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Some twenty different iron powders are available in Europe for the manufacture of sintered bearings and structural parts. These powders can be grouped under four headings: reduced, atomized, comminuted, and electrolytic. Details are given of the experience gained in testing these types of powder by the methods in common use in the metal-powder industry.

The influence of the data thus obtained on the processing, in particular the pressing and sintering conditions, of iron powders is discussed in detail. Consideration is given to the way in which the properties of the powders affect their sinterability, the pressing operation and tool design, and also the physical characteristics of the finished product.  相似文献   


Two series of tungsten-rhenium-osmium alloys have been successfully prepared by powder-metallurgy techniques in sintered bar form. The first series, containing nominally 5% Re and up to 2·25% Os, are single-phase alloys consisting of an α solid solution of tungsten, rhenium, and osmium. The second series, containing nominally 26% Re and up to 11·3% Os, consist of the same solid solution up to ~1·67% Os, the higher osmium contents giving a two-phase alloy consisting of the α solid solution and the hard, brittle a phase. The two-phase alloys are of the age hardenable type and their properties are thus dependent on the thermal history.

The alloys containing ~26% Re and between ~0·69% and 4·5% Os are particularly prone to deformation twinning at room temperature, the tendency reaching a maximum at ~1·67% Os. This observation may be interpreted as an extension of the rhenium alloying effect, the double addition of rhenium and osmium giving an interactive as well as additive effect of Os atoms. Confirmation of the lower energy of the twinning planes is also apparent from the mode of precipitation of the σ phase on preferential planes in this composition range.  相似文献   


Experiments have been carried out to determine the relationship between the properties of tantalum powder and its compressibility, and to examine the effect of carbon and niobium on the hardness and tensile and electrical properties of semi-manufactured products of tantalum. The influence of the particle-size distribution of niobium powder upon the properties of sintered bars has also been studied, with particular reference to the problem of swelling of the bars during sintering.  相似文献   

粉末预热处理对FGH95合金组织和性能的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文探讨了采用粉末预热处理方法改善合金组织、提高合金性能及其稳定性的可能性。结果表明:采用粉末预热处理方法明显改善了热等静压(HIP)致密材料中原始颗粒边界与晶界上碳化物的聚集程度,并且增加了合金中γ’相的含量而不改变合金的晶粒度;经过1100℃预热处理的粉末,再经HIP及热处理后,其材料的塑性与持久寿命得到明显提高。  相似文献   

碳/氮化钼的性能、应用及制备   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了碳化钼和氮化钼的结构和性质,总结了碳化钼和氮化钼在材料改性、催化剂、电化学容器以及其他领域的应用和制备方法。  相似文献   


Compacts of chromium oxide/chromium mixtures have been sintered in vacuum at temperatures up to 1600°C to produce cermets. Two types of chromium powder were used—an electrolytic and an aluminothermic powder. The effect of chromium content and of sintering temperature on the sintered density and microstructure has been studied and supplemented by tests of hardness and compressive strength.

Considerable densification was achieved by additions of chromium in the range 1–50 wt.-%, with the optimum content at 5–10%. Compressive strengths < 10 tons/in2 were attained over a wide range of composition.  相似文献   

本文以低成本的非晶废带(成分Fe78Si9B13)为原料,使用锤击式破碎和流化床式气流磨相结合的破碎方法,通过优化工艺参数制备出了形貌呈四方形、粒径分布均匀的非晶合金粉末。在一定压力下对非晶粉末进行压制成形后再固化处理便可制成非晶磁粉芯。经测试发现,非晶粉芯在磁导率和高频损耗等方面性能良好,有望替代铁硅铝磁粉芯成为新一代磁粉芯。  相似文献   


The tensile, impact, and fatigue properties of a range of powder-forged steels have been examined. A relationship has been found between the content of non-metallic inclusions and the fatigue performance. The properties of powder-forged steels at 900 N/mm2 strength were compared with those of En16 wrought steel at the same level. The properties of wrought steel are demonstrably extremely variable, depending on the degree of hot work imparted during processing and on the relationship of the test-piece axis to the principal direction of working. The properties of powder-forged steel lie between the highest and lowest that can be expected in wrought steel; comparisons between the two types of material can be made only after careful consideration of their specific characteristics. Powder-forged steels were shown to be capable of developing useful properties over wide ranges of composition.  相似文献   


The strength of extruded and heat-treated bar of 18Ni 350 maraging steel produced from prealloyed powder has been found to be comparable to that of conventional, wrought 18Ni 350 maraging steel. Impact toughness was considerably higher. In contrast, properties of bar Obtained from an elemental powder mix were markedly inferior to wrought 18Ni 350 maraging steel. The high toughness of Charpy V-notch specimens produced from prealloyed powder was partly attributed to the presence of continuous, aluminium-rich stringers.This resulted in delamination of the specimens during testing and led to a fibrous fracture. Charpy V-notch specimens produced from the elemental powders also contained stringers. However, these were not continuous and therefore did not cause delamination. The resulting fracture surface was flat and relatively featureless. Electron-microprobe analysis has shown that the morphology of the stringers is largely determined by their composition and the composition at the stringer/matrix interface.  相似文献   


