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周宇  赵威  刘国华  貟慧  翟红敏  万小妹 《软件学报》2014,25(S2):136-146
查询结果重复率高是top-k查询处理过程中亟待解决的问题,已有的解决方法需要遍历初始结果集中所有的对象,因此,查询处理的效率较低.为了提高查询处理的效率,把初始结果集映射到欧氏空间中,根据拉式策略,可选用基于得分或基于距离两种方法之一从该空间选出差异最优子空间,在基于距离的方法中,对欧氏子空间进行分割并且利用探测位置和Voronoi图的几何特性减少二次查询对象的数目.在此基础上,提出了top-k查询结果有界多样化算法,并证明了算法的正确性.实验结果表明,所提出的算法提高了top-k查询处理效率.  相似文献   

周新  张孝  安润功  薛忠斌  王珊 《软件学报》2014,25(S2):157-168
基于位置的服务可以指引用户找到在特定位置或区域内能够提供所需要服务的对象(比如找某个高校附近(经纬度标识)的咖啡店).向这类服务提交一个查询位置和多个关键词,该类服务返回k个最相关的对象,对象和查询的相关性同时考虑空间相近性和文本相似性.为了支持高效的top-k空间关键词查询,出现了多种混合索引,然而现有的这些索引为了提供实时响应均耗费大量存储空间.提出一种基于压缩技术的索引CSTI,该索引显著减少了存储开销(至少减少80%甚至到两个数据量级),同时保持高效的查询性能.大量基于真实和仿真数据集的实验结果表明,CSTI在空间开销和响应时间上均优于已有方法.  相似文献   

杨皓  段磊  胡斌  邓松  王文韬  秦攀 《软件学报》2015,26(11):2994-3009
对比序列模式能够表达序列数据集合间的差异,在商品推荐、用户行为分析和电力供应预测等领域有广泛的应用.已有的对比序列模式挖掘算法需要用户设定正例支持度阈值和负例支持度阈值.在不具备足够先验知识的情况下,用户难以设定恰当的支持度阈值,从而可能错失一些对比显著的模式.为此,提出了带间隔约束的top-k对比序列模式挖掘算法kDSP-Miner(top-k distinguishing sequential patterns with gap constraint miner).kDSP-Miner中用户只需设置期望发现的对比最显著的模式个数,从而避免了直接设置对比支持度阈值.相应地,挖掘算法更容易使用,并且结果更易于解释.同时,为了提高算法执行效率,设计了若干剪枝策略和启发策略.进一步设计了kDSP-Miner的多线程版本,以提高其对高维序列元素情况的处理能力.通过在真实世界数据集上的详实实验,验证了算法的有效性和执行效率.  相似文献   

谷峪  于晓楠  于戈 《软件学报》2014,25(8):1806-1816
随着智能移动设备和无线定位技术的飞速发展,使用基于位置服务应用的用户越来越多.特别地,不同于传统的针对固定位置的快照查询,移动的用户往往基于移动轨迹发出连续的查询.在真实和虚拟的空间环境中,障碍物的影响都是广泛存在的,障碍空间内的查询处理技术得到了越来越多的关注,其中,障碍空间内的连续反k近邻查询处理有着重要的应用.对障碍空间中的连续反k近邻查询问题进行了定义和系统的研究,通过定义控制点和分割点,提出了针对该问题的处理框架.进一步地,提出了一系列的过滤和求精算法,包括剪枝数据集、获取障碍物、剪枝和计算控制点和更新结果集等处理策略.基于多种数据集对所提出的算法进行了实验评估.与针对每个数据点进行k 近邻计算的基本方法相比,这些方法可以大幅度提高查询处理的CPU 和I/O 效率.  相似文献   

