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Applying the business process engineering philosophy, this study focuses on developing a construction management process reengineering (CMPR) method to improve the efficiency of construction management. The CMPR method includes four phases, namely, process representation, process transformation, process evaluation, and reengineering activity. Using CMPR, inefficient operations within a construction company working process can not only be identified, but a new rational operation process can also be developed to improve management efficiency. In this way, the competitive ability of a construction company is also increased. This study argues for the need of a new research agenda in construction management in general. This is illustrated by information technology within construction—in particular, by examining the potential application of the reengineering philosophy. The research possibilities are identified and tested based on the implementation of the CMPR method. To some extent, this study establishes a new agenda of process reengineering for future research.  相似文献   

The typical limitations of the existing construction management programs are the lack of an integrated approach to managerial decisions in real life construction environment, not enough emphasis on engineering design, construction methods and communication skills, and poor coordination between the undergraduate and the graduate studies. An effective construction management program should. integrate teaching on undergraduate and graduate levels and research. On the undergraduate level it should provide the students with a good insight into all managerial tasks in civil engineering projects. On the graduate level it should allow specialization in the various areas of interest both to the practicing engineers and also to students who wish to pursue an academic career. The program should strongly interact with research and engineering practice.  相似文献   

Despite the pervasive appeal of team working in the construction industry, the empirical relationship between team effectiveness and task performance continues to be generally overlooked. Recognized team performance appraisal remains one of the last frontiers of performance management. This paper sets out to challenge the conventional discourse of team working and test the hypothesis that construction site management team working and project performance is unrelated. The explanatory case-study research method utilizes a variety of data-gathering techniques. An attitude statement questionnaire evaluates team efficacy. A customized suite of key performance indicators sympathetic to project performance is used to measure project success. Statistical examination of the data demonstrates a marked correlation between the two variables. Although the results authenticate the universally acclaimed wisdom; teams and performance are inextricably linked, secondary analysis expose widespread contradictions between the rhetoric of team working and the action of practice. Obstacles to team working include management indifference towards substantive team building, organizational barriers to communication, and the absence of team rewards. A paradigm of individualism predominates, abetted by organizational structures and cultural subsystems that uphold individual answerability at the expense of collective responsibility.  相似文献   

Construction companies have to challenge difficulties in undertaking private or public projects in domestic and international venues. This study focused on contractual issues encountered by Turkish companies as a case study. The main aim of the research was to investigate particular difficulties encountered by Turkish companies and remedies to overcome or prevent the adverse effects. This research focused on the problem areas, their causes, and executed contracts. In order to meet these aims, research methods included literature survey, analysis of courts of cessation decisions, interviews with 37 contractual staff in 30 companies which are members of Turkish Contractors’ Association, and analysis of 41 contracts to understand their types and conditions. Throughout this investigation, the findings revealed classification of contractual issues as finance, time, compliance, technical documentation, and clauses related difficulties. Practitioners can benefit from this paper by obtaining information through experiences of other companies. By reading this paper the readers can better prepare themselves to avoid and cope with claims and issues. Furthermore, companies intending to establish joint venture or consortium with Turkish construction companies will be able to foresee and prevent/overcome possible difficulties.  相似文献   

Many practitioners believe that how one organizes to support a major construction project will have a significant impact on the successful completion of the project. This paper provides a primer on authority structures. The basic corporate organizational forms are described and construction examples are given. The basic authority structures for project management are also described. These forms are the functional, pure project, and matrix. For each form, the advantages and disadvantages as they relate to the project manager's ability to support the project are cited. Nine factors that influence the choice of authority structure are discussed. The role of the project manager is described. His effectiveness as a manager is related to the organizational form, hierarchy within the organization, authority gap, management style, and the ability to resolve conflict. Six principles for developing a project organization and selecting a project manager are given.  相似文献   

Traditional approaches to quality control in the construction industry are inadequate and should be replaced with the Total Quality Control concept implemented through the Quality Control (Q.C.) Circle as developed in Japan and currently in wide use throughout the manufacturing industry. The term “total quality control” is defined, and four total quality control principles are set forth on the basis of this definition. The evolution of quality control is traced from the nineteenth century to today to explain the decline in quality standards and to illustrate the need for a new approach. Unique characteristics of the construction industry are described as they relate to the Q.C. circle concept. Implementation of this concept will result in higher quality, lower costs, and increased productivity in the construction industry.  相似文献   

