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The objective of this study was to characterise oak-aged wines according to the ageing conditions by measuring colour and phenolic compounds, and to study the correlations between the studied variables to understand the relationship among them, and help to clarify some of the mechanisms involved in the modification of colour during wine ageing. The results show that the colour of aged wines can be mainly attributed to polymeric compounds and not to monomeric anthocyanins; the cluster analysis showed that the samples could be mainly separated as regards the age of the barrel. The discriminant analysis achieved a good sample separation regarding oak origin and barrel age.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Vinasses, the main liquid wastes from the distillation process of grape marc and wine lees, are acidic effluents with high organic content, including acids, carbohydrates, phenols, and unsaturated compounds with high chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand and solid concentrations. These wastes can be revalued to provide additional benefits when they are employed as feedstock of some compounds including tartaric acid, calcium tartrate and economic nutrients for the elaboration of fermentable broths. RESULT: This study attempts to recover tartaric acid and calcium tartrate from vinasses. All the tartaric acid initially solubilised was recovered in both processes. The residual streams can be successfully employed as economic nutrients for the xylose to xylitol bioconversion, achieving higher global volumetric productivities (QP, xylitol = 0.232 g L?1 h?1) and products yields (Yxylitol/S = 0.57 g g?1) than fermentations carried out using commercial nutrients (QP, xylitol = 0.193 g L?1 h?1 and Yxylitol/S = 0.55 g g?1 respectively). CONCLUSION: Tartaric acid can be recovered from vinasses in the form of tartaric acid crystals and calcium tartrate. The residual streams generated in the process can be used as economic nutrients for the production of xylitol by D. hansenii. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Previous papers in this series have shown that a portion of the cellulose fibres in paper can be replaced by lactose without significant changes in the physical properties of the paper. Lactose will only be used to substitute up to 10% of cellulose in paper‐making if it is available in quantity at a price less than that of the fibres replaced. Cheese is produced worldwide in large quantities, and its by‐product, whey, is mainly dried or, in some cases, fractionated to produce lactose and whey protein concentrate (WPC). Lactose obtained from cheese whey for this application does not need to fulfil FDA or EU requirements. Hence its manufacture is cheaper than for edible grade lactose. Furthermore, it is not necessary to dry the cellulose substitute to minimise the transportation cost if the lactose fractionation plant is located close to the paper‐mill. An analytical case study has been developed for the industrial environment existing in Asturias (Spain), where seven plants producing more than 400 000 t year?1 of cheese whey, with an annual growth of 3%, and a 150 000 t year?1 paper‐mill are located within a circular area of 80 km radius. This analysis has been extended to different plant capacities to allow its application to other locations with similar characteristics. © 2002 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

那斌 《木材加工机械》2005,16(1):22-24,16
从通风除尘带来的经济效益和对通风除尘所需的经费两个方面,对木材工业通风除尘系统进行了经济性分析.  相似文献   

Cork taint, one of the most known off-flavours in wine, is usually attributed to the presence of the aromatic compound 2,4,6-trichloroanisole (2,4,6-TCA) in cork stoppers made from the bark of the cork oak, Quercus suber. There are many major chemical/biochemical pathways through which 2,4,6-TCA can be formed during cork production. The estimated incidence of cork-tainted wine bottles ranges from 2–to 7%, costing global wine industry approximately US$ 10 billion annually. During this study, a laboratory-scale system was designed and constructed, to efficiently treat cork bark and stopper samples using ozone and/or other sterilizing gases, such as steam, via sequential application of pulsed vacuum–pressure cycles. The developed physicochemical processes were studied and evaluated in order to achieve both sterilization conditions and 2,4,6-TCA removal without affecting the mechanical and bottling properties of cork. According to the results, the application of ozone alone seems to be a promising treatment method for cork barks. However, the pulsed treatment ensures both sufficient removal (99%) of both bacteria and moulds from cork stoppers when combined with ozone or steam and satisfactory deodorization of cork stoppers achieving high percentages (90%) of 2,4,6-TCA removal when combined with steam. The operating cost of each alternative process (plain or pulsed, with or without ozone and/or steam) was estimated and compared, in laboratory scale, for the selection of the most efficient process, taking into account technicoeconomical aspects.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the economic costs associated with different reasons for cow culling or on-farm mortality in a pasture-based seasonal system. A bioeconomic model was developed to quantify costs associated with the different farmer-recorded reasons and timing of cow wastage. The model accounted for the parity and stage of lactation at which the cows were removed as well as the consequent effect on the replacement rate and average age structure of the herd. The costs and benefits associated with the change were quantified, including animal replacement cost, cull salvage value, milk production loss, and the profitability of altered genetic merit based on industry genetic trends for each parity. The total cost of cow wastage was estimated to be NZ$23,628/100 cows per year (NZ$1 = US$0.69) in a pasture-based system. Of this total cost, NZ$14,300/100 cows worth of removals were for nonpregnancy and unknown reasons, and another NZ$3,631/100 cows was attributed to low milk production, mastitis, and udder problems. The total cost for cow removals due to farmer-recorded biological reasons (excluding unknown, production, and management-related causes) was estimated to be NZ$13,632/100 cows per year. Of this cost, an estimated NZ$10,286/100 cows was attributed to nonpregnancy, mastitis, udder problems, calving trouble, and injury or accident. There is a strong economic case for the pasture-based dairy industries to invest in genetic, herd health, and production management research focused on reducing animal wastage due to reproductive failure, mastitis, udder problems, injuries or accidents, and calving difficulties.  相似文献   

