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E. R. Smol'yakov 《Cybernetics and Systems Analysis》2001,37(2):281-290
The necessary existence conditions of active equilibria and maximins are found for noncooperative differential programming games with explicit and implicit relationships between pure and mixed strategies of participants. A technique of search for strategies is presented with the use of an example. 相似文献
E. R. Smol'yakov 《Automation and Remote Control》2001,62(11):1890-1897
A basic system of equilibria for noncooperative games is suggested and studied and the technique of its use is set out for seeking the game equilibria that are most suitable for all players. 相似文献
区块链是一种基于零信任基础、去中心化及不可篡改的分布式账本技术。共识算法作为区块链主要技术之一,其效率直接影响区块链系统性能。针对PBFT共识算法运行效率低的问题,本文提出了基于信誉的动态授权PBFT共识机制,引入信誉评价体系对系统节点进行信誉评价,动态决定从信誉最高的节点中选取共识节点,同时实现了非停机情况下动态增删节点的功能,且随着系统长期运行,所能容忍的拜占庭节点动态增加;优化了一致性协议,将传统的一致性协议与基于speculation技术的拜占庭协议进行融合,降低了算力开销和通信代价;通过对共识节点的信誉及行为分析,进一步降低恶意节点成为共识节点的概率,解决了由拜占庭节点作为主节点带来的交易延迟增加问题。最后从算力开销、交易吞吐量和容错性能等方面进行了论证分析。 相似文献
文章研究了在均值模型下,动态系统收敛至一致性状态所需的时间。在每一时间步内,节点计算其邻居的均值,并以计算结果作为自己的新值。我们考虑了当节点间的网络结构处于动态变化状态的情况。我们的分析证明了当节点的度在相邻时间点之间变化较小的情况下,即使仅满足微弱的连通性条件,动态变化的网络仍然可以保证动态系统会快速收敛到一致性状态。 相似文献
Guisheng Zhai Shohei Okuno Joe Imae Tomoaki Kobayashi 《Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems》2011,63(2):309-322
In this paper, we study a consensus problem for multi-agent systems via dynamic output feedback control. The entire system is decentralized in the sense that each agent can only obtain output information from its neighbor agents. For practical purpose, we assume that actuator limitation exists, and require that the consensus be achieved among the agents at a specified convergence rate. By using an appropriate coordinate transformation, we reduce the consensus problem on hand to solving a strict matrix inequality, and then propose to use the homotopy based method for solving the matrix inequality. It turns out that our algorithm includes the existing graph Laplacian based algorithm as a special case. 相似文献
The concept of matrix resolving function is introduced to study dynamic game problems. The sufficient conditions are derived ensuring the possibility for the pursuer to bring the trajectory of a conflict-controlled process to the terminal set. The cases of using quasi-strategies and counter-controls by the pursuer are analyzed separately. Guaranteed times of the game termination for different method’s schemes are compared. The theoretical results are illustrated with a model example of “simple motions” on a plane. 相似文献
Some Practical Approaches to Pursuit-Evasion Dynamic Games 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
F. Imado 《Cybernetics and Systems Analysis》2002,38(2):276-291
For problems of realistic dynamic games, some practical approaches are proposed to the construction of suboptimal strategies of the behavior of players for different data on the choice of controls by their opponents. All the approaches proposed employ only solvers of one-sided nonlinear optimal control problems and simulation programs. The approaches are as follows: (i) give both players some suboptimal feedback strategies and conduct a great number of Monte Carlo simulations, (ii) give one player a suboptimal feedback strategy and the other player an exact one-sided nonlinear optimal control, (iii) give both players suboptimal feedback strategies dependent on parameters. Each player tries to optimize his parameters with respect to the one-sided nonlinear optimal control of the opponent. Methods (i) and (ii) can be used to solve multi-player problems. The efficiency of the method of choice of a suboptimal strategy is illustrated by examples important for actual practice. 相似文献
