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青霉素菌渣中提取麦角固醇工艺的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
青霉废菌丝体是青霉素生产的副产物,探索了从青霉素菌丝体中提取麦角固醇的方法,并进行了提取条件的优化。实验证明:以麦角固醇含量为0.76%的青霉素湿菌丝为原料,使用浓度为2.5 mol/L的NaOH溶液,在温度为100℃,甲醇浓度为25%的环境中皂化180 min,使其中的麦角固醇充分皂化,根据情况选择乙醚或者石油醚作为萃取剂进行萃取,为从青霉素菌丝体中提取麦角固醇的最优方法,其收率可以达到0.71%。  相似文献   

通过多因素条件优化实验确定的酿酒酵母摇瓶培养生产麦角固醇的最佳发酵条件是:28℃,pH 6.0,装液量为45 mL(250 mL),接种量8%,发酵48 h,麦角固醇的含量达到1.36%,产量高达19.95 mg/100 mL。采用乙酸酐显色法进行麦角固醇萃取剂的选择及萃取条件的确定。实验表明,丙酮为优选萃取剂,最佳浸提固液比(菌体质量与丙酮体积比)为1∶25。  相似文献   

万寿菊叶黄素提取工艺的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了以万寿菊干花粉为原料,通过改变溶剂种类、提取时间等条件对叶黄素提取率的影响进行了研究.结果表明:浸提溶剂采用氯仿-乙醇3:2的混合溶液,浸提次数2次,物料比1:10,浸提时间每次浸提2 h,皂化时NaOH的浓度5%,皂化时间8 h,提取效果最佳.  相似文献   

蚕砂提取植醇工艺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吕亮 《广西化工》2002,31(1):27-27,43
通过一系列提取工艺,可从蚕砂中得到高附加值的产品-植醇。  相似文献   

麦角固醇的市场前景   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
麦角固醇在紫外线照射下可转化为维生素D2前体,加热异构失去两个氢原子得到VD2,是生产VD2、氢化可的松、黄体酮和芸苔素内酯的原料,市场需求呈上升趋势。麦角固醇的生产方法有发酵法和提取法两种,江西赣南制药厂、四川科德药业公司和四川汇鑫公司采用发酵法生产,总生产能力不足10t/a;山东东辰集团与北京化工大学合作开发了从青霉素发酵废菌丝体中提取麦角固醇的工艺技术,已建成生产能力为4t/a麦角固醇的工业性生产装置。  相似文献   

林琳 《大化科技》2004,(3):12-14
本工艺采用紫外光照法用麦角固醇生产维生素D2(简称VD2),并对其生产的条件进行了优化和比较,进行了工业化实验,得到了较好的结果。最终麦角固醇转化率为50%以上,维生素D2选择性得率为40%以上.达到了工业化的要求。  相似文献   

建立了以废次烟叶粗提物为原料,采用乙醇和溶剂油动态皂化方法萃取茄尼醇的工艺。讨论了影响动态皂化反应的主要因素,确定了优化的工艺参数:氢氧化钠为皂化试剂,6号溶剂油为烟叶粗提物的溶剂,体积分数为80%乙醇为氢氧化钠的溶剂,氢氧化钠与烟叶粗提物浸膏的质量比为1∶4,皂化反应时间为2.5 h。结果表明,在优化的条件下,经过动态皂化处理,茄尼醇收率119.4%,比经常规的先皂化后萃取处理收率增加9.3%;烟叶粗提物中的茄尼醇质量分数达到19.6%,比常规皂化处理增加2.94%。此外,采用动态皂化减少了工序,节省了萃取溶剂消耗量,因此该法是一种高效快速萃取茄尼醇的方法。  相似文献   

麦角固醇紫外光照反应条件与动力学的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在麦角固醇紫外光转化为维生素D2的工艺研究的基础上,提出了麦角固醇紫外光照反应的动力学模型,根据实验数据,用线性最小二乘法求取反应动力学参数。模型的拟合结果与实验数据吻合较好。  相似文献   

麦角固醇发酵不同流加方式的比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
高桦  唐芳  谭天伟 《化工学报》2002,53(12):1233-1237
研究了不同流加操作条件对实验用酵母菌的生物量和麦角固醇含量的影响,以提高麦角固醇的发酵水平.比较了恒速流加、恒残糖反馈流加、指数流加、控制溶氧的指数流加、脉冲流加、控制溶氧的脉冲流加等流加条件下pH值、溶氧、残糖浓度、生物量、麦角固醇含量等参数的变化,对相应的变化进行了讨论.结果表明,控制溶氧的脉冲式流加是一种较好的流加方式,与传统的发酵操作相比每升发酵液的麦角固醇产量提高了20%.  相似文献   

用新法提取皂化废液的甘油生产高纯度甘油   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在传统工艺制得质量分数40%甘油流程后,提出了新流程和新工艺。首先采用阳离子型高离子澄清剂进行中性条件下的第2步澄清处理,减少了副反应,除色和除臭效果好;第2步为色谱分离,使离子物和非离子物的盐、胶体和有色物从甘油中排除;最后进行树脂脱色、脱盐和真空浓缩,制得高纯度甘油。整个过程在100℃下进行,110℃下真空浓缩,杂质少,能耗低,可制得低成本相当药用二级甘油。小试和中试对比了新、旧工艺在质量、技术经济指标和环保方面的特点和优势。分析了工业化规模的可行性。  相似文献   

