants.  相似文献   

All known Mn-containing superoxide dismutases (MnSODs) have a highly conserved histidine (His-30 in Escherichia coli FeSOD) in the active-site channel, and nearly all have an active-site arginine (Arg-170) that has been proposed to play a combined structural and functional role [Chan et al., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 279, 195-201 (1990)]. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae MnSOD, the active-site arginine is replaced by a lysine. The S. cerevisiae MnSOD gene has been cloned and expressed in E. coli, and H30A and K170R site-specific mutants have been prepared. The purified recombinant native (RN) and mutant enzymes were compared to one another and to the native enzyme purified from S. cerevisiae (SC) in terms of activity, temperature stability, and sensitivity to 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonate (TNBS) and phenylglyoxal (PG). All enzymes had high specific activities (SC = 5000, RN = 5600, H30A = 4500, K170R = 4600) (U/mg, using the pyrogallol assay). SC, RN, and H30A were very stable at 75 degreesC (pH 8.0), with half-lives of 4.7, 2.8, and 2.7 h, respectively, while K170R had a much greater temperature lability, with a half-life of 0.36 h under these conditions. TNBS (0.5 mM, pH 9.0, 25 degreesC) rapidly inactivated SC, RN, and H30A, with half-lives of 3. 5, 5.1, and 5.5 min, respectively, but only slowly inactivated K170R, with a half-life of 101 min. PG (20 mM, pH 9.0, 25 degreesC) caused very slow inactivation of SC, RN, and H30A by biphasic kinetics, and each enzyme retained >/=25% activity after 3 h of modification. K170R, on the other hand, was completely inactivated by PG under these conditions by first-order kinetics, with a half-life of 7.0 min. The data suggest that His-30, a residue highly conserved in the active-site channel of MnSODs and FeSODs, does not play a crucial role in catalysis or stability. In addition, Lys-170, a residue that is almost always arginine in the numerous other MnSODs and FeSODs sequenced to date, can be replaced by arginine with no loss of catalytic activity, but K170R is less stable and Arg-170 in this mutant is more exposed than the corresponding arginine in other SODs. RN and SC showed some surprising differences. Thus, while the specific activities of RN and SC are very similar, SC is more stable to inactivation at 75 degreesC, and less susceptible to inactivation by phenylglyoxal, than RN. These data suggest that there may be slight differences in the tertiary structures of SC, the native enzyme expressed in S. cerevisiae, and RN, the recombinant native enzyme expressed in E. coli.  相似文献   

We have partially characterized four Drosophila melanogaster alpha-actinin gene mutants, I(1)2Cb1, I(1)2Cb2, I(1)2Cb4, and I(1)2Cb5. We demonstrate that in each case the mutation is caused by a chromosomal rearrangement that precludes normal protein synthesis. In the absence of alpha-actinin, flies complete embryogenesis and develop into flaccid larvae that die within approximately 24 hr. These larvae have noticeable muscle dysfunction at hatching, although they, nevertheless, are capable of escaping from the egg membranes and of subsequent crawling movements. During larval development muscles degenerate, progressively limiting mobility and ultimately causing death. Electron microscopy of mutant muscle fibers reveals that myofibrils are grossly disrupted in one day old larvae and that electron-dense structures reminiscent of those seen in human nemaline myopathies are present throughout larval life. Our work rigorously demonstrates that alpha-actinin deficiencies are the cause of I(1)2Cb muscle defects. We anticipate that the alpha-actinin mutants described herein will facilitate in vivo tests of spectrin superfamily protein domain functions using a combination of directed mutagenesis and germline transformation.  相似文献   