移动对象连续k近邻(CKNN)查询是指给定一个连续移动的对象集合,对于任意一个k近邻查询q,实时计算查询qk近邻并在查询有效时间内对查询结果进行实时更新.现实生活中,交通出行、社交网络、电子商务等领域许多基于位置的应用服务都涉及移动对象连续k近邻查询这一基础问题.已有研究工作解决连续k近邻查询问题时,大多需要通过多次迭代确定一个包含k近邻的查询范围,而每次迭代需要根据移动对象的位置计算当前查询范围内移动对象的数量,整个迭代过程的计算代价占查询代价的很大部分.为此,提出了一种基于网络索引和混合高斯函数移动对象分布密度的双重索引结构(grid GMM index,GGI),并设计了移动对象连续k近邻增量查询算法(incremental search for continuous k nearest neighbors,IS-CKNN).GGI索引结构的底层采用网格索引对海量移动对象进行维护,上层构建混合高斯模型模拟移动对象在二维空间中的分布.对于给定的k近邻查询q,IS-CKNN算法能够基于混合高斯模型直接确定一个包含qk近邻的查询区域,减少了已有算法求解该区域的多次迭代过程;当移动对象和查询q位置发生变化时,进一步提出一种高效的增量查询策略,能够最大限度地利用已有查询结果减少当前查询的计算量.最后,在滴滴成都网约车数据集以及两个模拟数据集上进行大量实验,充分验证了算法的性能.  相似文献   

李晨  申德荣  朱命冬  寇月  聂铁铮  于戈 《软件学报》2016,27(9):2278-2289
互联网上每天都会产生大量的带地理位置标签和时间标签的信息,比如微博、新闻、团购等等,如何在众多的信息中找到在时间和空间地理位置上都满足用户查询需求的信息十分重要.针对这一需求,提出了一种对地理位置和时间信息的k近邻查询(ST-kNN查询)处理方法.首先,利用时空相似度对数据对象的地理位置变量和时间变量进行映射变换,将数据对象映射到新的三维空间中,用三维空间中两点之间的距离相似度来近似代替两个对象之间实际的时空相似度;然后,针对这个三维空间设计了一种ST-Rtree(spatial temporal rtree)索引,该索引综合了空间因素和时间因素,保证在查询时每个对象至多遍历1次;最后,在该索引的基础上提出了一种精确的k近邻查询算法,并通过一次计算确定查询结果范围,从而找到前k个结果,保证了查询的高效性.基于大量数据集的实验,证明了该查询处理方法的高效性.  相似文献   

李鸣鹏  高宏  邹兆年 《软件学报》2014,25(4):797-812
研究了基于图压缩的k可达查询处理,提出了一种支持k可达查询的图压缩算法k-RPC及无需解压缩的查询处理算法,k-RPC算法在所有基于等价类的支持k-reach查询的图压缩算法中是最优的.由于k-RPC算法是基于严格的等价关系,因此进一步又提出了线性时间的近似图压缩算法k-GRPC.k-GRPC算法允许从原始图中删除部分边,然后使用k-RPC获得更好的压缩比.提出了线性时间的无需解压缩的查询处理算法.真实数据上的实验结果表明,对于稀疏的原始图,两种压缩算法的压缩比分别可以达到45%,对于稠密的原始图,两种压缩算法的压缩比分别可以达到75%和67%;与在原始图上直接进行查询处理相比,两种基于压缩图的查询处理算法效率更好,在稀疏图上的查询效率可以提高2.5倍.  相似文献   

针对DBSCAN聚类算法不能对变密度分布数据集进行有效聚类,VDBSCAN算法借助k-dist图来自动获取各个密度层次的数据对象的邻域半径,解决了具有不同密度层次分布数据集的聚类问题. k-VDBSCAN算法通过对k值的自动获取,减小了VDBSCAN中参数k对最终聚类结果的影响. 针对k值的自动获取,在原有的k-VDBSCAN聚类算法基础上,依据数据集本身,利用数据对象间距离的特征,提出了一种k值改进自动获取聚类算法. 理论分析与实验结果表明,新的改进算法能够有效的自动获得参数k的值,并且在聚类结果、时间效率方面都有明显的提高.  相似文献   

