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The change of state in the central nervous system ofGymnocorymbus ternetzi after detection of hypoxanthine-l(N)-oxide, hypoxanthine-3(N)-oxide, and of the alarm substance from conspecifics was measured quantitatively by means of the fishes' equilibrium behavior. The fish swam freely in a tiny cage, illuminated horizontally from one side. The change of the angle of inclination of the dorsoventral axis of the fish was registered by means of a videorecorder. The recordings were later measured on the monitor in single frames at 0.2-sec intervals where the equilibrium position of the fish could be accurately determined ± 1 °. Various substances were presented to the fish, and their effects upon equilibrium position were recorded. An enhanced optical alertness shown by an increase in the fishes' inclination was generally produced with alarm substance. Without any additional stimulation, the factorU, representing quantitatively the degree of the change of central state, varied slightly within the experimental period of 1 min; however, this factor never exceededU= 1.0 ± 0.15 in control fish. The increase ofU usually exceeded considerably the value 1.15 when skin extract from conspecifics or 7–8 g of hypoxanthine-3(N)-oxide were given. However, when hypoxanthine-l (N)-oxide was presented,U generally did not exceed 1.15. The difference between hypoxanthine-3(N)-oxide and hypoxanthine-l(N)-oxide was highly significant. This result is in accordance with the findings on fish schools ofDanio malabaricus, where hypoxanthine-3(N)-oxide elicited the fright reaction, but hypoxanthine-1(N)-oxide was ineffective. The results support the hypothesis that the alarm substance from the skin ofPhoxinus phoxinus is identical with hypoxanthine-3(N)-oxide. The results with alarm substance or hypoxanthine-3(N)-oxide did not show any adaptation. This was also true in fish that were stimulated repeatedly at intervals of a couple of minutes only. InGymnocorymbus, which has compensated for removal of the otolith of one utriculus, conspecific skin extract triggers the typical postoperative phenomenon, i.e., rotation around the fishes' long axis towards the operated side. Whereas such a decompensation could be elicited by hypoxanthine-3(N)-oxide as well, hypoxanthine-l(N)-oxide had no effect. This finding is interpreted as an effect of the alarm substance and of hypoxanthine-3(N)-oxide on the centers of equilibrium.  相似文献   

Excess molar enthalpy (H E ) data at 298.15 K are reported for the binary systems di-isopropyl ether (1)+ethanol (2), di-isopropyl ether (1)+isooctane (2), ethanol (1)+isooctane (2), di-butyl ether (1)+ethanol (2), di-butyl ether (1)+isooctane (2), propyl vinyl ether (1)+ethanol (2) and propyl vinyl ether (1)+isooctane (2). These data were obtained by using an isothermal flow calorimeter. The experimental binary H E data were well correlated with the Redlich-Kister model, and infinitely dilute partial excess molar enthalpies for each binary were calculated with the fitted Redlich-Kister parameters. Additionally, the isoclines of H E for ternary systems di-isopropyl ether (1)+ethanol (2)+isooctane (3), di-butyl ether (1)+ethanol (2)+isooctane (3) and propyl vinyl ether (1)+ethanol (2)+isooctane (3) at 298.15 K were calculated by using the Radojkovič equation. H E for all the measured systems in this work shows that mixing is endothermic.  相似文献   

The cuticular lipids of male and femaleFannia femoralis were similar for recently emerged insects but soon began to develop chromatographic patterns characteristic of each sex. Mature females contained more C31 and C33 monoolefin in the cuticular lipid than males. Also, the double bonds in the monoolefins of the female lipid were situated predominantly at the eleventh and thirteenth carbons, while most of those from the males were centrally located in the molecule or at the ninth carbon.The female C31 monoolefin stimulated copulation by the males, but more mating activity occurred when the saturated hydrocarbons present in the female cuticular lipids were added. The synthetic monoolefin most active as a mating stimulant pheromone was (Z)-11-hentriacontene, but the addition of female alkanes or of syntheticn-alkanes to (Z)-11-hentriacontene increased the activity of the synthetic pheromone.A portion of a dissertation intended for submission by the first author to the Graduate School of the University of Maryland in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree.Mention of a proprietary or commercial product in this paper does not constitute an endorsement of this product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the University of Maryland.  相似文献   