The specimen in a field-ion microscope is in the form of a fine wire,elcctropolished to a sharp point. The observed end region of the specimen is roughly hemispherical, with a radius of curvature in the range 200–1500 Å. The end region may be considered as a model of a single (small) particle of a metal powder. This can be cleaned, contaminated with various gases, oxidized, heat-treated, or coated with another metal, as desired. The resulting changes in surface morphology, the occurrence of surface reactions, and the nature of surface-transport processes can be studied at the atomic level. Examples of this approach are drawn from the authors’ work on tungsten, rhenium, iridium, and iron. The effects of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon on these materials are described. A pronounced surface reaction when a tungsten specimen is coated with approximately one monolayer of nickel is reported. This is believed to be related to the phenomenon of the nickel-activated sintering of tungsten.  相似文献   


The advantages of internally oxidized structures produced by powder-metallurgical techniques are briefly reviewed and discussed. A metallographic survey of the structures of some internally oxidized copper alloy and nickel alloy powder compacts is presented, and the effect of pressing and sintering variables upon the density and hardness of the product is established. Hot-hardness data up to 800°C, and also some tensile data up to 620°C, are presented for certain alloys.

It is concluded that although dispersion-hardened structures can be prepared by the pressing, sintering, and internal oxidation of appropriate alloy powders, and although the methods described offer a valid comparison of the properties of the various alloys studied, optimum mechanical properties are undoubtedly developed only after the powders are hot worked. The latter treatment densifies the product, removes any porosity in the structure, and increases the stored energy in the material.  相似文献   


The investigation described is an extension of earlier work (“Symposium on Powder Metallurgy 1954”, p. 131. 1956: London (Iron and Steel Institute), and Sheet Metal Ind., 1955, 32, 589) which described the effect of rolling pressure and sintering conditions on the mechanical properties of strip rolled from copper powders. The directional variation of U.T.S. and of elongation of sintered strip are shown to be the same as those of solid copper with a similar microstructure, at least for material with up to 16% porosity. The shape of powder particles and the particle-size distribution have a marked effect on the strength of sintered strip by virtue of their effect on the shape and size of the pores in the sintered material. Measurements of electrical resistance reveal a linear relationship between conductivity and porosity over wide ranges of porosity in both “green” and sintered strip. The conductivity increases rapidly during the first few minutes of sintering at 1000° C. Measurements of the resistance in the rolling direction and in the transverse direction, which are independent of local variations in density, have been made on green sheet; the resistance in the rolling direction is the higher. A correlation between this result and the mode of particle deformation is proposed, and is elaborated in Part II of this paper.  相似文献   


A preliminary examination has been made of some factors likely to affect the isostatic pressing of ferrous powders. Where possible the influence of such factors upon the application of isostatic pressing to mass production is discussed.  相似文献   

用高压水雾化方法制得Fe-Cr.P-Ti非晶态合金粉末,并对其粉末特性做了研究,同时对其在金刚石磨轮上的应用也作了简单介绍.  相似文献   


Pure nickel and nickel-based binary and ternary materials containing tungsten carbide and graphite dispersions have been studied. Three types of carbide powder and six types of graphite, different in size, shape, and structure (one in each group being nickel-coated) were studied to varying degrees. The smallest carbide powder (0·35 μm) possessed the best wear-resistance and the lowest coefficient of friction. The larger and coated types of graphite are somewhat superior; however, considerable amounts (~ 40 vol.-%) are needed to improve wear-resistance substantially and reduce the coefficient. Use of the coated type of carbide leads to rather high coefficients (0·58-0·76) under dry testing conditions. Several effects of the presence of a small amount of oxygen in the sintering atmosphere are discussed; a most interesting result is the marked improvement in the wear-resistance of pure nickel treated to produce a dispersion of nickel oxide. With some powders blending can lead to reduced wear-resistance, while with others increasing the blending time has no effect. Several of the findings confirm the interpretation of the results of the previous study regarding the dependence of wear on the ratio of the volume fraction of tungsten carbide to that of graphite, based on microstructural considerations. Wear-resistance cannot be correlated with high hardness.  相似文献   


Compacts of chromic oxide/carbon mixtures have been sintered in vacuum to produce oxide-metal cermets. The effect of carbon addition, type of carbon, purity of oxide, compacting pressure, and sintering temperature on the green and sintered density has been studied, and this has been supplemented by tests of hardness and compressive strength.

Considerable densification can be attained by a small addition of carbon to the powder mixture, and this is accompanied by an increase in compressive strength to 20 tons/in2, compared with 3 tons/in2 for the pure oxide sintered to the same temperature.  相似文献   


The author has summarized the results of thirty years’ research on the properties of powdered materials. These studies have been concerned with powders of all types, but most of the conclusions are applicable to metallic powders. The complex properties of powders can be resolved only by first defining those fundamental properties that can be measured individually; the first section of the paper defines these and shows how they may be combined to assess the more complex properties, according to the nature of the problem and the circumstances of usage. The second section describes the essential features of methods for the sizing analysis of powders, with brief consideration of their characteristics and some indication of recent tendencies in the application of electronic devices and automatic recording.  相似文献   


The fabrication of dispersion-strengthened copper-glass alloys is described and the effect of Cu2O and Ti as adherence promoters evaluated. An unusual particle size effect has been observed, and a particle/void interaction model is proposed to account for this behaviour.  相似文献   

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