In order to study the interaction of soybean beta-amylase with substrate, we solved the crystal structure of beta-cyclodextrin-enzyme complex and compared it with that of alpha-cyclodextrin-enzyme complex. The enzyme was expressed in Escherichia coli at a high level as a soluble and catalytically active protein. The purified recombinant enzyme had properties nearly identical to those of native soybean beta-amylase and formed the same crystals as the native enzyme. The crystal structure of recombinant enzyme complexed with beta-cyclodextrin was refined at 2. 07-A resolution with a final crystallographic R value of 15.8% (Rfree = 21.1%). The root mean square deviation in the position of C-alpha atoms between this recombinant enzyme and the native enzyme was 0.22 A. These results indicate that the expression system established here is suitable for studying structure-function relationships of beta-amylase. The conformation of the bound beta-cyclodextrin takes an ellipsoid shape in contrast to the circular shape of the bound alpha-cyclodextrin. The cyclodextrins shared mainly two glucose binding sites, 3 and 4. The glucose residue 4 was slightly shifted from the maltose binding site. This suggests that the binding site of the cyclodextrins is important for its holding of a cleaved substrate, which enables the multiple attack mechanism of beta-amylase.  相似文献   

The kinetics of formation and dissociation of the horse metmyoglobin/fluoride complex has been investigated between pH 3.4 and 11. The ionic strength dependence of the reaction has been measured at integral pH values between pH 5 and 10. Hydrofluoric acid, HF, binds to metmyoglobin with a rate constant of (4.7 +/- 0. 7) x 10(4) M-1 s-1. An apparent ionization in metmyoglobin with a pKa of 4.4 +/- 0.5 influences the rate of HF binding and is attributed to the distal histidine, His-64. Protonation of His-64 increases the HF binding rate by a factor of 2.6. The fluoride anion, F-, binds to metmyoglobin with a rate constant of (5.6 +/- 1.4) x 10(-2) M-1 s-1, about 10(6) times slower than HF. Binding of either HF or F- to hydroxymetmyoglobin cannot be detected. Protonation of the distal histidine facilitates HF dissociation from the metmyoglobin/fluoride complex. HF dissociates with a rate constant of 1.9 +/- 0.3 s-1. The fluoride anion dissociates 2000 times more slowly, with a rate constant of (8.7 +/- 1.6) x 10(-4) s-1. The apparent pKa for His-64 ionization in the fluorometmyoglobin complex is 5.7 +/- 0.1. The association and dissociation rate constants are relatively independent of ionic strength with secondary kinetic salt effects sufficient to account for the ionic strength variation of both, consistent with the idea that association and dissociation of neutral HF dominate the kinetics of fluoride binding to metmyoglobin.  相似文献   

Chemical mutagenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. yielded four semidwarf mutants, all of which appeared to be gibberellin (GA)-biosynthesis mutants. All four had atypical response profiles to C20-GAs, suggesting that each had impaired 20-oxidation. One mutant, 11.2, was shown to be allelic to ga5 and has been named ga5-2. It had altered metabolism of [14C]GA15 relative to that in wild-type plants and undetectable levels of C19-GAs in young stems, consistent with the known function of GA5 as a stem-expressed GA 20-oxidase. Two mutants (2.1 and 10.3), which had very short inflorescences and siliques, were allelic to each other but not to the known GA-responding mutants, ga1 to ga5. The locus defined by these two mutations is provisionally named GA6 and is purported to encode an inflorescence- and silique-expressed GA 20-oxidase. A double mutant, ga5-2 ga6-2, had an extreme dwarf phenotype with very short siliques. The fourth mutation, 1.1, gave a phenotype like ga5, but was not allelic to any of the known ga mutations. It has not yet been given a gene symbol pending further studies.  相似文献   

Fifteen host-range (h) mutants of cyanophage N-1 were characterized with reference to their efficiency of plating, time of appearance, morphology and size of plaques on Nostoc muscorum and its three phage-resistant (Nm 1/N-1, Nm 2/N-1 and Nm 8/N-1) mutants. While phage N-1 did not adsorb to the three phage-resistant mutants, the h mutants differed one from the other in having lower or higher adsorption rate constants on N. muscorum or the phage-resistant mutants. The inability of majority of h mutants isolated on Nm 1/N-1 to grow in Nm 8/N-1 was shown to be due to a failure of adsorption. The h mutants also differed one from the other in their reversion (back mutation) frequencies. The lethal doses (LD37) required to kill 37% of free phage particles after UV-irradiation, heating and ethylenediamine tetraacetate (EDTA) treatment greatly varied. Most of the h mutants were found to be considerably more sensitive to UV and thermic inactivation than N-1 while they were resistant to EDTA. The h mutants except five of them were unable to multiply at 40 degrees C. The significance of these features is discussed.  相似文献   