By means of gas chromatographic, mass spectrometric, and micro-preparative methodsN,N-dimethyluracil and actinidine were identified as two ethologically active compounds in the ponerine antMegaponera foetens. The synthesized poison gland compoundN,N-dimethyluracil released trail-following behavior, whereas actinidine, found in the pygidial gland, stimulated ants to leave the nest, possibly in an alarm reaction. Biological activity of the synthetic samples were confirmed by behavioral experiments and electroantennogram responses with worker antennae.Kern, F, and Bestmann, H.J. 1994. Pheromones 99. Pheromones 98:Z. Naturforsch. 49c:865–870.  相似文献   

Extracts of newly emerged virgin females and newly emerged virgin males of the parasitic waspItoplectis conquisitor were highly active in eliciting sexual behavior in older males. Newly emerged males did not respond to the extracts. A reliable biological assay was devised in which the responses of males to extract could be evaluated under varying conditions. Optimum male responses to female extract were obtained at 27 °C and at 1.0 female equivalents (the amount of pheromone extractable from the body surface of a female). A decrease in sexual response was observed when males were repeatedly exposed to pheromone. Males also learned to associate bioassay conditions with the presence of pheromone.  相似文献   

The sex pheromone ofCydia toreuta (Grote), the eastern pine seedworm, was investigated using electroantennogram (AG) measurements, gas chromatography (combined GC-FID-EAD) measurements, and field tests. (E,Z)-8,10-dodecadienyl acetate (E,Z8,10-12:Ac) and (E,E)-8,10-dodecadienyl actetate (E,E8,10-12: Ac) produced both the highest EAG and EAD responses. Only a single antennal stimulatory peak was observed when female abdominal tip extracts were analyzed by GC-FID-EAD, which corresponded exactly with that of authenticE,Z8,10-12: Ac. Field tests confirmedE,Z8,10-12: Ac as the major pheromone component. TheE,Z isomer by itself caught equivalent numbers of male moths as did caged females. The addition of theE,E isomer to theE,Z form increased trap catch, although not significantly (P = 0.05). The addition of (Z,Z)-8,10-dodecadienyl acetate to theE,Z isomer significantly (P=0.05) reduced trap catch, while the addition of (Z,E)-8,10-dodecadienyl acetate to theE,Z form also decreased trap catch, but not significantly (P=0.05).  相似文献   

Extracts of sex pheromone glands obtained from females ofPloida interpunctella contained detectable amounts of (Z,E,)-9,12-tetradecadien-1-ol acetate (Z9,E12–14:Ac) and (Z,E.)-9,12-tetradecadien-1-ol (Z9,E12–14:OH) 4 hr prior to the first scotophase after adult emergence. The amount of pheromone increased during the first 4 hr of the scotophase and then declined to low levels during the subsequent photophase. Decapitation of females immediately after emergence, prior to expansion of the wings, inhibited production of pheromone during the subsequent 48 hr. Injection of extracts of the heads of 1-day-old females ofP. interpunctella of partially purified extracts of the cephalic ganglia of females of the corn earworm moth into decapitated females stimulated production of bothZ9,E12–14:Ac andZ9,E12–14:OH as well as production of (Z,E)-9,12-tetradecadienal (Z9,E12–14:Al). This aldehyde was subsequently identified from extracts of pheromone glands obtained from naturally calling females as well as from volatiles emitted by calling females. Studies on the terminal steps in biosynthesis of the pheromone showed thatZ9,E12–14:OH was produced from the corresponding acetate and thatZ9,E12–14:Al was produced from the alcohol via the action of an oxidase(s).  相似文献   

The effect of the type of alkalis on the expansion behavior of concrete microbars containing typical aggregate with alkali-silica reactivity and alkali-carbonate reactivity was studied. The results verified that: (1) at the same molar concentration, sodium has the strongest contribution to expansion due to both ASR and ACR, followed by potassium and lithium; (2) sufficient LiOH can completely suppress expansion due to ASR whereas it can induce expansion due to ACR. It is possible to use the duplex effect of LiOH on ASR and ACR to clarify the ACR contribution when ASR and ACR may coexist. It has been shown that a small amount of dolomite in the fine-grained siliceous Spratt limestone, which has always been used as a reference aggregate for high alkali-silica reactivity, might dedolomitize in alkaline environment and contribute to the expansion. That is to say, Spratt limestone may exhibit both alkali-silica and alkali-carbonate reactivity, although alkali-silica reactivity is predominant. Microstructural study suggested that the mechanism in which lithium controls ASR expansion is mainly due to the favorable formation of lithium-containing less-expansive product around aggregate particles and the protection of the reactive aggregate from further attack by alkalis by the lithium-containing product layer.  相似文献   

