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选用钱塘江和运河2006—2016年水质监测资料,对杭州三堡口门引配水工程实施前后的钱塘江和运河水质进行评价,对运河主要水质指标氨氮和高锰酸盐指数进行水质趋势分析,在此基础上综合分析评价杭州三堡口门引配水工程对运河杭州段水环境的影响。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代末,杭州市开始对运河杭州城区段进行大规模整治,尤其是2001年和2006年,先后实施了一期和二期运河综合保护工程,运河杭州段的水质有了质的改善。基于对运河杭州段现状水质的分析,选取具有30多年水质资料的拱宸桥断面,进行了主要特征污染物的变化趋势分析。结果表明,运河杭州段的水质变化过程与时代变迁、经济发展、三堡通航、综合整治、配水等有直接相关,并大致可分为4个不同时期。  相似文献   

苏南运河自北向南穿过太湖流域腹部,具有航运、防洪排涝、灌溉和景观功能。近些年,运河汛期水位连年超历史,造成运河沿线及周边受灾严重。精细化水文-水动力模型可为运河高水位成因分析、防汛排涝调度决策、新老工程效益评估提供技术手段。基于Infoworks ICM软件,充分考虑苏南运河沿线平原河网地区圩区、城区管网以及复杂下垫面,构建了苏南运河沿线平原河网水文水动力模型。鉴于苏南运河沿线水系边界难以确定,将模型构建范围扩大至2.16万km2。采用2015年和2016年的汛期实况降雨、水位和调度数据对模型进行率定和验证。绝大多数水文站点水位模拟纳什系数接近于1,模型可信度高;可决系数显示相关性中等偏上,模型总体结果可信。同时相比其他片区,湖西区精度更高,主要原因是相比其他片区,湖西区受人为调度干预较少。  相似文献   

2015—2017年,江苏省苏南运河沿线地区连续发生超历史水位洪水,联合调度矛盾突出。随着苏南地区经济快速发展,流域、区域及重点城市面临着防洪保安、水环境(生态)调度和水资源管理等问题,苏南运河的洪涝治理成为太湖流域综合治理的重要一环。通过江苏省苏南运河沿线地区联合调度实践,分析了联合调度存在的突出矛盾与问题,并提出了加快苏南运河系统性治理、加强苏南运河沿线地区联合调度、开展相关课题研究等建议,旨在破解苏南运河"高水位河道"难题,进而为新形势下做好太湖流域洪涝治理提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

江帆 《水利天地》2014,(11):27-27
<正>京杭大运河,是世界上最长的古代运河,北起北京,南至杭州,流经天津、河北、山东、江苏和浙江四省一市,沟通海河、黄河、淮河、长江和钱塘江五大水系,全长1 794公里。2014年6月22日,在多哈举行的第38届世界遗产大会上,"大运河"作为文化遗产正式列入世界遗产名录。昔日一个个名不见经传的小村落、小集镇,在京杭大运河的血液注入后,得到了迅猛发展,一条运河就像糖葫芦一样,将沿线城市串联在了一起,同时串起来的还有沿线的各种美食。俗话说,哪里有炊烟,哪里就有美味,那我们就由北而南,一起沿  相似文献   

正自2014年6月22日,京杭大运河被正式列入世界文化遗产名录以来,运河沿岸地市进入了遗产开发管理的高峰期,多地段在运河沿线相关省、市、县的努力下,形成了具有鲜明特色的运河景观长廊。但在开发管理过程中,对大运河沿线水利工程价值日趋弱化,过分注重商业化的现象较为普遍,开发管理的出发点大多面向外来游客,忽略了运河沿线社区居民的生活需求,降低了大运河服务当地社区发展空间。  相似文献   

浦东运河水环境综合整治规划运用系统分析的方法,首先对该流域进行了功能区划,提出了各区段的使用功能与相应的水质目标:中期(1996~2000年)达到Ⅳ类水体,远期(2000~2010年)达到Ⅲ类水体。其次,建立了浦东运河的水质模型,分同步测试和静水两种条件分别对其进行了水质和容许纳污能力分析,确定了其容许纳污能力。最后,为将来改善浦东运河的水质,以优先治理工业污染源、城镇生活污染源和养殖业污染源为基本原则,并利用线性规划模型,从费用上对主要非点污染源治理进行了优化分析,确定了实现区划目标的综合整治措施,整治规划特点如下: 1.通过对基础资料的详实分析,以流域功能区划目标为基础,制定出切实可行的功能分区及相应的水质目标; 2.对污染源的控制,强调把以清洁生产为中心的全过程控制放在首位,同时与排污管末端控制有机地结合; 3.污染源的识别,既考虑了工业污染源、城市生活污染源,同时也考虑乡村非点源的影响,对其进行了定量分析; 4.水质模拟中把同步监测数据和多年来积累的常规监测数据结合起来使用; 5.优化方面,考虑了费用最少以及社会、环境、经济的整体优化;除了技术经济优化外还考虑管理上的优化。  相似文献   

