Porous carbon air electrodes have been operated in fully developed and laminar channel flow and their limiting current density measured with variations in the air velocity, the electrode length and the air channel thickness. The results are placed on a theoretical basis, using a theoretical model previously developed for the two extreme conditions of a thin mass transfer boundary layer in the air channel and complete oxygen exhaustion. The implications of the results on cell design are discussed. 相似文献
This paper deals with the theoretical potential distribution within a flow-by parallelepipedic porous electrode operating in limiting current conditions in a two-compartment electrolytic cell. The model takes into account the influence of the counter-electrode polarization and of the separator ohmic resistance. The results show that the design of the porous electrode requires the knowledge of the solution potential distribution within the whole cell volume.Nomenclature
specific surface area per unit volume of electrode
entrance concentration (y=0)
exit concentration (y=y0)
electrode potential (=
M –
equilibrium electrode potential
Faraday number
current density
mean mass transfer coefficient
parameter [aeazFioa/(aRT)]1/2
porous electrode thickness
number of terms in Fourier serials
specific productivity
volumetric flow-rate
mean flow velocity based on empty channel
constant potential
electrode volume
thickness variable
length variable
porous electrode length
number of electrons in the electrochemical reaction
Greek symbols
ionic electrolyte conductivity in pores
solution potential
matrix potential (
M = constant)
parameter [=n/y0
parameter [=+K]
Suffices a
- c
- eq
- s
- S
solution 相似文献
A mathematical model is presented to describe the behaviour of three-dimensional electrodes operating under limiting current conditions. Principal results are the effect of electrolyte resistivity, hydrodynamic and cell geometrical parameters on the distribution of the electrolyte potential and overpotential inside the structure. The most pertinent parameters of the electrode and application to the design of a reactor having perpendicular directions of current and electrolyte flow are given. 相似文献
An economic comparison is made between electrode configurations for flow redox battery applications: (i) the flow-through configuration (current parallel to the fluid flow) and (ii) the flow-by configuration (current perpendicular to the fluid flow). Steady-state computer models are developed for each electrode system. These models are used to predict current density, cell voltage, and power density over a complete cycle (charge and discharge). The economic comparison is made by optimizing each configuration with respect to an objective function appropriate for redox battery applications. Only the variable costs are considered. The results of the optimization show that the flowbby configuration is superior. The flow-through configuration not only yields a lower return on investment, but it is impractical due to a requirement of extremely low flow rates (Re < 0.001). Its failure is due to current flow (and ohmic potential drop) in the same direction as the fluid flow. 相似文献
This paper deals with the characterization of three nickel foams for use as materials for flow-through or flow-by porous electrodes. Optical and scanning electron microscope observations were used to examine the pore size distribution. The overall, apparent electrical resistivity of the reticulated skeleton was measured. The BET method and the liquid permeametry method were used to determine the specific surface area, the values of which are compared with those known for other materials.Nomenclature
specific surface area (per unit of total volume) (m–1)
specific surface area (per unit of solid volume) (m–1)
- (ae)BET
specific surface area determined by the BET method (m–1)
- (ae)Ergun
specific surface area determined by pressure drop measurements (m–1)
mean pore diameter (m)
mean pore diameter determined by optical microscopy (m)
mean pore diameter using Ergun equation (m)
thickness of the skeleton element of the foam (m)
grade of the foam (number of pores per inch)
- P/H
pressure drop per unit height of the foam (Pa m–1)
electrical resistivity ( m)
hydraulic pore radius (m)
mean liquid velocity (m s–1)
Greek symbols
mean porosity
circularity factor
dynamic viscosity (kg m–1 s–1)
liquid density (kg m–3)
pore diameter size dispersion 相似文献