以麦角甾醇为原料,经七步合成24-表油菜素内酯,前两步反应不需进一步提纯,提高了收率、具有工业化价值。  相似文献   

Abstract Ergosterol,(1→3)-α-D-glucan and chitosan are important biomaterials. In this research, a process has been developed to integratively extract ergosterol, (1→3)-α-D-glucan, and chitosan from Penicillium chrysongenum mycelium. First the mycelia are pretreated with 0.1mol·L^-1 of NaOH. After recovery by centrifugation the solid portion is made to undergo saponification and deacetylation reactaons by addition of 2mol·L^-1 NaOH and et anol.After reaction, extraction is carried out by addition of petroleum ether, which separates the reaction mixture into two phases. The upper layer of petroleum ether contains extracted ergosterol, and the .bottom layer of NaOH solution contains (1→3)-α-DEglucan; the chitosan is on the mycelia residuum. After isolation, the recovery yield of ergosterol is 0.52% of dry mycelium. That of (1→3)-α-D-glucan is about 8.2%; and chitosan is 5.7% with 86% deacetylation. The compositions have been characterized by 1R, HPLC analyses.  相似文献   

Candida albicans is an opportunistic pathogen that induces vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), among other diseases. In the vaginal environment, the source of carbon for C. albicans can be either lactic acid or its dissociated form, lactate. It has been shown that lactate, similar to the popular antifungal drug fluconazole (FLC), reduces the expression of the ERG11 gene and hence the amount of ergosterol in the plasma membrane. The Cdr1 transporter that effluxes xenobiotics from C. albicans cells, including FLC, is delocalized from the plasma membrane to a vacuole under the influence of lactate. Despite the overexpression of the CDR1 gene and the increased activity of Cdr1p, C. albicans is fourfold more sensitive to FLC in the presence of lactate than when glucose is the source of carbon. We propose synergistic effects of lactate and FLC in that they block Cdr1 activity by delocalization due to changes in the ergosterol content of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

从稻米糠中提取植酸的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了从稻米糠中提取植酸的方法,研究了浸取溶液酸度、浸取时间对提取率的影响,找出了提取的最佳工艺条件,提取率达9%。  相似文献   

Current treatment for Chagas’ disease is based on two drugs, Nifurtimox and Benznidazol, which have limitations that reduce the effectiveness and continuity of treatment. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop new, safe and effective drugs. In previous work, two new metal-based compounds with trypanocidal activity, Pd-dppf-mpo and Pt-dppf-mpo, were fully characterized. To unravel the mechanism of action of these two analogous metal-based drugs, high-throughput omics studies were performed. A multimodal mechanism of action was postulated with several candidates as molecular targets. In this work, we validated the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway as a target for these compounds through the determination of sterol levels by HPLC in treated parasites. To understand the molecular level at which these compounds participate, two enzymes that met eligibility criteria at different levels were selected for further studies: phosphomevalonate kinase (PMK) and lanosterol 14-α demethylase (CYP51). Molecular docking processes were carried out to search for potential sites of interaction for both enzymes. To validate these candidates, a gain-of-function strategy was used through the generation of overexpressing PMK and CYP51 parasites. Results here presented confirm that the mechanism of action of Pd-dppf-mpo and Pt-dppf-mpo compounds involves the inhibition of both enzymes.  相似文献   

膜萃取过程的传质特性研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
膜萃取是一种新型的分离技术。本文在中空纤维膜器中研究了膜萃取过程的传质特性。通过四种不同体系的实验,求取了基于水相的总传质系数,提出了求算膜萃取过程中各分传质系数k_(?)、k_(?)、k_(?)的半经验关联式。研究表明,减小膜阻可以强化膜萃取过程,提高过程的总传质系数.比较和分析膜萃取过程中各部分传质阻力,可以看出,对于萃取相平衡常数m1的体系应选用疏水膜器,对于m1体系则应选用亲水膜器。  相似文献   

主要考察了醇溶剂的种类、反应温度、醇质量分数、保温时间、酸的质量分数、液固比等六因素对醇类溶剂提取松木中木质素的影响,结果表明溶剂的种类及液固比对木质素产率影响较为显著,最佳工艺条件为反应温度170℃,液固比10∶1,保温时间120 min,醇的质量分数40%,酸用量0.1%,溶剂种类:乙二醇。另对产物进行紫外和红外光谱表征。  相似文献   

灯盏花素的提取与分离工艺优化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以灯盏乙素的提取率为指标,采用高效液相色谱法对灯盏乙素的含量进行测定,对灯盏花中灯盏花素的提取方法及工艺条件进行了优化.确定较优提取方法为超声波提取法,通过正交实验确定超声波提取法的最优工艺为:以10倍量的70%乙醇提取3次,每次60 min.此时,所得浸膏中灯盏乙素含量达到2.15%,提取率达到83.39%.超声波提取法是一种快速、简便、高效且稳定可行的灯盏花素提取方法.  相似文献   

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