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Computational Anatomy aims for the study of variability in anatomical structures from images. Variability is encoded by the spatial transformations existing between anatomical images and a template selected as reference. In the absence of a more justified model for inter-subject variability, transformations are considered to belong to a convenient family of diffeomorphisms which provides a suitable mathematical setting for the analysis of anatomical variability. One of the proposed paradigms for diffeomorphic registration is the Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping (LDDMM). In this framework, transformations are characterized as end points of paths parameterized by time-varying flows of vector fields defined on the tangent space of a Riemannian manifold of diffeomorphisms and computed from the solution of the non-stationary transport equation associated to these flows. With this characterization, optimization in LDDMM is performed on the space of non-stationary vector field flows resulting into a time and memory consuming algorithm. Recently, an alternative characterization of paths of diffeomorphisms based on constant-time flows of vector fields has been proposed in the literature. With this parameterization, diffeomorphisms constitute solutions of stationary ODEs. In this article, the stationary parameterization is included for diffeomorphic registration in the LDDMM framework. We formulate the variational problem related to this registration scenario and derive the associated Euler-Lagrange equations. Moreover, the performance of the non-stationary vs the stationary parameterizations in real and simulated 3D-MRI brain datasets is evaluated. Compared to the non-stationary parameterization, our proposal provides similar results in terms of image matching and local differences between the diffeomorphic transformations while drastically reducing memory and time requirements.  相似文献   

平面目标识别中的几何形变可用射影变换群描述. 与紧致李群SO(n, R)不同, 正则化的射影变换群, 即非紧致李群SL(n, R)上由黎曼度量决定的黎曼指数映射不同于由单参数子群决定的李群指数映射. 基于黎曼流形优化算法得到取值于特殊线性群SL(3, R)的样本的内蕴均值和协方差矩阵, 并依此构建李群正态分布. 利用此先验知识, 根据贝叶斯定理进行简单背景下的平面目标的识别实验. 结果表明, 利用射影变换群的统计特性可有效提高平面目标识别的成功率.  相似文献   

We develop a framework for polynomial regression on Riemannian manifolds. Unlike recently developed spline models on Riemannian manifolds, Riemannian polynomials offer the ability to model parametric polynomials of all integer orders, odd and even. An intrinsic adjoint method is employed to compute variations of the matching functional, and polynomial regression is accomplished using a gradient-based optimization scheme. We apply our polynomial regression framework in the context of shape analysis in Kendall shape space as well as in diffeomorphic landmark space. Our algorithm is shown to be particularly convenient in Riemannian manifolds with additional symmetry, such as Lie groups and homogeneous spaces with right or left invariant metrics. As a particularly important example, we also apply polynomial regression to time-series imaging data using a right invariant Sobolev metric on the diffeomorphism group. The results show that Riemannian polynomials provide a practical model for parametric curve regression, while offering increased flexibility over geodesics.  相似文献   

We prove both in the smooth and discrete setting that the Hessian of an elastic deformation energy results in a proper Riemannian metric on the space of shells (modulo rigid body motions). Based on this foundation we develop a time‐ and space‐discrete geodesic calculus. In particular we show how to shoot geodesics with prescribed initial data, and we give a construction for parallel transport in shell space. This enables, for example, natural extrapolation of paths in shell space and transfer of large nonlinear deformations from one shell to another with applications in animation, geometric, and physical modeling. Finally, we examine some aspects of curvature on shell space.  相似文献   

Group-wise analysis of time series of images requires to compare longitudinal evolutions of images observed on different subjects. In medical imaging, longitudinal anatomical changes can be modeled thanks to non-rigid registration of follow-up images. The comparison of longitudinal trajectories requires the transport (or “normalization”) of longitudinal deformations in a common reference frame. We previously proposed an effective computational scheme based on the Schild’s ladder for the parallel transport of diffeomorphic deformations parameterized by tangent velocity fields, based on the construction of a geodesic parallelogram on a manifold. Schild’s ladder may be however inefficient for transporting longitudinal deformations from image time series of multiple time points, in which the computation of the geodesic diagonals is required several times. We propose here a new algorithm, the pole ladder, in which one diagonal of the parallelogram is the baseline-to-reference frame geodesic. This drastically reduces the number of geodesics to compute. Moreover, differently from the Schild’s ladder, the pole ladder is symmetric with respect to the baseline-to-reference frame geodesic. From the theoretical point of view, we show that the pole ladder is rigorously equivalent to the Schild’s ladder when transporting along geodesics. From the practical point of view, we establish the computational advantages and demonstrate the effectiveness of this very simple method by comparing with standard methods of transport on simulated images with progressing brain atrophy. Finally, we illustrate its application to a clinical problem: the measurement of the longitudinal progression in Alzheimer’s disease. Results suggest that an important gain in sensitivity could be expected in group-wise comparisons.  相似文献   