The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) System is a heavy rail, rapid transit system superimposed on the existing fabric of the Atlanta urban area. The MARTA program presented a unique opportunity to assess changes in the construction management process during a major project characterized by repetitive type contracts and a stable management group. A contract packaging approach was used to break the contract work into biddable packages, large enough to attract major national construction contractors, but small enough to provide real competition. A claims review board was established to process contractors' claims expeditiously. A list of practical management suggestions, compiled as a result of the experience gained from the MARTA construction management program, is included.  相似文献   

The contribution of site management to the achievement of construction performance objectives is examined. Drawing upon existing empirical data and linking them with research findings in the social sciences, the writers argue that there is often insufficient attention paid towards the range of complex and interdependent variables that can influence construction site activity. As a consequence, the predictive capacity of such research is limited, and the recommendations often derived, particularly concerning appropriate managerial actions, often fail to account for significant variability in circumstances. The applicability of the concept of “leadership” to the construction site situation, and its relationship with key component variables are singled out for attention.  相似文献   

浅析建筑工程安全管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前建筑工程市场安全管理情况,分析所存在的问题,并提出相应的建议与对策。  相似文献   

The intense complexity of interfaces in a construction project makes information technology (IT) applications a must for effective interface management (IM). This largely requires a unified, accurate, and efficient way of modeling interface information. Conventionally, interfaces are simply modeled as dependencies/relationships between project entities; various interface information is loosely presented in different ways, which reduces the accuracy and completeness of interface information as well as the efficiency in information exchange and application. This paper introduces an object view of interfaces and its inherent interface object modeling technique, and then presents an interface object model (IOM) framework. The IOM is the first in the literature that aims to systematically define the data structure and dependencies of interface information for modeling. It is at the core of a conceptually proposed systematic model-based IM strategy. When fully developed, the IOM can be used to accurately model multiple types of interfaces. This will greatly enhance the quality and interoperability of interface information, promote IT applications for IM, and ultimately improve interface-related project performance.  相似文献   

This research investigated and compared the experience of job burnout among 249 construction engineers working within consulting and contracting organizations in Hong Kong. The most widely recognized model of burnout, comprising emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and diminished professional efficacy was found to be valid. The sample in this study scored highest in all three dimensions of burnout among nine other occupations in national samples, with engineers working within contracting organizations reporting higher levels of burnout than their fellow engineers working within consulting organizations. The results of the study also showed that burnout attributed largely to stressors associated with job conditions and working environments. In particular, qualitative overload and lack of promotion prospects were found to be the major predictors of job burnout among engineers working within consulting organizations; whereas long working hours, role conflict, role ambiguity, and lack of job security accounted mostly for the burnout among engineers within contracting organizations. This suggested that intervention strategies targeting minimizing burnout, such as job redesign, should be devised with reference to the type of the engineering organizations.  相似文献   

This paper describes construction management teaching for the Master of Engineering in civil engineering course at the University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom. This course is a 5-yr undergraduate degree accredited by the Institution of Civil Engineers for membership in the Institution subject to graduates satisfying the appropriate postgraduate training objectives. Construction management teaching takes place in the third, fourth, and fifth years of the degree and is structured to make effective use of both traditional and problem-based learning teaching methods. Examples are given of two problem-based learning courses used in the fourth and fifth year of the degree course. Both are based on complex construction projects and provide students with the opportunity to apply and synthesis knowledge gained on the traditionally taught third year course. Formal feedback from students and informal feedback from local industry suggests that the courses are meeting their overall objective of producing graduates with relevant knowledge and skills in construction management.  相似文献   