Experimental distributions of the solution potential in flow-through and flow-by porous electrodes of nickel foam operating in limiting current conditions are presented. These are in good agreement with the corresponding theoretical distributions. In the case of a flow-by configuration used in a two-compartment cell, the experiments confirm the validity of the models, presented in Part III, which take into account the presence of a separator (ceramic porous diaphragm or ion exchange membrane).Nomenclature
specific surface area per unit volume of electrode
entrance ferricyanide concentration (y=0)
molecular diffusion coefficient of ferricyanide
cathode potential
Faraday number
mean (and local) mass transfer coefficient
electrode thickness
separator thickness
number of sheets of foam in a stack
number of terms in Fourier series
volumetric flow-rate
ohmic specific resistance of the separator
mean flow velocity based on empty channel
constant potential
coordinate for the electrode thickness
coordinate for the electrode length
length of the porous electrode
number of electrons in the electrochemical reaction
Greek symbols
ionic electrolyte conductivity
solution potential in the pores of the cathode
matrix potential (
sc = constant)
parameter [=n/y0]
electrolyte density
mean porosity
kinematic viscosity
- Ec
potential drop in the porous cathode
potential drop defined in Fig. 5
Indices c
- o
electrolyte alone
- s
separator 相似文献
An experimental study of the effectiveness of three-dimensional electrodes working under limiting current conditions and the experimental potential distributions in reactors where the directions of current and electrolyte flow are perpendicular is presented. The analytical solution presented in Part I is experimentally tested for packed bed electrodes of nickel sphericalparticles using the reduction of ferricyanide ions as the electrochemical reaction. Good agreement is observed for a range of reactors having various geometric dimensions, flow rates and reactant concentrations. 相似文献
Advances in electrochemical engineering are reviewed, and the methodology of the analysis of electrochemical systems is outlined. Examples illustrative of current research concern simultaneous reactions for flow-through porous electrodes and the more fundamental system of a rotating disk electrode. Here the undesirable side reaction is the formation of dissolved hydrogen, and the main reaction is the deposition of copper from sulfuric acid solutions. Distributions of reaction rate, concentration, and potential describe the detailed system behavior. The side reaction is responsible for the poorly defined limiting-current plateau on the disk electrode and provides a limit for the maximum flow rate at which good recovery can be achieved with the porous electrode. 相似文献
The work described here concerns the diffusion-convective mass transfer to flow-through and flow-by porous electrodes of nickel foam. Empirical correlations giving the product
of the mass transfer coefficient
and the specific surface areaae of the material as a function of the pressure drop per unit electrode height and as a function of the grade characterizing the foam are proposed. The performance of various materials are compared in terms of
vs the mean linear electrolyte flow velocity.Nomenclature
specific surface area (per unit of total volume of electrode) (m–1)
A, B
Ergun law coefficients determined in flow-by configuration
A, B
Ergun law coefficients determined in flow-through configurationA, A (Pa m–3 s2);B, B (Pa m2 s–1)
entering concentration of ferricyanide ions (mole m–3)
molecular diffusion coefficient (m2 s–1)
Faraday number (C mol–1)
grade of the foams
limiting current (A)
mean mass transfer coefficient (m s–1)
number of stacked foam sheets in the electrode
- P/H
pressure drop per unit of height (Pa m–1)
volumetric electrolyte flow rate (m3 s–1)
Reynolds number
Schmidt number
Sherwood number
mean tortuosity of the foam pores
mean electrolyte velocity (m s–1)
electrode volume (m3)
dynamic viscosity (kg m–1 s–1)
number of electrons in the electrochemical reaction
kinematic viscosity (m2 s–1) 相似文献
We describe the flow of gas in a porous medium in the kinetic regime, where the viscous flow structure is not formed in separate pores. Special attention is paid to the dense kinetic regime, where the interactions within the gas are as important as the interaction with the porous medium. The transport law for this regime is derived by means of the gas kinetic theory, in the framework of the model of “heavy gas in light one”. The computations of the gas kinetic theory are confirmed by the dimension analysis and a simplified derivation revealing the considerations behind the kinetic derivation. The role of the thermal gradient in the transport law is clarified. 相似文献
