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Electrical Conductivity of Zirconia Stabilized with Scandia and Yttria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Electrical conductivity of zirconia stabilized with scandia and yttria (Sc2O3+Y2O3= 8 mol%) has been measured by the complex impedance method in the temperature range 573 to 1173 K. With increasing Sc2O3 concentration, electrical conductivity increases at temperatures above 640 K, but it decreases below this temperature. Electrical conductivity in the electrolytes examined is a result of two processes: an activation energy of 59 to 79 kJ·mol−1 predominant at high temperatures and an activation energy of 109 to 125 kJ·mol−1 predominant at low temperatures.  相似文献   

氧化铝和碳化硅填充硅橡胶的导热性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究氧化铝和碳化硅填充硅橡胶的导热性能。结果表明:采用不同粒径碳化硅填充硅橡胶时,随着碳化硅用量的增大,硅橡胶的热导率逐渐增大;在相同填料用量下,粒径小的碳化硅填充硅橡胶热导率高于粒径大的碳化硅填充胶;氧化铝/碳化硅并用填充硅橡胶的导热性能优于单用氧化铝填充胶;当氧化铝/碳化硅质量比为8:2、填充量为600份时,硅橡胶的导热性能最佳。  相似文献   

反应烧结碳化硅的显微组织及其导电性的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
研究了液态硅参与下的反应烧结碳化硅的工艺参数、显微组织对其电阻率的影响.随着烧结气氛压力和成型压力增加,反应烧结碳化硅中游离硅量减少,电阻率增加.其烧结机理以碳的溶解及碳化硅的淀析过程为主.  相似文献   

从声子散射机制出发,介绍了Si C热导率的温度特性和微观导热机理。综述了Si C单晶热导率的2种主要计算方法。Boltzmann-弛豫时间近似(RTA)适用于各个温度段的热导率计算,而分子动力学方法更适用于高温热导率计算。分子动力学方法相比于Boltzmann-RTA方法的优点在于它可以考虑所有高次项的非谐作用。介绍了3种Si C陶瓷热导率近似计算模型,包括界面热阻模型、Debye-Callaway模型及多相系统热导率模型。下一步研究的主要方向仍然是优化计算模型及减少拟合参数。  相似文献   

Silicon nitride was fabricated by tape casting of α-Si3N4 powder with 5 wt% Y2O3 and 5 vol% rodlike β-Si3N4 seed particles, followed by tape stacking, hot pressing under 40 MPa, and annealing at 1850°C for 2-66 h under a nitrogen pressure of 0.9 MPa. Silicon nitrides fabricated by this procedure exhibited a highly anisotropic microstructure with large elongated grains (developed from seed particles) uniaxially oriented parallel to the casting direction. Thermal conductivities parallel to the grain alignment were much higher than those measured in other directions and exhibited high values of up to 120 W/(m.K). The anisotropic thermal conductivity of the specimen could be explained by the rule of mixture, considering that large elongated grains developed from seeds have higher thermal conductivity than a small-grained matrix.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity and diffusivity of silicon carbide whisker reinforced mullite was shown to increase with whisker content. This effect was much greater for vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) whiskers than for rice-hull (RH) whiskers. This suggests that the thermal conductivity for the VLS whiskers was significantly higher than for the RH whiskers. Due to preferred orientation of the whiskers, thermal conductivity and diffusivity of the composite samples exhibited significant anisotropy.  相似文献   

Thermal diffusivity and conductivity values for several Al2O3-SiC whisker composites were determined. The thermal diffusivity values spanned the range from 373 to 1473 K, and thermal conductivity data wre obtained between 305 and 365 K. The thermal diffusivity decreased with increasing temperature and increased with SiC-whisker content. An estimate of the thermal conductivity of the whiskers was obtained from the direct thermal conductivity measurements, but attempts to derive whisker conductivity values from the thermal diffusivity data were not successful because the laser flash method lacks the required accuracy and precision. Specimens were subjected to two different thermal quench experiments to investigate the effect of thermal history on diffusivity. In the most severe case, multiple 1073- to 373-K quenches, radial cracks were observed in the test specimens; however, there was no change in diffusivity. The lack of sensitivity to thermal cycling appears to be related to the sample size.  相似文献   

Biomorphic silicon carbide (bioSiC), a novel porous ceramic derived from natural wood precursors, has potential applicability at high temperatures, particularly when rapid temperature changes occur. The thermal conductivity of bioSiC from five different precursors was experimentally determined using flash diffusivity and specific heat measurements at temperatures ranging from room temperature to 1100°C. The results were compared with values obtained from object-oriented finite-element analysis (OOF). OOF was also used to model and understand the heat-flow paths through the complex bioSiC microstructures.  相似文献   