现实生活中的网络通常存在社区结构,社区查询是图数据挖掘的基本任务.现有研究工作提出了多种模型来识别网络中的社区,如基于k-核的模型和基于k-truss的模型.然而,这些模型通常只限制社区内节点或边的邻居数量,忽略了邻居之间的关系,即节点的邻域结构,从而导致社区内节点的局部稠密性较低.针对这一问题,本文将节点的邻域结构信息融入k-核稠密子图中,提出一种新的基于邻域连通k-核的社区模型,并定义了社区的稠密度.基于这一新模型,研究了最稠密单社区搜索问题,即返回包含查询节点集且具有最高稠密度的社区.在现实生活图数据中,一组查询节点可能会分布在多个不相交的社区中.为此,本文进一步研究了基于稠密度阈值的多社区搜索问题,即返回包含查询节点集的多个社区,且每个社区的稠密度不低于用户指定的阈值.针对最稠密单社区搜索和基于稠密度阈值的多社区搜索问题,首先定义了边稠密度的概念,并提出了基于边稠密度的基线算法.为了提高搜索效率,设计了索引树和改进索引树结构,能够支持在多项式时间内返回查询结果.通过与基线算法在多组数据集上的对比,验证了基于邻域连通k-核的社区模型的有效性和所提出查询算法的效率.  相似文献   

赵时海  付晓东  岳昆  刘骊  冯勇  刘利军 《软件学报》2021,32(11):3388-3403
考虑用户评价准则不一致的在线服务评价通常以服务的完整排序作为评价结果,而不是选择出使用户群体满意度最大的Top-k在线服务集合,使评价结果难以满足Top-k在线服务评价场景的合理性和公平性需求.为此,提出了一种用户群体满意度最大化的Top-k在线服务评价方法.该方法首先定义用户群体满意度指标,以衡量选择的k个在线服务的合理性;其次,考虑用户评价准则不一致及用户偏好信息不完整的情况,采用Borda规则将用户对在线服务的偏好关系构造为用户-服务满意度矩阵;然后借鉴Monroe比例代表思想,将Top-k在线服务评价问题建模为寻找最大化用户群体满意度的在线服务集合的优化问题;最后采用贪心算法对该优化问题进行求解,将得到的在线服务集合作为Top-k评价结果.通过理论分析和实验验证了该方法的合理性和有效性.理论分析表明,该方法满足Top-k在线服务评价所需的比例代表性和公平性.同时,实验结果也表明,该方法能够在合理的时间内获得接近用户群体满意度理想上界的评价结果,可以有效地辅助用户群体做出正确的服务选择决策.另外,该方法还可以在用户偏好不完整的情况下实现Top-k在线服务评价.  相似文献   

Keyword Search Over Relational Databases (KSORD) enables casual or Web users easily access databases through free-form keyword queries. Improving the performance of KSORD systems is a critical issue in this area. In this paper, a new approach CLASCN (Classification, Learning And Selection of Candidate Network) is developed to efficiently perform top-κ keyword queries in schema-graph-based online KSORD systems. In this approach, the Candidate Networks (CNs) from trained keyword queries or executed user queries are classified and stored in the databases, and top-κ results from the CNs are learned for constructing CN Language Models (CNLMs). The CNLMs are used to compute the similarity scores between a new user query and the CNs from the query. The CNs with relatively large similarity score, which are the most promising ones to produce top-κ results, will be selected and performed. Currently, CLASCN is only applicable for past queries and New All-keyword-Used (NAU) queries which are frequently submitted queries. Extensive experiments also show the efficiency and effectiveness of our CLASCN approach.  相似文献   

Multi-dimensional top-k dominating queries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The top-k dominating query returns k data objects which dominate the highest number of objects in a dataset. This query is an important tool for decision support since it provides data analysts an intuitive way for finding significant objects. In addition, it combines the advantages of top-k and skyline queries without sharing their disadvantages: (i) the output size can be controlled, (ii) no ranking functions need to be specified by users, and (iii) the result is independent of the scales at different dimensions. Despite their importance, top-k dominating queries have not received adequate attention from the research community. This paper is an extensive study on the evaluation of top-k dominating queries. First, we propose a set of algorithms that apply on indexed multi-dimensional data. Second, we investigate query evaluation on data that are not indexed. Finally, we study a relaxed variant of the query which considers dominance in dimensional subspaces. Experiments using synthetic and real datasets demonstrate that our algorithms significantly outperform a previous skyline-based approach. We also illustrate the applicability of this multi-dimensional analysis query by studying the meaningfulness of its results on real data.  相似文献   

