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If the energy of charged fusion products can be diverted directly to fuel ions, non-Maxwellian fuel ion distributions and temperature differences between species will result. To determine the importance of these nonthermal effects, the fusion power density is optimized at constant- for nonthermal distributions that are self-consistently maintained by channeling of energy from charged fusion products. For D-T and D-3He reactors, with 75% of charged fusion product power diverted to fuel ions, temperature differences between electrons and ions increase the reactivity by 40–70%, while non-Maxwellian fuel ion distributions and temperature differences between ionic species increase the reactivity by an additional 3–15%.  相似文献   

Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) with a 3He ion beam is a powerful analytical technique for analysis of light elements in thin films. The main motivation for 3He focused beam applications is lateral mapping of deuterium using the nuclear reaction D(3He,p)4He in surfaces exposed to a tokamak plasma, where a lateral resolution in the μm-range provides unique information for fuel retention studies.At the microprobe at the Jo?ef Stefan Institute typical helium ion currents of 300 pA and beam dimensions of 4 × 4 μm2 can be obtained. This work is focused on micro-NRA studies of plasma-facing materials using a set-up consisting of a silicon partially depleted charge particle detector for NRA spectroscopy applied in parallel with a permanently installed X-ray detector, an RBS detector and a beam chopper for ion dose monitoring. A method for absolute deuterium quantification is described. In addition, plasma-deposited amorphous deuterated carbon thin films (a-C:D) with known D content were used as a reference.The method was used to study deuterium fuel retention in carbon fibre composite materials exposed to a deuterium plasma in the Tore Supra and TEXTOR tokamaks. The high lateral resolution of micro-NRA allowed us to make a detailed study of the influence of topography on the fuel retention process. We demonstrated that the surface topography plays a dominant role in the retention of deuterium. The deep surfaces inside the castellation gaps showed approximately two orders of magnitude lower deuterium concentrations than in areas close to the exposed surface.  相似文献   

Inertial confinement fusion power plants will deposit high energy X-rays onto the outer surfaces of the first wall many times a second for the lifetime of the plant. These X-rays create brief temperature spikes in the first few microns of the wall, which cause an associated highly compressive stress response on the surface of the material. The periodicity of this stress pulse is a concern due to the possibility of fatigue cracking of the wall. We have used finite element analyses to simulate the conditions present on the first wall in order to evaluate the driving force of crack propagation on fusion-facing surface cracks.Analysis results indicate that the X-ray induced plastic compressive stress creates a region of residual tension on the surface between pulses. This tension film will likely result in surface cracking upon repeated cycling. Additionally, the compressive pulse may induce plasticity ahead of the crack tip, leaving residual tension in its wake. However, the stress amplitude decreases dramatically for depths greater than 80–100 μm into the fusion-facing surface. Crack propagation models as well as stress-life estimates agree that even though small cracks may form on the surface of the wall, they are unlikely to propagate further than 100 μm without assistance from creep or grain erosion phenomena.  相似文献   

We describe a design for a 120-keV, 2.3-MW,3He neutral beam injector for use on a D-3He fusion reactor. The constraint that limits operating life when injecting He is its high sputtering rate. The sputtering is partly controlled by using an extra grid to prevent ion flow from the neutralizer duct to the electron suppressor grid, but a tradeoff between beam current and operating life is still required. Hollow grid wires functioning as mercury heat pipes cool the grid and enable steady state operation. Voltage holding and radiation effects on the acceleration grid structure are discussed. We also briefly describe the vacuum system and analyze use of a direct energy converter to recapture energy from unneutralized ions exiting the neutralizer. Of crucial importance to the technical feasibility of the3He-burning reactor are the injector efficiency and cost; these are 53% and $5.5 million, respectively, when power supplies are included.The beam is composed of 91 separate, parallel currents that flow in the gaps between the elements or wires of a grid. Each such flow is referred to as a beamlet. The current densities in Figs. 5, 8, and 9 are values within a beamlet, as measured at the beam-forming grid. They are not values averaged over the entire beam cross-section.  相似文献   

Selected reactor physics and isotope balance characteristics of a fusion hybrid supported D-3He satellite nuclear energy system are formulated and investigated. The system consists of two types of reactors: a parent D-fueled fusion device and a number of smaller reactors optimized for D-3He fusion. The parent hybrid station breeds the helium-3 for the satellites and also breeds fissile fuel for an existing fission reactor economy. Various hybrid operational regimes are examined in order to determine favorable reactorQ values and effective fusion and fission efficiencies. A number of analytical correlations between power output, plasma energetics, blanket neutronics, breeding capacity, and energy conversion cycles are established and evaluated. Numerical examples of performance parameters such as fission-to-fusion power, overall conversion efficiency, and the ratio of satellite to parent fusion power are presented. The range of reactor efficiencies is elucidated as affected by the internal plasma power balances. As an upper bound based on optimistic injection and direct conversion efficiencies, we find the D-3He satellite system power output attaining at best 1/3 of the parent fusion power.  相似文献   

6LiF small neutron detectors with an optical fiber have been used to measure 6Li(n,α)T reaction rate distributions at thermal research reactors and accelerator facilities. In the present study, we developed an experimental method for the measurement of tritium production rate (TPR) of 6Li using this small detector in deuterium-tritium (D-T) neutron fields. Reaction rate measurements with the detector were conducted in the D-T neutron fields at the Fusion Neutronics Source (FNS) facility. From the results, we determined that this detector can be used to measure the TPR distribution in soft neutron spectrum fields such as in a Be assembly. It is difficult to obtain 6Li(n,α)T reaction rate separately in hard neutron spectrum fields such as in a Li2O assembly, because many kinds of charged particle production reactions need to be taken into consideration. However, a time-dependent reaction rate measurement method combined with the 6LiF detector and the ZnS detector is effective to separate the 6Li(n,α)T reaction from other reactions even in a hard spectrum field, and it can be applied to the measurement of the TPR distribution accurately.  相似文献   

The liquid film characteristics at the onset of flooding in an inclined pipe (16 mm i.d. and 2.2 m in length) have been investigated experimentally. A constant electric current method and visual observation were utilized to elucidate the flow mechanisms at the onset of flooding. Two mechanisms are clarified to control the flooding in lower flooding and upper flooding, respectively. The lower flooding occurred at lower liquid flow rate and high pipe inclination angle. In this mechanism, the liquid film does not block the pipe cross-section. On the other hand, the upper flooding occurred at higher liquid flow rate and low pipe inclination angle. In this case, blocking of the pipe cross-section by large wave and entrainment plays an important role. The experimental data indicated that there was no reversal motion of liquid film at the onset of flooding during the operation of both lower flooding and upper flooding. The effects of pipe inclination angle on the onset of flooding are also discussed.  相似文献   

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