Syringolides are water-soluble, low-molecular-weight elicitors that trigger defense responses in soybean cultivars carrying the Rpg4 disease-resistance gene but not in rpg4 cultivars. 125I-syringolide 1 previously was shown to bind to a soluble protein(s) in extracts from soybean leaves. A 34-kDa protein that accounted for 125I-syringolide 1 binding activity was isolated with a syringolide affinity-gel column. Partial sequences of internal peptides of the 34-kDa protein were identical to P34, a previously described soybean seed allergen. In soybean seeds, P34 is processed from a 46-kDa precursor protein and was shown to have homology with thiol proteases. P34 is a moderately abundant protein in soybean seeds and cotyledons but its level in leaves is low. cDNAs encoding 46-, 34-, and 32-kDa forms of the soybean protein were cloned into the baculovirus vector, pVL1392, and expressed in insect cells. The resulting 32- and 34-kDa proteins, but not the 46-kDa protein, exhibited ligand-specific 125I-syringolide binding activity. These results suggest that P34 may be the receptor that mediates syringolide signaling.  相似文献   

In human hemoglobin (Hb) the beta37 tryptophan residue (betaW37), located at the hinge region of the alpha1beta2 interface, forms many contacts with alpha subunit residues of the opposite dimer, in both the T and R quaternary structures. We have carried out equilibrium O2 binding studies on a series of recombinant Hbs that have mutations at this residue site: betaW37Y, betaW37A, betaW37G, and betaW37E. Binding isotherms measured at high concentrations of these mutants were found to be shifted toward increased affinity and decreased cooperativity from that of the normal HbA0 tetramer. Analysis of these binding isotherms indicated that amino acid substitutions at the beta37 position could both destabilize the tetrameric form of the mutants relative to their constituent dimers and also alter cooperativity of the intact tetrameric species. These alterations from wild-type function are dependent on the particular side chain substituted, with the magnitude of change increasing as Trp is substituted by Tyr, Ala, Gly, and Glu. The dimer to tetramer assembly free energy of deoxy-betaW37E, the most perturbed mutant in the series, was measured using analytical gel chromatography to be 9 kcal/tetramer less favorable than that of deoxy HbA0. Stabilizing the betaW37E tetramer by addition of IHP, or by cross-linking at the alphaK99 positions, does not restore normal O2 binding behavior. Thermodynamic parameters of all the mutants were found to correlate with their CO binding rates and with their high-resolution X-ray crystal structures (see accompanying papers: Kwiatkowski et al. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 4325-4335; Peterson & Friedman (1998) Biochemistry 37, 4346-4357; Kavanaugh et al. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 4358-4373].  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP-Phosphodiesterases (cAMP-PDEs) catalyse the hydrolysis cAMP to AMP and thus serve to modulate the ligand-->adenylate cyclase-->cAMP-->PKA signal transduction pathway. PDEs exist as a multigene family of enzymes that bear significant sequence homology in the catalytic domains. The sequence alignment of these domains has revealed the presence of two histidine motifs: motif I, HNXXH, and motif II, HDXXH. These amino acid sequences are canonical motifs, which act as ligands for divalent metal cations required for catalytic activity. In this paper, we report human monocyte PDE4A to be a zinc-binding protein. Substitution by site-directed mutagenesis of either histidine in motif I by serine, which is not a ligand for metals, results in complete loss of catalytic activity and loss of sensitivity to divalent metal cation activation. However, similar mutations in motif II gave proteins that retained both approximately 50% of initial activity and the ability to respond differentially to Mg2+, Mn2+ and Co2+. Moreover the motif II mutants exhibited both functional group requirements and retained their pKa values. When the inactive mutants were affinity-labelled with 8-BDB-TcAMP and probed with antibody against cAMP or antibody against PDE4A, Western blots were unaltered. These results show that the conserved histidines in motif I are an absolute requirement for catalytic activity, whereas motif II histidines are required only to achieve maximum activity.  相似文献   

