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BaSi2O2N2:Eu2+ phosphor was successfully synthesized by using a simple solid‐state reaction method. Its properties were systematically investigated utilizing XRD, photoluminescence, excited state decay curve, afterglow emission spectra, and thermoluminescence (TL) glow curve. With increasing temperature, its emission intensity decreases with the broadening full widths at half maximum. Particularly, its temperature‐dependent afterglow emission spectra were investigated for the first time. Based on the information from TL glow curve, temperature‐dependent afterglow decay curves, and afterglow emission spectra, a model was constructed to explain the mechanism of afterglow. This study provides a new perspective to use the temperature‐dependent luminescence properties for studying the afterglow processes of long‐lasting phosphorescence phosphors.  相似文献   

The cold cap is a layer of reacting glass batch floating on the surface of melt in an all‐electric continuous glass melter. The heat needed for the conversion of the melter feed to molten glass must be transferred to and through the cold cap. Since the heat flux into the cold cap influences the rate of melting, the heat conductivity is a key property of the reacting feed. We designed an experimental setup consisting of a large cylindrical crucible with an assembly of thermocouples (TC) that monitors the evolution of the temperature field while the crucible is heated at a constant rate. Then we used two methods to calculate the heat conductivity and thermal diffusivity of the reacting feed: the approximation of the temperature field by polynomial functions and the finite‐volume method (FVM) coupled with least‐squares analysis. Up to 680°C, the heat conductivity of the reacting melter feed was represented by a linear function of temperature.  相似文献   

Triaminotrinitrobenzene (TATB) is a highly anisotropic molecular crystal used in several plastic‐bonded explosive (PBX) formulations. TATB‐based explosives exhibit irreversible volume expansion (“ratchet growth”) when thermally cycled. A theoretical understanding of the relationship between anisotropy of the crystal, crystal orientation distribution (texture) of polycrystalline aggregates, and the intergranular interactions leading to this irreversible growth is necessary to accurately develop physics‐based predictive models for TATB‐based PBXs under various thermal environments. In this work, TATB lattice parameters were measured using neutron diffraction during thermal cycling of loose powder and a pressed pellet. The measured lattice parameters help clarify conflicting reports in the literature as these new results are more consistent with one set of previous results than another. The lattice parameters of pressed TATB were also measured as a function of temperature, showing some differences from the powder. This data is used along with anisotropic single‐crystal stiffness moduli reported in the literature to model the nominal stresses associated with intergranular constraints during thermal expansion. The texture of both specimens were characterized and the pressed pellet exhibits preferential orientation of (001) poles along the pressing direction, whereas no preferred orientation was found for the loose powder. Finally, thermal strains for single‐crystal TATB computed from lattice parameter data for the powder is input to a self‐consistent micromechanical model, which predicts the lattice parameters of the constrained TATB crystals within the pellet. The agreement of these model results with the diffraction data obtained from the pellet is discussed along with future directions of research.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the change of flow stress as related to dislocation density in SrTiO3 single crystals in order to provide guidance for later electrical studies. The key parameters varied are temperature and loading rate during the deformation. It is found that in <100>‐oriented SrTiO3 single crystals, the dislocation density is enhanced by plastic deformation, more so at higher temperature as compared to room temperature. The experimental approach of quantifying the dislocation density through a determination of ex situ X‐ray diffraction rocking curves was successfully applied over the upper temperatures region of the lower temperature ductility zone for strontium titanate, i.e., in the so‐called “A‐regime”. For 1.0% deformed samples deformed at 300°C, a fourfold increase in dislocation density to 1.4 × 1013 m?1 was found as compared to the nondeformed state (3.7 × 1012 m?1). Cross‐section techniques confirmed that the observed dislocation densities measured at the surfaces were identical to those seen in the core of the crystals. The use of rapid changes in loading rate provided an estimate for activation volume of the dislocation core for both 25°C and 300°C.  相似文献   