基于黎曼流形的图像投影配准算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘云鹏  李广伟  史泽林 《自动化学报》2009,35(11):1378-1386
提出了基于黎曼流形的图像投影配准优化方法, 根据投影变换的特点, 用SL(3)表征目标的图像投影变换, 研究SL(3)的几何结构, 通过变分的方法求出了SL(3)上的测地线, 给出相应的黎曼指数映射, 设计了一种新的基于SL(3)群上黎曼分析的平面投影配准算法, 分析了算法的优点, 并对其收敛性做出了证明. 模拟图像数据和真实图像序列测试的对比实验结果表明, 本文算法在效率和精度上较现有文献中基于欧氏空间的图像投影配准算法有显著提高, 优于基于李群的图像配准算法.  相似文献   

Matching of images and analysis of shape differences is traditionally pursued by energy minimization of paths of deformations acting to match the shape objects. In the large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping (LDDMM) framework, iterative gradient descents on the matching functional lead to matching algorithms informally known as Beg algorithms. When stochasticity is introduced to model stochastic variability of shapes and to provide more realistic models of observed shape data, the corresponding matching problem can be solved with a stochastic Beg algorithm, similar to the finite-temperature string method used in rare event sampling. In this paper, we apply a stochastic model compatible with the geometry of the LDDMM framework to obtain a stochastic model of images and we derive the stochastic version of the Beg algorithm which we compare with the string method and an expectation-maximization optimization of posterior likelihoods. The algorithm and its use for statistical inference is tested on stochastic LDDMM landmarks and images.  相似文献   

We present a numerical algorithm for a new matching approach for parameterisation independent diffeomorphic registration of curves in the plane, targeted at robust registration between curves that require large deformations. This condition is particularly useful for the geodesic constrained approach in which the matching functional is minimised subject to the constraint that the evolving diffeomorphism satisfies the Hamiltonian equations of motion; this means that each iteration of the nonlinear optimisation algorithm produces a geodesic (up to numerical discretisation). We ensure that the computed solutions correspond to geodesics in the shape space by enforcing the horizontality condition (conjugate momentum is normal to the curve). Explicitly introducing and solving for a reparameterisation variable allows the use of a point-to-point matching condition. The equations are discretised using the variational particle-mesh method. We provide comprehensive numerical convergence tests and benchmark the algorithm in the context of large deformations, to show that it is a viable, efficient and accurate method for obtaining geodesics between curves.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel Riemannian framework for shape analysis of parameterized surfaces. In particular, it provides efficient algorithms for computing geodesic paths which, in turn, are important for comparing, matching, and deforming surfaces. The novelty of this framework is that geodesics are invariant to the parameterizations of surfaces and other shape-preserving transformations of surfaces. The basic idea is to formulate a space of embedded surfaces (surfaces seen as embeddings of a unit sphere in IR3) and impose a Riemannian metric on it in such a way that the reparameterization group acts on this space by isometries. Under this framework, we solve two optimization problems. One, given any two surfaces at arbitrary rotations and parameterizations, we use a path-straightening approach to find a geodesic path between them under the chosen metric. Second, by modifying a technique presented in [25], we solve for the optimal rotation and parameterization (registration) between surfaces. Their combined solution provides an efficient mechanism for computing geodesic paths in shape spaces of parameterized surfaces. We illustrate these ideas using examples from shape analysis of anatomical structures and other general surfaces.  相似文献   

