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JQY超低温金枪鱼延绳钓船速冻装置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金枪鱼延绳钓船超低温速冻装置是金枪鱼远洋捕捞的关键设备。大连冰山集团采用国产设备独立自主地开发出了 -60℃的金枪鱼超低温速冻装置。本文介绍了该装置的技术特点和实验数据  相似文献   

周华 《安装》2022,(1):71-73
上海高速磁浮示范线现有进口车载充电装置体积大且日益老化,需要国产小型化车载充电装置替代。本文根据磁浮列车的充电要求,详细介绍了研制的国产小型化车载充电装置的组成及主要关键部件的技术参数。当动力轨出现故障且列车蓄电池失效的情况下,该装置可以快速到达指定位置并在相应的区域内给列车补充所需电能,使得列车能够完成悬浮过程,确保磁浮运行的安全。  相似文献   

国产石墨薄膜低温导热系数测量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在90-350K温度范围内,设计了1套实验装置,用以测量一种国产石墨薄膜的导热系数.介绍了实验装置的结构和原理,以及相关的数据处理方法.最终利用该装置得出了石墨薄膜导热系数与温度的关系.结果表明,该石墨薄膜在低温下可以作为铜的理想替代材料.  相似文献   

於振福 《安装》2004,(Z1):3-4,45
随着我国炼油科技水平的提高,国产成套电脱盐装置目前被广泛应用在炼油装置中,成为典型的关键工艺设备;在目前国内尚没有一套完整的、系统的相关施工规范的情况下,文章介绍了在炼油装置中安装国产电脱盐装置的现场安装工艺.  相似文献   

民航飞机刹车装置选材研究EI   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
通过对90年代国外民航飞机刹车装置选材分析,论述了飞机国产刹车装置选材的依据原则。根据刹车装置零部件选材的试验研究及多年的生产应用实践证明,国产刹车装置的设计选材达到了中国民用航空局CCAR CTSO-C26c《航空机轮和机轮刹车装置》技术标准规定,符合美国联邦航空局FAA TSO-C26c Aircraft Wheels and Wheel Brake Assembles技术标准规定。  相似文献   

陕西渭河化肥厂前不久投资建设的国产第1套600m3/h提氩装置试车成功。整个工期仅4个多月,而且创造了国产装置冷箱不裸冷的工程成功先例。至此,渭化空分提氩装置生产能力已达900m3/h,居全国国产同类装置首位,每年可为工厂带来2000多万元的经济效益...  相似文献   

高晓阳 《流体工程》1997,25(5):43-46
介绍了催化裂化装置中2MCL527型气压机浮环密封国产化实践。经认真测绘和核算,采用国产材料替代后,该密封机械性能进口原料和指标。  相似文献   

2008年5月5日,浙江中控技术股份有限公司与双狮(张家港)精细化工有限公司签订了国内外单机组最大的100万吨/年硫磺制酸装置DCS合同,该装置上将首次使用中控研发生产的国产最先进的WebFieid ECS-700 DCS系统,用于1DO万吨/年硫磺制酸主装置“酸厂”的控制和汽机、发电机组“TG”的控制。  相似文献   

由中国制冷学会主持的“国产流态化食品速冻装置”技术讨论会于一九八七年六月二十五日至二十六日在天津召开。来自机械、农牧渔业、商业、外贸等系统十五个省、市的高等院校、科研机关、设计部门、生产厂家和使用单位的教授、工程师等八十余人参加了会议。会上就国产ZLS型振动流态化食品速冰装置设计中采用的主要参数、有关技术问题,以及速冻性能测定情况作了交流和介绍。与会代表通过技术交流和讨论,对国产流态化食品速冻装置的技术性能表示满意。并  相似文献   