0.75BiFeO3–0.25Ba(ZrxTi1?x) + 0.6 wt% MnO2 (0.75BF–0.25BZT) ceramics with Mn addition were prepared by the solid‐state reaction method. The high‐field strain and high‐temperature piezoelectric properties of 0.75BF–0.25BZT ceramics were studied. Introduction of Zr in the solid solutions decreased the Curie temperature slightly, and improved the dielectric and piezoelectric properties obviously. The piezoelectric properties of 0.75BZT–0.25BT ceramics reached the maximum at Zr content of 10 mol%. The Curie temperature Tc, dielectric constant ε and loss tanδ (1 kHz), piezoelectric constant d33, and planner electromechanical coupling factor kp of 0.75BF–0.25BZT ceramics with 10 mol% Zr were 456°C, 650, 5%, 138 pC/N, and 0.30, respectively. The high‐field bipolar and unipolar strain under an electric field of 100 kV/cm reached up to 0.55% and 0.265%, respectively, which were comparable to those of BiScO3–PbTiO3 and “soft” PZT‐based ceramics. The typical “butterfly”‐shaped bipolar strain and frequency‐dependent peak‐to‐peak strain indicated that the large high‐field‐induced strain may be due to non‐180° domain switching. Rayleigh analysis reflected that the improved piezoelectric properties resulted from the enhanced extrinsic contribution by Zr doping. The unipolar strain of 0.75BF‐0.25BZT ceramics with 10 mol% Zr was almost linear from RT to 200°C. These results indicated that 0.75BF–0.25BZT ceramics were promising candidates for high‐temperature and lead‐free piezoelectric actuators.  相似文献   

Well‐defined correlations exist between the maxima in mechanical loss factor and the local maxima in temperature‐ or loading‐speed‐dependent fracture toughness. The non‐linear viscoelastic fracture processes and small‐strain deformations are characterised by the same Arrhenius‐type activation enthalpies. The local increase in toughness is linearly correlated with the relaxation strength of molecular relaxation processes. Stable crack propagation can be understood as a three‐phase process resulting in steady‐state stable crack growth. The normalised steady‐state crack‐tip‐opening displacement is independent of matrix material, temperature and loading speed.


Temperature‐dependent in‐situ Raman spectroscopy is used to investigate the phase transformation of zinc metastannate (ZnSnO3) to zinc orthostannate (Zn2SnO4) induced upon annealing in the ambient. ZnSnO3 microcubes (MCs) were synthesized at room temperature using a simple aqueous synthesis process, followed by characterization using electron microscopy, X‐ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Annealing of the ZnSnO3 MCs was carried out up to 1000°C, while recording the Raman spectra in‐situ at regular intervals. Phase transformation from metastannate to orthostannate was found to begin around 500°C with an activation energy of ~0.965 eV followed by the recrystallization into the inverse spinel orthostannate phase at ~750°C. Results from this study provide detailed understanding of the phase transformation behavior of perovskite ZnSnO3 to inverse spinel Zn2SnO4 upon thermal annealing.  相似文献   

The dielectric and electromechanical properties of 0.75Bi1/2Na1/2TiO3–0.25 SrTiO3 (25ST) as a function of temperature and frequency were studied. It is shown that the 25ST is a relaxor ferroelectric as evidenced by the temperature‐dependent dielectric relaxations with an incipient piezoelectricity featured by the presence of a reversible electric‐field‐induced phase transformation at room temperature. The transition occurs on a broad electric field strength range depending on field amplitude and frequency. It is also accompanied by a huge strain that is attributed to repetitive poling and depoling originating due to the reversibility of the phase transition. The 25ST makes an attractive lead‐free candidate for stack actuators as it presents a high normalized d33* of ~600 pm/V at a low electric field of 4 kV/mm for frequencies ranging from 0.1 up to 100 Hz.  相似文献   

