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The interplay of vasoactive peptide systems is an essential determinant of blood pressure regulation in mammals. While the endothelin and the renin-angiotensin systems raise blood pressure by inducing vasoconstriction and sodium retention, the kallikrein-kinin and the natriuretic-peptide systems reduce arterial pressure by eliciting vasodilatation and natriuresis. Transgenic technology has proven to be very useful for the functional analysis of vasoactive peptide systems. As an outstanding example, transgenic rats overexpressing the mouse Ren-2 renin gene in several tissues become extremely hypertensive. Several other transgenic rat and mouse strains with genetic modifications of components of the renin-angiotensin system have been developed in the past decade. Moreover, in recent years gene-targeting technology was employed to produce mouse strains lacking these proteins. The established animal models as well as the main insights gained by their analysis are summarized in this review.  相似文献   

Differences in body size and shape can cause large variances in the results of in vivo neutron activation analysis. Preliminary body-size correction data were obtained for the delayed-gamma neutron activation facility (DGNA) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), based on phantom standards of different sizes, used in combination with computer simulations on the effect of different body sizes.  相似文献   

Whereas bovine beta-lactoglobulin is a predominantly beta-sheet protein, it has a marked alpha-helical preference and can be considered to be a useful model of the alpha-->beta transition, a key issue for understanding the folding and biological function of a number of proteins. In order to understand the mechanism of the alpha-->beta transition, the backbone structures of the recombinant bovine beta-lactoglobulin A in the native state and in the highly helical state induced by 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol were characterized by 1H, 13C and 15N multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Overall, the secondary structures in the native state were similar to those of the crystal structure. On the other hand, beta-lactoglobulin in the 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol state was composed of many alpha-helical segments. The presence of the persistent alpha-helices in the helical state and the core beta-sheet in the native state suggested that during folding native-like core beta-sheet and several non-native helices are formed first and the remaining beta-sheet is subsequently "induced" through interaction with the pre-existing beta-sheet.  相似文献   

Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase (cSOD) is an enzyme of critical importance for the inactivation of superoxide radicals generated by cellular metabolic processes. A phenotypic syndrome has been characterized for homozygotes for a null mutation of the Drosophila cSOD gene, many features of which may be relevant to current studies of cSOD mutations in mammals. However, it was possible that some of the features of this syndrome were at least partially attributable to genetic background differences between control and mutant strains. The results reported in this paper document that the previously described features of the cSOD-null phenotype, namely (i) adult sensitivity to paraquat, (ii) male sterility, (iii) female semisterility, (iv) adult life-span reduction, (v) adult hyperoxia sensitivity, (vi) larval radiation sensitivity, and (vii) developmental sensitivity to glutathione depletion, are all rescued by a cSOD+ transgene in a controlled cSOD-null genetic background. This clearly confirms that the phenotype is largely attributable to the cSOD mutation per se. We describe two new features of the cSOD-null phenotype, namely (viii) adult sensitivity to glutathione depletion, and (ix) adult sensitivity to ionizing radiation, which are ameliorated by the cSOD+ transgene. The distinct sensitivity of cSOD-deficient individuals, and the uniform resistance of the cSOD+ control strains, clearly establish the requirement for cSOD in protection against intrinsic and applied oxygen stress and set the stage for tissue-specific expression studies with the goal of elucidating the critical target(s) of damage in cSOD-deficient animals.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) imaging of intracellular rhodamine 123 fluorescence distribution was performed by means of confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Human IGR melanoma cells grown in monolayer or multicellular spheroid culture were studied for elucidating mitochondrial membrane potential characteristics, and cell and nucleus volume dimensions. Microspheres 6 microns in diameter loaded with rhodamine B were used to calibrate our instruments for performing 3D imaging of optical sections as obtained by CLSM. Accurate optical slicing is only possible taking into consideration the physical characteristics of the objectives used like chromatic and spherical aberrations, depth discrimination or cover slip correction and the temperature dependence of the immersion medium. While 3D imaging of optical slices can be carried out showing the original shape of the object being tested without physical distortion, 3D images of microspheres show well-reproducible structures of rhodamine B fluorescence. These can be explained by a superposition of two effects, namely scattering of the fluorescence light and a gradient of the electromagnetic field strength of the laser beam due to the shape of the object. 3D imaging of optical slices of IGR cells in monolayer or multicellular spheroid culture, which have been loaded with rhodamine 123, show the location of the dye predominantly within the cytoplasm of the cells with a remarkable heterogeneity of fluorescence intensity within and between single cells, indicating differences in the mitochondrial membrane potential and thus in the metabolic activity. Due to the heterogeneity of the cell shape the cell nucleus occupies between 4 and 14% of the total cell volume. These data reveal calibrated 3D imaging as a valuable noninvasive tool to visualize the heterogeneity of cell parameters under different cell culture conditions.  相似文献   

