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Motor and sensory nerve conduction velocities (MNCV and SNCV) were reduced in the sciatic nerve of rats after 4 weeks of untreated streptozotocin-induced diabetes, and declined further during the following 4 weeks. Treating diabetic rats with the novel peptide HP228 had no effect on the decline of MNCV after the first 4 weeks of diabetes but attenuated the decline in SNCV. HP228 treatment also prevented any further decline in MNCV or SNCV between weeks 4 and 8 of diabetes. Consequently, at the conclusion of the study, the nerve conduction velocities (NCVs) in treated rats were significantly (both P < .001) higher than in untreated diabetic rats. Reduced nerve homogenate Na+,K+-adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity in diabetic rats was significantly (P < .05) increased by HP228 but remained significantly (P < .05) lower than in untreated controls. HP228 treatment also reduced nerve Na+,K+-ATPase activity of control rats compared with untreated controls (P < .05). There was no effect of HP228 on the hyperglycemia, nerve polyol accumulation, myo-inositol depletion, reduced nerve laser Doppler blood flow, thermal hypoalgesia, or reduced mean axonal caliber in diabetic rats or on any of these parameters in control rats. These data demonstrate that a novel peptide may protect against the slowing of nerve conduction in prolonged diabetes and that the mechanism of action is unrelated to aldose reductase inhibition, prevention of nerve ischemia, or axonal atrophy. HP228 may prove a potential therapeutic agent for the treatment of prolonged diabetic neuropathy.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced a cDNA encoding human cytoplasmic asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase (AsnRS). The N-terminal appended domain of 112 amino acid represents the signature sequence for the eukaryotic AsnRS and is absent from archaebacterial or eubacterial enzymes. The canonical ortholog for AsnRS is absent from most archaebacterial and some eubacterial genomes, indicating that in those organisms, formation of asparaginyl-tRNA is independent of the enzyme. The high degree of sequence conservation among asparaginyl- and aspartyl-tRNA synthetases (AsxRS) made it possible to infer the evolutionary paths of the two enzymes. The data show the neighbor relationship between AsnRS and eubacterial aspartyl-tRNA synthetase, and support the occurrence of AsnRS early in the course of evolution, which is in contrast to the proposed late occurrence of glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase.  相似文献   

Three variants of the Candida antarctica B lipase have been constructed and characterized. The variant containing the T103G mutation, which introduces the consensus sequence G-X-S-X-G found in most other known lipases, shows an increased thermostability but retains only half the specific activity of the native enzyme. Also in ester synthesis the activity is lowered but the specificity and enantioselectivity remains unchanged. The W104H mutant, in which more space is introduced into the active site, has more dramatically changed properties. Both the thermostability and the specific activity are slightly reduced but the activity and specificity in ester synthesis is highly different from the native enzyme. In general, the activity is very low and the enantioselectivity is, furthermore, highly reduced. Finally, the mutation M72L was introduced to increase the oxidation stability of the enzyme. This variant did exhibit an increased resistance towards oxidation but the thermostability was, unfortunately, also reduced.  相似文献   

Insect mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) genes are used as a model to examine the within-gene heterogeneity of evolutionary rate and its implications for evolutionary analyses. The complete sequence (1537 bp) of the meadow grasshopper (Chorthippus parallelus) COI gene has been determined, and compared with eight other insect COI genes at both the DNA and amino acid sequence levels. This reveals that different regions evolve at different rates, and the patterns of sequence variability seems associated with functional constraints on the protein. The COOH-terminal was found to be significantly more variable than internal loops (I), external loops (E), transmembrane helices (M) or the NH2 terminal. The central region of COI (M5-M8) has lower levels of sequence variability, which is related to several important functional domains in this region. Highly conserved primers which amplify regions of different variabilities have been designed to cover the entire insect COI gene. These primers have been shown to amplify COI in a wide range of species, representing all the major insect groups; some even in an arachnid. Implications of the observed evolutionary pattern for phylogenetic analysis are discussed, with particular regard to the choice of regions of suitable variability for specific phylogenetic projects.  相似文献   

