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放射性物质运输货包安全试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了中国放射性物质运输遵守的法规和中国辐射防护研究院用于放射性物质运输货包试验的下落试验设施、耐热试验设施和数据获取能力。试验设施根据IAEA的《放射性物质安全运输条例》(TS-R-1)和中国的《放射性物质安全运输规程》(GB 11806-2004)的要求建设。下落试验设施能用于13 t级以下的A型和B型货包的自由下落试验、贯穿试验、力学试验(自由下落试验Ⅰ、自由下落试验Ⅱ和自由下落试验Ⅲ)。耐热试验设施能完成B型货包的耐热试验。利用这些设施已进行了FCo70-YQ型货包、30A-HB-01型货包、SY-I型货包和XAYT-I型货包的遵章取证试验  相似文献   


The use of Mixed Oxide Fuels (MOX) in commercial reactors has increased significantly over the past 10 years as an effective way of using stocks of plutonium produced from reprocessing uranium fuels. Now, with advances in fuel design, MOX can give performance approaching that of enriched uranium fuel. To meet demand from European and Japanese utilities, British Nuclear Fuels are in the process of commissioning a large capacity plant at Sellafield to assemble MOX fuels. This has required a new transport package to be developed capable of carrying high specification fuels to customers in Europe whilst complying with the 1996 IAEA ST-1 Transport Regulations. This package is known as Euromox and currently under development to enter service in 2003. Relatively few packages exist for the transport of MOX fuels and Euromoxis the first designed by BNFL for shipments to Europe. Euromox has provided several technical challenges in its development arguably exceeding those typically encountered during the development of new package for irradiated fuel transports.  相似文献   

运输容器临界安全评价要点剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
易裂变物质的运输是堆外操作易裂变物质的主要活动之一,特别是随着越来越多核电厂、研究堆的投建或退役,新、乏燃料的运输临界安全问题备受关注。在对易裂变物质的运输进行临界安全评价时应遵循相关的法规要求,如GB 11806-2004《放射性物质安全运输规程》,这是我国易裂变材料运输要满足的强制性要求和准则。针对该标准制定的各项规定和要求,结合设计和评审中的工程实际经验,以1个新燃料运输容器的设计分析为例,探讨了易裂变物质运输时核临界安全评价的技术要求,为易裂变材料货包的设计、安全评审提供参考和建议。  相似文献   

利用MONK-9A和MCNP程序对UX-30型UF6运输货包进行了正常与事故工况下的核临界安全分析与评价。首先选取国际公布的临界基准实验数据,验证并确定了MONK-9A和MCNP程序计算分析类似物料形态时的偏倚和次临界限值。其次采取较为包络的临界安全假设条件,计算分析了UX-30型UF6运输货包正常与事故工况下的中子有效增殖因数,评价了运输过程的安全性。计算结果表明,UX-30型UF6运输货包在最严重事故工况下最大的keff小于确定的次临界限值,处于次临界的安全状态。根据临界安全指数的定义,UX-30货包的临界安全指数CSI可定为0。  相似文献   

放射性物质运输容器是放射性物质安全运输的唯一物理屏障,运输容器需能抵抗可能的碰撞事故,GB 11806和IAEA的SSR-6针对碰撞事故情景规定了相应的力学试验项目。本文结合GB 11806和SSR-6规定的试验要求,介绍了中国辐射防护研究院自由下落冲击力学试验装置和应力、加速度、形变、影像测量系统。针对3m3六氟化铀运输容器、XAYT-Ⅰ型医用伽马刀治疗头及密封放射源运输容器、ZHQY-QG-001型退役辐照源运输容器,采用试验和有限元仿真计算相结合的方法,分别研究了容器关键部件的形变、应力、加速度数据在容器安全性能评价中的应用。结果表明,综合应用有限元仿真计算与试验技术,采集和分析影像、应力、加速度、形变等数据,可分析货包结构失效模式和评价货包安全性能。  相似文献   

某反应堆燃料组件的运输采用铁路运输,燃料组件运输容器的代号为MTR-D,采用栓系系统固定运输容器.针对燃料组件运输容器MTR-D,已经完成了正常和事故条件下的安全性分析.为论证栓系系统是否满足强度方面的要求,是否能够保证货包不会前后、左右以及垂直方向的移动,本工作采用经验公式,计算了运输过程中货包承受的力,同时校核了压紧螺杆的稳定性.计算结果表明,运输栓系系统能满足铁路运输燃料组件的要求.  相似文献   