IDDM is a polygenic and autoimmune disorder in which subsets of white blood cells (WBCs) are engaged in the destruction of beta-cells of the pancreas. The mechanisms that account for the abnormal behavior of these cells in IDDM are not fully understood. By measuring the mean length of telomeres of WBCs from patients with IDDM, we tested the concept that telomeres might play a role in IDDM. We examined the lengths of the terminal restriction fragments (TRFs) of DNA of WBCs from 234 white men comprising 54 patients with IDDM, 74 patients with NIDDM, and 106 control subjects. When adjusted for age, the TRF length from WBCs of patients with IDDM was significantly shorter than that of nondiabetic control subjects (mean +/- SE: 8.6 +/- 0.1 vs. 9.2 +/- 0.1, P = 0.002). No significant difference was observed between the TRF length from WBCs of patients with NIDDM versus nondiabetic subjects. Neither the duration nor the complications of IDDM (i.e., nephropathy and hypertension) had an effect on the TRF length of WBCs from patients with IDDM. The shortened TRF length of WBCs of patients with IDDM likely reflects a marked reduction in the TRF length of subsets of WBCs that play a role in the pathogenesis of IDDM.  相似文献   

Several lines of transgenic mice developing eye malformations have been described in the literature and appear to be of increasing interest for the study of eye teratology in humans, since gene expression and regulation can be studied in the developing animal. Transgenic applications are briefly described here and an overview of existing transgenic mouse models carrying different eye abnormalities is given according to the major diagnosis (e.g., cataract, microphthalmia, anterior segment dysgenesis, retinal dysplasia). Interestingly, many transgenic models exhibit pathological findings similar to those observed in human pediatric ophthalmology. Unfortunately, detailed embryological studies in transgenic mice bearing congenital eye malformations are not available for all lines. Thus, the importance of creating further transgenic models to study the function of morphogenes and growth factors in eye development is also discussed.  相似文献   

The discovery of the BRCA1 gene involved in the development of human hereditary breast cancer led to extensive international efforts to identify the mutations leading to the disease. The new listing covers 127 mutations published in the indicated papers before 30 April 1996; 55% of the mutations are localized in exon 11, followed by exons 2 (5.5%), 5 and 16 (4.7% each).  相似文献   

In order to investigate the regulation of Ig hypermutation, we have established a cell culture system in which reversion of a V region stop codon in a stably transfected Ig gene permits the quantitation of mutation rates by fluctuation analysis. Transfected heavy chain V regions associated with the mu constant region undergo low rates of mutation in the NSO plasmacytoma cell line and a moderate rate of mutation in the 18.81 pre-B cell line. Most of the hybrids created by fusing these two cell lines resembled the non-permissive NSO cell line, though a few hybrids had constitutive V region mutation rates that were even higher than 18.81 and similar to the high rates of mutation that occur in vivo (Green, N. S., Rabinowitz, J. L., Zhu, M., Kobrin, B. J. and Scharff, M. D. (1995) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA) 92, 6304 6308). Characterization of these hybrids now demonstrates that the transfected genes were integrated outside of the Ig locus. Mutation was due to multiple single base pair replacements in the V region and not the C region, was ongoing and often arose in hot spot motifs described by V region hypermutation in vivo. Subcloning of unstable hybrids allowed for the isolation of highly related clones with 44-70-fold different mutation rates. These results suggest that V region hypermutation in this mode in vitro systems is under both positive and negative regulation.  相似文献   