The fracture-toughness-determining mechanism of silicon carbide with additions of yttria and alumina was studied. Observations of indentation crack profiles revealed that significant crack deflection had occurred. Median deflection angles increased with increased volume fractions of the second phases, which was accompanied by increased fracture toughness.  相似文献   

SiC-particle-reinforced MgO composites have been fabricated by hot pressing, and the thermal diffusivities of the composites measured in the temperature range 200–1000°C using a laser flash technique. The thermal conductivity of the composites was calculated by multiplying the diffusivity with density and with heat capacity. The Eshelby inclusion model has been examined, and an equation suitable for particulate composites with porosity has been derived using the multiphase Eshelby model. The model also considers the interfacial thermal condition. Good agreement was obtained between the predictions and the experimental results of the thermal conductivity of the composites, even for various levels of porosity in the composites. Crystal defects, observed in the composites, influenced the thermal conductivity, resulting in a deviation from isothermal interfacial condition. This was reflected in the interfacial thermal parameter,β used in the modeling, and the predicted value of β was in the range of 3–10, depending on the thermal conductivity of SiC used for the calculations.  相似文献   

The effects of β-SiC whisker addition on the microstructural evolution and fracture toughness ( K IC) of hot-pressed SiC were investigated. Most of the whiskers added disappeared during the densifcation process by transformation into the α-phase. The remaining whiskers acted as nuclei for grain growth, resulting in the formation of large tabular grains around the whiskers. The tabular grains around the whiskers were believed to be formed because of the extreme anisotropy of the interfacial energy between α- and β-SiC. The K IC of the material was improved significantly by the whisker addition. The increase in the K IC was attributed to crack bridging followed by grain pullout as a result of the formation of tabular grains in a fine matrix.  相似文献   

Phase transformation and thermal conductivity of hot-pressed β-SiC with Al2O3 and carbon additions were studied. Densification rate was a complex function of both Al2O3 and carbon. Simultaneous additions of Al2O3 and carbon accelerated the 3C → 4H phase transformation. Carbon additions lowered the thermal conductivity of the compact as did the high-temperature hot-pressing. The 3C → 4H transformation and the thermal conductivity were deduced to be related to each other.  相似文献   

Silicon carbide (SiC) ceramics have been widely used in industry due to its high thermal conductivity. Understanding the relations between the microstructure and the thermal conductivity of SiC ceramics is critical for improving the efficiency of heat removal in heat sink applications. In this paper, a multiscale model is proposed to predict the thermal conductivity of SiC ceramics by bridging atomistic simulations and continuum model via a materials genome model. Interatomic potentials are developed using ab initio calculations to achieve more accurate molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Interfacial thermal conductivities with various additive compositions are predicted by nonequilibrium MD simulations. A homogenized materials genome model with the calculated interfacial thermal properties is used in a continuum model to predict the effective thermal conductivity of SiC ceramics. The effects of grain size, additive compositions, and temperature are also studied. The good agreement found between prediction results and experimental measurements validates the capabilities of the proposed multiscale genome model in understanding and improving the thermal transport characteristics of SiC ceramics.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivities of two lithium aluminosilicate glass-ceramic matrix composites reinforced with 30 vol% of either SiC VS (rice hull) whiskers or SiC VLS (vapor-liquid-solid) whiskers were determined from room temperature to 500°C. Because of the preferred alignment of the whiskers, the thermal conductivity values normal to the hot-pressing direction were found to be significantly higher than those in the parallel direction. The composites with the VLS whiskers exhibited higher thermal conductivity values than those with the VS whiskers. An analysis of the room-temperature data showed that the thermal conductivity values parallel to the hot-pressing direction were higher than those predicted from theory, even for whiskers with infinite thermal conductivity and perfect interfacial thermal contact. This effect was attributed to a significant contribution of percolation to the total heat flow as a result of direct whisker-to-whisker contact. For both types of whiskers, the interfacial thermal conductance and thermal conductivity values (at ∼6.5 × 105 W/(m2-K) and 200 W/(m·K), respectively) inferred from the composite thermal conductivity values perpendicular to the hot-pressing direction were essentially the same. It was concluded that the order of magnitude difference in thickness for the two whisker types was primarily responsible for the differences in thermal conductivity measured for these two composites.  相似文献   

Analysis of the AC conductivity, complex dielectric constant, and the resulting immittance spectra of liquid-phase-sintered silicon carbide (SiC) ceramics showed that for this system, the dominant experimental observations are due to a multicomponent grain-boundary phase and not due to SiC grains. This is confirmed by noting that the temperature dependence of the conductivity of the components, derived from the impedance spectra, is proportional to exp[−( T 0/ T )1/4] and not to exp[− C / T ]. The electrical properties of some of the grain boundaries are also found to be excitation voltage dependent. Combining the electrical results, which are also found to depend on the method of preparation and heat treatment, with a Rietveld analysis allows the composition of the grain boundaries of the models to be deduced.  相似文献   