In the context of large deformations by diffeomorphisms, we propose a new diffeomorphic registration algorithm for 3D images that performs the optimization directly on the set of geodesic flows. The key contribution of this work is to provide an accurate estimation of the so-called initial momentum, which is a scalar function encoding the optimal deformation between two images through the Hamiltonian equations of geodesics. Since the initial momentum has proven to be a key tool for statistics on shape spaces, our algorithm enables more reliable statistical comparisons for 3D images.  相似文献   

In order to detect small-scale deformations during disease propagation while allowing large-scale deformation needed for inter-subject registration, we wish to model deformation at multiple scales and represent the deformation compactly at the relevant scales only. This paper presents the kernel bundle extension of the LDDMM framework that allows multiple kernels at multiple scales to be incorporated in the registration. We combine sparsity priors with the kernel bundle resulting in compact representations across scales, and we present the mathematical foundation of the framework with derivation of the KB-EPDiff evolution equations. Through examples, we illustrate the influence of the kernel scale and show that the method achieves the important property of sparsity across scales. In addition, we demonstrate on a dataset of annotated lung CT images how the kernel bundle framework with a compact representation reaches the same accuracy as the standard method optimally tuned with respect to scale.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of analyzing variability in shapes of facial surfaces using a Riemannian framework, a fundamental approach that allows for joint matchings, comparisons, and deformations of faces under a chosen metric. The starting point is to impose a curvilinear coordinate system, named the Darcyan coordinate system, on facial surfaces; it is based on the level curves of the surface distance function measured from the tip of the nose. Each facial surface is now represented as an indexed collection of these level curves. The task of finding optimal deformations, or geodesic paths, between facial surfaces reduces to that of finding geodesics between level curves, which is accomplished using the theory of elastic shape analysis of 3D curves. The elastic framework allows for nonlinear matching between curves and between points across curves. The resulting geodesics between facial surfaces provide optimal elastic deformations between faces and an elastic metric for comparing facial shapes. We demonstrate this idea using examples from FSU face database.
A. SrivastavaEmail:

In medical image analysis and high level computer vision, there is an intensive use of geometric features like orientations, lines, and geometric transformations ranging from simple ones (orientations, lines, rigid body or affine transformations, etc.) to very complex ones like curves, surfaces, or general diffeomorphic transformations. The measurement of such geometric primitives is generally noisy in real applications and we need to use statistics either to reduce the uncertainty (estimation), to compare observations, or to test hypotheses. Unfortunately, even simple geometric primitives often belong to manifolds that are not vector spaces. In previous works [1, 2], we investigated invariance requirements to build some statistical tools on transformation groups and homogeneous manifolds that avoids paradoxes. In this paper, we consider finite dimensional manifolds with a Riemannian metric as the basic structure. Based on this metric, we develop the notions of mean value and covariance matrix of a random element, normal law, Mahalanobis distance and χ2 law. We provide a new proof of the characterization of Riemannian centers of mass and an original gradient descent algorithm to efficiently compute them. The notion of Normal law we propose is based on the maximization of the entropy knowing the mean and covariance of the distribution. The resulting family of pdfs spans the whole range from uniform (on compact manifolds) to the point mass distribution. Moreover, we were able to provide tractable approximations (with their limits) for small variances which show that we can effectively implement and work with these definitions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel robust image alignment technique that performs joint geometric and photometric registration in the total least square (TLS) sense. Therefore, we employ the total least square metric instead of the ordinary least square (OLS) metric, which is commonly used in the literature. While the OLS model is sufficient to tackle geometric registration problems, it gives no mutually consistent estimates when dealing with photometric deformations. By introducing a new TLS model, we obtain mutually consistent parameters. Experimental results show that our method is indeed more consistent and accurate in presence of noise compared to existing joint registration algorithms.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been considerable interest in methods for diffeomorphic warping of images, with applications in e.g. medical imaging and evolutionary biology. The original work generally cited is that of the evolutionary biologist D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson, who demonstrated warps to deform images of one species into another. However, unlike the deformations in modern methods, which are drawn from the full set of diffeomorphisms, he deliberately chose lower-dimensional sets of transformations, such as planar conformal mappings. In this paper we study warps composed of such conformal mappings. The approach is to equip the infinite dimensional manifold of conformal embeddings with a Riemannian metric, and then use the corresponding geodesic equation in order to obtain diffeomorphic warps. After deriving the geodesic equation, a numerical discretisation method is developed. Several examples of geodesic warps are then given. We also show that the equation admits totally geodesic solutions corresponding to scaling and translation, but not to affine transformations.  相似文献   