Dysphonic voices are often analyzed using automated voice analysis software. However, the reliability of acoustic measures obtained from these programs remains unknown, particularly when they are applied to pathological voices. This study compared perturbation measures from CSpeech, Computerized Speech Laboratory, SoundScope, and a hand marking voice analysis system. Sustained vowels from 29 male and 21 female speakers with mild to severe dysphonia were digitized, and fundamental frequency (F0), jitter, shimmer, and harmonics- or signal-to-noise ratios were computed. Commercially available acoustical analysis programs agreed well, but not perfectly, in their measures of F0. Measures of perturbation in the various analysis packages use different algorithms, provide results in different units, and often yield values for voices that violate the assumption of quasi-periodicity. As a result, poor rank order correlations between programs using similar measures of perturbation were noted. Because measures of aperiodicity apparently cannot be reliably applied to voices that are even mildly aperiodic, we question their utility in quantifying vocal quality, especially in pathological voices.  相似文献   

Recent advances have been made in the characterization of a number of transgenic animal models. These animal models have provided a powerful toxicological tool for studying in vivo chemical effects and have increased our understanding of the role of specific genetic alterations as predisposing factors for chemical carcinogenesis. The goal of this symposium was to introduce the development of transgenic animals and the utilization of transgenics in toxicology research focusing on understanding tissue-specific mutation, chemical effects, and cancer. The production of transgenic animals, including gene insertions and gene knockouts, and the utilization of transgenic technology for studying multistage carcinogenesis and tumor suppressor genes are described. Data on the application and implications of transgenics as a genetic endpoint are also discussed. The use of transgenic animals in toxicology should improve our understanding of the role of specific genetic alterations in the carcinogenic process and lead to improved estimations of human health risks.  相似文献   

Frequency response analysis was used to determine the dynamic response characteristics of cat diaphragm under isovolumetric conditions at functional residual capacity (FRC) and at lung volumes above and below FRC. In apneic cats, sinusoidally modulated pulse rate patterns were applied to both phrenic nerves. Modulation frequencies over the range of 0.05-4 Hz were used. Amplitude ratio vs. frequency plots obtained at FRC for intratracheal, intraesophageal, and intragastric pressures were essentially flat at low frequencies but decreased at higher frequencies. Intratracheal and intraesophageal pressure responses were altered by changes in resting lung volume while intragastric pressure was not. The amplitude ratio was decreased at lung volumes above FRC but increased at volumes below FRC. Thus, lung volume significantly affected the input-output relations between phrenic nerve input and diaphragm muscle output. In all preparations studied, significant phase lags were present throughout the entire modulation frequency range. However, in contrast to the effect of lung volume on amplitude ratio, phase lag was not dependent on changes in lung volume.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo method has been used to model the measurement of cisplatin uptake with in vivo X-ray fluorescence. A user-code has been written for the EGS4 Monte Carlo system that incorporates linear polarisation and multiple element fluorescence extensions. The yield of fluorescent photons to the mainly Compton scattered background is computed for our detector arrangement. The detector consists of a mutually orthogonal arrangement of X-ray tube, aluminium polariser and high purity germanium scintillation detector. The influence of tube voltage on the minimum detectable concentration is modelled for 100 through 150 kVp X-radiation. The code is able to predict absorbed dose to the patient which will influence the optimal choice of tube voltage. The influence of alterations to collimator design and scatterer construction can also be examined. A minimum detectable concentration of 50 ppm is determined from measurements with a 115 kVp X-ray source and a 615 ppm cisplatin sample in a water phantom.  相似文献   

Differentiation of trophoblast giant cells in the rodent placenta is accompanied by exit from the mitotic cell cycle and onset of endoreduplication. Commitment to giant cell differentiation is under developmental control, involving down-regulation of Id1 and Id2, concomitant with up-regulation of the basic helix-loop-helix factor Hxt and acquisition of increased adhesiveness. Endoreduplication disrupts the alternation of DNA synthesis and mitosis that maintains euploid DNA content during proliferation. To determine how the mammalian endocycle is regulated, we examined the expression of the cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases during the transition from replication to endoreduplication in the Rcho-1 rat choriocarcinoma cell line. We cultured these cells under conditions that gave relatively synchronous endoreduplication. This allowed us to study the events that occur during the transition from the mitotic cycle to the first endocycle. With giant cell differentiation, the cells switched cyclin D isoform expression from D3 to D1 and altered several checkpoint functions, acquiring a relative insensitivity to DNA-damaging agents and a coincident serum independence. The initiation of S phase during endocycles appeared to involve cycles of synthesis of cyclins E and A, and termination of S was associated with abrupt loss of cyclin A and E. Both cyclins were absent from gap phase cells, suggesting that their degradation may be necessary to allow reinitiation of the endocycle. The arrest of the mitotic cycle at the onset of endoreduplication was associated with a failure to assemble cyclin B/p34(cdk1) complexes during the first endocycle. In subsequent endocycles, cyclin B expression was suppressed. Together these data suggest several points at which cell cycle regulation could be targeted to shift cells from a mitotic to an endoreduplicative cycle.  相似文献   