6-Anilino-5,8-quinolinedione (LY83583) has been widely used as an agent to reduce levels of nitric oxide (NO)-dependent cGMP in tissues. We report here that suppression of NO formation and production of superoxide during enzymatic reduction of LY83583 by neuronal NO synthase appeared to be potentially involved in the pharmacological action caused by LY83583. LY83583 suppressed neuronal NO synthase activity of 20,000 x g rat cerebellar supernatant preparation in a concentration-dependent manner (IC50 value = 12.9 microM). A kinetic study revealed that LY83583 is a competitive inhibitor with respect to NADPH, with a Ki value of 2.57 microM. With purified neuronal NO synthase it was found that LY83583 was a potent inhibitor of NO formation by the enzyme and served as efficient substrate for reduction with a specific activity of 173 nmol of NADPH oxidized per mg of protein per minute. The reductase activity was stimulated about 19.8-fold by addition of CaCl2/calmodulin, indicating that the presence of CaCl2/calmodulin is essential to express maximal activity of LY83583 reduction. Although LY83583 was a good substrate for both NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (P450 reductase) and DT-diaphorase, these flavin enzymes-catalyzed reductions of LY83583 were less than the neuronal NO synthase-mediated reduction in the presence of CaCl2/calmodulin. Enzymatic generation of superoxide during reduction of LY83583 by neuronal NO synthase, P450 reductase or DT-diaphorase was confirmed by electron spin resonance (ESR) experiments. Thus the present results indicate that a benzoquinone derivative LY83583 appears to interact with the P450 reductase domain on neuronal NO synthase, resulting in inhibition of NO formation and superoxide generation, which is involved in suppression of intracellular cGMP content.  相似文献   

A fengycin synthetase gene, fenB, has been cloned and sequenced. The protein (FenB) encoded by this gene has a predicted molecular mass of 143.6 kDa. This protein was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and was purified to near homogeneity by affinity chromatography. Experimental results indicated that the recombinant FenB has a substrate specificity toward isoleucine with an optimum temperature of 25 degrees C, an optimum pH of 4.5, a Km value of 922 microM, and a turnover number of 236 s(-1). FenB also consists of a thioesterase domain, suggesting that this protein may be involved in the activation of the last amino acid of fengycin.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic analysis of 25 isolates of fish nodaviruses, the causative agents of viral nervous necrosis of marine fish, was performed based on the nucleotide sequences (427 bases) of the coat protein gene. These fish nodaviruses were classified into four clusters: tiger puffer nervous necrosis virus, striped jack nervous necrosis virus, berfin flounder nervous necrosis virus, and red-spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus.  相似文献   

The actinomycin synthetases ACMS I, II, and III catalyze the assembly of the acyl peptide lactone precursor of actinomycin by a nonribosomal mechanism. We have cloned the genes of ACMS I (acmA) and ACMS II (acmB) by hybridization screening of a cosmid library of Streptomyces chrysomallus DNA with synthetic oligonucleotides derived from peptide sequences of the two enzymes. Their genes were found to be closely linked and are arranged in opposite orientations. Hybridization mapping and partial sequence analyses indicate that the gene of an additional peptide synthetase, most likely the gene of ACMS III (acmC), is located immediately downstream of acmB in the same orientation. The protein sequence of ACMS II, deduced from acmB, shows that the enzyme contains two amino acid activation domains, which are characteristic of peptide synthetases, and an additional epimerization domain. Heterologous expression of acmB from the mel promoter of plasmid PIJ702 in Streptomyces lividans yielded a functional 280-kDa peptide synthetase which activates threonine and valine as enzyme-bound thioesters. It also catalyzes the dipeptide formation of threonyl-L-valine, which is epimerized to threonyl-D-valine. Both of these dipeptides are enzyme bound as thioesters. This catalytic activity is identical to the in vitro activity of ACMS II from S. chrysomallus.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone coding for a putative Lys49 phospholipase A2 myotoxin (ACL myotoxin) from Agkistrodon contortrix laticinctus was isolated from a venom gland library and sequenced. The sequence of the first 40 amino acid residues of the predicted protein matches exactly with the N-terminal sequence of the purified myotoxin. Sequence comparison of the predicted sequence of ACL myotoxin and other Lys49 and Asp49 phospholipase A2 enzymes shows that the Lys49 phospholipase toxins form a highly conserved protein family. In addition to the change at position 49, Lys49 myotoxins have several invariant residues not found in the Asp49 group, like Lys7, Glu12, Thr13, Lys16, Lys78, Lys80, Lys115, and Lys116. There are also some conserved residues in the Asp49 group that are not conserved in the Lys49 group: Tyr28, Gly32, Gly33. Gly53. Lys49 myotoxins also have a Lys-rich region in the C-terminus, which is not present in the Asp49 group. These differences clearly indicate that Lys49 myotoxins comprise a conserved and distinct class of phospholipase A2 enzymes.  相似文献   

