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孙鹏  孟庆大 《移动信息》2023,45(6):83-85
信息通信行业具有明显的专业性,随着行业的革新发展,其对技术创新提出了更严格的标准。在电子信息与通信工程中,有关人员务必重视对传输技术的科学运用和不断创新,以此促进信息通信行业的良好发展。文中对传输技术在电子信息与通信工程中的应用进行了分析,旨在为有关人员提供一定的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

在理工科核心课程中开展课程思政教育是当前教育发展的新模式。运算放大器是电路理论分析课程中的一个多端元件,对于帮助理解受控源有着非常重要的意义,同时在工程中有着多种实际应用。借助混合式教学这一模式,将思政教育贯彻到运算放大器的教学中,传授知识的同时培养学生的爱国情怀和敬业精神。  相似文献   

The extensive education undertaken by engineers prepares them for entry into the profession, but it does not make them professionals. Engineers become professionals by exemplifying the attributes of a profession, for example, education, authority, community sanction, ethics, culture, and service orientation. These attributes have been defined with the independent practitioner in mind, rather than the engineer working in industry. This paper views the attributes of a profession with the engineer in industry in mind, and shows how engineers can demonstrate these attributes appropriately in an industrial setting. In doing so, engineers enhance their professionalism and their profession  相似文献   

在工程教育认证的过程中保持和发展自己的特色是我校电气工程专业面临的一个紧要问题。在分析工程教育认证基本思想的基础上,针对铁路行业电气工程专业发展过程中存在的问题,对铁路行业电气工程及其自动化专业的人才需求进行了分析,结合学校自身特色确定了专业培养目标,制定了凸显铁路行业特色的电气工程专业的课程体系,建设了工程背景丰富、行业特色鲜明的实践教学资源。  相似文献   

This paper describes the state of the art in the field of asynchronous learning networks (ALNs). Widespread adoption of ALN methods is expected to transform the way engineering education is conducted. Information-technology-enabled communication and dissemination capabilities are likely to impact the economics of engineering education, access to engineering education,the roles of faculty and students, timing and methods of education, the development of students' technical and communication skills, and the ways that traditional engineering students and lifelong learners interact with industry and alumni  相似文献   

Systems engineering education is analyzed. The root of systems engineering is system theory, and both are given a brief overview. The methodology of systems engineering is used to design an educational concept. Four alternative approaches, and their merits are tested and evaluated against the requirements defined for education. The conclusion, for the benefit both of engineering education in general and systems engineering in particular, is an integration of systems engineering principles into the education of all branches of engineering, rooted as they are in system theory and design practice already. This approach means a rationalization of the present engineering education, and meets the requirements from industry to a wider spread use of systems engineering principles and practices  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》1995,32(9):39-43
Curricula focused on breadth and flexibility, streamlined master's programs, and stronger emphasis on computing and communication skills are some of the approaches universities are taking to educate engineers for success. The author discusses the needs of industry relative to engineering education. The author then discusses the new style courses being introduced in American universities to meet the requirements of industry. The European view on engineering education is briefly discussed  相似文献   

This paper discusses Circuits and Systems (CAS) education, its strengths and shortcomings, and areas that need improvement from the perspective of two GOLD (graduates of the last decade) members and one industry member. The GOLD members highlight the need for hardware experiments, and active education methods such as self-learning through practices, and the importance of lab work to relate theory to practice, and also discuss the impact of new emerging technologies on educational reforms, also suggesting ways to get industry involved in the formulation of a new multidiscipline education curriculum. The GOLD members also discuss the impact of globalization on the CAS education in less- developed countries and the role of the IEEE CAS Society on the subject matter. The author from industry discusses the importance of CAS education, and contrary to the general belief, points out the importance of understanding the fundamentals of electrical engineering in industry. The author also discusses the importance of being flexible in a work environment, and establishing a broad knowledge in engineering to have a positive impact in the company.  相似文献   

改革开放40年来, 职业教育为支撑经济社会高速发展培养了数以千万计的高素质技术技能人才和技能劳动 者。然而, 目前我国职业教育毕业生的职业素养与经济社会进一步可持续发展需求的矛盾仍然十分突出, 明显之处就是职业院校学生职业素养的缺失与专业岗位 (岗位群) 的需求错位。造成职业院校学生职业素 养缺失的深层次原因是多方面的;实现职业素养提升的途径也是多方面的。因此, 学校、教师和政府有关部 门的密切配合, 通力合作, 多措并举, 综合施策, 才是提升职业院校学生职业素养的合理路径。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of significant developments in computer science and engineering education with discussions on curriculum development, continuing education, and certification. Forecasts of industry needs in the 1980's for computer professionals are included, together with the trends in curriculum developments they may auger.  相似文献   

本文针对我校信息与电子工程学系课程体系的现状和信息与通信工程特色专业建设,提出了教学改革方案,其重点是课程体系改革和工程实践教学改革。这项改革是为了体现经典与现代技术的融合,构造核心知识体系和强调工程实践教学理念。课程体系改革方案整合了我系相关电子电路类课程,着重梳理了专业的核心课程和工程实践教学改革,注重学生实际工程环境下的学习,引导行业参与专业的教学。  相似文献   