A method for wine classification based on the phenolic compound content, wine variety and geographical area is described. The method involves the use of the results obtained from the analysis of fifteen samples of Italian and Spanish wines from different geographical origins [Sicilia (Italy) and Córdoba (Spain)] using liquid chromatography (LC) with photometric and fluorimetric detection, in which eighteen phenolics were determined: gallic acid, protocatechuic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, salicylic acid, vanillic acid, caffeic acid, syringic acid, catechin, vanillin, p-coumaric acid, syringaldehyde, epicatechin, ferulic acid, rutin, trans- and cis-resveratrol, quercetin and kaempferol. Photometric measurements were performed selecting four wavelengths (256, 280, 320 and 365 nm), using a diode-array detection system. The fluorimetric detection was achieved by measuring the sensitised luminescence provided by the chelates formed between each analyte and terbium (III). All samples were commercial wines bought in local markets and analysed immediately after they were opened. The pattern data matrix was constructed by the concentration of each analyte present in wine, which was determined by the most adequate method, namely LC-photometric or LC-fluorimetric method. This data matrix was subjected to different algorithms in order to classify and characterise the wine samples adequately. Supervised (LDA) and un-supervised (FA) pattern recognition methods were used. The wine pattern generation with LC separation and dual detection approach to determine eighteen phenolic compounds and the chemometric treatment provide an appropriate way with recognition and prediction rates. The values obtained for these rates were 100% when fluorimetric detection was used. These results can be considered satisfactory, which proves the usefulness of the selected variables.  相似文献   

Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is a production-limiting disease common in North American dairy herds. To make evidence-based recommendations to Canadian dairy producers and their consultants regarding cost and financial benefits of BLV on-farm control, an economic model that takes the supply-managed milk quota system into account is necessary. Alberta-specific input variables were used for the presented analysis. A decision tree model program was used to evaluate economic aspects of decreasing a 40% BLV within-herd prevalence on dairy farms by implementing various control strategies over 10 yr. Investigated strategies were (1) all management strategies, including 3 options for colostrum management; (2) some management strategies; (3) test and cull; and (4) test and segregate. Each of these strategies was compared with a no control on-farm approach. The prevalence for this no-control approach was assumed to stay constant over time. Each control strategy incurred specific yearly cost and yielded yearly decreases in prevalence, thereby affecting yearly partial net revenue. Infection with BLV was assumed to decrease milk production, decrease cow longevity, and increase condemnation of carcasses at slaughter from cattle with enzootic bovine leukosis, thereby decreasing net revenue. Cows infected with BLV generated a yearly mean partial net revenue of Can$7,641, whereas noninfected cows generated Can$8,276. Mean cost for the control strategies ranged from Can$193 to Can$847 per animal over 10 yr in a 146-animal herd. Net benefits of controlling BLV on farm, as compared with not controlling BLV, per cow in a 146-animal herd over a 10-yr period for each strategy was: Can$1,315 for all management strategies (freezer); Can$1,243 for all management strategies (pasteurizer); Can$785 for all management strategies (powdered colostrum); Can$1,028 for some management strategies; Can$1,592 for test and cull; and Can$1,594 for test and segregate. Consequently, on-farm BLV control was financially beneficial. Even though negative net benefits were possible and expected for some iterations, our sensitivity analysis highlighted the overall robustness of our model. In summary, this model provided evidence that Canadian dairy farmers should be encouraged to control BLV on their farm.  相似文献   

In developing countries minimal and erratic performance and pedigree recording impede implementation of large-sized breeding programs. Small-sized nucleus programs offer an alternative but rely on their economic performance for their viability. We investigated the economic performance of 2 alternative small-sized dairy nucleus programs [i.e., progeny testing (PT) and genomic selection (GS)] over a 20-yr investment period. The nucleus was made up of 453 male and 360 female animals distributed in 8 non-overlapping age classes. Each year 10 active sires and 100 elite dams were selected. Populations of commercial recorded cows (CRC) of sizes 12,592 and 25,184 were used to produce test daughters in PT or to create a reference population in GS, respectively. Economic performance was defined as gross margins, calculated as discounted revenues minus discounted costs following a single generation of selection. Revenues were calculated as cumulative discounted expressions (CDE, kg) × 0.32 (€/kg of milk) × 100,000 (size commercial population). Genetic superiorities, deterministically simulated using pseudo-BLUP index and CDE, were determined using gene flow. Costs were for one generation of selection. Results show that GS schemes had higher cumulated genetic gain in the commercial cow population and higher gross margins compared with PT schemes. Gross margins were between 3.2- and 5.2-fold higher for GS, depending on size of the CRC population. The increase in gross margin was mostly due to a decreased generation interval and lower running costs in GS schemes. In PT schemes many bulls are culled before selection. We therefore also compared 2 schemes in which semen was stored instead of keeping live bulls. As expected, semen storage resulted in an increase in gross margins in PT schemes, but gross margins remained lower than those of GS schemes. We conclude that implementation of small-sized GS breeding schemes can be economically viable for developing countries.  相似文献   