The phases present and their crystal structure and microstructure in the nanocrystalline SnO2–TiO2 system were studied in the compositional range Sn1?xTixO2 (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 0.9). There is an apparent increase in the solubility limits in the solid solution compared to bulk crystalline SnO2–TiO2. No two phase region was observed with increasing TiO2 content. Electron energy loss spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and X‐ray diffraction (XRD) of the nanopowders showed that the apparent increase in solubility is related to the systematic Ti4+ segregation on the particle surface (surface excess) at the SnO2‐rich side, avoiding the nucleation of a second phase even at high Ti4+ contents. Is this finding in accord with Raman spectra, which suggest localized Ti‐rich sites in the absence of a second crystalline phase. Ti4+ surface excess is also lead to a modification of the surface hydroxyls and a decrease in the crystallite size of the nanoparticles (with a concomitant increase in surface area), with expected implications to catalytic and sensorial properties of these nanoparticles.  相似文献   

The nitrides Ca2Si5N8:0.5%Eu2+, x%Tm3+(x = 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4) (CSN:0.5E, xT) phosphors were prepared via the high temperature solid‐sintering method using CaH2 as calcium source. These phosphors exhibited strong orange long‐lasting phosphorescence (LLP) after turning off the activating light. Besides, the CSN:0.5E, 1T phosphor with an afterglow time of more than 200 min (0.32 mcd/m2). Furthermore, the temperature‐dependent emission spectra of CSN:0.5E, 1T were investigated from temperature 80–500 K and an anti‐quenching phenomenon that the emission intensities increased then decreased under excitation at increased temperature was found. Ultimate, the proposed mechanism on temperature dependence of luminescence was analyzed. This study provides a new perspective for the impact of temperature‐dependent problem as a consequence of heating processes in luminescent materials.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic stability of nanocrystalline SnO2–TiO2 solid solutions was studied experimentally. Microcalorimetry of water adsorption revealed a systematic decrease in the surface energy with increasing Ti4+ content in the SnO2‐rich compositions, consistent with previous reports of Ti4+ segregation on the surface. The surface energy change was accompanied by an increase in the magnitude of the heat of water adsorption, also indicating a modification of the SnO2 surface by Ti4+. Supporting the water adsorption data, calculations using high‐temperature oxide melt solution calorimetry data also suggest a decrease in the interface energies. A thermodynamic analysis showed that the observed surface energy decrease is responsible for an increase in the stability of solid solutions in the nanophase regime. Although a miscibility gap is expected in this system from bulk phase diagrams, the surface energy contribution modifies the bulk trend and promotes extensive solid solutions when the surface area is above a critical value dependent on the surface energy and the bulk enthalpy of mixing.  相似文献   

The microstructural development and the stabilised valence of the ions added to SnO2 were analysed. Aiming at a better interpretation of the involved phenomena, the effects on grain growth, secondary phase formation and structure of adding Co3O4, ZnO, MnO2, Sb2O3, or Nb2O5 have been studied. We found that cobalt, zinc and manganese stabilise as Co+2, Zn+2 and Mn+2 in the lattice, favouring the oxygen vacancy apparition and then, the grain growth and the potential barrier formation. Sb2O3 or Nb2O5 reduces the total oxygen vacancy concentration and the grain growth. Sb2O3 addition favours the CoSnO3 particle formation and Nb2O5 favours the formation of particles with an intermediate composition between CoSnO3 and Co2SnO4 in systems with Co3O4. These particles could also control the sintering and grain growth rates.  相似文献   

A supramolecular artificial glutathione peroxidase (PNIPAM‐CD‐g‐Te) was prepared based on a supramolecular graft copolymer. PNIPAM‐CD‐g‐Te was constructed by supramolecular host–guest self‐assembly. Significantly, PNIPAM‐CD‐g‐Te displayed noticeable temperature‐dependent catalytic activity and typical saturation kinetics behavior. It was also proved that the change in the self‐assembled structure of PNIPAM‐CD‐g‐Te during the temperature‐dependent process played a significant role in the temperature‐dependent catalytic behavior. The construction of PNIPAM‐CD‐g‐Te based on supramolecular graft copolymer endows artificial GPx with temperature‐dependent catalytic ability, enriched catalytic centers, and homogeneously distributed catalytic centers. This work bodes well for the development of other biologically related host–guest supramolecular biomaterials.  相似文献   