Cranes have come to symbolize building construction itself. They perform indispensable services in moving materials and components vertically and horizontally. Used since antiquity, their history is interrelated with the development of new power sources that replaced man and mule, first steam and later internal combustion, diesel, and electric engines. Mobile cranes can be rapidly deployed to lift heavy loads. New models with telescoping booms and all-terrain travel capability, compact urban machines, and even hybrids with tower cranes are beginning to replace the familiar lattice boom truck cranes. Mobile cranes have dominated the North American market, but a cultural change appears to be taking place toward tower cranes for building projects. Tower cranes, common in Europe for decades, are globally gaining in popularity with surging real estate developments. Ideal for dense urban environments and coming with a small footprint, they are available in a growing diversity of sizes and configurations. Sophisticated electronic controls and operator assistance devices are enhancing their safe and productive operation. While cranes occupy a central role on midrise and high-rise building projects, they operate in conjunction with other types of supporting equipment that are an essential part of the overall equipment array on today’s industrialized construction sites.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results obtained for the initial application of a management evaluation system whose objective is to provide a continuous improvement tool for construction companies through benchmarking management practices. The outlined system seeks to support a benchmarking system that has been recently established in the Chilean construction industry by incorporating qualitative management aspects in addition to performance indicators. Different analyses were made to determine trends in the sector and to establish correlations between qualitative aspects coming from surveys and quantitative aspects coming from performance indicators. Thirteen construction companies participated in the initial application of the benchmarking system. A correlation analysis found that safety performance was strongly related to companies having superior planning and control, quality management, cost control, and subcontractor management policies. A factor analysis found that central office priorities focus on strategic management policies having longer-term competitive impact, while site management emphasizes tactical management dimensions having short-term impact. There is scope to elevate the profile of continuous improvement initiatives to strategic significance at the central office level.  相似文献   

Four of the construction failures the writer has investigated are reviewed. Two failures involved light framed timber trusses, one failure involved precast tees, and one involved overloaded steel floor joists. Each collapse centered around a failure to recognize the weakness of a partly completed structure. Human failure was the heart of the problem. The writer suggests greater attention to details by those responsible for construction procedures.  相似文献   

In response to the growing demands for innovation, networked arrangements that draw together and synthesize the knowledge resources of multiple organizations and sectors have come to the fore-front within the construction arena. Because they are based on a relational governance principal, these new arrangements require management strategies and techniques that may not be synonymous with conventional approaches. Drawing on the Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation as an example of an interorganizational innovation network, this case study examines its formation and operation to determine the role that relational governance plays in these new arrangements and to provide insights into the relationship-based management strategies employed. The case study indicates that although a mix of governance modes supplements the relational approach, network management remains a critical, if often overlooked, function. Based on the findings, a preliminary relationship management framework is presented as well as some key lessons for those responsible for the architecture, operation, and administration of these innovation networks.  相似文献   

The use of professional construction management has increased rapidly since the introduction of this form of organization in the early 1960's. Despite this widespread use questions concerning the scope, definition, and differences in implementation of this project delivery system remain. An ASCE technical committee has investigated these questions and disseminated information concerning professional construction management through technical sessions at ASCE meetings, published papers, and a specialty conference. This paper summarizes the results of these activities and provides references of the literature available regarding the development and use of professional construction management.  相似文献   

Implementing risk management in construction projects and organizations may bring a number of benefits and therefore it is necessary to have risk management as an integral part of a construction organization’s management practice. The aim of this paper is to develop a risk management maturity assessment model for construction organizations. The paper describes the development process of a Web-based RM3 (risk management maturity model), including its contents, its validation and testing, as well as its applications. The RM3 developed has five attributes namely, management, risk culture, ability to identify risk, ability to analyze risk, and application of standardized risk management process/system. These attributes are measured against four levels: initial, repeated, managed, and optimized. It is found that the proposed RM3 was suitable and useful. Using the RM3, it is found that the Australian construction industry’s overall risk management maturity level was relatively low (where 32% rated at Level 2 and 52% rated at Level 3). Furthermore, it is found that the weakest attribute was “analyzing risks” followed by “application of standardized risk management process.” It is therefore necessary to provide more training on qualitative and quantitative risk analysis to construction personnel and to develop and apply standardized enterprise risk management. It is concluded that the proposed RM3 is suitable for construction organizations to assess their risk management maturity levels and find ways for improvement.  相似文献   

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