For kinematically redundant robotic manipulators, the extra degrees of freedom available allows freedom in the generation of the trajectories of the end‐effector. In this paper, for this scope, we use techniques for motion control of rigid bodies on Riemannian manifolds (and Lie groups in particular) to design workspace control algorithms for the end‐effector of the robotic chain and then to pull them back to joint space, all respecting the different geometric structures of the two underlying model spaces. The trajectory planner makes use of geometric splines. Examples of the different kinds of curves that are obtained via the De Casteljau algorithm in correspondence of different metric structures in SE(3) are reported. The feedback module, instead, consists of a Lyapunov based PD controller defined from a suitable notion of error distance on the Lie group. The motivating application of our work is a holonomic mobile manipulator for which simulation results are described in detail. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We present a general intrinsic tracking controller design for fully-actuated simple mechanical systems, when the configuration space is one of a general class of Lie groups. We first express a state-feedback controller in terms of a function-the "error function"-satisfying certain regularity conditions. If an error function can be found, then a general smooth and bounded reference trajectory may be tracked asymptotically from almost every initial condition, with locally exponential convergence. Asymptotic convergence from almost every initial condition is referred to as "almost-global" asymptotic stability. Error functions may be shown to exist on any compact Lie group, or any Lie group diffeomorphic to the product of a compact Lie group and R/sup n/. This covers many cases of practical interest, such as SO(n), SE(n), their subgroups, and direct products. We show here that for compact Lie groups the dynamic configuration-feedback controller obtained by composing the full state-feedback law with an exponentially convergent velocity observer is also almost-globally asymptotically stable with respect to the tracking error. We emphasize that no invariance is needed for these results. However, for the special case where the kinetic energy is left-invariant, we show that the explicit expression of these controllers does not require coordinates on the Lie group. The controller constructions are demonstrated on SO(3), and simulated for the axi-symmetric top. Results show excellent performance.  相似文献   

Streamlines of a relativistic perfect isentropic fluid are geodesics of a Riemannian space whose metric is determined by the fluid enthalpy. This fact simplifies the solution of some problems, and is also of interest from the point of view of fundamental physics.  相似文献   

大形变微分同胚图像配准快速算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出一种研究大形变图像配准算法. 大形变使得图像信息和拓扑结构有较大的改变, 目前该方面的研究仍然是一个难点. 基于严密数学理论的微分同胚Demons算法是图像配准的著名算法, 为解决大形变配准问题提供了重要基础. 基于对微分同胚Demons算法的研究结合流形学习的思想提出一种大形变图像配准的新算法(MRL算法). 新算法通过挖掘图像的局部和全局流形信息改进微分同胚Demons 速度场的更新, 更好地保持图像的拓扑结构. 对比实验结果表明, 本文所提出的算法能够快速高精度地实现大形变图像的配准.  相似文献   

It is shown how the methods of Riemannian and Finslerian geometry may be used in thermodynamics of equilibrium and nonequilibrium states. In both cases the Riemannian structure on the spaces of thermodynamic parameters is defined by means of the relative information (entropy). Thermodynamic meaning of the Riemannian scalar curvature is then interpreted in terms of stability of the considered systems. For nonequilibrium systems the time derivative of the relative information leads to the Finslerian structure. It is shown how a homogenization procedure of Rund leads to the Finslerian metric of the Kropina type. Three types of the Finslerian curvature tensors connected with the Cartan connection are considered for two-dimensional spaces. In particular, the so-called horizontal curvature is considered in detail. It turns out that in thermodynamic spaces Cartan connection coincides with the Berwald connection. Thermodynamic meaning of the Finslerian scalar curvatures is not clear since they vanish for two-dimensional spaces.Work supported by The State Committee for Scientific Research, project KBN 2 0412 91 01.  相似文献   

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