This paper uses an agent-based simulation model to estimate the costs associated with Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP), or Johne's disease, in a milking herd, and to determine the net benefits of implementing various control strategies. The net present value (NPV) of a 1,000-cow milking herd is calculated over 20 yr, parametrized to a representative US commercial herd. The revenues of the herd are generated from sales of milk and culled animals. The costs include all variable and fixed costs necessary to operate a representative 1,000-cow milking herd. We estimate the NPV of the herd with no MAP infection, under an expected endemic infection distribution with no controls, and under an expected endemic infection distribution with various controls. The initial number of cows in a herd with an endemic MAP infection is distributed as 75% susceptible, 13% latent, 9% low MAP shedding, and 3% high MAP shedding. Control strategies include testing using ELISA and fecal culture tests and culling of cows that test positive, and culling based on observable milk production decrease. Results show that culling cows based on test results does not increase the herd's NPV and in most cases decreases NPV due to test costs as well as false positives and negatives with their associated costs (e.g., culling healthy cows and keeping infected cows). Culling consistently low producing cows when MAP is believed to be present in the herd produces higher NPV over the strategy of testing and culling MAP infected animals, and over the case of no MAP control.  相似文献   

本文运用因子分析的基本原理,建立了我国制盐工业经济效益评价的数学模型,测评了经济效益的基本情况,分析了经济效益的影响因素,探讨了提高经济效益的主要途径。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate different infrared spectroscopy methods in combination with chemometrics for the differentiation between Brettanomyces bruxellensis strains. These methods of discrimination were applied to intact yeast cells of B. bruxellensis strains and on wines spoiled by the same strains. Eleven wine isolates of B. bruxellensis were evaluated for volatile phenol production in red wine and their genetic diversity was determined by Restriction Endonuclease Analysis-Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (REA-PFGE). Fourier transform mid-infrared (FTMIR) spectroscopy was used to obtain spectral fingerprints of the spoiled wines. Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) was used to obtain spectral fingerprints from the intact cells of the 11 B. bruxellensis strains. The groupings from the genetic fingerprints obtained with REA-PFGE were used as reference firstly for comparison with the groupings observed with the FTMIR spectral fingerprint of the wines and secondly for the FTIR-ATR spectral fingerprints from the whole cells. Results indicated that ATR-IR spectra obtained by scanning whole cells of B. bruxellensis could be useful for rapid strain typing in comparison or complementary to molecular techniques and FTMIR spectra from wines provide a useful resource for the discrimination between B. bruxellensis contaminated wines.  相似文献   

A chemometric class modelling strategy (unequal dispersed classes – UNEQ) was applied for the first time as a possible screening method to monitor the abuse of growth promoters in veal calves. Five serum biomarkers, known to reflect the exposure to classes of compounds illegally used as growth promoters, were determined from 50 untreated animals in order to design a model of controls, representing veal calves reared under good, safe and highly standardised breeding conditions. The class modelling was applied to 421 commercially bred veal calves to separate them into ‘compliant’ and ‘non-compliant’ with respect to the modelled controls. Part of the non-compliant animals underwent further histological and chemical examinations to confirm the presence of either alterations in target tissues or traces of illegal substances commonly administered for growth-promoting purposes. Overall, the congruence between the histological or chemical methods and the UNEQ non-compliant outcomes was approximately 58%, likely underestimated due to the blindness nature of this examination. Further research is needed to confirm the validity of the UNEQ model in terms of sensitivity in recognising untreated animals as compliant to the controls, and specificity in revealing deviations from ideal breeding conditions, for example due to the abuse of growth promoters.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to apply a global sensitivity analysis (SA) method in model simplification and to evaluate (eO)®, a biological Time Temperature Integrator (TTI) as a quality and safety indicator for cold smoked salmon (CSS). Models were thus developed to predict the evolutions of Listeria monocytogenes and the indigenous food flora in CSS and to predict TTIs endpoint. A global SA was then applied on the three models to identify the less important factors and simplify the models accordingly. Results showed that the subset of the most important factors of the three models was mainly composed of the durations and temperatures of two chill chain links, out of the control of the manufacturers: the domestic refrigerator and the retail/cabinet links. Then, the simplified versions of the three models were run with 104 time temperature profiles representing the variability associated to the microbial behavior, to the TTIs evolution and to the French chill chain characteristics. The results were used to assess the distributions of the microbial contaminations obtained at the TTI endpoint and at the end of the simulated profiles and proved that, in the case of poor storage conditions, the TTI use could reduce the number of unacceptable foods by 50%.  相似文献   

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