The effect of a temperature increase to 52 degrees C or the addition of ethanol (6%) to an exponential Escherichia coli culture on putrescine and potassium transport was studied. The first stage of heat shock was accompanied by a decrease in the extent of DNA supercoiling, due to the dissociation of the putrescine-DNA complex. The loss of potassium ions at this phase produced a synergistic effect. The second phase of the heat shock was characterized by a reversal in the direction of putrescine and potassium transport, which was accompanied by restoration of the prestress extent of DNA supercoiling. An increase in the ATP pool and cell energy charge resulting from the uncoupling of the energy metabolism and synthetic processes also played an important role in the restoration of the DNA initial topology at the second phase of the heat shock via the activation of the energy-dependent gyrase or the heat shock protein DnaK. A mechanism is suggested that explains the involvement of putrescine in the regulation of DNA topology, which is a universal regulator of gene expression under stress, heat shock in particular.  相似文献   

The soybean root necrosis (rn) mutation causes a progressive browning of the root soon after germination that is associated with accumulation of phytoalexins and pathogenesis-related proteins and an increased tolerance to root-borne infection by the fungal pathogen, Phytophthora sojae. Grafting and decapitation experiments indicate that the rn phenotype is root-autonomous at the macroscopic level. However, the onset and severity of browning was modulated in intact plants by exposure to light, as was the extent of lateral root formation, suggesting that both lateral roots and the rn phenotype could be directly or indirectly controlled by similar shoot-derived factors. Browning first occurs in differentiated inner cortical cells adjacent to the stele and is preceded by a wave of autofluorescence that emanates from cortical cells opposite the xylem poles and spreads across the cortex. Before any visible changes in autofluorescence or browning, fragmented DNA was detected by TUNEL (Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-digoxigenin nick end labeling) in small clusters of inner cortical cells that subsequently could be distinguished cytologically from neighboring cells throughout rn root development. Inner cortical cells overlying lateral root primordia in either Rn or rn plants also were stained by TUNEL. Features commonly observed in animal cell apoptosis were confirmed by electron microscopy but, surprisingly, cells with a necrotic morphology were detected alongside apoptotic cells in the cortex of rn roots when TUNEL-positive cells were first observed. The two morphologies may represent different stages of a common pathway for programmed cell death (pcd) in plant roots, or two separate pathways of pcd could be involved. The phenotype of rn plants suggests that the Rn gene could either negatively regulate cortical cell death or be required for cortical cell survival. The possibility of a mechanistic link between cortical cell death in rn plants and during lateral root emergence is discussed.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring plasma factor XFriuli (pFXFr) is marginally activated by both the extrinsic and intrinsic coagulation pathways and has impaired catalytic potential. These studies were initiated to obtain confirmation that this molecule is multi-functionally defective due to the substitution of Ser for Pro at position 343 in the catalytic domain. By the Nelson-Long site-directed mutagenesis procedure a construct of cDNA in pRc/CMV was derived for recombinant factor XFriuli (rFXFr) produced in human embryonic (293) kidney cells. The rFXFr was purified and shown to have a molecular size identical to that of normal plasma factor X (pFX) by gel electrophoretic, and amino-terminal sequencing revealed normal processing cleavages. Using recombinant normal plasma factor X (rFXN) as a reference, the post-translational gamma-carboxy-glutamic acid (Gla) and beta-hydroxy aspartic acid (beta-OH-Asp) content of rFXFr was over 85% and close to 100%, respectively, of expected levels. The specific activities of rFXFr in activation and catalytic assays were the same as those of pFXFr. Molecular modeling suggested the involvement of a new H-bond between the side-chains of Ser-343 and Thr-318 as they occur in anti-parallel beta-pleated sheets near the substrate-binding pocket of pFXFr. These results support the conclusion that the observed mutation in pFXFr is responsible for its dysfunctional activation and catalytic potentials, and that it accounts for the moderate bleeding tendency in the homozygous individuals who possess this variant procoagulant.  相似文献   