通过构建苏南运河洪涝联合调度精细化河网模型,专题研究苏南运河沿线流域、区域、城市防汛排涝联合调度,以2016年6-7月实况雨水情、工情为基础,模拟分析了工情变化、圩区泵站限排、骨干工程运行、水位预降等措施对苏南运河沿线洪水位的影响,提出了区域联合调度建议,为实际防汛调度提供技术支撑.  相似文献   

朱毅民 《江苏水利》2010,(10):9-10,13
<正>了解淮安历史的人都说:淮安得水而兴,因水而贫,现治水而安。先秦时期的淮安,地处"沿于江海,达于淮泗"的南北水运干线枢纽,曾有"交通、灌溉之利甲于全国"的美誉,亦曾是漕运枢纽、盐运要冲,鼎盛时与扬州、苏州、杭州并称运河沿线  相似文献   

对苏南运河苏锡常段沿岸的工业污染源、农业污染源和城镇生活污水排污的分布以及入河的排污情况进行了调查,计算出各种污水污染源的入河量,对污染源进行了评价,指出了苏南运河段的主要污染源、主要污染物以及排污量最大的主要污染企业和城镇区。根据水质断面水质监测成果,对苏南运河段的水环境质量用单因子指数法进行了现状评价,得出了水质断面达标情况及主要的污染因子。此外,根据确定的水质目标,分别计算出各段水体的水环境容量、排污控制量和削减率,再结合现状排污量,对所得的计算结果进行了对比分析。找到了超标断面和超标污染因子,并在上述结果的基础上提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

潮汐水域油污染计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用河口海岸三维模型(POM模型)计算了杭州湾、长江口的潮致流场.在此基础上,对杭州湾北岸的中港、星火和金山3个排污口冬、夏两季排放的含油废水油浓度分布进行了数值模拟.计算结果表明,在杭州湾、长江口以半日潮波占支配地位,其潮流场以M2分潮为主;在长江径流的影响下,潮致余流组成不甚明显的不对称顺时针方向的涡旋,有利于污染物向杭州湾外输移.从污染物向杭州湾外输移的情况来看,以中港较为有利,星火次之,金山较差.在现有计算条件下,取排污口油浓度初值为10 mg/L,3个排污口排出的含油废水均可达到国家Ⅲ类水质的标准.  相似文献   

蘑菇湖水库水环境现状及保护对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对蘑菇湖水库主要污染源和水库水质现状进行调查评价,分析表明蘑菇湖水库污染严重,已失去养殖功能。为减少水库纳污量,控制水体进一步受到污染,提出治理措施和建议:石河子造纸厂是水库的主要点污染源,应修建氧化塘,废水处理后,达标排放;石河子市尽快建立污水处理场,对排污管网的污水进行处理,达到污水一级排放标准后,合理调度,减少水库纳污量。  相似文献   

松花江区水资源质量评价综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于全国第二次水资源调查评价成果,对松花江区地表水资源质量现状进行综合概述。松花江区的地表水体污染严重,以有机污染为主,主要污染指标是CODMn;综合评价水质劣于Ⅲ类的河长占总河长的62.7%;湖泊、水库基本处于中富营养和富营养状态,水质多为Ⅴ类和劣Ⅴ类。汛期污染重于非汛期,面污染源影响大于点污染源;有机污染主要来自农村和田野,城市工业和生活污水也是重要的污染源。  相似文献   

李萌  黎小东  敖天其  郭会 《人民长江》2017,48(20):21-27
为了有效地分析巴河州河汇合口(渠县境内)以上流域非点源污染问题,应用GIS技术进行水文分析(水系提取、流域划分)以及污染源的空间分异分析。基于评估区的水环境污染现状,选取城镇居民生活污水、农村居民生活污水、城镇地表径流、集中式畜禽养殖、化肥污染五大污染源,采用源强系数法和输出系数法进行COD、TN、TP 3种污染物的流失量计算,并分析其污染负荷,。结果表明:(1)评估区的91.93%的负荷来源于为农村居民生活污水、化肥污染、和城镇居民生活污水,最主要的污染源为农村居民生活污水。(2)评估区重点治理乡镇为三汇镇。研究成果较为清晰地分析出研究区非点源污染的分布情况,指出了需要重点治理的地域和污染源。  相似文献   

In the context of rapid economic growth in China, hydrochemical characteristics of stream water quality are being influenced by a variety of natural and anthropogenic inputs. We determined 10 hydrochemical parameters of the surface water at 29 monitoring sites in the Luan River basin of northern China during 2007-2009. Water quality hydrochemistry was evaluated using fuzzy comprehensive analysis based on the National Surface Water Environmental Quality Standards of China. Our results showed that 14 sites were classified as 'meeting standard (MS)' while the other 15 sites were classified 'non-meeting standard (NS)'. According to principal component analysis, four potential pollution sources were identified that explained 80.6% of the total variance among these MS sites, and three potential pollution sources that explained 78.3% of the total variance among these NS sites. Furthermore, multi-linear regression of the absolute principal component scores was used to estimate contributions from identified pollution sources. Most water pollution variables were influenced primarily by municipal sewage and non-point pollution in MS sites. In NS sites, chemical industry wastewater pollution dominated. Pollution in the main stream was more serious than that in the small tributaries. Our findings provide useful information for developing better pollution control strategies for the Luan River.  相似文献   