An equation is presented which allows the calculation of the critical solution flow velocity corresponding to complete reaction controlled by diffusion at flow porous electrodes. The equation has been experimentally confirmed with good accuracy for the mass transport-controlled reaction of the reduction of K3Fe(CN)6 at flow porous electrodes composed of fine platinum screens and of gilded graphite granules described in the literature. If the critical flow velocity can be determined experimentally, the equation may be used for the determination of the specific surface of the electrode or the diffusion coefficient of the process. In this way the specific surfaces of graphite electrodes have been determined, which also enabled the calculation of mass transfer coefficients and dimensionless correlations for the Sherwood Number andjD-factor.List of symbols
Empirical constant in Equation 5
Empirical constant in Equation 5
Particle diameter (cm)
Diffusion coefficient (cm2s–1)
Coefficient of mass transfer (cm s–1)
Electrode height (cm)
Pore radius (cm)
Coefficient of correlation
Limiting degree of conversion
Critical limiting degree of conversion
Average critical limiting degree of conversion
- (Re)
Reynolds Number, (Re)=udp/
Hydraulic radius (cm)
Specific surface (cm–1)
- (Sc)
Schmidt Number, (Sc)=/D
Average Schmidt Number
- (Sh)
Sherwood Number, (Sh)=kdp/D
Absolute temperature (K)
Superficial flow velocity (cm s–1)
Critical superficial flow velocity (cm s–1)
Interstitial flow velocity (cm s–1)
Void fraction
Dynamic viscosity (poise)
Dimensionless parameter
Kinematic viscosity (cm2s–1) 相似文献
Application of simultaneous ultrasound to representative solution-phase reversible voltammetric couples produce a step-shaped voltammogram at platinum electrodes of both macro and micro dimensions. The limiting current increases with ultrasonic power, but is not markedly affected by ultrasonic frequency in the 20–800kHz region. In contrast the complex voltammetry of a platinized platinum electrode surface within the hydrogen adsorption regime in aqueous acid medium is very little affected by sonication. Factors affecting the reproducibility of sonoelectrochemical experiments when employing ultrasonic sources are discussed.Author to whom correspondence should be addressed 相似文献
Electrochemical mass transport rates at circular disk electrodes and at arbitrary inclination angles, α, formed between the cathode and the horizontal were measured. The results can be correlated by the general regression relationship for O° ≤ α ≤ 170° and 2.5 × 108 < RaL < 6.3 × 109, using the distance between electrodes, L, as the characteristic length. The range of the exponents n, m is – and C(α) varies from 0.33 to 0.39. 相似文献
The effect of radial diffusion on the polarization of porous flow-through electrodes has been investigated with the aid of a mathematical model. The proposed model takes into consideration the rates of mass transfer in the axial direction by convection and in the radial direction by diffusion as well as charge transport in the pore electrolyte and electron transfer kinetics at the electrode-electrolyte interface. Normalization of the variables gave rise to dimensionless groups pertinent to the kinetic, ohmic and radial diffusion effects. These are respectively,I the reversibility index, Δ the parameter of ohmic effect andψ the parameter of radial diffusion. The latter (ψ=2φ/Sh) is the ratio of two other dimensionless groups. With this formulation, larger values ofψ correspond to more predominant control of the electrode behaviour by radial diffusion. The same is also true for the parameter of ohmic effect Δ. Solutions have been obtained for two limiting cases: negligible and signifcant potential drop in the pore electrolyte. In both cases, equations have been derived which give the quantitative (highly non-linear) effect ofψ on the current-polarization relations. In the case of a significant ohmic potential drop in the pore electrolyte, it was found that the controlling parameter is the product Δψ The two variables seem to give a synergistic effect since, at large Δ values a certain change inψ has a more pronounced effect on the polarization than the corresponding change at lower Δ values. Qualitative and quantitative tests of some aspects of the model are reported using the electrochemical reduction of copper ions from acid copper sulphate solutions at a packed bed of copper particles. Satisfactory agreement was obtained. 相似文献