The volatile constituents in anal gland secretions of two sympatric Mustela species, the Siberian weasel (M. sibirica) and steppe polecat (M. eversmanni), were studied by the headspace technique, followed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. Nine sulfur-containing compounds were identified. They were 2,2-dimethylthietane, (Z)- or (E)-2,4-dimethylthietane, (E)-2,3-dimethylthietane, 2-ethylthietane, (E)-2-ethyl-3-methylthietane, (Z)-2-ethyl-3-methylthietane, 2-propylthietane, 3,3-dimethyl-1,2-dithiacyclopentane, and (Z)-3,4-dimethyl-2,2-dithiacyclopentane. Among them, (E)-2-ethyl-3- methylthietanes, (Z)-2-ethyl-3-methylthietanes, and (Z)-3,4-dimethyl-1,2-dithiacyclopentane were present in the polecat but not in the weasel. The predominant compound was 2,2-dimethylthietane in the weasel and (E)- or (Z)-2,4-dimethylthietane in the polecat. These differences were consistent between the two species, regardless of sex and age and, therefore, could possibly be used for species recognition. In the weasel, 2-ethylthietane was found only in the female, and the relative abundance of several compounds was significantly different between males and females. In the polecat, although no sex-specific volatile compounds were found, males and females differed in the relative abundance of several of the compounds. In both species, the relative abundance of some compounds varied with age. We conclude that these volatile compounds can be used to communicate information about species, sex, and age.  相似文献   

The phoretic egg parasitoid,Telenomus euproctidis Wilcox (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) was found more frequently on virgin than on mated female moths ofEuproctis taiwana (Shiraki) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), when virgin and mated moths were exposed concurrently in the field for 24 hr. A synthetic component of the moth's sex pheromone. (Z)-16-methyl-9-heptadecenyl isobutyrate, attracted both the wasp,T. euproctidis, and maleE. taiwana. These findings suggest thatT. euproctidis uses the sex pheromone of the female moth,E. taiwana, as a kairomone to locate a host female moth and through her the host eggs.  相似文献   

In the predatory spined soldier bug,Podisus maculiventris, the dorsal abdominal glands are much smaller in adult females than males. Females produce a mixture of (E)-2-hexenal, (E)-2-octenal, (E)-2-hexenoic acid, benzaldehyde, and nonanal in these glands. The female dorsal abdominal gland secretion may be a close-range pheromone since the dorsal abdominal gland secretion from males has been shown to be a long-range aggregation pheromone in this species. The metathoracic scent gland secretions of male and female spined soldier bugs are apparently identical, and similar to that of other pentatomids, except for the presence of the monoterpene alcohol, linalool.Mention of a commercial product does not constitute an endorsement of this product by the USDA.  相似文献   

The sex pheromone of the vine bud moth, Theresimima ampellophaga, released at the 3rd–5th abdominal tergites, was identified by coupled GC-EAG, GC-MS, and synthesis as (2S)-butyl (7Z)-tetradecenoate. For the first time, full stereochemistry is unambiguously defined for the sex pheromone of a member of the Zygaenidae. The synthetic compound caught significant numbers of males in field-trapping experiments.  相似文献   

Olfactometer bioassays showed that odors from mature Thyanta perditor males attracted females but not males. Furthermore, odors from females did not attract either sex, indicating that like other phytophagous pentatomid bugs, the males produce a sex pheromone. Attraction appeared to peak in late afternoon to evening. The headspace volatiles collected from male and female T. perditor were analyzed by GC-MS and HPLC. A male-specific compound, methyl (2E,4Z,6Z)-decatrienoate (2E,4Z,6Z-10:COOMe), was identified along with a number of other compounds found in extracts from both sexes. Bioassays carried out with 2E,4Z,6Z-10:COOMe showed it was as attractive to females as the crude extract of male volatiles, suggesting that the male-produced sex pheromone consists of 2E,4Z,6Z-10:COOMe as a single component. Consecutive volatiles collections from males showed that 2E,4Z,6Z-10:COOMe began appearing in extracts from males about 9 d after the final molt, as the males became sexually mature.  相似文献   

催化燃烧是处理低浓度挥发性有机物废气的有效方法。阐述了催化燃烧脂肪族氯代易挥发性有机物的反应机理,对贵金属、过渡金属氧化物、钙钛矿型复合氧化物和分子筛近年来研究较广泛和深入的催化剂体系的性能和特点进行了论述,分析催化剂的优缺点。讨论了反应原料气中水和非氯代有机物的加入对催化反应效果的影响,对今后研究和发展方向进行展望。  相似文献   