To isolate a gene that can be used as an internal control in studies on gene expression in Aplysia californica neurons, we have characterized a cDNA clone (pKRP-A) isolated on the basis of its high expression in A. californica neurons. This cDNA is of 850 nucleotides and codes for a putative 29-kDa lysine-rich protein. Blotting experiments revealed that the gene is expressed in all tested A. californica tissues, and in individually identified neurons of the abdominal ganglion, suggesting that this gene can be efficiently used as internal control in studies of gene expression. We have also isolated one cDNA and two different genomic clones from yeast libraries that show 59% identity with pKRP-A. Sequence comparison of genomic clones, as well as PCR and Southern blotting experiments, revealed that at least two homologous genes are present in yeast. Northern blotting experiments revealed that the expression of the gene is strongly repressed at 39 degrees C.  相似文献   

Since we published a phylogenetic analysis of the CYP1A subfamily in 1995, several additional full-length sequences have been reported, including three members of an entirely new subfamily, CYP1B. Two avian sequences were recently published, so that CYP1A sequence data are now available from three of the five major vertebrate lineages. The two new branches that have been added to the CYP1 family tree significantly add to our understanding of P450 evolution. The inclusion of the CYP1Bs to the phylogenetic analysis allows us to root inferred trees. Addition of the avian CYP1As indicates that the CYP1A1/CYP1A2 duplication present in the mammalian lineage may have occurred after the divergence of birds and mammals. The number of fish species from which full-length coding regions of CYP1A genes have been sequenced has increased from four (trout, plaice, toadfish, and scup) to nine. These include CYP1A sequences from tomcod, butterflyfish, sea bream, sea bass, and the full-length sequence of CYP1A from the killifish Fundulus heteroclitus that is reported here. Phylogenetic analyses incorporating the new fish CYP1A sequences support our original conclusion that the fish CYP1As are monophyletic and indicate that the genes are evolving at very different rates in different species.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase (GS) in the mosquito, Aedes aegypti, is induced in the midgut following a blood meal. Mosquito GS message is detected as soon as 1 h post-blood feeding and remains stable for 18 h. Using a PCR product encoding mosquito GS, a lambda gt10 adult female mosquito cDNA library was screened. A cDNA clone, pCl5A2, encoding the full translation product of mosquito GS was isolated and sequence analyses performed. Mosquito GS cDNA is 2.5 kb in length and its putative translation product shares all the conserved regions characteristic of the GS gene family, including the presumed ATP biding site. Glutamine synthetase activity in the mosquito midgut is highest at 18 h post-blood feeding. Activity can be detected over a broad pH range, from 6.0 to 7.5. Unlike other cellular GS enzymes, mosquito GS is not active in the presence of ATP. Very low dosages (0.05 mM) of L-methionine S-sulfoximine are sufficient to partially inhibit mosquito GS activity. Inhibition of GS disrupts the normal formation of the midgut peritrophic matrix, suggesting that GS enzyme might be involved in the initial pathway of chitin synthesis. The unique expression pattern and inducible nature of the mosquito GS gene make it an interesting candidate for studying promoter function. Additionally, the blood meal activation of the GS gene makes this a potentially valuable tool in mosquito transformation studies.  相似文献   