针对目前环境空气监测系统中普遍使用气体稀释装置的现状,结合稀释装置校准及量值溯源的技术需求,选取目前在国内应用较多4种基于质量流量控制器(MFC)的稀释装置(1种进口仪器,3种国产仪器)进行关键技术指标测试比较。测试结果表明,国产稀释装置的基本性能指标已经逐步接近国外同类仪器设备的技术水平;但是,在产品外观、软件开发以及质量稳定性等方面还需要进一步完善。同时,为推动国产稀释装置的技术水平提高和满足量值溯源的要求,有关仪器设备的国家检定规程和校准规范应尽快出台。  相似文献   

大规模定制企业生产作业计划系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生产计划系统是企业实现大规模定制生产的重要环节,仔细对大规模定制生产特征以及大规模定制物料特征进行了分析,主要基于成组技术和多智能体技术对大规模定制生产计划系统进行了研究,建立了一个由订单处理子系统、零件成组子系统和生产调度子系统组成的大规模定制生产作业计划系统.  相似文献   

本试验分别对使用国产和进口间位芳纶纸制作的蜂窝芯材进行了常温、高温、湿热老化后力学性能以及垂直燃烧性能研究。试验发现,中、高密度国产NHA(YT)-1蜂窝各项性能已基本达到并部分超过进口NHA-1蜂窝性能,低密度国产间位芳纶纸蜂窝力学性能与进口间位芳纶纸蜂窝尚存差距,有待改进。结果表明,国产间位芳纶纸已基本达到蜂窝生产要求,实现了重要原材料的国内自主保障。  相似文献   

《Composites Part B》2013,44(8):2898-2906
A radome must not only withstand various forces during operation, but also provide a window for electromagnetic signals. A radome is generally a composite sandwich structure. Much of the damage to radomes is barely visible to the naked eye on the outer surface, but is severe internally. In this study, a radome health management strategy consisting of in-flight damage event detection and ground damage evaluation processes is proposed. A radome health management system, composed of an on-board subsystem and a ground subsystem, was developed to realize the strategy. An in-flight event detection system was developed based on acoustic emission (AE) technology. A built-in amplifier-integrated PZT sensor was used, and the minimum impact energy that the on-board subsystem can detect was determined. The AE sensor was then switched to an ultrasonic receiver. A scanning laser ultrasonic technology was combined with the ultrasonic receiver to develop a ground nondestructive evaluation subsystem. For in situ damage visualization, laser ultrasonic frequency tomography and wavelet-transformed ultrasonic propagation imaging algorithms were developed in this study. To demonstrate the robustness of the ground subsystem, a damage was generated by 5.42 J impact in a glass/epoxy radome with honeycomb core, and the impact image of 25 mm in diameter invisible outside could be visualized with the combination of ultrasonic spectral imaging (USI) and wavelet-transformed ultrasonic propagation imaging (WUPI), which made the propagation of only the damage-related ultrasonic modes visible.  相似文献   

A radome must not only withstand various forces during operation, but also provide a window for electromagnetic signals. A radome is generally a composite sandwich structure. Much of the damage to radomes is barely visible to the naked eye on the outer surface, but is severe internally. In this study, a radome health management strategy consisting of in-flight damage event detection and ground damage evaluation processes is proposed. A radome health management system, composed of an on-board subsystem and a ground subsystem, was developed to realize the strategy. An in-flight event detection system was developed based on acoustic emission (AE) technology. A built-in amplifier-integrated PZT sensor was used, and the minimum impact energy that the on-board subsystem can detect was determined. The AE sensor was then switched to an ultrasonic receiver. A scanning laser ultrasonic technology was combined with the ultrasonic receiver to develop a ground nondestructive evaluation subsystem. For in situ damage visualization, laser ultrasonic frequency tomography and wavelet-transformed ultrasonic propagation imaging algorithms were developed in this study. To demonstrate the robustness of the ground subsystem, a damage was generated by 5.42 J impact in a glass/epoxy radome with honeycomb core, and the impact image of 25 mm in diameter invisible outside could be visualized with the combination of ultrasonic spectral imaging (USI) and wavelet-transformed ultrasonic propagation imaging (WUPI), which made the propagation of only the damage-related ultrasonic modes visible.  相似文献   