An outer membrane PIA protein from Neisseria gonorrhoeae strain FA19 was expressed in Escherichia coli and refolded in vitro in the presence of zwitterionic detergent. Its proper folding and subunit organization was confirmed by comparison with the native counterpart. The unfolding of PIA has been investigated using fluorescence spectroscopy and analytical size-exclusion chromatography methods. Analysis of the denaturation pathway of the PIA revealed that it forms an unusually labile quaternary structure. In the presence of 1 M guanidinium chloride (GdmCl) or upon heating up to 50 degrees C, dissociation of the PIA oligomer was observed resulting in the formation of folded monomeric intermediates. Unfolding of monomers occurs at 80 degrees C or in the presence of 4.3 M GdmCl, indicating high intrinsic stability toward both GdmCl and elevated temperatures. Both oligomeric and monomeric forms of PIA exhibited affinity to the hydrophobic probe 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid (ANS) and bind with Kd=80 and 130 microM, respectively. Denaturation of the PIA completely abolished affinity to ANS, suggesting that hydrophobicity is a property of the folded state of the porin.  相似文献   

The role of the four histidine residues in receptor binding and activity of mouse nerve growth factor (NGF) was investigated using both site-directed mutagenesis and chemical modification with diethyl pyrocarbonate. Replacement of His-75 or His-84 with alanine resulted in decreased biological activity and decreased affinity for p140(trkA); however, with H75A only, a 5-fold increased affinity toward p75(LANR) was observed. The effect of simultaneous replacement of both His-75 and His-84 was neither additive nor synergistic. Slight perturbations in circular dichroism spectra and weakened self-association of the mutants indicated that His-75 and His-84 may be involved in stability, dimerization, and/or folding of NGF. Diethyl pyrocarbonate modification of His-4 and His-8 in the H75A/H84Q double mutant abolished neuritogenesis, binding to both receptors, and phosphorylation of p140(trkA) in PC12 cells. These chemical and mutational results confirm and clarify previous evidence for the involvement of His-75 and His-84 (Dunbar, J. C., Tregear, G. W., and Bradshaw, R. A. (1984) J. Protein Chem. 3, 349-356) or His-4 and His-8 (Shih, A., Laramee, G. R., Schmelzer, C. H., Burton, L. E., and Winslow, J. W. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269, 27679-27686) in receptor binding of NGF. At least three and possibly all four histidines, which are located in three spatially distinct regions, contribute to maintenance of functional sites that are essential for receptor binding and activity of NGF.  相似文献   

Inherited antithrombin deficiency is associated with a predisposition for familial venous thromboembolic disease. Pleiotropic effect-type mutants of antithrombin that have an amino acid replacement in a distal hinge region including strands 1C, 4B, and 5B of the polypeptide chain are known to exhibit impaired interactions with both thrombin and heparin, coupled with a secretion defect. To examine the mechanism of pleiotropic effect-type antithrombin deficiency, we expressed three mutants, Oslo (Ala404-->Thr), Kyoto (Arg406-->Met), and Utah (Pro407-->Leu), in baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells, and compared their secretion rates, affinities for heparin and abilities to form thrombin-antithrombin (TAT) complexes with those of wild-type (Wt) antithrombin. Pulse-chase experiments showed that the Oslo- and Kyoto-mutants were secreted at rates similar to Wt antithrombin. In contrast, the Utah-mutant underwent partial intracellular degradation. The intracellular degradation of the Utah-mutant was not inhibited by lysosomotropic inhibitors, but by proteasome inhibitors such as carbobenzoxy-L-leucyl-L-leucyl-L-leucinal (LLL) and lactacystin, indicating that a part of the Utah-mutant was degraded by proteasome through quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Crossed immunoelectrophoresis in the presence of heparin showed that only the Oslo-mutant lacks heparin-binding ability. Incubation with thrombin showed that the Kyoto- and Utah-mutants, but not the Oslo-mutant, formed a weak but detectable TAT complex. Furthermore, heparin enhanced the TAT complex formation by the Kyoto- and Utah-mutants, suggesting heparin cofactor activities of these mutants. These results show that each of the Oslo-, Kyoto-, and Utah-mutants exhibits different properties as to secretion, intracellular degradation and functional activity, although they are grouped as pleiotropic effect-type mutants.  相似文献   

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