工程教育专业认证以培养目标和毕业出口要求为导向,毕业生受到行业认可是核心。南京信息工程大学为气象行业高校,电子信息工程专业为国家一流本科专业,通过了专业认证。针对培养目标,设计气象行业测温实验,引导学生熟悉我国气象测温规范,从测量方法、器件运用、滤波、软件拟合等方面探究提高精度的措施,最终满足行业标准。实验教学设计注重行业背景性、方法多样性、工程技巧性、学科融合性。  相似文献   

产教融合作为地方应用型高校培养工程创新人才的有效途径日益得到重视。在实施产教融合过程中,由于学校和企业利益着眼点、管理体制的差异,导致产业企业在应用型人才工程实践能力、工程创新能力培养过程中的参与深度不足、效果不佳的问题。针对上述不足,本文以江苏省地方应用型高校—南京工程学院的电气类产教融合模式探索为例,通过建立互利共赢的多元协同育人机制,实施匹配工程场景项目化教学改革,施行全程贯穿的工程创新训练,以期提升产教融合的育人效果,为产教深度融合提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Engineering education is beset by many of the same challenges that have affected American industry. Much has been recommended and implemented to improve engineering education. However, the traditional structure of engineering education remains, even though current exigencies require a fundamental restructuring. In an earlier paper, the author proposed a para/professional model as an alternative to the traditional engineering degree structure (J.M. Tien, 1999). At a more detailed level, the paper proposes to restructure the very nature of how higher education is delivered: from a group-centered activity to an individual-centered approach that would allow any one to access educational material or multimedia courseware at any time and from any where. Fortunately, the enabling technologies for such an individual-centered approach are, for the most, available. Nevertheless, several challenges must be addressed before individual-centered education can become a reality  相似文献   

为适应新工科对仪器类行业的需求,满足工程教育专业认证对电子技术基础课程的培养要求,依据模拟电子技术基础课程自身的特点,创造了基于产出教育(OBE)的模拟电子技术混合式教学模式。该教学模式应用现代信息技术如网络教学平台,结合集教学与实验于一体的智慧教室,采用“线上线下相结合、理论教学与实践教学相融合”的教学方式,有效地提高了学生自主学习能力和实践能力,培养了学生的工程意识和创新思维。  相似文献   

通专整合的电气工程专业课程体系研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
本文针对我国高等工科专业存在的“狭窄于技术的工程教育”的缺陷。以课程体系的优化为重点和突破口,旨在适应高等教青改革,加强工科专业大学生人文素质教育,培养基本素质和创新能力,适应学生个性发展需要与积极引导相结合,教学目标统一化与教学内容、手段、方法多样化相结合,构建既符合学科特点,叉满足培养目标需要的多层次、多类型、有梯度的整体优化的电气工程专业的课程体系。  相似文献   

在工业4.0背景下,自动化专业人才培养如何适应未来新产业、新经济发展是非常值得关注的问题。高校是人才的提供方,而工业界是工科人才的需求方,大学的教学改革必须使供给方提供的产品满足需求方的需求。在对装备制造企业调研基础上,本文分析了工业界对自动化人才的实际需求并指出目前存在的问题,在此基础上本文对自动化新工科建设的教学改革进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Engineering education has been much studied during the past fifty years. One of the first major studies, known as the Wickenden Report in its trial version recommended that engineering education be at the graduate level. However, this was later amended to say that engineering education should be an undergraduate study, but should be followed by an internship in which one's further education would be guided by the engineering colleges, industry, and the engineering societies working together. The dilemma of engineering education has been that we have tried to combine a broad general education with some engineering in a sort of liberal science education, instead of offering professional education with a very strong technological stem. Since we have chosen the former path, we find ourselves confronted by other unresolved questions. Should we teach science or engineering practice? How much emphasis should there be on design and how much on theory and analysis? How broad should the curriculum be and how much of the humanities should it contain? How much should we depend on graduate work to train an engineer? Now in addition to these dilemmas we find ourselves confronted with the problem of finding sufficient time to cover the material considered necessary. It is obvious that many of our constraints, schedules, credits, fifty-minute periods, lectures, laboratories, and lock-step methods must be replaced by new methods and systems designed to teach more efficiently. This offers an opportunity for cooperation among industry, the colleges, and the professional societies.  相似文献   

Engineering colleges are increasingly accepting an important role in secondary education-both to control more humanely the flow of students into engineering education and to initiate the development of public technological literacy. This interaction with precollege education must be designed within the contraints imposed by the secondary school system which has frequently been described as homeostatic. Even in a period of falling enrollments, heavy teaching schedules, and limited resources for change, relatively modest efforts by the engineering colleges (possibly in cooperation with industry) can yield significant results.  相似文献   

Zaky  A.A. 《IEE Review》1989,35(6):229-232
The engineering needs of developing countries are quite different from those of advanced, industrial economies, requiring a completely different approach to higher education in technology. The author discusses the role a university, should play in the education of engineers. Engineering requirements and the gap between industry and universities are discussed. The reasons for the large gap in developing countries are mentioned and the choice of a suitable curriculum, taking into account such factors as social background, practical work, and the needs of industry is discussed  相似文献   

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