Extracts of Amphimallon solstitiale (L.), a well known, widely distributed and rather common European scarab beetle, were analyzed by GC-MS and GC-EAD. Acetoin -(R):(S) < 9:1 - as well as 2,3-butanediol -(2R,3R):(2S,3S) :meso = 1:1:9 - were present in extracts of both males and females. Although (2S,3S)-butanediol did not show any EAD activity, the other compounds elicited strong responses exclusively with male antennae. In contrast, several EAD active green leaf volatiles were detected equally well by male and female antennae. During preliminary field bioassays, (R)-acetoin was highly attractive to swarming males, whereas neither rac-acetoin nor the 2,3-butanediols showed activity. Therefore, (R)-acetoin is the female sex pheromone of A. solstitiale.  相似文献   

The major volatile components in the extract of the female sex pheromone gland ofAmorbia cuneana consisted of (E,E)- and (E,Z)-10,12-tetradecadien-1-ol acetates. The identification was based on electroantennogram bioassay of gas Chromatographic effluent from sex pheromone gland extract, relative retention times on polar and nonpolar gas chromatographic columns, chemical degradation (ozonolysis, saponification), mass spectrometry, chemical synthetic methods, and field tests. Based on mass spectrometry and retention times by capillary gas chromatography, traces of (E)-10-tetradecen-1-ol acetate and 1-tetradecanol acetate were also present in the extract. Traps baited with a combination of synthetic (E,E)- and (E,Z)-10,12-tetradecadien-1-ol acetates caught more males than did traps baited with females.This paper reports the results of research only. Mention of a commercial product in this paper does not constitute a recommendation by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Compounds with pheromone activity were extracted from maleSchizocosa ocreata silk using methanol as the solvent. Behavioral data suggest that these compounds mediate agonistic encounters among male spiders. Preliminary chemical analyses indicate that the pheromones are low-molecular-weight lipids, one being slightly polar, the other nonpolar.  相似文献   

The female sex pheromone of the Asian com borer,Ostrinia furnacalis, widespread in Taiwan, was confirmed as (Z)-12-tetradecenyl acetate and its geometric isomer (E)-12-tetradecenyl acetate in a ratio of ca. 31 by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode. Males were attracted by the mixture of these two synthetic components in the field, but the attractiveness was less than by virgin females. The presence of minor components in the sex pheromone was therefore suggested.  相似文献   

(Z,Z)-6,9-cis-(3S,4R)-Epoxynonadecadiene9a and (Z,Z,Z)-3,6,9-nonadecatriene have been identified as sex pheromone components in female ovipositor extracts and effluvia of the geometridBoarmia selenaria. The identification was based on relative retention times on gas chromatographic columns, GC-MS, chemical enantioselective syntheses, EAG, wind-tunnel behavioral experiments, and field tests. A single female ovipositor extract contained an average of 42 ng of (Z,Z)-6,9-cis-3,4-epoxynonadecadiene and 2 ng of (Z,Z,Z)-3,6,9-nonadecatriene.EAG, wind-tunnel behavioral studies, and field tests demonstrated that maleB. selenaria exhibit preferential attraction for the (3S,4R)-enantiomer of (Z,Z)-6,9-cis-3,4-epoxynonadecadiene. Only in effluvia and ovipositor extracts of calling females was (Z,Z)-6,9-cis- 3,4-epoxynonadecadiene detected, whereas relatively high amounts of (Z,Z,Z)-3,6,9-nonadecatriene were found in noncalling females. Wind-tunnel behavioral studies showed that (Z,Z,Z)-3,6,9-nonadecatriene did not elicit any response in the males, and when tested in combination with a mixture of monoepoxynonadecadienes, (Z,Z,Z)-3,6,9-nonadecatriene decreased the observed behavioral responses. A possible precursor role for (Z,Z,Z)-3,6,9-nonadecatriene in the pheromonal system is discussed.  相似文献   

Crude extracts of root of the forage legumesLotus pedunculatus andCoronilla varia (crownvetch) were toxic when administered orally to 3rd instarCostelytra zealandica larvae. A group of 3-nitropropanoyl-d-glucopyranoses was isolated from active fractions of the crude extracts. These toxins, some of which were already known fromC. varia, have not previously been reported fromL. pedunculatus. The compounds were present in root tissue of this species at a concentration of about 1% dry weight. They include the triester karakin and the diesters coronarian and cibarian, all of which were toxic to larvae ofC. zealandica at levels which could account fully for the activity of the crude extracts.  相似文献   

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