A quantitative in vivo osteogenesis assay is a useful tool for the analysis of cells and bioactive factors that affect the amount or rate of bone formation. There are currently two assays in general use for the in vivo assessment of osteogenesis by isolated cells: diffusion chambers and porous calcium phosphate ceramics. Due to the relative ease of specimen preparation and reproducibility of results, the porous ceramic assay was chosen for the development of a rapid method for quantitating in vivo bone formation. The ceramic cube implantation technique consists of combining osteogenic cells with 27-mm3 porous calcium phosphate ceramics, implanting the cell-ceramic composites subcutaneously into an immuno-tolerant host, and, after 2-6 weeks, harvesting and preparing the ceramic implants for histologic analysis. A drawback to the analysis of bone formation within these porous ceramics is that the entire cube must be examined to find small foci of bone present in some samples; a single cross-sectional area is not representative. For this reason, image analysis of serial sections from ceramics is often prohibitively time-consuming. Two alternative scoring methodologies were tested and compared to bone volume measurements obtained by image analysis. The two subjective scoring methods were: (1) Bone Scale: the amount of bone within pores of the ceramic implant is estimated on a scale of 0-4 based on the degree of bone fill (0=no bone, 1=up to 25%, 2=25 to 75%, 4=75 to 100% fill); and (2) Percentage Bone: the amount of bone is estimated by determining the percentage of ceramic pores which contain bone. Every tenth section of serially sectioned cubes was scored by each of these methods under double-blind conditions, and the Bone Scale and Percentage Bone results were directly compared to image analysis measurements from identical samples. Correlation coefficients indicate that the Percentage Bone method was more accurate than the Bone Scale scoring method. The Bone Scale scoring method gave an r2=0.767 while the Percentage Bone method gave a value of 0.902. These results indicate that scoring ceramic cubes by the percentage of pores containing bone gives a result that corresponds to image analysis measurements at nearly a 90% confidence level. Thus, the Percentage Bone method of scoring is an accurate and relatively quick scoring method for in vivo bone formation.  相似文献   

This paper presents the construction of various biosensors using thin-film layers incorporated in flow injection devices, providing automated systems for biomedical analysis, process and environmental monitoring. A urease sensor has been developed in conjunction with a flow injection system for the automatic determination of urea. Use of the spraying immobilization technique gives rise to a response time of a few seconds, which allows sample throughputs up to 200 h-1. With a penicillin biosensor adapted in an appropriate cell detection, on-line measurements of penicillin V in the fermentation broth are achieved during the whole fermentation process; the results are compared with the HPLC method. Linearity, sensitivity and reproducibility of the biosensor are studied with regards to sample dilution in a stirred flow detection cell to provide optimal operating conditions. Measurements without any change in parameters are obtained during the whole fermentation process. Acetylcholinesterase sensors have been used in batch systems for the determination of pesticides, but they require large amounts of substrate. When those enzyme sensors are combined with flow injection systems, only small volumes (100 microliters) of substrate are injected into the carrier stream and an automated system can be obtained for continuous control of water quality.  相似文献   

The authors report the case of a boy aged 4 years who had sudden abdominal pain and inability to walk on the day before admission to hospital and who developed abdominal distention and difficulty urinating. On admission, the abdominal skin reflexes, knee jerks, cremaster and anal reflexes were absent and power in the lower extremities was reduced. Spinal fluid examination showed a cell count of 383/mm3, with 95% neutrophils and 5% lymphocytes; spinal fluid protein of 44 mg/dl; and glucose 75 mg/dl. Serological studies did not reveal any significant antibodies for polio virus type 1, 2, 3, various ECHO viruses, Coxsackie types A4, A7, A9, B1 or B5. However, the titer of Coxsackie virus antibody type A10 was 128 in the acute phase and only 32 in the recovery phase 4 weeks later. Magnetic resonance scans were performed on the second day; the findings were normal in the brain, but interesting lesions were revealed in the thoracic cord with both T1-weighted images and T2-weighted images. Neurological symptoms improved asymmetrically.  相似文献   

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