Long-term containment tests of full-scale transport/storage cask models have been in progress since 1990 at CRIEPI, Japan. The results demonstrate and confirm the very reliable containment pelformance of the cask lid structure with metallic gaskets.  相似文献   

采用有限元方法的放射性物质货包自由下落试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
放射性物质货包力学试验是证明货包结构设计安全性的重要试验之一。货包力学试验通常是一种破坏性试验,为得到对货包损坏最大的下落取向,通过预先计算分析确定货包下落取向成为目前国际上使用较多的方法。本工作采用ANSYS/LS-DYNA有限元分析软件,对货包的力学试验进行仿真分析。通过对计算结果分析,得到货包最大损坏的下落取向及应变和加速度数值,并与试验结果进行了比较。  相似文献   


Test facilities at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, for Type A and Type B packages for the transport of radioactive materials are very briefly described.  相似文献   


This paper describes the Argentina test facilities for Type A and Type B packages for the transport of radioactive material, together with tests for special form material.  相似文献   


The IAEA Regulations (1985) for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material specify requirements for packagings and packages (Section 5). These include tests for normal conditions of transport (Paras 619–625) and accident conditions for packages containing larger quantities of activity (Paras 626–633). The tests for normal conditions include drop tests from heights which vary with the package mass (Para 622). The ‘Explanatory Material’ (1987) describes these drop-tests as ‘a falloff the platform of a vehicle’ after which ‘packages would continue the journey’. There is clear implication that any damage which obviously degrades important functions of the packaging system results from ‘accident’ damage rather than ‘normal conditions of transport’. The important functions include containment, criticality control, shielding, impact protection and fire protection. Large packages, such as ISO containers, may exceed 6 m in length and when subject to a corner drop of 1 m or less, the centre of gravity will fall more than 3 m. The secondary impact will be much more severe than the initial impact. Neither the corner drop nor the secondary impact simulate normal conditions of transport. An alternative specification for normal condition drop testing of large containers is proposed, avoiding the more severe damage resulting from secondary impacts.  相似文献   


The Danish facilities for testing packages for the transport of radioactive materials are briefly described.  相似文献   


Facilities at Freiberg for impact, fire and leakage testing for packages for the transport of radioactive materials are described.  相似文献   


In this paper the system of standards regulating the transport of radioactive material in Russia, the basic principles and provisions of the new Russian regulations and some deviations from IAEA rules and regulations are briefly considered. The problems connected with putting into force the new transport regulations, including problems with the use of packages designed and manufactured prior to these regulations, are also considered.  相似文献   


The facilities available at the Scalbatraio Laboratory, for testing packages for the transport of radioactive materials, are described.  相似文献   


This paper describes the facilities available through the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und Prüfung for Type A and Type B packages for the transport of radioactive materials.  相似文献   


The safety of spent fuel transport casks in severe accident conditions is always a matter of concern. This paper surveys German missile impact tests that have been carried out in the past to demonstrate that German cask designs for transport and interim storage are safe even under conditions of an aircraft crash impact. A fire test with a cask beside an exploding propane vessel and temperature calculations concerning prolonged fires also show that the casks have reasonably good safety margins in thermal accidents beyond regulatory fire test conditions.  相似文献   

高温气冷堆新燃料元件运输容器临界安全分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用基于蒙特卡罗方法的MCNP5程序对高温气冷堆所用的球形燃料元件进行描述;根据包覆燃料颗粒在燃料球内的分布性质构建了8种不同模型,并研究不同模型对有效增殖因子(keff)和计算时间的影响,获得了临界计算问题中最优的燃料球模型;运用MCNP5描述燃料球运输容器,并研究了容器中子吸收板厚度、外容器壁厚、缓冲层材料、反射层材料、容器形状、容器结构缺失和水密度等影响运输容器临界安全的因素。结果表明,所研究的高温气冷堆新燃料元件运输容器在正常运输条件下和事故运输条件下均处于临界安全状态,其临界安全指数(CSI)可定为0。   相似文献   


Facilities available at Wyle Laboratories for the testing of radioactive materials packagings are described.  相似文献   

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