Nanocrystalline ZnO (nc‐ZnO) thin‐film transistors (TFTs) exhibit inherent instability under bias/photo stresses, which originates from the oxygen molecules adsorbed on the surface of the crystal grains. The space charge region at nanocrystal surfaces that is induced by adsorbed oxygen molecules produces a high electrical potential barrier and significantly interrupts charge transport between the source and drain in nc‐ZnO TFTs. In this article, we developed high‐performance TFTs via the continuous deposition of an extremely thin Al2O3 layer on a nc‐ZnO channel. These devices were fabricated by atomic layer deposition at an extremely low process temperature of 150°C, including both the deposition and postannealing temperatures. The nc‐ZnO TFT with an extremely thin Al2O3 layer (1.8 nm) showed a significantly higher mobility (25 cm2/Vs) compared to devices without an Al2O3 layer (3.6 cm2/Vs). This dramatic difference was ascribed to the suppression of the chemisorption of oxygen molecules at the nanocrystal surface during thermal annealing (reducing the potential barrier width/height between adjacent nanocrystals). Furthermore, ultrathin Al2O3‐covered nc‐ZnO TFTs exhibited considerably enhanced electrical/photo stability due to the reduction in adsorption/desorption events of oxygen molecules on the nanocrystal surfaces (with no change in the depletion width after illumination) under gate bias or illumination stress.  相似文献   

The dynamic hysteresis scaling behaviors of Nb‐doped Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 ceramics have been investigated as a function of electric field amplitude (E0) and frequency (f) at different temperatures (T). The loop area <A> of saturated loops is found to follow various power laws as <A> ∝ E00.3065 at fixed f and <A> ∝ f 0.0120 at fixed E0. Furthermore, the linear scaling relation <A> k3 fαE0β + b3 is estimated under various temperatures. The exponents α (=0.01) and β (=0.10) are T‐independent, whereas the slopes k3 and y‐intercepts b3 are T‐dependent because the increasing temperature in the same phase range only decreases the threshold field of the reversal rather than change the dynamic reversal process.  相似文献   

采用溶胶-凝胶法制备TiO2溶胶,以钛酸丁酯为前驱物和二乙醇胺为催化剂,研究了不同条件下(水量、溶剂量、催化剂量、温度)TiO2溶胶的制备过程,得出了最佳工艺条件,采用此溶胶制备了纳米膜电极,用XRD、拉曼光谱进行表征,用循环伏安法分析了其电催化性能,结果表明其电催化性质与晶型有关。  相似文献   

以SnCl2.2H2O和NaHCO3为原料,采用熔盐法成功地制备了纳米SnO2,并对产物进行了XRD和TEM表征;同时,运用SPME-GC-MS联用技术研究了该纳米材料对无水乙醇在温度分别为100℃、150℃、200℃和250℃下的催化性能。结果表明:该纳米SnO2具有粒径小和分布均匀的特点,在前三个温度下,对乙醇仅表现为吸附作用,在250℃时,乙醇被转化为乙酸乙酯。最后,对乙酸乙酯的形成机理进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Nanosized Sb‐doped SnO2 (ATO) particles were successfully synthesized. Electrically conducting rubbery composites based on epichlorohydrin rubber (ECO) and two kinds of conductive fillers (SnO2 and ATO) were prepared by a conventional blending method. The morphology, structure and electrical conductivity of ECO/SnO2 and ECO/ATO composites were investigated. Results showed that SnO2 and ATO had great influence on the structure of ECO composite. Besides, the addition of oxide particles enhanced its electrical conductivity significantly. The electrical conductivity of ECO/ATO composite appeared an obvious threshold value with the variation of the loading amount of ATO fillers, whereas the resistivity of ECO filled with SnO2 decreased monotonically with the increasing SnO2. The temperature dependence of resistivity indicated that the ECO/SnO2 and ECO/ATO composites exhibited a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) effect. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to investigate the morphological states of oxide fillers in ECO matrix, and specifically continuous networks were observed. POLYM. COMPOS., 37:2411–2416, 2016. © 2015 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

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