The electrical properties of β‐SiC ceramics were found to be adjustable through appropriate AlN–Y2O3 codoping. Polycrystalline β‐SiC specimens were obtained by hot pressing silicon carbide (SiC) powder mixtures containing AlN and Y2O3 as sintering additives in a nitrogen atmosphere. The electrical resistivity of the SiC specimens, which exhibited n‐type character, increased with AlN doping and decreased with Y2O3 doping. The increase in resistivity is attributed to Al‐derived acceptors trapping carriers excited from the N‐derived donors. The results suggest that the electrical resistivity of the β‐SiC ceramics may be varied in the 104–10?3 Ω·cm range by manipulating the compensation of the two impurity states. The photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of the specimens was found to evolve with the addition of dopants. The presence of N‐donor and Al‐acceptor states within the band gap of 3C–SiC could be identified by analyzing the PL data.  相似文献   

Vapor deposition of Sic from methyltrichlorosilane in a fluidized bed and the microstructure of the deposit were studied over a range of deposition temperatures, carrier gas flow rates, and reactant fluxes. The rate-determining factor for the deposition of Sic was the rate of supply of reactant. The microstructure of vapor-deposited Sic was primarily dependent on the deposition temperature; however, carrier gas flow rate and reactant flux had a secondary influence on microstructure. At low temperatures and high carrier gas flow rates, laminar deposits containing excess silicon were produced. At higher temperatures and lower carrier gas flow rates deposits were characterized by faulted columnar grains. The grain diameter increased from about LP at 1400°C to about 15 μ at 1800°C. The grain size also increased, but less markedly, with increasing reactant flux. The deposits characterized by columnar grains were predominantly β-Sic with traces of a-SiC and excess carbon.  相似文献   

Effect of Yttria on the Thermal Conductivity of Aluminum Nitride   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of yttria additions up to 10 wt% on the thermal conductivity of pressureless-sintered aluminum nitride was investigated. Additions of up to 3 wt% increased the thermal conductivity to values around 160 W/(m·K). Additions higher than 5 wt% slowly decreased the thermal conductivity because of the increasing volume fraction of the low-conductivity yttrium aluminate phases. In all cases samples containing the same yttria content with the binder burned out in nitrogen had higher thermal conductivity than those with the binder burned out in air. Comparisons are made to previous studies containing additives of silica and calcia to aluminum nitride.  相似文献   

The effects of the magnesium compound and yttria additives on the processing, microstructure, and thermal conductivity of sintered reaction-bonded silicon (Si) nitride (SRBSN) were investigated using two additive compositions of Y2O3–MgO and Y2O3–MgSiN2, and a high-purity coarse Si powder as the starting powder. The replacement of MgO by MgSiN2 leads to the different characteristics in RBSN after complete nitridation at 1400°C for 8 h, such as a higher β-Si3N4 content but finer β-Si3N4 grains with a rod-like shape, different crystalline secondary phases, lower nitrided density, and coarser porous structure. The densification, α→β phase transformation, crystalline secondary phase, and microstructure during the post-sintering were investigated in detail. For both cases, the similar microstructure observed suggests that the β-Si3N4 nuclei in RBSN may play a dominant role in the microstructural evolution of SRBSN rather than the intergranular glassy chemistry during post-sintering. It is found that the SRBSN materials exhibit an increase in the thermal conductivity from ∼110 to ∼133 (Wm·K)−1 for both cases with the increased time from 6 to 24 h at 1900°C, but there is almost no difference in the thermal conductivity between them, which can be explained by the similar microstructure. The present investigation reveals that as second additives, the MgO is as effective as the MgSiN2 for enhancing the thermal conductivity of SRBSN.  相似文献   

碳化硅木质陶瓷的显微结构及力学性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以汉麻秆芯碳化后的碳粉为原料,分别采用注浆和干压成型工艺制备素坯,通过反应烧结制备出碳化硅木质陶瓷.研究了注浆成型工艺中悬浮稳定剂的种类和添加量对浆料性能的影响.采用激光共聚焦显微镜、扫描电子显微镜和X射线衍射仪等分析了碳化硅木质陶瓷的显微结构、物相组成及力学性能.结果表明:采用注浆成型制备的碳化硅木质陶瓷力学性能优异,实测的游离硅含量同理论计算结果一致,说明渗硅过程中硅碳反应充分,烧结体显微硬度、弯曲强度、弹性模量和断裂韧性分别为22.3 GPa、397 MPa、290 GPa和3.0 MPa·m1/2.  相似文献   

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