Stochastic Dynamic Games with Various Types of Information 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Dynamic discrete-time games are generalized to a stochastic environment, in order to examine the influence of various types of information structures on the course of a game. It is shown that the information structure of a game, i.e., type and amount of information available to players and, in particular, asymmetry of information, may lead to unexpected and sometimes counter-intuitive effects on the game result, i.e., the players' payoffs. The paper also develops algorithms for obtaining the Nash equilibrium strategies in such games. These involve reducing optimal reaction policies to the corresponding dynamic programming algorithms and generalizing the classical optimal control technique. Results of computer simulations for a variant of fishery harvesting game are presented. 相似文献
Feng Chu Chengbin Chu 《IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Part A, Systems and humans : a publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society》2008,38(1):70-77
This paper addresses a real-life lot-sizing problem which can be considered a single-item dynamic lot-sizing problem with bounded inventory. The particularity is that the demand of a period can be entirely or partially outsourced with an outsourcing cost. The goal is to minimize the total cost of production, setup, inventory holding, and outsourcing. The cost functions are linear but time-varying. We assume that the unit production cost is constant or nonincreasing over time. The problem is shown to be solvable in a strongly polynomial time with a dynamic-programming approach. The proposed algorithm can solve problems of sizes of up to 400 periods in less than 2 ms on a 1.4-GHz Pentium IV processor. 相似文献
ERP中动态库存成本核算算法的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
依据FIFO作为核算存货成本是一个最合理的计价方法。但是目前很多企业因为主观和客观的原因无法做到这点。为了解决这个实际问题,研究了两种解决方案,分别给出了相关算法。同时对两种方案的操作性、可行性、适用范围等给出了相关比较。 相似文献
在数据库管理系统应用过程中,如何适应用户多变的需求,有效避免因需求不断变化而出现数据库表结构需要调整的难题,从而导致频繁升级系统的现象。针对这类问题,文章提出了一种动态编程思路,详细阐述了其在数据库管理系统中应用实现过程,并介绍其在主要用能产品和设备能效信息数据库管理系统中的应用。 相似文献
DGPS在土地利用调查中的应用——以昆明市呈贡县大渔村小流域土地利用调查为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用Trimble GeoExplorer3 DGPS对昆明市呈贡县滇池面山大渔村的土地利用现状,按二级分类的要求进行了调查,调查结果认为:DGPS完全可以满足高标准、高要求土地利用调查的需要,而且省工,省时,省力,速度快,精度高。 相似文献
介绍使用数据挖掘工具SQL Server 2005 Data Mining、SPSS/Clementine进行仓库物资补给预测的方法和步骤并就使用两种教据挖掘工具,利用不同的挖掘算法进行物资补给预测的结果进行比对分析,以便使库存数量和成本之间取得平衡。 相似文献
本文运用ABC库存分析方法分析原材料安全库存及材料的经济批量采购,提出对材料仓库的库存优化办法并在实际工作中予以实施。通过对材料仓库库存系统的优化研究,所得结果不但可以提供研究所管理者进行库存决策的依据,而且能为降低成本寻找新的利润源提供一种新的思路。 相似文献
批次成本法在存货控制中的作用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在商品流通领域,需要核算商品成本的环节有三个:购进、发出、结存。购进统指增加存货的业务,主要有进货、配送/调拨入库、顾客退货、盘盈等;发出统指存货减少的业务,主要有销售、配送/调拨出库、盘亏、退回供应商等;结存则是指每发生一次购进或发出业务后剩余的存货,在期末则指本期剩余的存货。财务上用于核算存货发出成本和结存成本的方法叫存货计价方法,俗称成本核算法。 相似文献
中职学校物流专业课教学效果往往不太理想,学生对专业学习感到理解困难,厌学情绪较重.而电脑游戏具有趣味性强、互动性强、富有挑战性、难点易掌握等优势,因此我们可以将游戏推广和应用到专业技能教学和考核环节,则能够较好地提升学生的学习兴趣,有效提升教学效果,提高教学质量. 相似文献