Recessive mutations in the maize dsc1 locus prevent normal kernel development. Solidification of the endosperm in homozygous dsc1- mutant kernels was undetectable 12 days after pollination, at which time the tissue was apparently completely solidified in wild-type kernels. At later times endosperm did solidify in homozygous dsc1- mutant kernels, but there was a marked reduction in the volume of the tissue. Embryo growth in homozygous dsc1- kernels was delayed compared to wild-type kernels, but proceeded to an apparently normal stage 1 in which the scutellum, coleoptile, and shoot apex were clearly defined. Embryo growth then ceased and the embryonic tissues degraded. Late in kernel development no tissue distinctions were obvious in dsc1- mutant embryos. Immature mutant embryos germinated when transplanted from kernels to tissue culture medium prior to embryonic degeneration, but only coleoptile proliferation was observed. The dsc1 gene was isolated by transposon tagging. Analysis of the two different dsc1- mutations confirmed that transposon insertion into the cloned genomic locus was responsible for the observed phenotype. Dsc1 mRNA was detected specifically in kernels 5-7 days after pollination. These data indicate Dsc1 function is required for progression of embryo development beyond a specific stage, and also is required for endosperm development.  相似文献   

Corticobasal degeneration (C.B.D.) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized mainly by an asymmetrical a kineto-rigid syndrome associated with fronto-parietal cortical signs, particularly apraxia. Conventional imaging even magnetic resonance imaging (M.R.I.) has often been considered as poorly contributive for the diagnosis of C.B.D. We retrospectively studied routinely performed M.R.I. scans of 15 patients presenting a clinical and metabolic (P.E.T/S.P.E.C.T.) syndrome characteristic of probable C.B.D. M.R.I. scans were assessed by 3 investigators, not aware of the clinically most affected side, taking into account M.R.I. technical parameters. We quantified, on each side, the cortical atrophy (frontal, parietal and temporal) and the white matter changes, by using the semi-quantified method of Victoroff et al. (1994). Abnormalities were considered if observed by at least 2 of the 3 investigators. Abnormalities were then correlated with the side initially and most severely affected. The most contributive findings were the asymmetric parietal atrophy (clinically correlated in 93 p. 100 of cases), asymmetric frontal atrophy (clinically correlated in 60 p. 100) and asymmetric dilatation of the lateral ventricles (clinically correlated in 60 p. 100). 80 p. 100 of affected subjects displayed at least 2 of these M.R.I. abnormalities. These results are in accordance with the metabolic and pathologic features of C.B.D. This study demonstrates that M.R.I. evaluation of the cortical atrophy asymmetry may contribute to the diagnosis of C.B.D.  相似文献   

Actin is a ubiquitous protein in eukaryotic cells and plays an important role in cell structure, cell motility, and the generation of contractile force in both muscle and nonmuscle cells. Multiple genes encoding muscle or nonmuscle actins have been isolated from several species of ascidians and their expression patterns have been investigated. Sequence and expression analyses of muscle actin genes have shown that ascidians have at least two distinct isoforms of muscle actin, the larval muscle and body-wall isoforms. In the ascidian Halocynthia roretzi, two clusters of actin genes are expressed in the larval muscle cells. The HrMA2/4 cluster contains at least five actin genes and the HrMA1 cluster contains a pair of actin genes whose expression is regulated by a single bidirectional promoter. cis-Regulatory elements essential for muscle-specific expression of a larval muscle actin gene HrMA4a have been identified. The adult body-wall muscle actin is clearly distinguished from the larval muscle actin by diagnostic amino acids. The adult muscle actin genes may be useful tools to investigate the mechanisms of muscle development in ascidian adults. The evolution of chordate actin genes has been inferred by comparing the organization and sequences of actin genes and performing molecular phylogenetic analysis. The results suggest a close relationship between ascidian and vertebrate actins. The chordate ancestor seems to have evolved the "chordate-type" cytoplasmic and muscle actins before its divergence into vertebrates and urochordates. The phylogenetic analysis also suggests that the vertebrate muscle actin isoforms evolved after the separation of the vertebrates and urochordates. Muscle actin genes have been used to investigate the mechanism of muscle cell regression during the evolution of anural development. The results suggest that the regression of muscle cell differentiation is mediated by changes in the structure of muscle actin genes rather than in the trans-acting regulatory factors required for their expression. Actin genes have provided a unique system to study developmental and evolutionary mechanisms in chordates.  相似文献   

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