Finding typical instances is an effective approach to understand and analyze large data sets. In this paper, we apply the idea of typicality analysis from psychology and cognitive science to database query answering, and study the novel problem of answering top-k typicality queries. We model typicality in large data sets systematically. Three types of top-k typicality queries are formulated. To answer questions like “Who are the top-k most typical NBA players?”, the measure of simple typicality is developed. To answer questions like “Who are the top-k most typical guards distinguishing guards from other players?”, the notion of discriminative typicality is proposed. Moreover, to answer questions like “Who are the best k typical guards in whole representing different types of guards?”, the notion of representative typicality is used. Computing the exact answer to a top-k typicality query requires quadratic time which is often too costly for online query answering on large databases. We develop a series of approximation methods for various situations: (1) the randomized tournament algorithm has linear complexity though it does not provide a theoretical guarantee on the quality of the answers; (2) the direct local typicality approximation using VP-trees provides an approximation quality guarantee; (3) a local typicality tree data structure can be exploited to index a large set of objects. Then, typicality queries can be answered efficiently with quality guarantees by a tournament method based on a Local Typicality Tree. An extensive performance study using two real data sets and a series of synthetic data sets clearly shows that top-k typicality queries are meaningful and our methods are practical.  相似文献   

Top-k queries on large multi-attribute data sets are fundamental operations in information retrieval and ranking applications. In this article, we initiate research on the anytime behavior of top-k algorithms on exact and fuzzy data. In particular, given specific top-k algorithms (TA and TA-Sorted) we are interested in studying their progress toward identification of the correct result at any point during the algorithms’ execution. We adopt a probabilistic approach where we seek to report at any point of operation of the algorithm the confidence that the top-k result has been identified. Such a functionality can be a valuable asset when one is interested in reducing the runtime cost of top-k computations. We present a thorough experimental evaluation to validate our techniques using both synthetic and real data sets.  相似文献   

Ranking queries, also known as top-k queries, produce results that are ordered on some computed score. Typically, these queries involve joins, where users are usually interested only in the top-k join results. Top-k queries are dominant in many emerging applications, e.g., multimedia retrieval by content, Web databases, data mining, middlewares, and most information retrieval applications. Current relational query processors do not handle ranking queries efficiently, especially when joins are involved. In this paper, we address supporting top-k join queries in relational query processors. We introduce a new rank-join algorithm that makes use of the individual orders of its inputs to produce join results ordered on a user-specified scoring function. The idea is to rank the join results progressively during the join operation. We introduce two physical query operators based on variants of ripple join that implement the rank-join algorithm. The operators are nonblocking and can be integrated into pipelined execution plans. We also propose an efficient heuristic designed to optimize a top-k join query by choosing the best join order. We address several practical issues and optimization heuristics to integrate the new join operators in practical query processors. We implement the new operators inside a prototype database engine based on PREDATOR. The experimental evaluation of our approach compares recent algorithms for joining ranked inputs and shows superior performance.Received: 23 December 2003, Accepted: 31 March 2004, Published online: 12 August 2004Edited by: S. AbiteboulExtended version of the paper published in the Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Very Large Databases, VLDB 2003, Berlin, Germany, pp 754-765  相似文献   

We study here fundamental issues involved in top-k query evaluation in probabilistic databases. We consider simple probabilistic databases in which probabilities are associated with individual tuples, and general probabilistic databases in which, additionally, exclusivity relationships between tuples can be represented. In contrast to other recent research in this area, we do not limit ourselves to injective scoring functions. We formulate three intuitive postulates for the semantics of top-k queries in probabilistic databases, and introduce a new semantics, Global-Topk, that satisfies those postulates to a large degree. We also show how to evaluate queries under the Global-Topk semantics. For simple databases we design dynamic-programming based algorithms. For general databases we show polynomial-time reductions to the simple cases, and provide effective heuristics to speed up the computation in practice. For example, we demonstrate that for a fixed k the time complexity of top-k query evaluation is as low as linear, under the assumption that probabilistic databases are simple and scoring functions are injective. Research partially supported by NSF grant IIS-0307434. An earlier version of some of the results in this paper was presented in [1].  相似文献   

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