Multivariate statistical approaches, such as cluster analysis (CA) and principal component analysis/factor analysis (PCA/FA), were used to evaluate temporal/spatial variations in water quality and identify latent sources of water pollution in the Songhua River Harbin region. The dataset included data on 15 parameters for six different sites in the region over a five-year monitoring period (2005–2009). Hierarchical CA grouped the six monitored sites into three clusters based on their similarities, corresponding to regions of low pollution (LP), moderate pollution (MP) and high pollution (HP). PCA/FA of the three different groups resulted in five latent factors accounting for 70.08%, 67.54% and 76.99% of the total variance in the water quality datasets of LP, MP and HP, respectively. This indicates that the parameters responsible for water quality variation are primarily related to organic pollution and nutrients (non-point sources: animal husbandry and agricultural activities), temperature (natural), heavy metal and toxic pollution (point sources: industry) in relatively LP areas; oxygen-consuming organic pollution (point sources: industry and domestic wastewater), temperature (natural), heavy metal and petrochemical pollution (point source: industry), nutrients (non-point sources: agricultural activities, organic decomposition and geologic deposits) in MP areas; and heavy metal, oil and petrochemical pollution (point source: industry), oxygen-consuming organic pollution (point source: domestic sewage and wastewater treatment plants), nutrients (non-point sources: agricultural activities, runoff in soils) in HP areas of the Harbin region. Therefore, the identification of the main potential environmental hazards in different regions by this study will help managers make better and more informed decisions about how to improve water quality.  相似文献   

分析了2012年金山湖各监测段的水质情况,并对金山湖水体污染源进行解析。结果表明,运粮河入流水质较差,金山湖TN值超标;降雨地表径流是金山湖的第一大污染源,并且城镇地表径流所产生的污染物的负荷及浓度要远高于农田地表径流;由于截污工程的实施,工业生产废水与城镇生活污水对污染的贡献率较低。  相似文献   

南通市河网格局特征及水环境响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
游珍  刘波  姚红 《水资源保护》2008,24(4):31-34
对南通市河网景观格局与地表水污染的关系进行探讨。在对南通市的河网景观格局进行定性分析的基础上,设计并定量计算了南通市河网景观格局指标,据此分析了不同排污功能河流的景观格局特点:①就污染程度来说,工业排污河流最为严重,生活排污河流次之,农业排污河流水质最好;②就河流污染物分布来说,工业排污河流最不均匀,生活排污河流次之,农业排污河流最为均匀。这与实测分析结果基本一致,说明城市河网景观格局是影响污染物分布、运移的主要因素之一。  相似文献   

Identification of sources of fecal pollution in urban areas is critical for protecting public health, the environment, and guiding remediation. We collected 670 water samples at 46 sites in 2018 to study fecal pollution in the Toronto Harbour and Don River watershed. Water samples were analyzed for E. coli, wastewater chemicals, and microbial source tracking DNA markers using a digital PCR technique. Microbial DNA markers were useful for interpreting the sources of elevated E. coli concentrations in the study. The HF183 marker for human sewage was the most frequently detected DNA marker, occurring in 100% of samples taken from the Don River and associated outfalls. It was also frequently detected in the Inner Harbour and outfalls along the Toronto harbour front. It was detected less frequently and at lower levels in the outer harbour. Detection of a human mitochondrial DNA marker and wastewater chemical markers such as caffeine provided additional evidence of widespread sewage contamination. The gull DNA marker was widely detected, but at lower frequencies and levels than human source DNA markers. A wet weather response of increased E. coli and human DNA marker concentrations occurred at most sites. However, human DNA markers were also widely detected on dry weather sampling days, indicating sewage cross-connections in stormwater and dry weather CSO systems. The cumulative impact of cross-connected stormwater outfalls is likely an under-recognized source of sewage contamination. E. coli and HF183 DNA marker levels observed can serve as benchmarks for evaluating future water quality improvements from wastewater infrastructure investments.  相似文献   

The water quality of seafronts and beaches of Mumbai is under pressure and deteriorating due to discharge of partially treated sewage and wastewater through point and nonpoint sources. The objective of the study was to assess the water quality and to correlate physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters for establishing relationship, association and dependence on each other. The water quality parameters were selected as per SW II standards specified by Central Pollution Control Board, India and nutrient parameters as strong indicators of sewage pollution. Box and whisker plots were generated for evaluating spatio temporal variation of water quality which suggest influence of organic pollution mostly at Mahim and Dadar in the form of outliers and extremes. Pearson's correlations were estimated between parameters and found significant correlation with each other indicating influence of sewage on water quality. The water quality of beaches and seafronts were found unsafe for recreational purposes. The study suggested that designated water quality can be achieved by restricting nonpoint source through improvement in wastewater collection systems, appropriate level of treatment and proper disposal.  相似文献   

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