The adsorption of glycolate anions at sputtered gold thin-film electrodes was studied in perchloric acid solutions by cyclic voltammetry experiments combined with in situ Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) and Surface Enhanced Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy under attenuated total reflection conditions (ATR-SEIRAS). Theoretical harmonic vibrational frequencies and band intensities obtained from B3LYP/LANL2DZ,6-31+G(d) calculations for glycolate species adsorbed on Au clusters with (1 1 1) orientation were used to interpret the experimental spectra. Vibrational data confirm the bidentate bonding of glycolate anions through the oxygen atoms of the carboxylate group, in a bridge configuration with the OCO plane perpendicular to the metal surface. The DFT calculations show no significant effect of the total charge of the metal cluster-adsorbate adduct on the vibrational frequencies of adsorbed glycolate species. The infrared experimental study is extended to platinum films electrochemically deposited onto sputtered gold thin-film electrodes showing the potential-dependent formation of adsorbed CO upon dissociative adsorption of glycolate anions. As in the case of gold, the reversible adsorption of glycolate anions takes place in a bidentate configuration as predicted by DFT calculations for glycolate adsorbed on Pt(1 1 1) clusters. At low glycolic acid concentration, the in situ ATR-SEIRA spectra evidence the formation of adsorbed oxalate as reaction intermediate. 相似文献
This work aims to analyse the behaviour of cermet electrodes as a function of their composition, i.e. the ratio between ionic and electronic conducting particles. This is an important parameter to be considered to obtain maximum performance from this type of electrode, which is currently under study for application in oxygen sensors and solid oxide fuel cells. Experimental results of overall electrode resistance, including both ohmic and activation polarisation effects, have been obtained through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements of Pt/YSZ electrodes in air. The results compare favourably with the theoretical predictions for several compositions above the percolation threshold of the electronic conductor. For this reason, the model is a useful tool for the design of optimised cermet electrodes; in particular, the experimental data show that maximum performance is attained for compositions very close to the percolation threshold of the electronic conductor, and this is in very good agreement with the modelling results. 相似文献
Porous electrodes are critical components of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). The quantification of electrode properties is very significant for high fidelity modeling and underlying mechanism studies. In this research, an inverse approach is presented to determine multi-physicochemical properties of electrodes using cell polarization performance measurements and repulsive particle swarm optimization technique, without resorting to porous microstructure features, e.g., porosity, tortuosity, pore size. The mathematical model is developed using a proton conducting button cell test stand as the physical base and employed for inverse analysis. The approach is demonstrated using both simulated results and practical measurements. This research provides a new approach for practical SOFC analysis. 相似文献
This work discusses the electrocatalysis of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in alkaline media on ultra-thin porous coating electrodes formed by Pt and Pt-Co particles dispersed on carbon (Pt/C and Pt-Co/C, 1:1, 1:3, 1:5, 1:8 Pt:Co atomic proportion). XANES (X-ray absorption near edge structure) analysis was carried out in situ to examine the electronic properties of the Pt and Co atoms. X-ray diffraction was employed to estimate the catalyst particle size and to characterize the crystalline structure. The electrochemical techniques considered were cyclic voltammetry and steady state polarization, which were made using the standard rotating ring/disk electrode. Values of the kinetic parameters of the ORR obtained at the lower Pt/C ratios indicated participation of carbon in the catalysis of the reaction, leading to the formation of large amounts of HO2−. At low overpotentials, the catalytic activity per mass of Pt obtained from mass-transport corrected Tafel plots for the 20 wt.% Pt-Co/C materials with lower Co contents are close that of the standard 20 wt.% Pt/C catalyst. 相似文献
The oxidation and reduction of porous lead electrodes in 5 M H2SO4 at – 30° C are reported. It is shown that the formation of ice crystals is an important factor in the behaviour of the porous lead electrode under these conditions. 相似文献