大型风力机组远程智能监测与诊断系统的研究与开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文研究了大型风力机组的远程智能监测与诊断系统的关键技术问题,介绍了系统的开发情况。整个系统采用分布式架构,由数据采集与处理、实时数据存储、智能监测与诊断和人机交互4个子系统组成。智能监测与诊断子系统采用了知识库/推理机架构,推理机是一个自主开发的基于模糊Rete算法的模糊专家系统,知识库中存储了来源于风力机故障实验研究的常见振动故障的诊断知识。通过故障仿真,验证了整套系统的有效性。  相似文献   

Techniques are presented for measuring the frequency stability of a deep space station that was configured with a new X-band transmitter subsystem to enable high-quality radio science data to be obtained for the gravity wave experiment. The instrument and test procedures for performing frequency stability measurements in the field are described. Test results from measurements made on various transmit and receive subsystems and the overall transmit-receive end-to-end systems below the antenna feed horn are presented. The subsystem test data proved to be useful for assessing the frequency stabilities of various subsystems. This assessment led to design improvements needed to meet stringent frequency stability requirements for forthcoming gravity wave experiments  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的发展和大力倡导绿色出行,城市中自行车的数量逐渐增多,导致自行车存放位置紧缺及乱摆放现象日益严重。针对上述问题,设计了一种紧凑型自行车立体车库,其主要包括出入库子系统、控制子系统和人机交互子系统三个部分。首先,介绍了紧凑型自行车立体车库的整体结构和工作原理;然后,对该自行车立体车库的夹持推拉机构、旋转升降机构和联动机构等关键机构进行了设计、分析与校核;接着,对自行车立体车库控制系统的硬件与软件进行了设计;最后,基于自主研发的紧凑型自行车立体车库样机,通过自行车存取调试试验验证了其可行性。试验结果表明,该紧凑型自行车立体车库通过充分利用高度空间和采用载车架拼接组合模式,既简化了车库结构又增加了自行车存放数量,可很好地实现自行车存取。所设计的紧凑型自行车立体车库自动化程度较高,结构可靠及性能稳定,可有效缓解自行车停车难问题及乱摆放问题。  相似文献   

In order to lighten the weight of the special vehicles and improve their mobility and flexibility,the weight of all subsystems of the whole vehicle must be reduced in the general planning. A fire explosion suppression system is an important subsystem for the self-protection of vehicle,protection of crews and safety of a vehicle. The performances of the special vehicles determine their survival ability and combat capability. The composite bottle is made of aluminum alloy with externally wrapped carbon fiber; it has been proven by a large number of tests that the new type explosion suppression fire distinguisher made of such composite materials applied in the special vehicle has reliable performance,each of its technical indexes is higher or equal to that of a steel distinguisher,and the composites can also optimize the assembly structure of the bottle,and improve the reliability and corrosion resistance. Most important is that the composite materials can effectively lighten the weight of the fire explosion suppression system to reach the target of weight reduction of the subsystem in general planning.  相似文献   

提出了一种防御SARS这样的突发疾病的智能决策支持系统。通过运用新的数据分析和决策支持理论,建立智能的决策支持系统,对现有的疫情进行数据噪声分析、灾变趋势预测以及提出科学决策。系统主要分噪声子系统、预测和模拟子系统、诊断子系统以及二次防御子系统4部分。其中预测子系统以FGR系统为原型,综合了传统微分方程的预测方法,以及基于数据的包括神经网络、支持向量机的方法和模糊推理方法的综合信息处理系统,经过该系统的预测分析和模拟可以对可变的突发疫情进行更科学的决策。  相似文献   

简述了国产 30 0 0 0m3/h空分设备的研制过程 ,分析了 30 0 0 0m3/h空分设备的工艺流程 ,主要技术参数及各系统流程 ;介绍了 30 0 0 0m3/h空分设备的考核结果 ,试车中出现的主要问题及其处理方法 ;最后阐述了 30 0 0 0m3/h空分设备国产化成功的意义  相似文献   

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